From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 772 Press Conference

Qiao Jia heard what Medical Officer Bird said about 'tracker'. He looked at Ronnie who had completely calmed down after being injected with a sedative. He leaned over and took a look at the strange tattoo on this guy's arm...

Delta's tattoo is a triangle and a dagger running through the top and bottom. Qiao Jia didn't see any difference in Ronnie's tattoo.

Looking at the medical officer with a strange expression, Qiao Jia said curiously: "Isn't this the tattoo of your Delta?

What stalker? "

Medical Officer Bird pointed at the hilt of the dagger on the tattoo and said, "There is an extra ghost claw here. This is a special mark. The person with this mark means that he has joined a special team.

The 'Tracers' are a secret squadron responsible for hunting down high-risk criminals or traitors. Only those who have served in the Delta for more than five years are eligible to participate in the selection.

These people are very powerful. I have dealt with a retired 'tracker' who has now opened an international investigation company specializing in fact-finding and hostage rescue projects.

The training these people have gone through is different from that of Delta. How should I put it, they are a bit like agents, but their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of agents. "

Dorian saw everyone turning their attention to him, he said "Haha" and said: "That's true..."

As Dorian looked at the strange-looking medical officer, he said angrily: "If you fucking look at me like that, I'll beat you up, Delta, ha, isn't it amazing?"

Medical Officer Bird shook his head slightly and said: "I mean you performed very well, these 'trackers' are very powerful, very powerful!

The 'tracker' I know is not only a good marksman, but also an even better fighter with bare hands...

He alone and two assistants completed 45 hostage rescue cases in Mexico in three years...

I met him 6 years ago, when he was 58 years old. "

As he spoke, Medical Officer Bird looked at Ronnie on the ground and said, "People like this shouldn't be like this. Their logistics support is better than that of Delta.

And he is dangerous and should not be released into society..."

When Olivia heard this, she grabbed Medical Officer Bird's hand and said anxiously: "Sir, you mean Ronnie was once a soldier?"

Medical Officer Bird nodded and said, "She should be one of the best soldiers!"

After hearing this, Olivia said excitedly: “Then can you ask the Military Services Department for me?

The doctor just now said that if a craniotomy was performed, Ronnie might return to normal.

Sir, my husband was a soldier, but he died in Afghanistan. Ronnie has always taken care of our family, but it was different after he came back three years ago...

I don't know what happened, but Ronnie was in pain every day and often had conflicts with people. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled bitterly and said, "There is something wrong with your understanding of the word 'conflict'..."

After hearing this, Olivia waved her hands and said: "No, no, no, Ronnie has never been like this before. In the past, he only subdued people, and rarely suffered, well, at most it was only minor injuries...

I don't know what happened to him today? "

Forman, who had been lying on the hospital bed, whispered: "Mom, Uncle Ronnie didn't take any medicine today. He ran out of medicine, so he drank a lot early in the morning."

After hearing this, Olivia sat down by the bed in frustration. Just when she was about to cry, Qiao Jia waved her hands to this shrewd woman and said, "Don't cry..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took out a stack of twenty bills from his body, threw it to Olivia, and said: "No crying from now on!

Treat this money as a salary advanced to you, and you can pay it back to me in monthly installments. "

Olivia made a 'ouch' sound, rushed towards Boss Qiao, hugged him and kissed him hard, and said while crying: "Thank you, thank you, you are an angel sent by God, thank you, boss!"

Qiao Jia struggled to push Olivia away, glared at the unqualified bodyguard Ayou, and then said irritably: "If you want to buy medicine, go quickly. I have to rest for a while. There are still a large number of reporters waiting for me downstairs. .

Shit, how did this happen to me? "

Seeing Olivia running out of the ward happily, Medical Officer Bird said to Qiao Jia: "Boss, what should I do with this guy?"

Qiao Jia thought about what the 'traditional Chinese doctor' said just now. He touched his chin and said: "When you said 'tracker', I became a little curious. Let him do an examination here and see if he can perform surgery." ?

Find Val'kyr and get him a medical loan agreement to sign. You can't just let it go after beating me...

If he's so awesome, then let him work for me for a few years to pay off the debt! "

Medical Officer Bird listened and nodded, saying: "Such a guy is a little troublesome, but it should be worth it.

I also really want to know what happened to him to prevent him from going to the "tracker" commander after he was injured...

These guys have great pensions..."

Qiao Jia is also very interested in this Ronnie now. Such masters are really rare. If there is a chance, he should let him work for him.

Qiao Jia waved his hand to the Medical Officer Bird to find the doctor, then stood up, straightened his clothes, and said to Ayou: "Stay here, the Medical Officer Bird, let's go down and meet the reporters..."

