From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 354 Found you! !

When Qiao Jia and the others took action, there was no action on Eric's part.

The Shadow Messenger cannot die now. Compared to the big shot behind Eric, Director Cooper of the FBI is facing a life-and-death crisis, so he is more motivated.

Qiao Jia is more reckless in fighting, but he is the kind of person who "does justice before the troops are deployed".

No matter whether it is effective or not, let the FBI and DEA put pressure on the CIA people first, and let yourself have the upper hand of legal principles first.

Faced with this kind of questioning, the CIA will definitely not admit it. That doesn't matter. The people the jackals will kill will definitely not be your people.

The FBI has never had a good impression of CIA spies, and the DEA and CIA have many conflicts.

CIA drug trafficking is no secret at all...

The conflict between them actually started when a DEA agent named Qiqi was tortured and killed by drug dealers in the 1980s, and has continued to the present.

The agent named Qiqi was caught by a drug dealer and violently tortured for a day and a night. An undercover CIA agent was there at that time, and he acted as a cameraman.

He didn't even consider informing him of his position at that time, or even thinking about helping Qiqi die happily.

The newly established DEA at that time only began to gain cohesion after Qiqi's death. It was also from that time that "hating the CIA" was politically correct in the minds of most people in the DEA.

It’s not just the first time or twice that the DEA has beaten a CIA undercover agent as a drug dealer.

Unfortunately, there are not many places where the DEA can help this time. They only have a few manpower in Texas, so it is a bit difficult for them to break into the restricted area designated by the Department of Defense to perform tasks.

However, Director Cooper of the FBI cannot control that much. The Shadow Messenger used his authority to download information from the FBI's database. If he cannot recover it, his career will end in failure.

Judging from the number of people he has offended in the past, once he loses his position, what awaits him will not be as easy as simple dismissal.

So after receiving Eric's report, Director Cooper immediately mobilized a SWAT team to his side, then took two helicopters and began to rush to the small town of Ogan, Texas.


Qiao Jia and the others, wearing anti-detection cloaks, finally returned to the town of Ogan after walking for nearly two hours.

They searched the outskirts of the town for a while, and soon found an empty house in the 'rich area' in the north, and then sneaked in quietly under the cover of night.

Having found a foothold, the next thing to do is to dig out the CIA hidden in Organ Town.

The drone was lost by the 'pliers' during the raid, but Qiao Jia came out as a 'changed' one.

The bag he and Ayu took off the big G is his 'treasure box', and Ayu is the 'treasure box guard'.

'Pliers' was already a little surprised by his boss's 'foresight'. He quickly flew the drone, and then based on his own experience, he went to find where the CIA might be hiding.

There are not many places that the CIA can choose from. The space cannot be too small, the transportation is convenient, and the power system must be perfect...

As long as the residents of the town are not disturbed, there are only vacant shops, vacant factories or warehouses in remote locations that can be chosen, because other places are easily discovered by locals.

After all, CIA people are still invisible in the United States, especially if they are caught by the local police during their operations, they will have to consider themselves unlucky if they are killed during a conflict.

The effect of the drone was very good. It only took 15 minutes for the 'Pliers' to find the target in the southeast corner of the town.

The cleanup team that set out from the town during the day had six vehicles, but there were only five Switchblade 300s at the time. There was one SUV that survived and was now parked at the door of a warehouse.

Looking at the sign on the warehouse, it should have been a refrigerated warehouse for a meat factory, but it probably hasn't been in operation for a long time.

The drone couldn't see inside the warehouse, but the heat response there showed that the warehouse was using a lot of electricity.

‘Pliers’ skillfully cut out a few clear pictures and put them on the tablet, then said with a smile: “Boss, there are several cars parked in the parking lot behind the warehouse.

Their engines were still hot, and I thought there must be quite a few people inside, and they were new arrivals.

what should we do? "

Qiao Jia looked at the surrounding terrain carefully, pointed to the side of the long warehouse close to the road, and said: "I have some C4 here, you are responsible for blowing up this wall.

Devil Bird and Estella take the Shadow Messenger to the opposite side, remember to tie him up.

As long as the wall explodes, the devil bird will have a good shooting range.

The explosion can attract the attention of the people inside, and it also makes it easier for us to enter from the front..."

'Pliers' knew immediately upon hearing this that Qiao Jia wanted to have sex hard.

He whistled and said with a smile: "Boss, I see you still have a few 'broad swords' there. Give them all to me. I'll leave two in the opening, and then go to the back to block their retreat." .”

Qiao Jia likes fiery subordinates like 'Pliers'!

Compared with the Spurs and the others who went to Los Angeles, the "Pliers", an old EOD who has been immersed in the cruelest battlefields for many years, knows better how to inflict maximum damage and fear on the enemy.

Don't look at those HRTs from the Spurs. They have gone through very rigorous training, and their tactical level is no worse than that of the Seals.

However, the differences in their combat environments resulted in very different fighting styles.

