From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 187 Death Business

Joga never imagined that someone could grow coca in Afika.

The largest coca producer in the world is Peru, followed by Bolivia and the well-known Colombia.

With the help of aircraft and cannons, Colombian bosses are entrenched in the jungles of South America, fighting against the government while transporting the most profitable drugs to the United States. After converting them into money, they can purchase more advanced weapons and continue to fight against the Colombian and American governments.

Since Mexican drug traffickers stood up, a large chunk of Colombia's sales to the United States has been eaten away, but this kind of hugely profitable business always allows people to use their unique ingenuity.

They turned their attention to Afica, disembarked through Cote d'Ivoire or Nigeria in West Africa, and then went north from Morocco or Tunisia to ship the drugs to Portugal or Italy, and then sold them throughout Europe.

The reason for Colombia’s long-term prosperity is that they control the export of ‘KKY’ from South America.

No matter how cruel the Mexicans are, they can't produce 'KKY'. They can only produce things like 'BD' and 'marijuana'. KKY still needs Colombians to provide it, so the profits are far less than those of the South American big guys. .

Now, once a coca plantation appears in Afica, it is estimated that the chaos here will soon spread. Those South American bosses will never tolerate this happening unless they control this place.

Choga has done his homework. He has not been worried about South Americans in the past because the line he needs to clear starts in Kenya, East Africa, and exits in Liberia.

This is a 'HLY' transportation line, and most of the goods come from Afghanistan, Basketball, and Iran. When local drug traffickers transport goods, they can make a lot of money with a little cannabis produced in Afika. Gotta shed oil.

Qiao Jia felt that once he cut off this route, as long as those drug dealers would consider the cost, they would choose to take a detour instead of going to war with him, because the purpose of doing business is to make money, not to burn money.

Qiao Jia's mission is to fight against drug dealers, but his mission is not to kill all drug dealers, because he can't do that either.

What he wants to do is to mark out a safe zone, open up a transportation line connecting the four countries and then stop it. As long as you, the drug dealer, don't step into my territory, don't cause outrage, and just run freight, I will treat you as if you don't exist.

But once these Afica native coca was exposed, the situation became unfavorable.

When the two major drug forces of 'KKY' and 'HLY' intersect here, Qiao Jia will never have peace!

Looking at the coca leaves in his hand, Qiao Jia said to "Little Luo" with a solemn expression: "Look around, I want to know how big the coca area is here? How much energy does it take to clean it up?

This thing is bullshit and will attract so many flies that I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it. "

'Little Luo' nodded with a heavy expression, turned around and disappeared into the jungle.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn, and the sudden changes made everyone realize that they would face tough battles one after another in the future.

The three people they recognized represented three sizable forces.

Of course, if they want to go wild in Central Africa, a place that no one likes to go to, that's not even interesting.

Because the transportation is inconvenient and the environment is too harsh, it is unrealistic for terrorists to enter in large numbers.

There are 'owners' on almost every section of the road there, and they are not bad at all in terms of brutality. If a stranger with a gun wants to step in, he must either pay the toll or flex his muscles. How can the passing terrorists stand it?

When Qiao Jia was in a dilemma, Kaman frowned and said: "What are you thinking? How many people in Afika do you think know this plant?

Kill everyone in the manor and burn this area. Who will know what is here? "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia patted his head hard and said, "That's right. This thing is probably Boykin's bargaining chip to attract those guys. If he wants to grow bigger, he needs support from the outside world."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia waved Ayu over, then turned on the radio behind him and said with a ferocious smile: "Dragon Lizard is right, everything has already happened, so let's let them die first, and we don't need to burn down the forest. , let’s blow up the forest.

I have no control over whether the problem can be completely solved. Anyway, I killed the person who caused the problem.

I can't control too much. I'm only responsible for the area I'm responsible for. Anyway, whoever comes here to peek in the future, I'll blow up. "

As Qiao Jia heard the voice coming from the radio, he said coldly: "'Cobra', let's 'Wrench' and 'Fat Goose' return to the base together.

Prepare a Super Tucano with two cluster bombs, and let the Mi-8 carry enough TNT explosives. I want to completely burn a jungle. "

The 'Cobra' on the other end was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said a little excitedly: "You want to go to war with the Congolese government forces?"

Qiao Jia couldn't listen to this money-burning man's tone of wanting to set the world on fire. He shook his head helplessly and said: "No, I want to catch a few big fish. I think I should burn money to make the scene bigger if I get off to a good start. "

'Cobra' let out a sigh of excitement and said: "Then just wait, we need to fly back to the base, then attach bombs and take off. It will take at least 2 hours of preparation time."

Qiao Jia nodded heavily and said: "Then hurry up. We have to complete the attack before dawn. Then I will notify the government troops in Yakoma to finish it off. I want to take the opportunity to do something."

