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Chapter 222: The collapsed eleventh 10 ┃ white space

From the perspective of the river, this scene is mournful with sorrow.

In front of the huge glass window, the falling sun dyed the sky, as if using all the strength, flowing into the last blood of life.

The back of the man sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows is already straight, but the original shirt has a gap, especially the waist, which is empty and makes people feel worried.

This month... Didn't he have a good meal?

In this month abroad, Jiang Xie did not want to thank him. In fact, as long as he was idle, he could not help but think of him.

But he did not dare to look at him.

Open the phone, you can connect to the monitor and see his every move.

However, the river oblique did not even look at it.

Just like facing the Pandora's Box, don't look at it, you won't be tempted.

He was afraid that he would look at the first sight and he would return to the country at a glance.

This gap in the river's oblique stay can be regarded as enough time for Xie Tao.

He had a comfortable time this month.

Jiang Shi does not look at him, but he always pays attention to the river slope. The monitoring is very useful. The breathing sound of even the river sleeping at night can be passed to Xie Zhen’s ear.

Xie Tao went to see him several times in the middle, and even approached him in stealth.

When I was in the office, Xie Tao was very comfortable. After he interfered with the camera, he enjoyed it.

Nothing to read the book tired to play high-tech gadgets, it is impossible to practice a painting technique.

Although there is a sketch pen, and it is life-bound, it can't always rely on it. Like this quasi-world, you have emptied all his other skills and props. In any case, can you take a sketch pen?

In short, there is no harm in practicing more.

The return of the outsider, Xie Tao is only moving a chopstick, privately, of course, is what he wants to eat.

Because there is an enhanced version of slimming Dan, Xie Wei is getting thinner, and in just one month, it is hard to lose ten pounds.

He was already very thin, and it was really miserable to lose ten pounds.

Jiang slant just did not see him for another month. It’s normal to be shocked when he sees it.

Xie brewed a bit of emotion, guaranteed that he would not fight, and slowly turned around...

The picture is still very moving.

The delicate face is getting smaller because it is thinner, the eyes are getting bigger, the lips are dry, and the color is very light. It is probably malnourished...

The river is slanting.

Xie Zizi was dumb (squatting) and asked: "Is it back?"

In theory, Xie Tao did not know what Jiang was doing, and he did not know that Jiang Yan had recovered.

Jiang slanted his eyebrows: "Why not eat well?"

In fact, Xie Wei can eat well, what is the Chinese and French Italian and Korean, and eat all over the world.

Xie Haoton said: "There is no appetite."

Jiang said that he did not say anything. He took off his coat and went to the kitchen.

I haven't moved for a month, but the kitchen has fresh vegetables, which are prepared by people who are fixed to clean.

They are not sure when the river **** will come back. The job is to change into fresh vegetables every day. Even the types are prepared according to the schedule, and they are not repeated for one week.

Jiang oblique wanted to cook rice, but look at Xie Wei and he was afraid of his indigestion, so he changed into porridge. Except for a little green vegetables, nothing was put.

Xie Tao was sitting outside and guilty.

It is reasonable to say that this meal has to be eaten, hungry for so long, Jiang Slope is not easy to come back to personally make a meal, he ate is definitely a plus item.

But... good support.

He not only ate dinner but also swallowed the dessert after dinner.

I still feel awkward now.

He can't exercise and eliminate food. After all, he is "skinny", and he is even stunned... toxic!

The river is inclined to be afraid of Xie, so that it is called a fast, even the porridge is pressed with a pressure cooker, the speed is extremely fast.

Looking at the table full of meals, thank you: "..."

River ramp: "Come and eat."

They are all delicious, light and delicious home-cooked dishes.

If Xie Wei just ate a bowl of porridge ramen and a chestnut squid to burn a strawberry Daifu, I really want to eat it.

Seeing that Xie Tao has no appetite, Jiang’s oblique eyebrows are wrinkled even more tightly: “If you don’t eat like this, are you going to starve yourself?”

Xie Yiqiang picked up the chopsticks and caught a small pea.

River slope: "..."

Xie Wei is really unable to eat. He knew that the river **** would come back, so he would not steal so much...

The river was distressed and uncomfortable. He couldn't eat any more. He put down his chopsticks and asked him: "If you don't have enough, you have no strength to live?"

The spirit of Xie Tao was shocked, and finally led the river to the right track.

His stagnation fell into the slanting eyes of the river and it was a burst of pain: "Do you think that you are like this, I will be soft?"

