Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 32 Love is made, not spoken!

As soon as the words were finished, Xiao Zhang, who had just brought tea for the camera brother, flicked his wrist suddenly, and the tea in his hand was bumped out.

Can all of this involve yourself?

Brother Yin and others who watched the live broadcast spit out a mouthful of water. Is this the strength of Shen Keke?

But everyone is really concerned about this issue. When he entered the door, he saw Xiao Zhang.

The second he saw the old thief, a question that he really wanted to know really arose in his heart.

The old thief is young and successful. Why don't you find a beautiful female secretary in the company to please your eyes and ears?

Ye Feng took a deep breath, he could even hear the laughter outside the office.

Everyone must be watching this live broadcast!

"Because women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword." Ye Feng looked at Shen Keke expressionlessly. "Without a woman in my heart, I draw my sword to be a god of nature. Could it be that my game is not good?" Ye Feng threw the question to Shen Keke in reverse.

The hahaha laughter of the barrage stopped abruptly, and everyone thought of the pain they had when they were playing games,

Is this why everyone's game is so miserable?

"It really makes sense." Shen Keke nodded her head thoughtfully, a person with no distractions can really do things the best.

"We all know that your company has produced three games so far, all of which have been well received by the public. What I want to know is, will your company be able to produce better works in the future?" Shen Keke's eyes sparkled .

"Since you have asked, I just happened to tell you about my game design plan." Ye Feng looked at the camera thoughtfully.

"Currently the market we are targeting is the horizontal version of boutique games, but this is only paving the way for 3A masterpieces." Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully, "It is expected that we will release the first masterpiece before the middle of next year. "

Shen Keke:? ? ?

Although she doesn't know how to make games, she is still a half insider. Before coming, she also checked the corresponding information and made up some homework.

She was afraid that the questions she asked would be biased when asking questions, and she was afraid that the questions she asked would be scolded if the questions she asked were not in line with the standard game production.

It's mid-July now,

You will launch the first 3A in the middle of next year, why are you more of a layman than me?

All the questions he wanted to ask in his mind were suppressed, and now Shen Keke only felt that his mind was buzzing.

"We are already working on the development and production of the next game. The game has a staged partial open box garden-style exploration, and new shortcuts and new routes are constantly generated based on abilities, props and variable scenes."

"In addition, the game has a relatively high difficulty of getting started, including but not limited to death penalty, boss battle suffering, powerful enemies and terrain matching."

Shen Keke:? ? ?


Fujifeng watched the live broadcast, his thoughts were a little complicated.

The memory seems to be stuck in a few months ago. That day he said that the other party was just a student boy, that he didn't know how to use the game he made to get wealth.

He banned the other party's game, and copied a similar one.

The multiple krypton gold mechanism made his imitation game receive a lot of bad reviews, but the time from hot to cool is also in line with the characteristics of this small game.

The other party left yogame and published his own game on another game platform.

The 'newcomer' has always maintained his own principles, and there is no place for money except for the purchase of the game.

Say he doesn't make money, he makes more money than before.

Just after the World Anti-War Organization named and praised Ye Feng's Budding Studio, Fujifeng personally sent an invitation to Ye Feng.

We sincerely invite him to join yogame and offer him an annual salary of tens of millions.

Ye Feng can lead his own game production team to join yogame, and all the employees under him can get good treatment.

With an annual salary of tens of millions, which young man can get this condition?

When Fujifeng sent out this invitation, he never thought that he would be rejected.

But the fact is that dramatic, the other party not only refused, but also without any hesitation.

Just a minute after the email was sent, he received a reply from Ye Feng.

‘Sorry, no company is under consideration at this time. '

When did it start, that fledgling bird that could be manipulated by others has already soared to the nine heavens?


"This is our current plan." Ye Feng took a sip of water, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Shen Keke took a deep breath and looked at Ye Feng with thoughtful eyes. "If you say so, making a game is not a difficult task."

"Soon to be Valentine's Day, many game manufacturers will present a special game for Valentine's Day."

This is a game festival dedicated to Valentine's Day, and it is also a carnival for players.

"Presumably it's not difficult for you to temporarily make a game for this festival, right?" Shen Ke looked at Ye Feng with a smile on his face.

Watching the live broadcast, Yinzi frowned involuntarily, "Is this condition a little too much?"

If Ye Feng can't accomplish the goal, then the fame and fans he has just accumulated will lose a lot.

There is still one month before Qixi Festival, and it is a bit difficult to make a game specially made for Valentine's Day within a month.

As soon as Shen Keke finished speaking, she realized that her request was inappropriate, but she couldn't take back what she just said during the live broadcast.

"Of course, I know this request is a bit too much, I'm just making an analogy." Shen Keke quickly added to his own words.

"It's okay, I also have a little idea about the game made on Qixi Festival." After hearing her request, Ye Feng immediately thought of the game called Breakup Kitchen by the players.

This cooperative kitchen management game requires division of labor and cooperation to complete customer orders.

But do you think that everything will be fine after confirming the cooperation mode?

Are the three chapters of the Covenant useful? All vows of eternal love cannot stand the test before firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The further the game goes, the more it needs the tacit understanding of two people. This is a game that can make you flustered and even angry.

But it is such a game that can make couples understand each other better. Don't look at what the other party said, but what they did. The breakup kitchen is to make everyone shut up and stop forcing you to do it.

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "We will work overtime a little bit, and strive to deliver a game to everyone before Qixi Festival."

Shen Keke looked at the light in Ye Feng's eyes, and suddenly she felt a chill down her back.

"May there be lovers in the world who will eventually get married." Ye Feng nodded affirmatively.

"Then I wish you good results in the upcoming Qixi Festival Game Ceremony in advance."

"I will." Ye Feng nodded confidently.

Mischief Kitchen will tell everyone,

Love is made, not spoken!

I ate uncooked shiitake mushrooms today... I had a stomachache for a day, so I ate it again. (T▽T)

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