From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 796 A tough battle

The people of P·B fought a professional infantry-armor coordinated battle...

Team A follows the battle, the 'Anteater' attacks from the flank, and the Humvee suppresses it with heavy firepower...

Coupled with the terrifying wave of flames ahead, the few remaining terrorists finally chose to escape.

Lying on the ground like a dog, crawling on all fours using the cover of vegetation, trying with all his strength to escape the attack.

There is no such thing as counterattack. Dozens of companions have used their lives to tell the remaining people that as long as they stand up, they will die.

400 meters, the distance between the two sides is really too close...

The terrorists originally wanted to bring in the Humvee convoy to fight, but ended up getting themselves involved.

The skillful cooperation and toughness shown by P·B made the terrorists extremely desperate!

In the past, the mainstream attack tactic in the world was the coordination of infantry and tanks, but now it may also include air-ground coordination of helicopters and drones.

In fact, with the development of drones, helicopters may gradually withdraw from the main battlefield.

The US-Russian infantry-tank coordination is led by a heavy tank, followed by an infantry fighting vehicle, with a group of 6 to 8 infantrymen to form a tactical team.

When encountering a target, the tanks are responsible for frontal strikes, and the infantry fighting vehicles release the infantry in a safe position, allowing them to move around to the flanks or rely on armor to attack.

In most terrains, as long as the enemy does not have anti-tank means, this tactic is basically unsolvable.

However, this style of play is something that only those international military buddies can consider.

Tanks are nothing to today's P·B, but for Boss Qiao, tanks have poor mobility and are too difficult to deliver.

With artillery and air force cover, Boss Qiao and the others could walk sideways in most hot spots as long as they could coordinate with personnel and armored vehicles in the small scenes they faced.

After this series of offensives, the morale of the personnel on the outer edge of Isis terrorists has been destroyed.

During the next kilometer or so, Qiao Jia and the others encountered no obstacles and arrived at the outskirts of the village smoothly.

When the Humvee convoy arrived, the fighting in the village became increasingly tense.

The reaction of Isis people exceeded Boss Qiao’s expectations...

At this stage, this group of terrorists had no choice but to disperse and flee.

Instead, they concentrated all their manpower to attack the village, hoping to kill Sanderson and the others, and then relied on the village's bunkers and hostages to defend, waiting for support from those on the periphery.

Maybe they even think they can eat the people who come to support them!

This level of fighting will has exceeded 80% of the world's armies!

Anyway, if the American army suffered such heavy losses, they would definitely collapse!

When Qiao Jia arrived, the outskirts of the village had already been lost...

As a series of bullets hit the body of the leading Humvee, Qiao Jia hurriedly hid behind the car, letting the convoy fight back while pressing the communicator to start calling...

"This is A1, Pioneer. How is the situation there?"

Sanderson stood at the window of a small house, bravely raised his gun and fired a few bullets through the window, pushing back a group of terrorists...

Hearing his boss's voice, Sanderson was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the edge of his left hand, which had lost a piece of flesh after being chewed by terrorists during the close encounter. He smiled bitterly and said: "This is B1, boss. , how is our situation?

Shit, these terrorists are crazy..."

As he spoke, Sanderson pulled out a piece of gauze and wrapped it a few times on his left hand. Then he heard the movement outside and threw the last grenade out without hesitation...

The banging grenade pushed the terrorists back again. Sanderson took the opportunity to look outside, and then said with a wry smile: "Boss, we have to continue to shrink inward. The enemy has probably established a defense line on the outside.

Don't rush in, we can probably hold on for a while...

But don’t take too long, I think the hemostatic forceps will no longer be able to hold on..."

Jorgia could hear Sanderson's fatigue...

The offensive and defensive battle in such complex terrain was actually fought like this, which shows that they were under tremendous pressure.

Of course, the main reason is that there are too many enemies, a lot of heavy firepower, and they are very ferocious. This situation is what special forces hate the most...

There is no room for detours, no heavy firepower, no air cover, just a simple fight. The difference between special forces and ordinary armies may be that one exchanges for many.

Understanding Sanderson's situation, Qiao Jia called again...

"This is A1, calling 'Knife' and 'Sir', where are you?"

