Qiao Jia received the message from Thompson...

The message showed that Anna, who had escaped from prison, had contacted Yuri, and she was now waiting for the vehicle to pick her up.

Qiao Jia's current task is to rush over and follow Anna when she gets into the response vehicle.

Now there is a positioning chip in Anna's body and special communication software in her mobile phone. If the other party is not careful enough, Qiao Jia can even monitor the other party's conversation all the way.

In the worst case scenario, there is Thompson behind to guide him to the target location, which can ensure that Boss Qiao can follow them from a distance without being discovered.

Boss Joe, who was in a great mood, drove across two streets and then stopped in a roadside driveway.

Through the one-way car window, Qiao Jia could clearly see Anna dressed in black standing on the roadside 50 meters away, carrying a large bag, looking very anxious.

Qiao Jia realized that someone might be watching her nearby...

Sure enough, after waiting for less than 15 minutes, a truck about 30 meters away from Anna suddenly opened its door. Two strong men got out of the truck and walked onto the sidewalk, approaching Anna slowly from the inside.

Just when they were about 15 meters away from Anna, a Cadillac SUV turned into the street and drove quickly in front of Anna.

Just when Anna bent down and tried to check whether the people in the car were the ones who came to pick her up, two strong men who approached quietly stepped forward and took Anna hostage. As they put her into the car, a needle pierced her her neck.

When Qiao Jia watched the Cadillac go out more than ten meters, a damaged mobile phone was thrown out of the car window. He smashed it in his mouth and started the car and slowly drove into the driveway...

Qiao Jia felt that he was not professional enough, so he contacted Thompson and began to follow him from a distance under his guidance.

After following for about an hour, Qiao Jia finally began to realize what Thompson meant by ‘boring’.

The other party acted very cautiously. They wandered several times between the Bronx and Manhattan, illegally using one-way lanes several times to make sure no one was following them. Finally, they turned east and headed toward New Haven along the highway. The direction drove past.

Qiao Jia originally thought that this kind of work would be exciting, but reality made him understand that any work-related work was not interesting.

That is to say, Boss Qiao has someone to guide him from behind. Otherwise, just driving for 5 hours and not being able to get out of the car, eat, or even go to the toilet would completely consume his patience.

Until 4 p.m., Cadillac entered a farm at the foot of a mountain in Connecticut.

Qiao Jia drove to a stop about one kilometer away from the farm in a straight line.

When he confirmed that there were no vehicles passing by, Qiao Jia easily put the car into the space.

Then he put on a tactical backpack and quickly entered the woods on the roadside.

The woods in North America are much gentler than the tropical rainforests in Afika. Qiao Jia has been following Kaman for a long time, so he can naturally find the right direction in the woods.

He still couldn't navigate the forest like a fish in water like those jungle ghosts, but he had almost mastered the basic skills of finding a way and covering his tracks.

After walking in the woods for a while, Qiao Jia slowly found a rhythm. The boredom caused by the previous tracking completely disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented feeling of freedom.

Qiao Jia chose to stay alone in the United States because he actually wanted to temporarily get rid of the constraints and release his own nature...

The change in status made Boss Qiao more and more important, but it also slowly caused him to lose his freedom.

It seemed particularly enjoyable to be hugged and hugged wherever he went, but it made him lose some of the fun that belongs to ordinary people.

For example, a simple act of bravery last night allowed him to obtain a valuable harvest.

If this were normal times, this kind of thing would never happen.

In the past period of time, Qiao Jia didn't mind on the surface, but in fact he had been suppressing his inner impulses.

In fact, everyone felt it, so they let him have his way for a while.

Because as long as Boss Qiao is in the dark, the danger to the United States is really not high for him.

After wandering around in the woods for half an hour, Qiao Jia quickly reached the vicinity of the farm.

He climbed a tree and observed...

The security inside the farm was not tight. There were two gunmen at the front entrance of the wooden house, and four cars were parked in front of the barn. The five gunmen in black suits wandering around the barn didn't look particularly nervous.

Qiao Jia saw that those cars included the Cadillac that picked up Anna. He confirmed that he had found the right place. After landing, he turned around and entered the woods again.

This time he went around to the back door of the farm cabin, chose a relatively secluded place 300 meters away from the cabin and lay down. He took out the new gun he made and placed it on the ground, then put a camouflage cloth on his body.

At this time, Anna was sitting on a chair in the living room of the wooden house, slowly waking up from her coma...

The first time Anna opened her eyes, she saw a middle-aged man wearing glasses holding a detector and shaking it on her body.

