From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 300 The situation of the unlucky guy

When Qiao Jia returned to the hotel, he took out his phone and yelled at Chris...

"I was targeted by the 'Ndrangheta just one day after I arrived, and then the FBI came to find me.

Did you hire a newspaper dealer?

Can I fucking trust you? "

Chris on the other side of the phone asked weakly, "What's going on?"

Qiao Jia cursed loudly: "You are the fucking intelligence agent, why are you asking me what's wrong?

I'm fucking being targeted, and all I have to defend myself now is a small pistol.

I need a legal PMC company right now, I don't have a fucking sense of security without a long gun.

Can you fucking do this? "

After scolding the incomprehensible Chris to death with a curse word, Qiao Jia hung up the phone without even giving Chris time to explain.

Looking at the Spurs and Wagner with strange expressions on the side, Qiaojia smiled and waved his hands and said: "Don't be nervous, I am putting pressure on a partner.

That guy stayed in a comfortable environment for too long, and always liked to brag to me, and was obsessed with making money, always ignoring what was most important to me.

I have to remind him all the time that he's not as good as he cracks up to be, otherwise this guy will become lazy. "

Wagner stretched out his thumb and praised the behavior of his boss's PUA partner, and then said with a solemn expression: "Boss, we discovered the FBI surveillance vehicle this morning, and after a little testing, we found out that they are trying to track you.

I contacted an old colleague from the FBI and he told me that the FBI had received important information that the 'Ndrangheta would assassinate you in the United States.

Due to the recent rise in drug prices, the 'Ndrangheta has transported a large amount of drugs from Eastern Europe into the United States. Not only has it made a huge profit, but it has also robbed some Mexicans of their share.

The FBI is very worried. They want to use you to lure out the 'Ndrangheta people. "

Qiao Jia said with a look of displeasure: "I entered the country legally. The FBI received the tip and did not try to notify me or protect me. Instead, they wanted to use me to lure out the bastards of the 'Ndrangheta"...

Is it legal for them to do so? "

Wagner spread his hands and said: "Knowingly committing a crime is illegal, but if it is just 'guessing', then what they did is legal."

Qiao Jia shook his head after hearing this. He couldn't make sense of this matter. With his mouth on their face, he was guessing that it was not a matter of their words!

Wagner saw that Qiao Jia seemed to have figured it out, and he smiled and said: "Actually, this is a good thing. With the assistance of the FBI, your safety will be more secure.

And your so-called gun problem is easily solved as long as you show willingness to cooperate.

I could draft a disclaimer, attach a firearms inventory, and have the FBI sign and seal it.

They are now in the wrong, and if they want to catch the 'Ndrangheta's tail, they must meet our demands. "

As he spoke, Wagner glanced at the Spurs, who had a slightly grim expression, and said with a smile: "To be honest, I feel that the Spurs are under a lot of pressure now. Their manpower is a bit too short, and you are all qualified. A warrior has a certain ability to protect himself..."

'Spur' saw a look of dissatisfaction on Dorian's face. He coughed lightly and pulled Wagner, who had no idea about Qiao Jia's strength. Said: "Change the topic, boss, they are different from what you imagined."

Qiao Jala stopped the underestimated Dorian. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "I don't like this passive situation. It feels very bad to be treated as a small role.

We'd wait 24 hours, and if Chris had any brains left, he would send me a list of military contracting companies that could be acquired.

I am the boss of a military contracting company. I don’t understand the FBI’s process and thinking in handling cases, but based on what they are doing today, it is impossible for me to trust them.

My fight against drug dealers in Afika gave me and my brothers a sense of honor. We were fighting the devil and we had done nothing wrong!

I came to the United States because I was invited, so I have to do my job in an upright manner. "

Wagner has never seen a military contractor like Qiao Jia. A sense of honor does not exist for most mercenaries. Mercenaries who are loyal to others are already the ceiling among mercenaries.

Wagner didn't know if it was his own misunderstanding, but he felt it was natural from Qiao Jia's attitude...

It's the feeling that I will only act according to my own wishes and I will not deliberately accommodate anyone.

This situation is rare, but after thinking about it carefully, Wagner found that his temporary boss did not seem to care about the FBI's feelings.

One of their people has a diplomatic passport, and the P·B military contracting company has no stain. Even the American military owes him a favor. Now the boss comes here with the idea of ​​​​investing...

Of course the FBI can target him deliberately, but for what reason?

There is no reasonable reason. Even if the person who invited him is not mentioned, even the pressure from the American military will make the FBI uncomfortable.

P·B has a great influence around Central Africa, and the United States has several military bases in Central Africa. In order to protect their own interests, they also need reliable allies, because there are no aircraft carrier groups there for a long time.

Just because Choga saved the lives of several rangers in Niger and beat up an FBI agent, the FBI had to swallow its anger.

If you pull out your gun when someone calls out 'good morning', you deserve to be beaten to death!

Wagner thoroughly understood what Joga was thinking. He smiled and patted the Spurs on the arm and said: "Since the boss has spoken, we will act according to the boss's ideas.

As long as no one figures out the rules of our actions, I believe we can handle any danger. "

As he spoke, Wagner looked at Qiao Jia and said with a smile: "But boss, I think we should still communicate with the FBI. We are not enemies."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded and said: "Of course I am willing to contribute to the destruction of the 'Ndrangheta!

As for me, I like to do things in the open, and I am happy to cooperate with the FBI in fighting crime, but that doesn't mean I can tolerate them making little moves behind my back.

