Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 221: Rainstorm is coming

Wang Mingzheng saw Yun 20, and after he began to sow the seeds of Sasol, he went back to the building to develop the cloth meeting.

The reporters thought the press conference was over, and they all filmed the seeding of Yun 20 outside. Hear the host announce that the press conference will continue.

They all began to panic, and finally divided into two teams. Some people continued to shoot and film the seed of Shasuo, and some entered the building and continued to report on the press conference.

Zhang Zhi sat in his seat and entered the virtual world to see what netizens said about the incident.

Thousands of miles of ferry: "The country is magnifying, and another round of nature's ghost work has begun."

"The desert is ancient in ancient times, it was a wild forest or a forest. It is now a yellow sand. Only the country with a mad demon can execute this super project."

Otake: "I am just studying plants, and I am not good at learning, but it is also of a general level. If Shasuo has this function, I can't hear it. I only know Shuttle. This will not be a liar project."

Three-eyed dog: "I'm cheating, I won't go to the virtual space to check. Shasuo is a new plant developed by Xingyu Science and Technology Biological Laboratory. It is a product of genetic engineering."

Sodium chloride: "It is also a genetically modified product, knocking down the genetically modified gene and restoring the original ecology. We don't want Shasuo, the vast desert scene is so good. The desert is lonely and straight, and the sight of the long setting sun will be left to our children and grandchildren."

One meter of sunshine: "Some people know that it is wrong to spread it. I don't have any professional skills, and I like to point fingers at experts. I feel good about myself and think that experts are not as smart as me."

Professor Yan Dali: "This is not genetic modification, this is creating new life. This gap is the gap between bamboo dragonfly and helicopter."

"Regarding genetic modification, it has not been proven to have an effect on the human body, nor has it been proven to have no effect on the human body."

"For genetically modified products, we should support the country. We can oppose the genetic modification of others. We must support our own genetic modification."

Red carp: "This is Yun 20. How much does it cost to rent it? You should send someone to review it carefully."

Big Fat Rabbit: "When I see someone saying Yun 20, I don't want to think about it. The military has few planes. Will it be rented out? This is obviously the unified command of the upper level of the country."

Juno Ono: "I am a professor of plants at Waseda University. This is a big scam. There is no plant in the desert environment and it grows quickly."

Netizens unanimously replied: "Sit and wait for the face."

Zhang Zhi heard the host's voice ring and he exited the virtual world.

Zhang Zhi saw Li Lingqiu next to him, she also entered the virtual world and smiled very happy. Zhang Zhi let the robot take care of her. Zhang Zhi looked at the conference.

The host said a little embarrassedly: "The press conference will continue, please ask Team Leader Wang to look forward to the future of the oasis plan for us."

Wang Mingzheng said with a smile: "Shasuo's transformation of the soil is fast. There are sufficient water sources, and in three to five years, a desert will be transformed."

"When the desert becomes normal land, we are going to build an urban agglomeration here to drive the development of the entire western region. We are preparing to relocate people from economically underdeveloped mountainous areas and densely populated areas. We are going to build new cities."

Wang Mingzheng continued: "When Shasuo Lin is just formed, it will generate economic benefits. The twigs of Shasuo Lin, it is an excellent large-scale livestock feed. For the feed factory, please ask the Secretary of the autonomous region to answer."

The secretary of the autonomous region replied to everyone: "Thank you for the development of Inner Mongolia. We must focus on the development of animal husbandry. We established the Shasuo feed factory and sold ultra-low prices to herders."

"How low is it?" He smiled and said: "We can be one tenth lower than the market price of grass."

"Pastoralists who have their own pastures, we will also provide them with free seeds of Shasuo and let him seed them. The feed obtained is dozens of times that of pastures, and they can protect the environment."

Hearing his words, applause rang from the scene.

Wang Mingzheng summed up excitedly: "With the magical plant of Shasuo, we will definitely see the day when the desert turns into an oasis."

The host announced the end of the conference. If you have questions, go to the virtual world, where you can find all the answers.

The reporters retired, and they went out to find materials that could be interviewed.

Zhang Zhi saw Li Lingqiu still immersed in the virtual world, he sat here waiting for her.

Wang Mingzheng sent the officials of the autonomous region to leave. He returned to the building and saw that Zhang Zhi did not leave.

Wang Mingzheng was sitting next to Zhang Zhi and said, "Where is Mr. Zhang here with your wife? Your husband and wife are really capable."

Zhang Zhi said modestly: "The entire China Research Environment is good. We are also standing on the shoulders of our predecessors and the result of our joint efforts."

Wang Mingzheng said with emotion: "You and the national ministries and commissions jointly launched the artificial intelligence office system. The government will be much cheaper as soon as it goes online."

Zhang Zhi said happily: "Director Wang, this is what it should be. With artificial intelligence monitoring, there will be a lot less secret deals that can be reached."

Wang Mingzheng said happily: "Your system is really smart. The government departments are all connected to the network. In case of problems, the system will automatically report to the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate."

"This is a great deterrent to grass-roots personnel, grassroots officials have little power, and not much greed. But they are the first line of contact with the people, and the people feel very strong. Now the discipline inspection committees are much easier.

Zhang Zhi said with a smile: "The chairman didn't say that we should put the power in the cage of the system. Our intelligent system can only play a preventive and supervisory role."

Wang Mingzheng said with a smile: "The biggest deterrent to the big tiger is the quantum mobile phone. Some of them dare not buy quantum phones so far."

"The Party Central Committee is planning to perform important positions in the future. They must be subconsciously tested at the higher level departments. The bright side is to prevent spies ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When they are chatting, they hear the wind blowing outside and the sky is dark. It looks like it will rain soon.

Wang Mingzheng smiled and said: "Director Lan's prediction is true. This is going to rain. Now the seed has been sown. Just wait for it to germinate."

Zhang Zhi heard Wang Mingzheng's tone easier than usual, and his face also showed a happy smile, knowing that he was not as calm as the surface.

Wang Mingzheng and Zhang Zhi said goodbye, he was going to arrange personnel to do the safety work well.

Zhang Zhi saw that it was completely dark outside, and he awakened Li Lingqiu.

Li Lingqiu woke up and saw that the room was dark and lit the lights, showing a dumbfounded expression, and asked, "Brother Zhang, it's already late at night? I didn't feel that time passed so quickly."

Zhang Zhi saw Li Lingqiu's appearance, he immediately took a picture, and said with a smile: "Just now, it was a cloudy day, now it is going to rain."

At the same time Zhang Zhi spoke, the sky thundered thunderously, and the rain had already begun.

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu came to the building's accommodation area.

He saw a lot of reporters and experts who came back from the outside and returned to the accommodation area.

The organizer has someone special, counting their numbers. After knowing Zhang Zhi's identity, a service staff took them to the room.

The room is very neat and tidy, it's not big, only 20 square meters. There is only one double bed.

Zhang Zhi sat on the bed, he looked out, and now the desert was already raining like pillars.

Deserts that have encountered such heavy rain for decades are absorbing moisture as much as possible.

Seeds of sand shuttle in the desert, perceiving the surrounding environment, began to germinate.

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