From Refuge To Doomsday

Chapter 137: Entering the Game

Haimer coughed, and said calmly: "Boss Sanger, the Eastern Wilderness is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Red Ridge Corps, and our Chamber of Commerce has successfully taken over here. We now have half of the jurisdiction of the ice hockey rink."

"Oh oh oh!" Sanger was stunned, and he said with a smile: "Look at my memory, I almost forgot. Originally, the Red Ridge Corps basically didn't make much use of this place."

Yu Guo said calmly: "They are useless, but we value them very much. After all, today's Eastern Wilderness is different from the past. Our chamber of commerce has already begun to open a warehouse and market here."

"Is that so? That's very good! Does this mean that your point coins can also be used?"

"Well, our market only accepts point coins, and we can only barter for foreign transactions. After all, our market first faces our own people. There is no way to give priority to our own people's material needs. Although it is It's a bit far away, but at least they are people from the Eastern Wilderness."

When Yu Guo said this with a smile, Sanger understood the consequences of this matter. Once the point currency is implemented here, people from Bai Xuecheng will quickly enter the area controlled by Yu Guo, and the entire ice hockey rink is almost The result is under control.

Of course, he doesn't care whether Yu Guo actually controls the ice rink, not even Snow White.

Because the ice hockey rink doesn't mean much to her at all.

She looked down on the Eastern Wilderness, and if the ice rink was handed over to Yu Guo, she thought it was very important that Sanger would have a place to use point coins and buy things from Yu Guo and the others.

After all, there are too many materials produced in the Eastern Wilderness, which are all they need.

Especially recently, more and more merchants came out of the Eastern Wilderness, and their products became more and more abundant, which made him already interested in the Eastern Wilderness.

"Then... if our oil accepts your point currency exchange, I would like to know how this point currency is priced for us?

Yu Guo chuckled, and said very calmly: "Mr. Sanger, how can money price your commodities? Every commodity reflects its own current market value and economic value."

"But how do you set your prices?"

Haimo laughed, and he explained to Sanger with a smile on the side: "Boss Sanger, we only need to bind one resource, water."


"Yes! Water, clean groundwater. 100 milliliters of clean water is equivalent to the next point coin. According to this calculation, what else can't be calculated?"

"My God, you have bound the currency to water?! This is so genius!" Sanger looked at Yu Guo in astonishment. You must know that everyone drinks water every day, and pure water is hard currency. .

Therefore, it is very scary to directly use point coins to buy hard currency pure water.

Because it is impossible for people to extract a large amount of water for cash withdrawal at will, but they can buy water directly with currency at any time. Then this is the measurement of the basic binding, then the price of water fluctuates, and the integral coins in their hands are easy to measure.

"If that's the case, how about I exchange my crude oil with you for a large amount of point coins?"

Yu Guo smiled, and he said calmly: "I really don't consume much, how can I use it if you give me so much?"

Hearing this, Sanger hurriedly said: "One liter of water can be exchanged for twenty liters of crude oil. Our barrel of crude oil is one hundred liters, which is equivalent to the price of five liters of water. So, according to the original price , a bucket is 50 points per bucket, right?"

Yu Guo didn't deny it, he just looked at Sanger to see what he was going to say.

Sanger smiled and said, "I can give you twenty points a barrel!"

Yu Guo was really stunned, and he asked back, "Twenty points for a barrel?"

"Yes, twenty points for a barrel, but the premise is that you have to buy our weapons. And you have to ensure that we can buy things with you with point coins."

"Of course, it is strictly forbidden to refuse to accept point coins in the Eastern Wilderness. If any merchant dares to refuse you, you can simply detain all his goods. And I will help you get rid of him!"

When Yu Guo said this, Sanger's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Okay, for our future cooperation, I promise to help you with the weapons. You can do whatever you want."

"We have to talk about this slowly. It would be best if I could look at the type of weapon, and it would be best to have a reliable seller." When Yu Guo said this, Sanger laughed, and he asked back: "Isn't Snow White okay?"

"The current Queen of Snow White?"

"That's right, it's her. We can try to achieve this project, and if your point coins can really preserve their value and circulate, I think she is also willing to cooperate with you."

Yu Guo nodded, and he said calmly: "Don't worry about this, if the cooperation is successful in the future, I can even bind oil and points coins together!"

"Hahaha, good, good! It's a deal! You mean what you say?"

Haimer said very seriously from the side: "In the Eastern Wilderness, no one speaks more than he does!"

"Well, I like the kind of people who are willing to enjoy the dividends with their partners. From today onwards, you are my Sanger's friend."

Yu Guo stretched out his hand and said boldly, "Okay, Mr. Sanger. I'm committed to your friend too!"

Sanger was really excited. If he could really bind points coins, then his future development would be greatly improved. He would not need to collect supplies at all. As long as he had oil in his hand, he could exchange point coins. As long as the integral currency is bound to oil, the integral currency must be used to buy and sell oil, and he is equivalent to holding oil. And this integral coin is bound to non-polluted fresh water. This is equivalent to binding oil to fresh water in disguise.

The value of the currency is instantly guaranteed!

Why didn't he think of this method?

But having said that, the major forces in Snow White City are intricate and complicated. Once they start, they all want to bind, and they can't satisfy all of them, so it's easy to mess up.

On the contrary, if you are an outsider, their currency can play such a role. Their point currency is a self-contained system, and everyone can profit from trading with them, so it is not difficult to reconcile everyone's interests.

Sanger immediately arranged for someone to use a landline phone to contact Bai Xuecheng directly at the ice rink.

Yu Guo was not surprised to see that they had phones.

After all, he can have radios and telephones, Hongling City has them, how could they not?

It's just that the telephone lines are really stretched so far, but there are only a few telephones, which can make basic contact. It is absolutely impossible for modern mobile phones to talk at any time.

After Sanger's phone call to Snow White City, in the palace of Snow White City, a woman in a long white fur coat was looking at the accounts of this year's food supplies.

"Lack so much?"

"Well, there is a shortage of food in Steel City this year, and many merchants have taken away a large amount of food in our territory. There is also the Eastern Wilderness. Their business with us has decreased significantly this year. Obviously, all the food has been sent there. .”

The woman asked coldly: "Are they out of food? Are we going to starve?"

Just when she was about to lose her temper, someone hurried in from outside the hall and said, "Princess, Mr. Sanger called. He said that there is a big project, and he said that he has contacted the leader of the Eastern Wilderness, and he can contact us. A big deal."

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