Go and have a chat with them and tell them what I mean. It will save you former FBI from the difficulty. "


Manhattan Police Department...

Detective Daniel of the Major Crime Team walked towards the interrogation room with a stack of documents and a cup of coffee.

Seeing his blond partner Erin blocking the middle of the aisle, Daniel drank the coffee in his hand in one gulp, then threw the empty cup into the trash can next to him, and then said impatiently: "What are you doing? "

Erin looked helplessly at Daniel, the famous New York police thug, and said, "Boss, that guy inside is the FBI. The boss called, and someone will come and take him away soon."

After hearing this, Daniel said with a strange look on his face: "So the FBI can shoot innocent passers-by in Central Park early in the morning?"

Eileen was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Boss, why don't you wait for our director to handle it? If you do this, you will..."

After hearing this, Daniel suddenly frowned and said in a deep voice: "This is our city, but now someone is messing around in our city.

In this morning's case, it was obvious that someone wanted to divert our attention to that George Paz.

The husband of the deceased clearly knew that his wife had collected money from others and then caused trouble for others at the airport, but even if I caught her going first, he still wouldn't tell me who the people who paid the money were?

Now the FBI is also eyeing that George Paz. There is something in it that we don't know. I have a hunch that if we don't figure it out, more innocent people will die. "

Erin didn't expect that Daniel had done so much work in less than 6 hours. She was surprised and said: "How did you find..."

Daniel waved his hand and said: “A 7-foot-tall woman will leave a deep impression no matter where she goes.

And I had an informant who happened to be very popular among the doormen in Manhattan, so I easily found the people who had clashed with the deceased at the airport.

I called and asked. The main members of those people had not left since they checked in. Only a Russian and an American had left.

Normally I should summon that George Pass here now, but I have changed my mind now.

I need to know what happened?

Some people wanted me to subpoena that George Paz, but I just didn't want to follow their ideas. "

As he spoke, Daniel pointed to the interrogation room and said, "Now, the answer I want is inside, do you still want to stop me?"

Erin looked at Daniel's stubborn expression. She hesitated and finally got out of the way. Then, while following Daniel, she said, "I'll accompany you. Don't break the rules, okay?"

Daniel looked at Eileen with a determined look on his face, he tugged on his earlobe, reached out and pushed open the door of the interrogation room, and said: "Of course, we just went to talk to him about the Level 2 felony he committed.

The FBI needs to give us an answer. Why would they let an agent with a mental condition go on a mission?

I have the phone number of the caller, who happens to be a well-known personal blogger in New York, and he would be happy to report what happened to him. "

Erin looked through the half-open door of the interrogation room and saw the unlucky FBI agent standing upright when Daniel was speaking. She rolled her eyes at the cunning Daniel, then opened the door and walked in first...

"My mission is confidential, you cannot reveal any details about me..."

The unfortunate man looked at Daniel and shouted angrily: "I am an FBI agent and I am on a mission.

I will report your threat to me to my superiors, you..."

Daniel slammed the information in his hand on the table, and then gestured to Irene to turn on the camera in the interrogation room. He frowned and said, "What is this guy talking about? Is there something wrong with his brain? This is the first time I When he met, what did I threaten him with?"

Eileen looked at the unlucky man's unlucky expression, she touched the corners of her mouth to hide her smile, and then said seriously: "Boss, I don't know what he is talking about.

I think we should apply for a mental evaluation for him. As an FBI agent, he flashed his gun at innocent passers-by in Central Park. His mental state may be problematic. "

Irene looked at the unlucky man with a comforting expression and said, "Don't be nervous, we are actually colleagues. I can understand the problems caused by working in a high-pressure environment for a long time. Don't worry..."

The unlucky guy looked at Eileen in disbelief, who thought he was a lunatic, and he shouted angrily: "You don't know anything, you don't even understand how dangerous the 'innocent passers-by' you talk about is?

I'm on a mission and I'm not a fucking psycho! "

Daniel looked at the unlucky man, shook his head and said, "Man, I think you are seriously ill. I have seen the surveillance video of the park, but I didn't find that 'innocent passer-by' is in danger?

And you..."

As he spoke, Daniel pointed to the camera that was always on and said, "You just acted like a schizophrenic. You need a doctor, a psychiatrist."

The hapless FBI agent is very exhausted physically and mentally, and he is naturally lack of vigilance towards the New York police.

When Daniel defined him as a psychologically problematic agent, he felt that if he didn't say something, his career would be over...

Seeing Daniel sitting across from him with a sympathetic face, the unfortunate man hesitated and said: "The 'innocent passer-by' is codenamed 'Jackal', and he runs a military contracting company in Afika.

He came here at the invitation of Navy Medical Vice Admiral William Alexander to set up an international military contracting company in the United States.

And his enemy is the ‘Ndrangheta’…”


Just as Daniel's eyes lit up as he listened, a white man with a mustache walked into the interrogation room. He looked at Daniel and said, "You can leave. We are taking over this place now."

Daniel glanced at the director who was standing at the door of the interrogation room and kept gesturing for him to get out with his eyes...

The little ginger head did not choose to obey the order, but looked up into Mustache's eyes and said forcefully with a grin: "I have clues related to that jackal and the 'Ndrangheta.

If I was kicked out of the case, would it be reasonable for me to forget those clues? "

As he spoke, Daniel looked at his director and said in a deep voice: "Sir, someone treats New York as a battlefield. This is our city, and we cannot stand idly by."

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