Xie Yan brewed good emotions and shook his head: "No."

Jiang is not allowed to answer which question he is answering.

Xie Hao paused and whispered: "It just feels quite boring."

Maybe the body is too empty, his voice is as light as a proverb, if it is not too quiet here, the river is almost inaudible to hear what he said.

After listening to it, the heart of the river trembled, and the uncontrollable sourness spread throughout the chest.

River ramp: "Don't you live, just to become rich?" This Cheng Yu represents the ambition of Xie Tao, but he did not have the heart to say so straightforward, implicit.

Thanks to Xie, look at the Xiangjiang ramp: "Otherwise, what else can I do?"

Jiang Yi was asked by him.

Xie Wei looked at the food in front of her eyes and said slowly: "I have never been so busy as I am now. I have been working hard all the time and trying to go up."

For the first time, Jiang Xie saw such a thank-you - letting off the dazzling aura, and fading away the exquisite camouflage, a thank you who had never seen anyone.

Xie Tao’s experience, the river **** is very clear, or it should be said that no one in the entire D city circle does not know.

He is a child who has been left home by Xie. Because of some grievances, his mother left him and he took him away.

His father was awkward and gave birth to his brother not long after.

Xie Tao’s mother was unhappy and committed suicide when she was seven years old.

What can a child of only seven years old do? It is very difficult to live.

He ran to the orphanage, and after several turns, he recognized his ancestors at the age of eleven.

It is reasonable to say that such a child is difficult to integrate into family life, but Xie Tao is exceptionally good.

He was very hard at the young age, and he knew how to look at it.

At the age of eleven, he knows how to be pleasing. From his father's stepmother to a younger brother who is only two years younger than himself, even a nanny driver and a gardener at home, he gets along well.

Not only that, but he is also clever and has a very fast learning ability. He thought that it would take him a while to accept school life. Who would have thought that he would jump from the age of twelve?

At the age of sixteen, I have already obtained a university degree overseas.

After returning to China, he was even more astounding, helping his father to enter the board of Chengyu, and step by step to become a big group that D City can't ignore.

Under these glamorous achievements, his heart is hot.

Although the outsider did not know what he did, but his father had a depression and lived in the hospital; his stepmother was stunned by the scandal, and the derailed bed photo became a joke in the circle; the half-brother was arrogant and incompetent, midnight and people Brake the car and fly directly to the cliff and there is no bone.

When Xie Tao was twenty-four years old, he became a lonely and lonely family.

After four years, he met the river slant, and after taking the Lans project, he was in full swing, leading Cheng Yu to the peak that no one could imagine.

After the peak is downhill.

The reason that Xie Tao was buried in the early years was a bad result. When he came back to the river, such a cheetah, he destroyed the castle he had built hard.

As he said, he has never been idle, this month is unprecedented for him, but also boring and meaningless.

The river italer will meet these, but I also know that Xie Tao is still doing the play.

He may have felt boring, but it is indeed a bitter plan.

The river slanted through, but it was still in the way.

As long as he thinks that three points in this play are true, his heart will be stirred up.

"Life is more than that," Jiang said to Xie Zhen. "Let's let go, you can see more."

Xie Tao looked at him: "But I have nothing."

There is no family left, and after the loss of success, the friends are all gone, and the subordinates are others. Even his office is not his own.

Jiang slanted his eyebrows and said nothing.

Xie Wei feels that the fire is almost the same, and he has to come slowly.

His digestion has almost disappeared, and he can barely eat it.

Xie Tao "played up the spirit" said: "The porridge is really fragrant."

River ramp: " Eat something, always hungry, the body can't stand it."

Xie Tao nodded and stuffed a half bowl of porridge.

This really doesn't have to be played, so much has been eaten. At this time, seeing the sea and the sea is also a dish!

Jiang Xie did not continue the topic before, it seems that I do not want to stimulate Xie Zhen.

Xie Tao is also happy, he has to carefully recall that this operation is right.

In fact, Xie Tao is not sure if this is the key to repairing the world, but it is Xie Tao who wants to convey to the river.

Jiang’s disgusting mood is indeed very weak. It can always be a hidden danger. If you have the opportunity to bury this thorn in the flesh and blood, Xie Tao does not want to miss it.

At the moment, it is a good opportunity. Xie Tao uses the convenience of his identity to let Jiang Xie observe the psychology of the world from one angle.

