From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 119 The British Counterattack

On the afternoon of April 1, 1770, two hours had passed since Lawrence launched his coup.

After Lawrence successfully obtained the legal principles for succeeding the governor from the parliament, the next thing to do was to restore order in the governor's palace. After all, Lawrence did not want to inherit a chaotic Corsica.

For the MPs except Carlo, although they had already expressed their surrender to him, Lawrence still temporarily placed them under house arrest in the Governor's Palace to avoid causing trouble.

Because Lawrence also knew that what really made the congressmen surrender were the swords in the hands of those patrolmen.

Once they are allowed to leave the Governor's Palace, who knows whether they will tear off the disguise of obedience and plot some intrigues when Lawrence has just come to power and his foundation is unstable.

As for Paulie, Lawrence also placed him under house arrest.

Although the founder of the Republic of Corsica had lost all power, for Lawrence, he could still serve as a symbolic mascot to enhance the legitimacy of his successor as governor-general.

However, among the people in the auditorium, the one who troubled Lawrence the most was William Pitt, who had been almost silent from beginning to end.

The former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of England, the noble Earl of Tatum, was the only one against whom Lawrence could not force force unless Corsica was ready for a full-scale war with England.

Of course, this does not mean that Lawrence is ready to release Peter directly. After all, this is a highly valuable hostage.

Therefore, Lawrence still placed Pitt in his residence in the Governor's Palace and sent people to guard it closely, preparing to turn it into a political bargaining chip in the future.

When order in the Governor's Palace was gradually restored, there was also an uproar in the city of Ajaccio.

Governor Paoli resigned, and Laurence Bonaparte was appointed by Parliament as the new Governor.

This news instantly ignited the whole of Ajaccio, and there was a discussion on this topic in the streets and alleys of the city.

If Lawrence's patrolmen hadn't personally announced this fact to the citizens, no one would have taken this fantastical news seriously, and would have just regarded it as some idiot suffering from hysteria.

“Oh my God, Governor Pauley is going to resign suddenly.”

"Did you see the notice posted by the patrols? It said that Governor Pauli resigned because of what happened to Haled."

"Alas, this incident about Harad is indeed Governor Pauli's fault. It is said that after Harad was thrown out of the Governor's Mansion just now, he was beaten to death in the blink of an eye."

"But it is Mr. Bonaparte who succeeds Governor Paoli. This is reasonable. Although Mr. Bonaparte is young, his ability is beyond doubt."

Civilians were whispering to each other on the street. Although they all showed shocked expressions after hearing the news, after thinking about it carefully, they did not feel that this was a negative change.

In the eyes of ordinary citizens, with Lawrence's prestige and ability, he will take the position of governor sooner or later. Now, this time has just been advanced.

Even in the eyes of some young Corsicans, Pauli, who has lived in the palace for a long time, is as unfamiliar to them as a stranger. On the contrary, Lawrence, who is close to the people, can win their support more.

Although a small number of citizens questioned Lawrence's qualifications and abilities, for the vast majority of citizens, Lawrence's ascension did not give them a pessimistic view.

However, not all the forces in Ajaccione welcomed Lawrence's rise to power.

At this moment, in the port of Ajaccio, the Reason is moored at the pier.

"Sigh, I don't know what's going on with Mr. Peter."

In the captain's cabin, Captain Morris was lying boredly on the oak chair, looking at Ajaccio through the porthole, quietly waiting for news from Lord Pitt.

As long as this treaty is successfully passed by the Corsican Parliament, Lord Peter's mission will be completed and he will finally be able to leave this remote country.

"It's really weird."

Captain Morris, who had been waiting for a long time, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Logically speaking, the parliament had ended for three hours, but he had not received any news from Lord Pitt.

"Your Excellency, Peter was not drunk at the banquet, was he?"

Captain Morris scratched his head, stood up from his chair in confusion, pushed open the hatch and walked to the deck to get some air.

When the sailors saw Captain Morris coming to the deck, they quickly followed military regulations and immediately stopped what they were doing to salute Captain Morris. They continued what they were doing after getting Morris's nod of permission.

Captain Morris stretched out, lying on the side of the ship and looking casually towards the pier below.

However, after just looking around for a moment, the astute Captain Morris soon discovered something strange on the dock.

I saw that the dock workers who were usually busy at work did not show any signs of anxiety at this moment.

Even though there were piles of goods waiting to be moved on the dock, they gathered in small groups like no one else, standing on the dock and discussing something loudly.

It seemed like the things they were discussing were far more important than the unfinished business.

Just when Captain Morris was a little confused about the strange thing in front of him, he suddenly heard a rapid voice from behind him:

"Report! Captain Morris! There seems to be something going on in Ajaxori."

Captain Morris turned around and saw a sailor who had just returned from the dock. He stood at attention, looking very panicked.

"What's the situation?" Captain Morris asked with a frown. Suddenly, he thought of Lord Pitt, who had no news so far, and suddenly felt a bad premonition.

"I just asked the workers on the dock."

The sailor's expression was ugly. After a brief salute to Captain Morris, he said directly:

"It is said that just now, the Governor of Corsica, Paoli, took the blame and resigned, and a man named Laurence Bonaparte came to power."

"Governor Pauli resigns after taking the blame?"

Captain Morris looked at the sailor in front of him in disbelief, confirmed with him again that he was right, and then couldn't help but pat his forehead.

Captain Morris would never believe that Pasquale Paoli would take the blame and resign.

Pauli was only half a step away from the title he dreamed of, so how could he resign at this critical juncture? !

Captain Morris bit his lip tightly when he thought of this. He was completely sure that this was a sudden coup.

"damn it!"

Captain Morris suddenly cursed and punched the side of the ship.

Captain Morris didn't care at all whether the treaty between Pitt and Pauli was successfully passed. All he cared about was the safety of Lord Pitt.

As the top officer on this visit to Corsica, he is directly responsible for William Pitt's personal safety. Once a big man like Pitt makes any mistake in Corsica, Captain Morris will not be able to escape the military court after returning home. of trial.

When he thought of this, Captain Morris suddenly lost his composure and quickly planned in his mind how to rescue Lord Pitt:

"Is it impossible to negotiate with that Bonaparte? As a captain, I am not qualified to negotiate with him on behalf of England. Or paying a ransom is not enough. Even if I sell the Reasonable, I can't afford to redeem Lord Pitt."

After rejecting several ideas in succession, Captain Morris also knew that the only thing left for him was the most radical plan.

Captain Morris took out the muster whistle and put it into his mouth, blowing all the air in his lungs into the whistle with all his strength, and suddenly a loud and harsh whistle sounded.

All the sailors who heard the whistle hurriedly dropped what they were doing. Even Nelson, a well-connected person, hurried to the upper deck as quickly as possible to assemble.

Captain Morris looked at the neatly arranged sailors in front of him with a stern face, and said directly:

"Our beloved Lord Pitt was attacked by a despicable usurper while attending Parliament with Governor Paoli. It is a great disgrace to the Kingdom of England and our Royal Navy that his life or death is now uncertain. Therefore, I order all sailors Attack the Governor's Palace in Ajaccio, search for Monsignor Pitt, and wash away our shame with Corsican blood!"

Thanks to the "Luoshu Binu" book friend for your reward and support!

Thanks to the book friends of "Bingzha K", "Floating Life 66", "I dare you to be wanton here", "Luo Shubi Slave", "Feng Ling Yuxiu" and "Stony Nicholas" for their monthly ticket support!

Thank you very much

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