Ayew nodded, made a chop at the neck of Dorian, who had a bad image, and then grinned, calling the Spurs and the others to follow the boss and take the elevator down to the first floor.

Presbyterian Hospital has a special press center. When Qiao Jia walked into the press center, he heard a series of "click" and "click" sounds, and the large flash lights made his eyes a little dazzled.

Seeing several photographers carrying cameras to film him from multiple angles, Qiao Jia waved his hand to signal them not to get too close to him, and then walked up to the podium amidst the boos of some reporters...

Qiao Jia, who has long been accustomed to big scenes, patted the microphone on the podium. After hearing the "Puff" sound, he spread his hands and said: "Guys, I'm here!

If you want to know anything, you can ask now..."

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, a white female reporter stood up and said loudly: "What are your thoughts on the New Jersey tragedy that happened six days ago?

P·B's excessive use of force resulted in hundreds of injuries. What do you want to say to those injured? "

Qiao Jia knew as soon as she heard this that this reporter was an 'undercover' on her side. She was trying to lead the topic with questions...

Although it is not appropriate to use 'tragedy' to define the battle six days ago, it can make this white reporter as close to the black group as possible and make them feel as if he is speaking for them.

Everyone now knows not to antagonize black people on issues of public opinion.

They claim to be a vulnerable group, and they have suffered such a big loss, so there is definitely no benefit in trying to force them out.

Qiao Jia shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and after the silence below, he said seriously: "I think it was indeed a tragedy, but it was a tragedy that never happened.

I prevented a planned terrorist attack, rescued a dozen children, and recovered several powerful bombs.

You ask me what I think?

Well let me tell you, I am so proud of my guys!

They did a great job! "

Joe's words angered a group of black reporters. A black female reporter with carefully styled hair stood up and shouted: "You executioner, where do you put the black people you hurt?

Would you still do this if the fighting was happening in a white neighborhood?

There are still more than a dozen people lying in the hospital, don't you have the slightest apology?

Many people think you have serious racial discrimination, and now some organizations are preparing to join forces to sue you. Do you have any thoughts? "

Qiao Jia looked at this black female reporter who looked like an elite. He shook his head and said: "Madam, I think you have misunderstood my behavior...

When I shot those people, they were not black people in my eyes, but enemies!

You want the 'racist' hat to be placed on my head, but you're bound to be disappointed.

If you really know me, you should know that I have many industries in Central Africa, and my industries have helped tens of thousands of black people find employment.

Hundreds of thousands of black people in Sangha Town, Ndele, and Nova City have benefited from my industry.

One of my closest old friends, who is also black, is responsible for keeping my girlfriend and future children safe.

My bodyguard is a black woman, her name is King Kong, and we have been through life and death together many times! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the female reporter who wanted to speak, waved his hand and said: "I put my life and the lives of my family in the hands of black people, and then you say that I discriminate against black people?

The characteristic of racists is their dislike and rejection of people of color. If you can't even understand this, I don't think you are worthy of being a reporter.

Of course, if you think black people in America and black people in Afika are not the same thing, then I don’t think there is any room for communication with you.

You want to sue me, no problem, I can put off paying for those black people who are hospitalized and we can wait for the court ruling and see what I should pay? "

After speaking, Qiao Jia looked at the reporters below and started making noise again. He smiled and waved his hands and said: "Wait until I finish speaking, and then you will ask questions...

The first reporter friend asked me what I wanted to say to those who were injured, and the second reporter asked me if I felt sorry...

Let me tell you, I won't feel sorry!

If I want to say something to those who were injured, then I can only express regret because they did inappropriate actions at an inappropriate time, inappropriate place...

Guys, make no mistake, P·B is fighting against terrorism and protecting your safety, but as for those injured, they are protecting those terrorists...

People in P·B are all soldiers. We are not responsible for investigating cases, let alone judging what happened to those people. When faced with a mission, our first choice is always to knock them down.

I can tell you responsibly that if the same situation happened again, even if it happened on Wall Street or the Upper East Side, I would make the same choice.

P·B is a private contracting company. Our duty is to execute the contract. It doesn't matter to us whether the target is black or white! "

As Qiao Jia looked at the black female reporter who looked like an elite, he smiled and said: "I bet you don't even want to set foot in that community...

Originally I wanted to bear the medical expenses of all the innocent injured people, but now I have changed my mind.

I want you to live in it, and for every day you live there, I will pay for one person's medical expenses.

Ladies, now is your time to prove your responsibility!

You don’t want your compatriots to be robbed of ‘surprise bills’ from the emergency department, do you? "

Black female journalists………

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