From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 360 Female Monster

Santa Monica, Los Angeles…

With gauze wrapped around his ears, the 'kitten' opened the door and walked out of a luxurious beach house with a gloomy look on his face, and came to the huge backyard swimming pool.

A brown-haired beauty wearing a leopard-print bikini stretched lazily on a lounge chair. Her attractive body reflected a healthy color under the sunlight.

Seeing that most of the men present had lustful expressions on their faces, 'Little Kitty' snorted in displeasure, raised her middle finger to 'Orange Cat' and 'Blow Dart' who were standing guard, and then walked over to the beautiful woman. Next to her, she picked up her martini and drank it in one gulp...

"Hey, Luna, the doctor said you can't drink alcohol just after the surgery..."

After the leopard-print beauty held her chin with one hand and lowered her body naturally, her breasts and hips formed an alluring curve.

She seemed to be persuading the 'kitten' to follow the doctor's advice, but her appearance always made people feel insincere.

This beauty, like 'Kitten', has a natural mistress face, and her figure is a bit better than 'Kitten' because she is a bit taller and her shoulders are not as wide as 'Kitten' who has been exercising for a long time.

This is a female seductress with extraordinary talents. Every move she makes seems to have been specially trained. She knows how to show the best side of her body. She seems to be born specifically to torture men.

'Kitten' squinted at the brown-haired beauty and said unhappily: "Has anyone told you that you are now like a bitch who specializes in seducing men?"

The brown-haired beauty was not angry even after being ridiculed by 'Kitten'. She took out a pack of cigarettes and elegantly lit one and took a puff. Then she looked at the angry 'Kitten' and said, "Luna, say It's not a good habit to have your own sister who is a BITCH.

It is a woman's right to show her charm!

Men conquer the world, and we are responsible for conquering men, not taking up guns to compete with men.

You chose to join the elite force in order to avenge your younger brother Lucas. Now that you have succeeded, it is time for you to return to your original appearance. "

As she spoke, the brown-haired beauty glanced at the P.B. people around her, as well as a few witnesses resting in the yard, until they unnaturally turned their gaze away. She took the 'kitten' hand and said with a smile: " You always discuss your boss. Is there anything special about him that made you decide to stay in Afika?

Tell me, I'll give you some advice, I'm very experienced with men! "

‘Kitten’ looked at his biological sister, rolled his eyes hugely, and said unhappily: “Yes, Monica, you are very experienced.

If I listen to you, will I also have a 75-year-old dead drug dealer ex-husband, and a son who is 15 years older than me and wants to kill me? "

After hearing this, the brown-haired beauty Monica sighed softly and said, "I know you all think I married Ochoa for money, but that's not the case..."

Monica looked at the disdainful 'Kitten' and said, "I'm here for a lot of money, ha...

Do you know what it's like to be an illegal immigrant?

I would go home every day and people would ask me what the price was and I would have to carry a pistol in my bag just in case someone ruined it for me.

Ochoa was a drug dealer, but he was 73 years old at the time. He regarded me as a beautiful decoration and took me out to show off every day.

He protected me, otherwise I might be a cheap prostitute standing on the roadside wearing white stockings. "

‘Kitten’ looked at Monica with disdain and said, “So you came to Los Angeles with his money and account books the day after he was buried?”

Monica shrugged her shoulders, inserted the cigarette into the martini cone, then chuckled and said, "If you saw the way Ochoa's son looked at me, you would know why I ran away.

I can tolerate Ochoa because he only needs me to bring him vanity, but I can't tolerate that idiot Alexandra on top of me. When I see him, I will be reminded of the fat pig back home. "

‘Kitten’ rolled his eyes and shook his head and said: “Then you shouldn’t take away that old man’s account book, he is from the Gulf Group, and the things in the account book will make them kill you at all costs.

If our boss hadn't taken over the witness protection task, if you hadn't happened to meet me, you would have been cut into pieces and thrown into the sea. "

Monica held her chin in her hands, squeezed her face into a cute shape, and said, "This is the risk of freedom. I think I can bear it."

As she spoke, Monica held Kitten's arm, kissed her on the cheek, and then said in a throat-tickling voice: "Luna, we all want revenge, but I chose Just another way?"

‘Kitten’ shook his head helplessly and said: “You are simply a crazy woman!

You used the ledger to send the No. 3 figure in the Gulf Group and a group of senior Mexican officials to prison, and took away their $50 million in cash.

Do you think my boss will go to war with the Gulf Group for you?

What about the money? You take out the money, and then I'll ask the boss to help you arrange a new identity.

If you don’t like Central Africa, you can go to South Africa or Morocco. Those places are also good. If that doesn’t work, you can go back to Brazil. "

After hearing this, Monica said innocently: "I've spent all my money..."

‘Kitten’ looked at Monica in disbelief and said, “That’s 50 million US dollars, where did you spend it?”

Monica spread her hands and looked around the huge seaside manor villa, and said with a smile: "I bought this place and filled up my closet. Oh, I also designed a room specifically for my shoes..."