‘Cobra’ is very experienced. He said nonchalantly: “You can prepare in advance. We will definitely arrive around 4 o’clock in the morning.”

Qiao Jia hung up the communication hard, then looked at the excited expressions of the people around him and said: "Team C is approaching to investigate and find a way out for us.

Cluster bombs are most effective against ground targets, but not as effective against targets inside buildings. We must be prepared to attack tough targets and leave no one behind in that palace.

Let's put on a good show, and then let the government troops from Iacoma come and be rewarded for their meritorious service...

You have no objection? "

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded in unison and shouted: "Yes sir!"

Sanderson watched the three members of Team C disappear into the jungle. He smiled at Qiao Jia and said: "That Fahd's head is worth 3 million US dollars. In fact, I just wanted to suggest that you contact the American military.

They have a military base in Cameroon, and a comrade of mine served there.

If they were informed, they would be happy to join the war because Boko Haram is also their target. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's useless to bring in a few more people. In the end, we might even attract the mysterious CIA.

The local bastards can't figure out my real identity, so there's no guarantee that I'll mess with the CIA. "

After hearing this, Sanderson shook his head and said: "The CIA is not as magical as you think, let alone as powerful as shown in the movies. They have done countless stupid things.

Our company is legal, if they come looking for trouble, I'll go pick out their eyeballs for you, I love doing that! "

It’s really satisfying to hold the African Union’s Sword of Shangfang to eradicate drug traffickers. Now, as long as Qiaojia doesn’t mess around and does anything outrageous on the borders of China, Congo, Ukraine, and Kenya, no one will care about it at all.

Because as long as the person who died was holding a gun, he must be someone the government forces didn't like.

The main reason is that Qiaojia's contract is a completely loss-making transaction in the eyes of many local indigenous people, so it can earn such convenience.

They give you money to help you fight drug dealers and help you develop by the way. Do you have the nerve to impose too many restrictions?

This is a timely act of justice and justice. He is the scapegoat with a halo over his head. His enemies are the most difficult group of people to deal with in Afika. As long as he does not want to make a coup, he can do whatever he likes and keep him no matter what. Down!

Jorgia made up his mind to kill Boykin and several of his guests in one fell swoop.

Once these people are dead, according to Afika's traditional habits and the traffic conditions here, even if someone discovers the coca and wants to organize training to learn how to grow and process it, it will take 3 to 5 years.

At this time, the AU loan will be approved no matter what. When the time comes, with a huge sum of 200 to 300 million in hand, Qiao Jia will have a choice whether to leave or stay!

This is Afika, and everything related to development is progressing very slowly.

This Boykin is not a simple anti-government leader. He built a nest to attract vultures, and he is preparing to do big things.

It doesn't matter what he plans to do specifically. No matter how ambitious an ambitious person is, if he is exposed to the gun, it will only take one bullet.

As for whether there will be retaliation in the future, well, the Congolese army in Iakoma will probably not object to taking this great credit.

They are the group least afraid of terrorists because sometimes their behavior is similar to that of terrorists.

Moreover, the strength of those terrorists here is really limited. Otherwise, what qualifications would Boykin's three hundred men have to negotiate with the family's top figures?

Terrorists can still talk to civilized people when they meet them, but when they meet the Congolese army, they will be cut into pieces and exchanged for money and credit.

Car bombs and suicide bombs cannot scare government troops here, they will only make them brutal. They don't care about the casualties of civilians at all. Such troops are the natural enemies of terrorists.

Qiao Jia waited for nearly an hour. Through Antar's drone, he saw a terrifying party held in the back garden of the Palace.

Adhering to the brutality inherited from his blood, Boykin entertained his guests with a battle between man and beast as an appetizer.

The two sides fighting were a few naked women and a few hungry hyenas.

Qiao Jia can probably guess that this is Afika's characteristic "preemptive move" and "powerful display".

This is Boykin telling his guests, I'm terrible!

Qiao Jia didn't know how those guests felt, but seeing that they didn't feel stagnant after eating, they probably didn't feel anything.

But Qiao Jia himself felt a little bit unbearable...

These people deserve to die!

He called Cobra and the others again on the radio and got the accurate arrival time. Choga took out his satellite phone and dialed the Congolese boss he met in Tunisia and had a drink with him in Kenya, regardless of what time it was. Congolese Deputy Minister of Defense Nguila during the scene.

Joe: “I caught a big fish in the jungle near Yakoma and I’m going to bomb there, would you be interested in having your guys finish it off?”

En: "I need to know who the other party is?"

Joe: "As far as I know, the owner here is named Boykin. One of his guests is Fahd, whose head is worth 3 million, and Mufarah, who is an assistant to a warlord in the south of Liberia. One is the leader of Boko Haram.

As long as you can make your voice louder, you can get a lot of benefits from the African Union.

If you are afraid, then ask your people to keep a low profile. That Boykin is a drug lord, and I am exercising my responsibilities in accordance with the contract. "

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