Just when the middle-aged bespectacled man's hand passed her chest for the third time, Anna suddenly stood up and hit the bespectacled man on the nose with a fierce headbutt...

Then, at the moment when the man with glasses groaned and retreated, Anna, who had slightly lost her balance, raised her legs. At the moment when she lost her balance, she reached out to grab a pool table next to her. She landed heavily on her feet and sat down again.

When the angry man with glasses dropped the detector in his hand and wanted to get angry, an ordinary-looking middle-aged Russian who always had a smile on his face stopped him...

"Oleg, don't be too rude. It will not be easy for our Anna to escape."

Anna looked at the middle-aged Russian in front of her and said angrily: "Yuri, is this how you treat your own people?

Give me a sedative, then what?

Where's the Veritaserum, I need to get my head spinning now because you've gotten me into huge trouble..."

Yuri walked to the pool table, leaned on it, picked up a glass of vodka and handed it to Anna, then he raised the glass and touched it with her, saying: "This is our professional risk.

You can never be too cautious in our line of work, right? "

Anna looked coldly at Yuri, who always had a smile on his face, she drank the vodka in one gulp, and then said in a deep voice: "Eric is not dead, I am in big trouble now, and I need to leave the United States.

Yuri, give me the money that belongs to me, and I will leave with my daughter..."

Yuri took a sip of vodka, shook his head and said, "$800,000 is not enough to support your future life...

Tell me what you told them after you were captured?

I have to know my current situation. Those big guys are not willing to answer my calls now. I need some clear information and then decide what should I do in the future? "

Ana was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said: "You were abandoned?"

Yuri nodded slightly and said: "If things are really bad, then I have indeed been abandoned.

It's a career risk, I accept it, and I have a backup plan.

But first I need to know just how bad my situation is..."

Anna looked at Yuri with a sneer and said: "Is it possible that I can escape from prison, but you have the feeling that P·B is nothing more than this?

But you may not have thought that there is no need for me to confess at all. P·B has already regarded you as a target.

They haven't terminated their contract with the Department of Homeland Security. They are just waiting for an opportunity to lock in your position and then destroy you.

Yuri, if I were you, I wouldn't take any chances. The people in P·B are not agents, they are soldiers, and they have only one way to solve problems.

That jackal is a bellicose lunatic. If you touch his people, he will hunt you to the ends of the earth.

Harold is the best example. He was once a 'big shot', but what happened..."

Yuri was silent for a moment and said: "I have seen the photos, Harold's intestines were pulled out, and it was while he was alive!

This is a warning!

It was because of this that I decided to leave New York temporarily. "

Yuri looked at Anna and said, "Anna, do you think there is really no room for slowdown between me and P·B?

In fact, I have a lot of useful things in my hands. Maybe they are interested in these? "

Anna paused for a while, looked at Yuri with a strange expression, and said, "Do you want to reconcile with P·B?"

"why not?"

Anna shook her head with a strange expression and said: "Yuri, the boss of P·B is not a simple businessman.

If he was thinking about making money, then he would never lead people into Howard's estate.

All I want now is to get my money and leave the United States with my children.

I hope you can follow your promise, forget what I have done, and stop looking for me..."

Yuri looked at the cold-looking Anna, he smiled and shook his head and said: "You killed the son of the Russian gang leader Kadrich, you know how vindictive that guy is.

In order to find the murderer of his son, Kadrić made an offer of 10 million euros.

What you have done for me is too little to compensate for the cost of keeping your secret. "

As he spoke, Yuri looked at Anna's suddenly very ugly expression. He smiled, picked up the wine bottle and poured Anna a glass again, and said, "Well, you do one last thing for me, and I will forget your past." , giving you and your daughter a chance to live a normal life."

After hearing this, Anna shook her head with a cold face and said, "What if you don't fulfill your promise?"

Yuri shook his head and said: "I don't have enough manpower now, so I need your help.

I trust your judgment on P·B, so I decided to leave the United States temporarily.

But before I leave, I need to get enough 'compensation'!

Lahiri had some deals with the Shah. She used her connections to get the Shah's government to transport 20 tons of gold belonging to them back to the country. The people in charge of escorting it were people from the Halliburton Company.

This transaction was confidential, and I happened to know their route of action.

I have a complete plan, but I lack someone to execute it..."

As Yuri looked at Anna's shocked expression, he smiled and said: "Of course there are risks in this matter, but as long as you finish it for me, you will be free.

How about it? Do we make a deal? "


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