Xie Wei’s tens of thousands of miles will not necessarily eliminate this thorn.

But let yourself be disgusted with the world, then the emphasis on his care and his inclination will completely get rid of this imprisonment.

Regardless of whether the world can be repaired, Xie Tao wants to face this emotion with Jiang Xie. No matter what happened before, now they have each other.

Xie Tao’s abacus is well played and played very well.

In the evening, he slept very unsteadily. It is no wonder that he slept for five hours during the day and so much at night. He was able to sleep and have a ghost.

This falls into the squint of the river, which is emotionally unstable, and it is difficult to sleep.

After insisting on this for three or four days, Xie Wei clearly felt that the river could not hold back.

What will happen next?

Will not return Cheng Yu to him?

If it's true, what should I do... Xie Wei is very satisfied with the current life, I don't want to go to work!

It was pondering. At night, Xie Zhen suddenly felt his body empty. When he opened his eyes, he saw a blank.

After a period of experience, Xie Li immediately reacted... white space?

Jiang Xie used this contraband again?

Xie Tao thought of the horror of the guy in the garden, and suddenly his face changed.

"What's wrong with me... I'm fine!" Xie Zhen wanted to swear.

Jiang slanted and laughed, and took the people over and made a good dear.

Xie Tao is willing to push him away.

Unfortunately, the white space has time constraints, can not stay too long, Jiang oblique into his clothes and licked his stomach: "Isn't you really hungry?"

Xie Wei opened his thief: "Of course..." He glanced and realized, "Do you know what happened?"

In the collapsed god, when the soul is not recovered, the river does not know what happened.

Jiang skewed and said: "Know that you are starving yourself."

Xie Tao said: "It's all fake, I installed it."

Jiang Xia kissed him under his forehead: "Well, I saw it."

Xie Tao knows that time is tight, and quickly asks the key point: "What is your situation in this collapsed world?"

River ramp: "It's a state of integration. I don't have to enter the white space. I only have the memory of the soul." Because I entered the river, I immediately remembered everything.

Xie Tao understood, and said: "I suspect that the twelve worlds of this time are the collapse of the twelve worlds."

Jiang slanted his head and said: "It is possible."

Xie Tao looked at him: "After this time, your soul will return."

Feeling his heart, Jiang slanted hot and hot: "There is you, will come back sooner or later."

Xie gave him a glance and asked: "I don't have any danger, how can I start the white space?"

Jiang sighed and said: "Because I think you are in danger."

Xie Yiyi... It’s that he’s dressed too much, and Jinniu’s all-inclusive letter!

Chapter 223, the collapse of the eleventh world, the 11th river, the love of Xie, will love the one he loves.

This is what Xie Tao did not expect. He only looked to stimulate the Taurus, and did not expect to stimulate the deity!

There are two conditions for triggering white space. One is that Xie Wei suffers from fatal mental pollution, and the other is that Jiang Yi feels that Xie Tao has a tendency to self-destruct.

This time it will be touched because of the latter.

Because the river slant and the golden slant are in a state of fusion, the slanting emotion of the golden ox is the emotion of the river slanting. The white space can not distinguish the soul and the soul. He only feels the huge fear and uneasiness of the river slant. There was a tendency to self-destruct, so I started.

Jiang Yiyi explained, Xie Zhen was anxious: "I did not expect..." I knew that he would not be disgusted with this, and this heart was not opened, but people were half dead!

He can't forget the misery of the river in the center after the white space was opened last time.

Jiang slanted and smiled: "Nothing, you can really recover 12 souls in one breath, and this is not necessary to use Azhe."

His credibility value in this respect is already -999 on Xie Zhen's side. Xie Tao did not believe him: "This white space can only trigger once in a quasi-world?"

The river is leaning against the sky.

Xie Wei is mad: "You can't cherish yourself!" If it is triggered many times, Jiang Shi can't stand the revenge even if he recycles 120 souls!

Jiang slanted and hugged him: "I love myself very much."

Xie Tao said: "To make such a dangerous thing all over the world, is it still to cherish yourself?"

Jiang leaned softly: "If you are in danger, what should I do?"

After this white space is triggered, although the river **** will be countered, if it does not trigger, Xie Zhen has an accident, and he still has any meaning of living.

Xie Xin’s heart trembled, and the anger was gone, leaving only the softness and soreness of the chest. He turned back and said: “Don't you be in danger, can I live alone?”

Jiang Xie also said that he was euphemistic, but Xie Tao directly said it.

