From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 330 Death Prayer

When Qiao Jia and the others were about to approach the dock, two RPG rounds hit the carriages of two pickup trucks, and at the same time blew up two mercenaries who were covering their companions.

The fire and heat created by the huge explosion made Qiao Jia's thermal sensors ineffective, and also warned them that if they moved forward, they would enter the firing range of the flanking enemies.

Qiao Jia's eyes could not penetrate the factory building on the side to see the enemy in the distance. He made a stop motion when approaching the burning pickup truck. While signaling Dorian and the others to move closer to him, he pressed the communicator and said : "Team B reports the situation..."

The answer to Joga was not the 'Spurs', but a series of explosions...

‘Pliers’ used nine broadswords and the few remaining C4s on his body to create a death zone at the exit of the shipyard.

Reality has proved that it is never bullets that are fatal on the battlefield, but explosions! !

Qiao Jia and the others had only killed a dozen people until they took the risk to attack. However, the 'pliers' not only paralyzed the escaping convoy, but also blocked the people behind in a large open space at the entrance of the shipyard.

The steel balls released by the broad sword are extremely lethal at close range, and there is almost no escape.

A vehicle that is not bulletproof will instantly turn into a hornet's nest if hit on the side. The police scum and the people on the Heinz farm who followed the drug vehicle to retreat suffered heavy losses in an instant.

A few guys who survived the explosion pushed open the door and got out of the car in fear, but soon bullets from the opposite warehouse area hit them.

Nice's G29 was very effective at suppressing noise and flames. One after another explosion survivors fell to the ground, but none of those people could find Nice's detailed location.

The Heinz Farm Team 3 at the rear of the convoy lost half of its people. When the remaining people got out of the car and tried to escape from other directions, a Super Magnum bullet hit a mercenary in the thigh...

"Sniper, oh shit, I got shot..."

Following the horrified wailing of a young mercenary, those mercenaries who wanted to flee immediately leaned behind the car and did not dare to move rashly...

"Save me, save me..."

The young man who was shot held his bloody thigh and called for help to his companions who were close at hand.

A Jarhead yelled "cover", and when he got up and wanted to risk his life and rush out to save people, he was grabbed by a middle-aged mercenary.

Facing Jarhead's puzzled look, the middle-aged mercenary shook his head and said, "He's dead."

Jarhead looked at the middle-aged mercenary's numb and cold expression, and he said in disbelief: "He is our brother, and we will always be loyal!!"

The middle-aged mercenary was stunned for a moment, then shook his head coldly and said: "We are mercenaries. From the day you join this industry, you should forget about the so-called honor. Only when you are alive can you make money!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged mercenary looked back at the location of the fourth team. He pressed the radio and said: "Boss, I heard the movement of the helicopter. We have to go back and evacuate from the upstream through the shipyard...

Let the people from the fourth team cover us. The enemy is in the warehouse area opposite. "

A few seconds after the middle-aged mercenary finished speaking, gunshots rang out from the tops of several buildings behind them, and a large number of bullets were sprayed towards the warehouse area.

The middle-aged mercenary took one last look at the young mercenary who was still asking for help. He pulled a handful of Jarhead, who was still in a dazed state, and called the other two companions around him to start retreating into the factory...

But the scum of the police force was dragging his injured thigh, leading several of his men and following the 'Messenger' gunmen to escape from the open space. Unfortunately, the direction they chose ran into the 'Spurs' they established. position...

Nice was lying on the top of the mobile warehouse, her eyes always fixed on the G29's sight, and the entire open battlefield was within her field of vision.

Seeing several mercenaries abandoning their injured companions and trying to retreat into the factory, Nice whispered her 'death prayer' and pulled the trigger...

"Bang", Jarhead, who was trailing behind, was shot in the back and fell to the ground.

"I pray to be freed from the suffering of my fate..."

"Bang", a running mercenary was shot in the shoulder and rolled to the ground.

"Under the burden of hardship"

"Bang", a mercenary looking for a bunker was hit in the waist by a bullet the moment he lay down.

"In Evil Judgment"

"Bang", the middle-aged mercenary looked at the wound on his abdomen with a wry smile, and turned hard to look at the comrade he had abandoned...

"The enemy is celebrating maliciously"

"Bang", the abandoned wounded soldier was shot in the head and fell heavily to the ground.

"Asking for your protection"

Seeing the young comrade die unwillingly, the middle-aged mercenary showed a bitter smile and muttered "This is our fate!!" Then he pulled out his pistol and shot himself in the head.

Intelligence officer Thompson had been acting as a deputy shooter and observer, but when the battle reached this point, the semi-amateur Thompson found that he could not keep up with Nice's rhythm at all.

Rhythm! !

Nice's shooting had a unique brisk and cruel rhythm. The bullets fired by the four teams at the high point of the Heinz Farm seemed to not exist in Nice's eyes.

The enemy's blind shooting did not pose a great threat to them, but the flying bullets still made the rookie Estella scream...

