From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 381 Ultimate Cover

While Qiao Jia and the others were fighting hard, Ness and Mao Mao moved a few hundred meters to the side and found the shooting point again.

At this time, Tony and the technicians actually took action...

The tall and lanky Tony and the middle two tied a red headband on themselves, then ran towards Lao Niu and the others with a multi-barreled grenade launcher on their backs and a row of grenades hanging on their bodies.

With him was a little black guy named Kuli. He threw away his glasses and carried two ammunition boxes, and followed Tony to where Lao Niu was.

Lao Niu saw the two guys running out of breath after running a few hundred meters, and looking like they were about to die when they went upstairs. He motioned to Tony to help them, and then said with disgust: "It looks like you are not trained well at first sight, and you have lost your things." Go back as soon as possible..."

Tony, who was wearing a red turban, said excitedly: "Shovel, I am also a member of the company, and I can also fight."

Lao Niu handed the machine gun position to Tony, then played with the grenade launcher like a large revolver, and said with a smile: "A little chicken like you still fights?

I’ll give you a task. Go down below and greet the mothers of those special police officers, and ask them if they don’t have the stuff to grow into men?

Tell them that our boss has held back the main force of drug dealers, and I will use grenades to clear the way for them to move forward and flank those damn drug dealers.

If you dare not drive a fucking armored car, these guys are just trash. "

When Tony heard this, he stared and said, "Can we stop running? We have HRT's communication channel..."

After speaking, Tony pulled out a small pistol, adjusted the communicator, and after a few seconds, he cursed loudly: "FUCK YOU, you sons of bitches HRT!!!"

Are you trash?

You bunch of shit-brained maggots, can you please move your fat asses?

We are here to help you clear the way. If you little girls with hairy chests still dare not go up, I will give each of you a suspender skirt. You are suitable to wear that thing to make money, not to do the work of a tough guy... …”

Lao Niu heard a moment of silence in the channel, and then there was a burst of curses...

Soon a rough voice said: "I am HRT 'Fallen Angel Team' facing Depp, who are you?"

Tony watched the old cow give him a thumbs up, and he shouted proudly: "I am P.B. Technical Officer Curry, and I order you cowardly little bitches to rush to the door.

We will cover you with grenades and machine guns in one minute. If you don't act, I will complain to the FBI headquarters about your inactivity. If those drug dealers are allowed to escape, all the responsibility will be on you. "

As soon as Tony finished speaking, the HRT named Depp said angrily: "FUCK, Curry, I remember you, you will know who is the idiot."

Tony heard the HRT captain's response. He gave the old cow a thumbs up, then looked at his little black companion Curry, spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter, they won't really trouble us."

Curry looked at Tony as if he were a ghost and said, "Then why don't you tell me your name?"

Tony crossed his arms and trembled, and said, "You're kidding, HRT is scary. You're black and you run faster!"

After speaking, Tony rushed to Lao Niu's side, struggled to pick up a PKM, and said, "Sir, can I help?"

Lao Niu pushed away the muzzle of the gun pointed at his crotch with a frown, and said with a frown: "Put down the gun and use the pistol to guard the entrance to the stairs. This is an order..."

After speaking, Lao Niu took the machine gun from Tony with one hand and placed it on the ground. Then, when HTR launched the armored vehicle and began to approach the barbed wire gate with the help of cover, he took a brief aim with the grenade launcher and pulled the trigger.

With a "ping" sound, a grenade landed about 30 meters away from the enemy.

With the reference of the first round, Lao Niu slightly raised the muzzle of the gun, took a deep breath, pulled the trigger continuously, and fired the remaining grenades at the enemy.

After firing the grenade, Lao Niu turned around and pressed against the wall. While reloading the grenade launcher, he shouted loudly: "Potato, use the machine gun to shoot them. Don't stop, shoot them..."

Finally finding a place to use it, Tony roared and pulled the trigger, pressing the muzzle of the gun and pouring bullets near the gate of the iron fence, suppressing a group of drug dealers who had set up a position based on trucks there so that they could not lift their heads.

At the same time, HRT, who was angered by Tony, finally approached the center of the road. The six experienced agents relied on the protection of the armored vehicle and started precise shooting.

The quality of this group of people is actually very high, but HRT's operational habits make them choose to wait. After all, it is too dangerous for six people to attack the drug dealer's defense line.

But now the critical moment has indeed come. The main force of the drug dealers can be seen with the naked eye going deep into the warehouse, and a fierce battle took place there.

If they still don't dare to work, they will really have to wait to be laid off due to complaints.

This was the disadvantage of an unclear command system. Qiao Jia had no time to communicate with Director Cooper. Instead, it was Tony's dirty words that set the HRTs with a keen sense of smell into motion.

A fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides halfway across the road...

HRT and Lao Niu formed a crossfire, which made the drug dealer miserable and soon began to retreat.

When HTR's armored vehicle approached the gate, the FBI agents followed and started a gun battle with a group of drug dealers at close range.

At this time, Tony's machine gun stopped. He could not guarantee that his men would not be accidentally injured in the close encounter, so he could only regretfully stop shooting.

However, Lao Niu used the deflection effect of the grenade to launch a blind bombing on the long convoy of drug traffickers.

This series of grenades became the last straw that broke the will of drug traffickers...

They knew that the front was lost. In order to prevent themselves from being attacked from both sides, they could only choose a desperate charge and try to break into the container area.

If you want to cross hundreds of meters of unobstructed terrain and reach the container area safely, you must destroy the firepower point on the roof of the warehouse.

Qiao Jia now faces a huge test...

The desperate drug traffickers' special forces began to push vehicles and use cover to launch assaults.

Two Cadillac Escalades were used as shields, and ten black-clad warriors pushed the vehicles closer while launching a frantic suppression of Qiao Jia and the others.

But another group of soldiers in black pushed two cars and began to pull apart horizontally, using the front cover to try to distance themselves, forming a new firepower point, and covering the front of their companions to move to the flanks at any time.

At this time, it was time to compete in courage. Qiao Jia and Ayou used the cover of shields to bravely face off against more than a dozen drug dealer gunmen. Being condescending, they had the advantage of shooting, but there was still a difference in firepower and numbers. many.

Following a series of explosions on the shield, a stray bullet shot through the gap grazed Qiao Jia's arm and took away a piece of flesh.

The injured Qiao Jia only felt that his arm was burned. He had no time to check his wounds, and his spirit was hit like never before...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

HK416 was activated continuously, and several drug dealers who appeared from behind the Escalade immediately fell to the ground.

At the same time, Ayo's machine gun finally tore apart the roof of an Escalade, penetrated its back cover and knocked down several drug dealers pushing carts.

At the same time, Waters and Sanderson gave up the cover of the rear door and rushed to the same side as Jorga and the others, suppressing the laterally moving drug traffickers and gunmen on the other side of the vehicle before they could find an angle to fire. .

However, although the drug dealers did not try to shoot, the two vehicles were still moving forward.

Qiao Jia glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized that the drug dealer's boss should be over there, and the bodyguard who stayed at the original position was just a target to attract his attention.

But at this time, Qiao Jia no longer has the energy to attack the horizontally moving vehicles. In the past, most of the time, as the attacking party, he could always use various auxiliary tools to ensure that his own people can advance and retreat freely. Now, as the defending party, he finally feels the war. The real tragedy.

There is no reason to explain, it's just a matter of life and death.

That is to say, the drug dealers did not carry heavy weapons, and they did not have grenades or RPGs. Otherwise, it would be impossible to completely block the drug dealers with just Qiao and the others.

But having said that, if he knew that the enemy had heavy firepower, Qiao Jia would not have chosen to stick here.

One shot hit a drug dealer who was slipping. Qiao Jia deflected the gun and fired several bullets at the front wheel of the Escalade, blowing out the tire and forcing the drug dealer to increase the number of people pushing the cart.

Just when he was trying to remind Sanderson that they had to resist the two moving cars no matter what, a bullet passed through the gap between the branches and leaves of the roadside, penetrated the head of a drug dealer gunman, and hit the victim. Several people protected the floral shirt in the center.

This shot stunned all the drug dealers and gunmen...

They had tried their best to choose a safe side, and tried their best to use the cover of roadside trees to block the sniper's shooting range, but they did not expect that the fatal blow would come so suddenly.

What keeps them motivated is their boss, Silas, who is the No. 3 figure in the Sinaloa Cartel and is responsible for drug trading activities throughout California.

These gunmen are his personal armed forces, and they will only be sent out during key transactions.

The logic of loyalty of drug dealers is very simple. If you rely on me for food, you must work for me.

I will let you enjoy the delicious food and drink spicy food while I am alive. If I die under your protection, none of your family members left in Mexico can escape.

This is why those drug dealers and gunmen have always been so tenacious, but now...

Ness in the distance pulled the bolt of the gun and pushed an armor-piercing shelling round into the gun chamber again...

"Under the burden of hardship..."

"Bang", the left front wheel of the car was blown out, and then the car behind rear-ended the car in front.

"In evil judgment..."

"Bang", a stunned bodyguard was hit in the back.

"In the midst of the enemy's malicious celebration..."

"Bang", a gunman who had obviously lost his fighting consciousness and wanted to run away alone was shot in the ribs and hit the car body hard.

"Please protect me!!"


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