I am afraid that Xie Zhen will have an accident, so Jiang Tie will not hesitate to make up his own white space.

But if the river is dangerous for this, I will leave you alone and continue to live.

In the long life, if there is no such person, what is the meaning of existence.

The river trembled, and then like the sky that was blown away by the dark clouds, it was sunny and bright. He bent his lips and smiled: "I want to be bad, I will protect myself in the future." Protecting myself can protect Xie Tao.

Mistakenly hit the ground, Xie Tao finally unlocked the knot of the river.

He had a timid lock on his heart and let him know how to love himself.

Because they are two people now, no matter who they lose, they are fatal to the other.

Jiang Xie loves Xie Wei, he must love the river slant that Xie Zhen loves.

There was not much time in the eyes, and Xie Tao did not want to see the river in the white space again, so he quickly packed up his emotions and communicated with the quasi-world.

Xie Wei asked him: "The small world of Aries, is your past?"

River ramp: "In the past, I haven't remembered it."

Xie Weiwei: "It is also..." Those memories are really too long for the river to go, so many times to go back and forth to the world, it is like a few years ago.

Jiang slanted again: "But it's quite like, I really did my parents died early, and because this weird eyes were rejected." He said, he laughed again. "I am lucky, you know, it has been very bad. "It’s unlucky to come to the center. It’s only after you have met Xie Zhen.

Xie Tao said: "There is no good or bad thing about luck." Some of them also tempered a strong river slope, which cannot be said to be bad luck.

Jiang Xie did not want him to worry. After opening this topic, he continued: "I do have a sister named Jiang Yan."

Xie Tao big eyes: "So the small world of Taurus is also your past?"

Jiang slanted at the tip of his nose: "Not all, I didn't meet you when I was seventeen."

Xie Tao was slightly itchy by him, but he was afraid that time was not enough. He continued to ask: "In reality, Jiang Yan..."

Jiang leaned softly: "She died of illness when I was fifteen."

Thank you for your heart.

River ramp: "I can't really remember the details. My sister didn't suffer any blows at the time. It was just a disease. She couldn't stand the endless pain and begged for euthanasia."

Xie Tao can't imagine how the 15-year-old Jiang Xie faced this.

Jiang said: "These small worlds are mixed with some of my memories. This is normal. When I design the quasi-world, I will be subordinated to my own emotions. In particular, I also put the soul into it, and I will inadvertently satisfy myself. Unfulfilled wish."

For example, let my sister live.

Xie Yu’s heart hurts and asks him: “When did you enter the center?”

When I entered the central government, I was abandoned by the original world and gave up the people of the original world. The 15-year-old Jiang slant was gone, and he was not...

River ramp: "I really can't remember this, but it should be very early. You see my young and handsome face, it is original goods, no further processing." There is a drug in the center for rejuvenation. If you come to the middle ages If you are too big, you can save yourself and rejuvenate yourself by doing a task.

Xie Wei: "..."

Don't forget to stink when you are!

Seeing that time is coming, the two communicated almost.

Jiang Xie did not want to thank you for frowning, but also teased him: "I have this cat specialization, and I will send you back to the center."

Xie Wei: "???"

Jiang slanted a serious saying: "You should also choose a specialization, and have a percentage increase in various qualifications. Although this cat specialization is only purple grade, but it can be superimposed, you have repaired it first, and later there is gold..."

He didn't finish his words, thank you: "Roll!"

What does he not understand? This guy has the memory of the Aries world, it must be in the wrongdoing, but also cat specialization, he wants to repair the lion specialization, killing the bastard.

The river slanted "rolling over", and holding Xie Zhen was a lingering kiss.

The two left the white space together in the kiss.

Back in the reality, Xie Xiao quietly opened a blind eye and saw the golden bull slanting beside him.

Xie Xiao smiled, closed his eyes and found a comfortable position in his arms, and fell asleep.

No dreams overnight, when I woke up, the day was still not bright.

Xie rubbed his eyes and heard the sound of the river slanting: "Take you to a place."

Xie Wei: "Well?" He was a little embarrassed, and he couldn’t tell where it was.

The hidden worry in the river slanted reminded him.

Yes... this is the world of Taurus, he is in the world!

Xie Tao said with no strength: "Where?"

River ramp: "Xi'an Mountain."

Xie Wei was surprised: "Where are you going?"

River slope: "Climb the mountain and watch the sunrise."