Thompson actually didn't adapt very well, but this old guy had a very good psychological quality. Once he saw that Nice didn't need his own assistance, he pointed his gun at the direction of the 'messenger' and the ghosts in the police team who were escaping.


A bullet exploded a cloud of soil a few meters to the side of the 'messenger', frightening the fleeing 'messenger' and causing him to fall over.

When Thompson awkwardly tried to adjust the scope, Nice shifted the muzzle of his gun and shot the 'Messenger' in the thigh...

"640 meters, northwest wind, wind speed 25 meters, downward 25 degrees, scope two spaces to the left, one secret position upward..."

Thompson, a non-professional sniper, hurriedly adjusted the scope according to Nice's prompts, but when he wanted to shoot again, the escaping guys met the Spurs and encountered a fierce blockage...

Those who can survive to this day have some experience and luck. Several black policemen neatly lay on the ground and dragged their boss to find a bunker.

The 'Messenger''s men were more loyal. They formed a wall of firepower in front of the injured 'Messenger' to cover their companions' retreat with the 'Messenger' on their backs.

Nice shot and killed the big Middle Eastern man who was carrying the 'Messenger' on his back and trying to run towards the road. The Super Magnum bullet penetrated the big man's body and shattered the 'Messenger''s pelvis. The huge trauma immediately caused the 'Messenger' to 'Screaming in agony.

When he fell to the ground and was pinned down by the big man, he last saw two helicopters passing by at low altitude, and then he lost consciousness.


The terrible situation at the scene made Bill Heinz extremely angry.

When the helicopter arrived and began shooting to suppress the only intact fourth team, Bill Heinz knew that he was defeated. Now the only thing he needed to think about was how to evacuate from the shipyard.

The flat road outside is impossible. Now their only way out is to go north, but there is an enemy team close to the factory in the north. When they completely kill all the survivors, they will be able to follow up with the few people who have been chasing inside the factory. Create a crossfire.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Bill Heinz heard the call from his men. He looked back at the dock area that was gradually falling into darkness. He gritted his teeth and said: "Team 4, use RPG to drive away the helicopters and bite those guys who are ambushing in the open space. I'll do it." Join you guys.

The guy following us should be that jackal. If they want to fight, we will fight. We still have more people than them.

Only by defeating them can we have a chance to evacuate. "

"yes sir!!"


The two DEA helicopters arrived relatively late, and they missed the most intense scene.

Following Qiao Jia's instructions, several black special police officers sitting on the edge of the cabin kept suppressing the enemies on the top floor of a factory building with their automatic rifles, attracting their attention while covering Qiao Jia and the others in their pursuit.

The pilots of the helicopter did not have much experience. In order to take care of the range of the guns in the hands of the SWAT police, they had to lower the height and stabilize the fuselage as much as possible.

But bullets hitting the fuselage from time to time reminded them that this approach was very stupid.

When a rocket flew out from the top of the factory building, one helicopter pulled up like crazy and refused to lower its height after confirming that it was safe. The other helicopter's body shook violently in order to avoid emergency, and then It actually made people speechless and out of control...

In the distance, Qiao Jia looked at a helicopter in the sky, spinning and hitting the ground heavily, making a tooth-breaking sound of mechanical deformation. He shouted speechlessly in the communication: "Who can see them?" , are there anyone alive on the helicopter?"

'Spur' threw a grenade in the direction of the black police team. Seeing the people there waving the white flag, he risked standing up and glanced in the direction of the helicopter, and then said speechlessly: "Boss, they all alive, but now they were pinned down by firepower inside the factory.

Boss, those people in front of us have surrendered, do we want to rescue them? "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said decisively: "Catch them and let Estella watch them, and then you can join me.

The guys from 'Heinz Farm' all entered the factory, and it seemed like they wanted to have a formal contest with us. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia switched the communication and said angrily: "Jackal calls Crow 1 to cover your people. I will release smoke bombs to give them a chance to evacuate..."

While Qiao Jia was talking, he walked along the side of a factory building and approached the location of the helicopter. When he reached the corner of the wall, he glanced at the factory building more than 40 meters away from the side.

There were four fire points on the top floor of the 5-story factory building, pouring bullets at the unlucky helicopter.

Qiao Jia's tactical glasses provided him with a clear line of sight. In addition to the firepower point on the top floor, vague figures also appeared on the second and fourth floors of the factory building.

He picked up the HK416 and tried it upwards, but found that he could not find a suitable angle. Qiao Jia shook his head helplessly, took out two smoke grenades and threw them hard in front of the helicopter.

As the thick smoke rose, Ayu, who was following Qiao Jia, pulled sideways and fired at the firepower point on the roof...

At this time, Qiao Jia shouted loudly in the communication: "Crow No. 1 covers, No. 2 evacuates..."

"Escape quickly, retreat quickly!!"

Following Qiao Jia's call, the three field service helicopter pilots in the downed helicopter began to rush in their direction.

But twenty meters away from them, Qiao Jia clearly heard a gunshot, and then the driver who was being helped to flee was shot in the abdomen...

"Sniper, northeast corner of the third floor..."

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