Following Qiao Jia's call, the two teams quickly responded...

‘Crow’: “This is J1, which is still 2 kilometers away from the target village. We will take a detour to the west side of the village and try to enter.”

‘Cerberus’: “This is K1, we are on the south side of the village, ready to enter at any time.”

After hearing the two people's replies, Joga opened the back cover of the Humvee and said to the pliers: "Release the switchblade 600 to ensure that Sanderson and the others have cover at all times."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked directly ahead, which was the firepower point established by the enemy on the west side of the town. He said to Ayu: "King Kong, there is an automatic grenade launcher in the car. Go get it. We will set up a position nearby and blow them up." …”

After speaking, Qiao Jia glanced at the 'Spider' beside him, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm going to be a father, and I won't mess around.

The roads inside the village are too narrow for Hummers to pass through.

I stayed on the outside while the men took the 'anteater' around to the north of the village.

The terrain there is difficult and there are not many enemies. I want you to bring enough ammunition to help Sanderson and the others in their defense. "

As Joga spoke, a large-caliber bullet grazed the side of a Humvee and hit the ground.

Qiao Jia was startled by the splashing mud, and then he waved and shouted: "Turn all the cars over to establish a defensive line, FUCK, they want to fight, we will fight with them.

The convoy is responsible for attracting the enemy's attention and creating opportunities for others to sneak in. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia ran for a few steps as the Hummer started to move, then suddenly turned and rushed towards a car that was originally behind it. He opened the door and pulled out a box containing Barrett...

"'Elephant', there is a 60mm mortar in the car, go and take it out..."

Dorian clearly heard Qiao Jia's order on the noisy battlefield. He decisively called on the Spurs, Orange Cats, and Blowing Darts for help, and quickly took out a 60mm mortar and two boxes from a vehicle. ammunition.

Medical Officer Bird didn't know when he touched Qiao Jia's back. He glanced at the 'anteaters' who were loading ammunition into their backpacks, and then said to Qiao Jia: "Boss, I'll go north with them to stop the bleeding." The situation over there is very urgent..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shouted to 'Spider': "Spider, bring the medical bird..."

‘Spider’ held a huge backpack, weighed it, and then put it on his back.

Looking at the medical officer who was leaning towards him, he grinned and said, "Don't fall behind, I don't really like saving people..."

As he spoke, 'Spider' waved to the 'Anteaters' who had already prepared themselves, and the team quickly separated from the convoy and entered the grassland.

At the same time, the Humvee convoy that had been lined up horizontally began to open fire with full force, covering the actions of the 'Anteater' team.

'Dong dong dong...'

'Dong dong dong...'

The 12.7mm bullet fired by the M2 greeted the enemy's position with a terrifying roar.

Occasionally, someone unlucky enough would be hit by a bullet, and a large cloud of blood would rise up.

Qiao Jia set up Barrett and lay on the back wheel of a Humvee. Through the scope, he saw a large number of terrorists moving behind the bunker also built with vehicles. He decisively pulled the trigger...

A guy standing on the back of a pickup truck operating a heavy machine gun was hit in the waist by a bullet...

Barrett's bullet made a huge gap in the guy's waist, and then messy things flowed out.

The distance between the two sides is now about 800 meters, and the power of automatic rifles can no longer keep up. Machine gun fire at each other has become the main means of attack.

Isis does not have many heavy machine guns, and some of them were dismantled and sent to the villages for use as offensive weapons.

In the first round of exchanges of shots between the two sides, Isis suffered a big loss.

There were not enough manpower for the other side, and when they realized that they would suffer a loss if they fired at each other, they gave up the front and opened up the battle line. At the same time, dozens of people began to circle sideways, trying to attack the convoy from the side.

And when Qiao Jia killed the second machine gunner, a mortar was actually fired from the opposite side...

"call out……"


The 60mm mortar exploded about 100 meters behind Qiao Jia and the others.

Everyone knows that the first shot is a test shot, and the second shot is the official attack.

Qiao Jia couldn't see this direct fire point, and Dorian and the others were still assembling mortars, and it would take a few minutes to counterattack, so he shouted to Ayu: "King Kong, direction 12 o'clock, covering fire, suppression them……"

Ayo placed the heavy automatic grenade gun on the engine of a Humvee, and then decisively pressed the firing button...