Xie Wei wants to die in an instant: "Great morning..." Going to climb the mountain to see the sunrise at 5 or 6 o'clock, he really wants to get tired of the world!

I don’t know what kind of wind the Taurus is slanting, and it’s about the same as the old cow: “Come on, I won’t catch up.”

Xie Tao silently refused.

Jiang Chao made a killer: "In these three months, if you are obedient, I will return Cheng Yu to you."

Xie Wei: "Hey..."

River ramp: "I have never lied to you." This is a pun, he never lied to Xie Wei, but Xie Tao turned him to deceive.

Xie Tao has no interest in Cheng Yu, but Jiang Sui took the initiative to give him a psychological problem of "wearing the world", and he also had to cooperate.

After all, his purpose is to help the river to straighten his heart through his own world...

It’s just that he didn’t think that this treatment would be so tired!

"How do you count obedient?" Xie Zhen sat up and struggled to ask.

Jiang said: "I want to do anything with you."

Xie Tao’s mouth twitching: “Going to the mountain at five in the morning to see the sunrise?”

River ramp: "Well."

Ah, your sister!

Xie Wei turned over and wrapped himself into a silkworm cocoon.

Jiang said: "You are not doing anything, can you do anything?"

Xie Tao hates: I am doing everything for you!

Jiang said again: "It seems that you are not interested in Chengyu, then..."

Xie Yu opened the quilt and looked at him with his messy hair.

The river slanted eyes brought some warmth: "Can't you go?"

Xie Wei gritted his teeth: "...go."

In fact, climbing the mountain does not climb the mountain, Xie Tao is not afraid of anything, his physique can climb three mountains without gasping, but the time is too early, do not sleep well together? Why go hiking!

Xiqiao Mountain is a scenic spot on the outskirts of D City. It is known as the first mountain on the sea. When you climb the summit, you can see the beautiful scenery of the sea and the sky.

Xie Tao has no interest in the scenery, and he is covered by the whole person.

Fortunately, this sentiment is also in place, very in line with the mood of disgusting.

Although early, but there are many people in the sparse mountain, I want to see the so-called seamount sunrise.

Xie Tao is not tired when climbing the mountain, but he is not very happy.

Jiang Ti is very worried about him, afraid that he can't stand this body, so he walks very slowly.

In fact, this Xiqiao Mountain itself has no height, most of them are flat roads, which is very suitable for the "skinny bones" Xie Tao came out for a walk.

The more you go inside, the fresher the air, and the more you get up with Xie Wei.

Jiang slanted to see the thin sweat between his forehead and asked: "Is it tired?"

Xie Tao’s sweat is all pretending to be sympathetic: “Not tired.” The mouth is stricter.

Jiang obliquely handed out: "This is a little steeper, I am pulling you."

Xie Yule is so happy, grasping him.

Jiang obliquely guarded him and climbed a dozen steps with him.

Xie Zhen was so tired that he gasped.

Jiang oblique took the water from his backpack and gave him: "Would you like to drink?"

Xie Tao drank a few mouthfuls, the river slanted and flashed, and asked: "Hungry?"

Xie Tao noticed his look... Tossing for so long is to let him eat?

In fact, I really don't have to be so troublesome. Xie Tao got up and wanted to eat Gaoyou salted duck eggs with porridge plus crab yellow dumplings.

Think so, hungry.

The advantage of climbing a mountain is that Xie Tao can be said to be hungry: "Slightly."

Jiang slanted his eyes and said, "I brought food, come here."

Xie Zhen is warm in his heart: "Well."

The river slanted him to a space where no one was, and opened the backpack under the emerald pine.

He took out the mat and laid out one and two three and four...

Xie Yan big eyes: "So much."

River ramp: "Fortunately." Said and took out two more.

Looking at the seven or eight incubators, Xie Xiao couldn’t laugh and laugh – Jinniu was too hard to let him eat the meal.

What surprised Xie Zhen was that the incubator was a hot white rice porridge, and the other incubator was a delicate and sleek dumpling, and there was a salty duck egg that was cut into pieces after the ordinary box was opened...

He wants to eat, Jiang is fully prepared.

What is this called? Is there a heart?

Xie Zhen couldn't help but laugh.

After the two men washed their hands with warm water in the thermos pot, the river ramp said: "Eat."

Xie Tao picked up a small dumpling, and the mouthful of fresh crab yellow filled the mouth.

He has never eaten such a delicious crab yellow dumpling, as if a heart is filled.

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