Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 651 Mr. Yang is going to fill in the hole?

Nebula Games and UEGA are still developing the content of the game for "Battlefield", but as time goes by.

More and more content from the Apex game and Northern Storm has been revealed.

The first is the big pie stage of the game. The main battlefield is the earth, but in the game, players can also board star warships to counterattack the alien races that invaded the earth.

In addition to this in the domestic game circle, Tenghua, one of the three major players, also officially announced that it will be the agent of Apex and Northern Storm's "Star Wars".

Although the detailed content of the game has not been fully disclosed, the structure of the game can basically be confirmed from the clues revealed by Apex and Northern Storm.

The content of the multiplayer mode is hard to say, but in the story mode, it should be the traditional routine of heroes saving the world.

Like "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", standard Hollywood routines.

The opponent's thinking can basically be guessed, and the big scene of the theme of "Modern Warfare" has been done to the top.

It can be said that digging on this is a bit thankless.

But if the pattern is shifted to future warfare, the enemy will also become an alien race, and then a cinematic narrative like "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" will be introduced, which will give players a new gaming experience.

I have to say that this effect is still very useful. The war between the earth and the alien race, coupled with the gimmick of the follow-up star counterattack, directly made countless players look forward to the game "Star Wars".

After the domestic Tenghua announced that it has successfully represented the game, just like overseas players, domestic players also began to discuss and look forward to this game.

However, compared with the simple discussion of games in China, foreign players are more curious about UEGA's reaction while caring about the game.

Except for players who don't care much about the news in the game circle, basically most players who know a little bit can see that this is Apex in order to compete with UEGA. Released after failure.

This makes people very concerned about UEGA's reaction.

"Have you read the news about "Star Wars"? It feels great!"

"Judging from the information disclosed so far, it is indeed very tempting, but it still depends on the specific game quality."

"I don't have much to say about the specific quality. Although Apex doesn't have much experience in developing fps games, Northern Storm is leading the project. Their strength is quite good."

"That's not necessarily true, UEGA is not weak in fps game development, but before, hey, I don't want to talk about it."

"By the way, is Uega so calm? Apex has pooped on his head. Haven't they revealed any new news? Are they going to make more moves?"

"Isn't it possible? After all, UEGA has just failed an fps, and it's a war theme. If it's in a ring,

In the case of being blown up? Then Uega is terrible, and the opponent is not a small shrimp, but Northern Storm. Their fps development technology is no worse than Uega. "

"That's true, but it's not UEGA's style to keep silent!"

This is true no matter which country the players are from. Compared with domestic players who have poor information or don’t care much, foreign players pay more attention to the grievances between Apex and UEGA besides the game "Star Wars". hatred.

After all, this game is estimated to be only in the painting stage, and there is still a long time before the real launch. If you pay attention, you will not be able to play it. How can you feel comfortable watching the melons of the two major game manufacturers?

Many players are very curious, after all, UEGA is also a famous game manufacturer.

But before this topic fermented, on the second day after Apex Games and Northern Storm announced "Star Wars", UEGA reposted an old news on overseas Twitter and China's official blog.

And this news is not their own news.

The official blog post released by Nebula Games about the "Red Alert" expansion pack "World War".

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

what's the situation?

What's going on?

uega what is this operation?

All those who follow UEGA are confused.

Not only the players, but also Apex who has been paying attention and industry players around the world, looking at this operation of UEGA is a bit puzzled.

Brother, what are you doing?

They released the latest news about their game "Star Wars", and they pressed on, and then you reposted a puzzling news, and it was news from another game manufacturer. What is this for?

After the release, there was no movement in UEGA, and Nebula Games and Yang Chen were also silent when it came to related parties.

As a result, countless players are confused, and when it comes to Nebula games, not only overseas players, but also domestic players have started to discuss it.

"By the way, what is UEGA's operation? Why did you suddenly reprint the old news from Nebula Games at this juncture?"

"I feel that UEGA's move is very meaningful!"

"Nonsense! All fools know that UEGA's announcement at this juncture must have a deep meaning, but the key is what is the deep meaning!"

"Could it be the new work of Xingyun Games? "Red Alert 2"? You should know that Apex is developing a war fps game, and UEGA has encountered Waterloo before, and "Red Alert" happens to be a war-themed game. !"

"Shocked! It's not impossible! Speaking of war games, to be honest, although I know that they are not the same type of games, I feel that the scale of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" and "Red Alert" is really a bit different. , You must know that in the "World War" of the "Red Alert" expansion, the Nebula game has simply constructed a war line in a parallel universe!"

"It means Mr. Yang is going to fill in the hole this time? To be honest, I'm also really curious about the expansion pack of 'World War'. After all, in the previous content of "Red Alert", it is more depicted from the big scene."

"But UEGA seems to be giving up, right? Previously, their Waterloo was a war-themed fps game. This time Apex is also using war-themed fps to fight head-on, but UEGA is the agent of Nebula Games' "Red Alert 2"?"

"Don't say it's so full. I don't know if it's "Red Alert 2". At present, UEGA is in the early stage. Nebula Games and Mr. Yang haven't made an official announcement. Maybe it's because the concubine has a lover and has no intentions?"

"Does it seem silly? Xingyun Games, Jiasheng, and UEGA are in the honeymoon stage. If there is no news, UEGA will disclose this news?"

Following a piece of information posted by UEGA on the Internet, players all over the world immediately started discussing it.

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