Fifty rounds of 40mm grenades were poured into the rear of the Isis position within one minute.

After firing the grenade, Ayu turned around and squatted down while holding the grenade launcher. He used the engine of the vehicle to withstand a wave of fierce concentrated fire. Then he quickly put on a ammunition box, bent down and ran a few steps before lying on the Humvee. From behind the car, they fired at the opponent again...


At the same time, one of the four switchblades hovering in the sky began to dive downward.

After the "boom" explosion, the 'pliers' sitting with their backs against the wheels shouted loudly: "The mortar has been knocked out, FUCK, there is heavy firepower from the side, be careful to hide..."

Qiao Jia had climbed to the front wheel of the first Humvee at this time. When he saw the so-called heavy firepower of the 'pliers', he couldn't help but take a breath...

Several people pushing a Bofors cannon with wheels appeared in his field of vision...

Qiao Jia decisively aimed at the opponent, only to find that the person pushing the cannon was actually a member of the 'Knife Squad'.

Seeing the machine gunner above turning his gun to shoot, Qiao Jia shouted loudly: "Don't fight, that's one of our own..."

The machine gunner was stunned for a moment, deflected the muzzle of his gun and launched an attack at the black spot in the distance that was trying to detour.

Just when Qiao Jia was about to call the 'Cerberus', he heard this guy's voice coming from the communicator...

"Boss, we have 40 rounds of ammunition. After we finish shooting, you can cover us..."

Let's deal with those roundabout enemies and protect the flanks of the convoy..."

Qiao Jia was extremely satisfied with the 'Sharp Knife' team at the moment. 'Cerberus' had a very clear mind and knew when to do the most beneficial thing.


Without hesitation, he agreed to the 'Cerberus' suggestion and asked them to open fire.

"Dong dong dong..."

The large-caliber Bofors cannon opened fire, and this big thing launched an attack on the terrorist convoy blocking the entrance to the village with a rhythm of four rounds at a time.

Those pickup trucks and trucks were like paper in front of 40mm ammunition, and were easily penetrated.

Qiao Jia didn't know how many people had been killed by forty rounds of bullets, but the firing frequency from the opposite side had dropped.

Through the scope, he saw the Cerberus and the others turning around and running after firing the shells. Qiao Jia looked back at Dorian and the others who were ready, and said loudly: "Test the cannon..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pressed the communicator and shouted: "Sanderson, put out smoke bombs to mark your position..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia stared at the scope again...


After the bullet flew for a moment, it missed the body of a roundabout terrorist, grazed his shoulder and shot into the distance...

Qiao Jia, who was never quite used to this kind of ultra-long-distance shooting, smacked his mouth in displeasure, then tried hard to calm down and aim again...


The target was not missed this time...

At the same time, Dorian, who was in charge of the mortar, also opened fire...




There is no process of testing the gun at all...

There are unmanned airships in the sky and intelligent computing tools in hand, which together form a simple fire control radar system.

Three consecutive mortars exploded in the Isis position...

Feeling that most of the opponent's counterattack had disappeared, Dorian pressed the communicator and shouted: "'Horns,' are you still alive?

I also want to see you tossing 'Iceman' and his other lunatics, but don't die..."

The communication channel was quiet for a few seconds, and then 'Niujiao' said feebly: "Then you have to hurry up, I'm injured...

Maybe it’s the effect of morphine, but I always feel like the Icemen want to strangle me..."

When 'Horn' was talking, another voice shouted loudly: "FUCK YOU 'Horn', wake up, I'm giving you a blood transfusion.

If you dare to move again, I will shoot you in the head..."

‘Ox Horn’’s consciousness was already a little blurry, and he said vaguely: “Oh, ‘Water Ghost’, do you have any infectious diseases?”

The Danish 'Water Ghost' shouted angrily: "Are you fucking stupid? Wake up, don't sleep, I'm saving your life..."

'Niujiao' said in a vague tone: "Oh, you are not sick. Fortunately, I am..."

‘Water Ghost’: “What the hell…”

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