Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1304: technical director

Sure enough, Du Fei was attracted by what Wu Tian said at the moment.

He saw a thick stack of paper on the table, so he walked over, then picked up the paper and looked at it. He suddenly discovered that these works were created before he was not famous.

When seeing these works, Du Fei was obviously a little excited, because these things were all he loved, thinking about himself in the past.

How pure game creation is, but later because of life's pressure, it evolved into what it is today, and his original intention for game works has become less and less pure.

When he saw his previous game works, Du Fei was very moved, because people will change over time.

But his love for games has indeed remained unchanged. This pureness is still in his heart. It is only because of life that he cannot take this purely out, but can only keep them deep in his heart. .

Now I saw who I was once again, and a flow of heat surged into my mind.

After he finished reading these works, he looked up again to look at Wu Tian.

"How is it? Now that you understand Lin Yan's good intentions?" Wu Tian also said these words very straightforwardly.

When Du Fei heard these words, he was stunned, because he didn't expect Lin Yan to have such a broad mind.

Because what he had always thought was that Lin Yan wanted to acquire his Razer Company only for profit, but he didn't expect it to be because of his talent.

This incident was really not what Du Fei had expected, and he was really deeply shocked by this incident.

Because in Du Fei's opinion, his Razer Company is very good, but he did not expect that Lin Yan turned out to be for his undiscovered talents, not just for Razer Company.

But at this time, Du Fei didn't know how to talk to Lin Yan. After all, he just screamed at Lin Yan.

If he were to say these things to Lin Yan in a low tone at this time, in Du Fei's view, he felt that his face would be very sad.

But Du Fei thought about it carefully again. It was true that he did something wrong. He didn't think about it clearly. It was too impulsive to curse someone so recklessly.

He also didn't think that he would be so impulsive when he did things. As long as it was something related to games, he couldn't control his temperament.

"I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry. I really didn't expect your original intention to be this. I always thought you just fell in love with my Razer company, but I didn't expect you to fall in love with my talent. I am very sorry.

I shouldn't yell at you just now, I am very ashamed of my rudeness. "At this time, Du Fei bent down and bowed to Lin Yan, expressing his apologies.

When Lin Yan saw this, he felt nothing. After all, when he made this decision by himself, he would already have thought that these things would definitely happen.

So he was prepared to face these things a long time ago, and now seeing Du Fei like this is only in his own expectations.

"Well, these things are over, we don't want to waste time on these things anymore. Since everyone's original intention is for the game, we should unite and work together for the game."

Lin Yan didn't care too much about Du Fei, after all, his goal was not this.

Du Fei heard that since Lin Yan hadn't cares about his predecessors, his heart suddenly felt unspeakable, because after so many years, he had not thought that anyone would be able to appreciate his talents.

During this period of time, they have always measured themselves by money, and now there are people who can be sure of themselves, so this is also a thing that makes Du Fei very happy.

"Okay, this matter will stop here, because I have seen a lot of your game works, so I have some details that I want to ask you. Let's sit down and talk about it first." Lin Yan is very polite Invited, everyone sat down.

At this time, Du Fei was still sitting next to his works. He still reached out and picked up these works, and then looked at them carefully.

Du Fei looked at his previous works, and tears from both eyes flowed down unsatisfactorily. It is a shameless thing for others to shed tears as a man.

However, the tears he is falling now are tears of an indescribable taste, but they are very happy. It may be a certain kind of happiness that others have for his past works.

Lin Yan and the others were very surprised when they saw Du Fei weeping because of their work. They felt that there must be a very sad story in this work, otherwise Du Fei would not be able to cry just like this.

So they wanted to ask, but before they could speak, Du Fei took the lead in speaking out.

"I used to create game works myself is very pure, I just in line with my interest in game development, and then to do these things.

So the things I made are very pure. Compared with these, the previous works are really much better. Because of the interference of the world and the persecution of money, I changed my attitude. The original intention of loving the game. "

This time Du Fei really sent it out with feelings, word by word, saying these words in his heart.

But Lin Yan and Wu Tian didn't interrupt Du Fei's speech, they just waited quietly for him to finish the next words.

"In fact, I didn't change my original intention of the love game, but later because my mother was ill and urgently needed a very large sum of money, I gradually got to where I am today."

"To be honest, it was also due to the pressure of life, which caused me to deviate step by step from my original intention of loving games."

At this time Du Fei also realized that he had undergone tremendous changes in these years, but the purity of his heart for the game still existed.

After Lin Yan and the others heard what Du Fei said, they were even more sure of Du Fei’s talents. He wanted to invite Du Fei to become the technical director of their company. After all, a talent like Du Fei must be an outsider. field.

So Lin Yan made this request to Du Fei. After Du Fei heard it, he was very surprised, but he did not hesitate to agree to it, and he was very grateful to Lin Yan.

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