Believe it or not, the soldiers who serve as the special forces force of the police force in the city are different from those who have fought hard on the battlefield.

Because there is a line in the minds of the police special forces members, and their instinct will control them not to cross the line.

This is the difference between ordinary people fighting "to save a hand" and "to use a dead hand". Whoever is ruthless will take advantage.

However, the place where Qiaojia started is in Afika. The poor environment there has endowed the people there with unparalleled wildness, so he doesn’t care about many things. Sometimes he even thinks that some of the actions of the Spurs are like taking off their pants and farting...

Don't push when the fight starts, don't hide the grenades if they can be used, kill all the enemies first and then think about other issues.

Qiao Jia's recklessness cost him a little price, but compared to everyone's safety, Qiao Jia felt that even a little trouble was worth it.

This guy's brain is a bit abnormal, but Qiao Jia likes him. After all, there are not many normal people in P·B.

Team E, that magical team with four snipers, two machine gunners, and only one commando, the captain, is even more mentally ill.

The PTSD of 'Pliers' is really nothing when compared to P·B, let alone 'Orange Cat' and 'Flow Arrow' who were expelled because of a 'minor problem'.

Qiao Jia patted Pliers on the shoulder, put all the explosives and broadsword into a bag and handed it to him, and then said with a smile: "Show them something powerful, our goal this time It’s not about catching people alive, we won and we’re thinking about what to do with the lucky ones that may exist.”

'Pliers' took a G36C and fastened four magazines to his chest. After jumping around for a while, he put his backpack on his back, then handed the drone controller to Estela with a smile and said: "I guess you won't have a chance to shoot if you follow the devil bird.

I have fixed the position of the drone. You are responsible for keeping an eye on it for us and notifying us if you see any enemies. "

Said 'pliers', pointing to the photo on the tablet, and said: "Boss, the other party has arranged a sentry, and I need someone to cover me as I approach there."

Qiao Jia put the helmet on his head, put on his tactical glasses, and said with a smile: "My gun is the quietest, I will cover you."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia adjusted all the equipment on his body to the appropriate position, looked at everyone and said, "I don't like to wait. Let's set off in three minutes."

Sanderson and Waters almost subconsciously let out a cheer...


Then the two seemed to have returned to their military days, helping each other check their equipment, and Waters was full of praise for the night vision goggles provided by Joga.

"Boss, we should let the 'pincers' blow up their power supply. We have night vision devices and can fight an asymmetrical battle."

Just as Qiao Jia was about to say that this was just a basic operation, his phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the real Chris on the call, Qiao Jia frowned and answered the phone, saying, "Chris, don't tell me what's wrong with you?"

Chris said in a weird tone: "I should be the one to ask you, what on earth did you do?

An army lieutenant general signed a logistics contract with P·B for the US military base in Niger during non-working hours, which even included arms support business.

My father has worked in NATO logistics all his life and has never seen a contract like this. "

Qiao Jia smiled after hearing this and said: "I am currently at war with the CIA in Texas, you'd better not know too much.

Don’t you want to expand your network in Washington? This is an opportunity. "

When Chris heard this, he was surprised and said: "Shit, CIA? Are you going to war with them?

Three hours ago, while I was chatting with several people from large companies in the restaurant, I overheard that an executive from Titan Company had been assigned the task of sending a team of people to Texas.

Shit, it can’t be such a coincidence, right? "

Chris said nervously: "The mercenaries who do dark work in 'Titan Company' are all elites. That party is still going on. Do you need me to go find out?"

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then said decisively: "I'm going to leave soon, so just pretend you don't know anything.

Leave the rest to me. The elite is nothing more than a corpse after it dies. "

Qiao Jia sighed and said, "I hope that after those elites die, Titan Company will not regard P·B as an enemy."

Chris listened and sneered and said: "How is that possible?

As long as you don't steal their business, the encounters during the mission are normal and no one will really hold a grudge.

Those elites only refer to their combat effectiveness. If they die, they will only receive a report and a modest pension, which will not hinder them from making money at all.

Jackal, you should really come to Washington and get in touch with these people when you have time. The operation of real big companies is completely different from what you imagine.

Here, life has a price tag! !

Business is business, and the business of human lives is also business. In the end, it always comes down to profit. "

Qiao Jia didn’t want to listen to Chris’s nonsense. He looked at everyone who had completed preparations, smiled into the phone and said: “Chris, I let you come on board because I believe that friends can cooperate and win-win.

If I follow your logic, why should I want you?

I am going to kill people now. If you are really free, go to that so-called party restaurant, learn more about the American PMC company, and help me explore the American arms channels.

I almost got a shot of hellfire today. I like that stuff very much. Now that I have a contract with Niger, I can contact them openly and make purchases.

If the chief officer of the Niger base is brave enough to scrap 100 Hellfire rounds a year, even if I give them half of the money, I will make a lot of money from the rest. "

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