As she spoke, Monica looked at the 'kitten' and seemed to want to get angry. A bright smile appeared on her face and she said: "Then I spent 30 million to find someone to go to Brazil to kill all our enemies...

The police, the police chief, the deputy commander of the elite force, the mayor, and everyone in the entire 'Red Command' who should be responsible for Lucas' death.

Luna, now you are truly free! "

'Kitten' heard this and covered his face in disbelief...

‘Kitten’ lives in a slum in Rio de Janeiro, with three siblings.

The younger brother Lucas has been a famous local football star since he was a child. However, when he received a trial invitation from the Sao Paulo team, before he had time to report, he was involved in a gang conflict and died in the gang. At gunpoint...

Then ‘Kitten’s’ mother committed suicide due to excessive grief.

In order to avenge his son, their father took a gun and found the lair of the famous local gangster "Red Command". He was shot to death there and then dumped on the roadside.

At that time, only my sister Monica and my sister "Kitten" were left in the family.

Two beautiful girls couldn't last long when surrounded by gangs, so 'Kitten' chose to join the army, while her sister Monica chose another path...

After serving in the army, 'Kitten' joined the city's elite forces, trying to use the power there to annihilate the 'Red Command'.

But as time went by, she discovered that her power could not change the situation at all. At the same time, she was in a desperate situation because she 'accidentally killed' the son of a Rio official who was dealing with drug dealers.

Without the help of the hacker Eric, 'Kitten' would not have been able to escape Brazil.

She thought her experience was thrilling enough, but she didn't expect her sister to be even more incredible.

She used all her belongings to buy a plane ticket to Los Angeles, where she landed and became the mistress of the No. 2 figure in the Gulf Group.

After the old guy died, she fled to Los Angeles with his account books and money, and cooperated with the DEA to send the No. 3 figure in the Gulf Group and a series of high-ranking Mexican officials to prison.

Then he used the money to complete a complete 'revenge'.

She not only avenged her parents and younger brother, but also helped the missing 'kitten' complete her revenge.

Not one of the people who participated in the persecution of ‘Kitten’ ran away!

It turned out that Monica was in the "Witness Protection Program" and her identity was hidden.

But in order to divert the FBI's attention, the Shadow Messenger leaked all the witness lists in Los Angeles, so the Gulf Group found Monica.

Nearly half a year has passed since the case Monica was involved in, so she is not a priority for protection in the evaluation sequence of the Ministry of Justice.

If 'Kitten' hadn't accidentally encountered Monica who was attacked while shopping, she would have been cut into pieces and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

When he met his biological sister, ‘Kitten’ naturally would not stand idly by.

So she took the initiative to gather all the high-risk witnesses who had not gone to court to this manor, and then concentrated all the personnel of P·B.

The two sisters never had time to communicate seriously, and 'Mao Mao' had just learned that her sister had done so many things.

Looking at the old lady who was so charming that all the women couldn't help but spit on her, 'Mao Mao' said helplessly: "I'm fine now, but you're not fine at all.

When our mission here is over, you will follow me to Central Africa. The people in the Gulf Group are all madmen, and you will only be safe there. "

Monica didn't seem to care about her situation. She raised her slender eyebrows and looked at the 'kitten' and said, "Why do you have to go to Central Africa? What is it that attracts you there?

I saw the photos on your phone. Do you have someone you like there?

who? 'pioneer'? ‘Crowbar’? Or your boss? "

As she spoke, Monica seemed to have come to her best part. She held the hand of 'Kitten' and said seriously: "If you want a man to love you, you don't need to go to the battlefield with them with a gun. You should …”

'Kitten' rolled his eyes hugely, then put a blanket over the elder sister's body, covering the curves that drove men crazy, and said unhappily: "I don't need you to teach me, you don't know anything... …”

Monica looked at the depressed look on 'Kitten's face, and said with widened beautiful eyes: "Are you in love with your boss? Is he married?"


Saying "Kitten" looked at Monica as if she were a ghost, and said nervously: "No, I didn' could it be possible..."

Monica squinted her eyes and looked at the slightly unnatural 'kitten', she shook her head and said: "No wonder you not only want the doctor to repair your earlobes, but also ask to repair the scars on your body.

Luna, you are done, but you just need to listen to me..."

"She doesn't have to listen to you..."

'Hemostat' didn't know when she walked behind Monica. She reached out and pinched Monica's delicate chin. She glanced enviously at the good figure that couldn't even be covered by a blanket, then shook her head and said: "'Kitten 'You shouldn't be anyone's mistress, I think you are more suitable...

Our landlady’s ethnicity is relatively tolerant in this regard, haha…”

Saying 'hemostatic forceps', he suddenly sneezed...

She rubbed her nose roughly, wiped the snot on Monica's body, and then sniffed and said, "What's going on? I don't have a cold..."

At this moment, Tony rushed into the yard wearing a chef's uniform and a chef's hat that looked like a king oyster mushroom, shouting loudly: "The boss is here..."

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