Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 435: Foreign response

() When the news media of Huaxia officially broadcast, the lunar base developed by Huaxia.

It has not only caused a great influence on the people. For other countries, it is also very shocking.

This news greatly boosted the self-confidence of the Chinese nation.

They began to change from the temperament of the people of a big country to the temperament of the people of a powerful country. Simply put, it means more confidence.

There is no rival in the world, and no country in the world can do things that its own country can do.

Such world-focused achievements are transformed into cohesion. This is extremely solid.

This project is the highest demonstration of the technological level of an industrial country.

Later, according to company statistics, China's consumption today increased by 30% year-on-year, and the circulation of goods was comparable to that of the New Year.

We must know that the Spring Festival holiday has passed, and in the past years, the circulation of goods has returned to normal.

The result was stimulated by this major news today, and the economic growth promoted by high consumption during the Spring Festival continued.

This has not only caused a great impact domestically, but also caused more severe impacts abroad.

Foreigners are shocked, and the elites in the West feel the most.

In the past, they looked down on China, but now they suddenly rose, the first truly effective development of the moon.

Even if China is already the second strongest country in the world. In terms of purchasing power per capita, the economy has already ranked first.

As long as they have not reached the summit, they look at China with their colored glasses.

Reluctantly maintaining himself, there is not much superiority left.

Suddenly discovered that China has already carried out moon development work.

And they can only look up and sigh, want to catch up with something, and a feeling of powerlessness emerges from their hearts.

They know the technological level of their country, even if they are together, they can only send astronauts to the moon for a game.

Want to send industrial equipment and materials to the moon. This is simply a fantasy. I didn't dare to think about it before.

The private elites are also worrying, they are thinking about their own country's positioning.

And the real elite that determines the political direction of Western countries.

When they sent the carrier to the moon in China, they had already gathered in London, the capital of the British Empire.

Hearing the news broadcast now, they officially confirmed their suspicion.

Ordinary people do not know the specific situation, they have a radar and satellites in space.

Form a strict monitoring network, monitoring the movements of various parts of the earth.

It was discovered that a large number of spacecraft in China were lifted off. They have been tracking.

Finally found that it actually landed on the moon, and then combined with the moon satellites they own, the images taken.

It is almost certain that Huaxia has officially started to go to the moon to carry out preliminary development of the moon.

In a solemn conference room, representatives of various countries gathered in London to discuss the response to this matter.

The name of the British Empire **** stick. Everyone is famous overseas.

The representative of France said with passionate remarks: "We must stop the development of the moon in China, a country with one dish.

This is a provocation to the country, and we have to protest seriously through diplomatic channels. This is the way I thought of.

The British Empire's offshore balancing methods have always been legendary. Will the British representative have any solutions? "

The representative of the British Empire carried his stick of civilization and said seriously: "The offshore balance method must have two evenly-matched forces and its own strength is similar."

He turned to look at the representative of the United States. He looked for the United States and asked the United States to come forward.

The US representative frowned and looked at everyone: "We need to find a way to reach a consensus with China through peaceful means."

He is setting the tone for this meeting and must use peaceful means.

It is indeed a means of military confrontation, and it has no effect on China now.

The military strength of the entire Western military bloc and China has been reversed.

They have no more chips in hand to suppress China.

They finally started to discuss, and did not negotiate a good result.

After all, the strength is not as good as people. If you want to catch a ride on the moon, Huaxia will definitely not take them.

Just like the previous plan of his own space station, he kicked Huaxia away.

The representatives of the island countries have been sitting at the end and listening to see that they can't dispute.

His eyes rolled, and suddenly he lost his mind.

"We can imitate the old things in Antarctica and announce the moon as the common property of all mankind.

No one else is allowed to develop, so we wait for our technology to come. Competing with China. "

The crowd nodded when they heard the idea.

Antarctica was too tasteless before, and no one wanted to live there.

If they find a place valuable, they will establish a scientific research station there in the name of scientific research.

The United Nations expressly stipulates that Antarctica belongs to all human beings.

No country can include Antarctica in its territory.

The representative of France shook his head and said, "Huaxia has landed on the moon now, and they will definitely not agree to this plan.

China has a veto power in the United Nations. Any proposal cannot be approved by China without the consent of China. "

The representative of the United States rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "We do not need to reach an international agreement in force.

As long as every country present here passes this bill.

Forming an established fact is only a stopgap measure.

Even now it is impossible to stop China from developing the moon, and it also allows us to seize the moon's territory in the future, leaving enough public opinion environment. "

The representative of the United Kingdom nodded and heard this: “This is really a good idea, so I ’ll do it this way.”

Their Western countries are best at playing double standards.

Western countries that do not play double standards are not good Western countries.

Just like his boss, the United States, he did not join the Convention on the Law of the Sea. But use this treaty to bind others.

First of all, through official documents, the attributes of the moon are fixed. After his own conditions are sufficient, he will go to the moon to grab ground.

After discussion, they reached two agreements.

The first is that all countries work together to promote technology development on the moon.

The second is that all countries announce the lunar law at the same time.

The major media in Western countries are now beginning to hype the lunar method.

The Moon Law stipulates that the moon is the moon of all mankind.

No country or organization is allowed to engage in enclosure activities on the moon.

Only scientific research stations can be established on the moon. Occupying its land does not enjoy national sovereignty.

They know that this method is unable to stop Hua Xia's project on the moon.

But this method is very disgusting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If everyone thinks that the moon is public.

In this way, if a country wants to occupy the moon, it will cause global public opinion to boil, and national credit will be lost immediately.

Now maintaining the financial system of modern countries, such as the purchasing power of money.

It is entirely supported by national credit. If national credit goes bankrupt internationally, it will have a great impact on the economy of the host country.

They used this indirect method to suppress China's development on the moon.

This is also a trick they can use in a very helpless situation.

Just a few days. The parliament of Western countries passed this bill.

Some small countries even proposed this plan at the United Nations, which was rejected by Hua Xia.

They began to speculate on this matter at the time and wanted to occupy the high ground of public opinion.

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