Game of Gods

Chapter 29 Fishing

Now that there is nothing wrong here, everyone will go back naturally. The kamikaze team wanted to continue looking for monsters, but Li Zhanjun also changed his mind and planned to find elite monsters to practice.

According to Yuan Chenfei, professionals who have not experienced additional points can still fight against elite monsters at the low-level stage after being equipped with some decent equipment, as long as they are not weak occupations in the early stage. Although the blood explosion rate of elite monsters is too low, but it has materials to hold it back. If you collect enough materials, you might be able to buy one or two blood souls at this stage.

As for Yuan Chenfei, he went to another place.

In the western suburbs of Wen'an, Qilitang Highway.

Before the gods came, it was a famous racing road.

A large group of rich second generations gathered here, showing off their sports cars, comparing their driving skills, and hooking up with beauties by the way.

After the advent of the gods, the racing road was turned off, and the former rich second generation disappeared without a trace, and this place was occupied by a group of gangsters.

In Liu Yang's notes, this is the place that casts the deepest shadow on him.

It was here that he encountered the first catastrophe in his dream, which made him lose confidence ever since.

Liu Yang didn’t explain what kind of suffering he experienced, but there’s nothing new under the sun. After all, it’s nothing more than abuse, binding, whipping, imprisonment, and at most some perverted things, such as anal explosion, such as dripping wax... ...well, this last one shouldn't be there.

But in short, as long as one has the imagination, all those evils are also conceivable, the only difference is that one has experienced or has not experienced.

It's not the end, it's just a new age.

However, the drastic changes brought about by the new era will always give those who cannot adapt a sense of doom, and also give those who over-adapt a sense of carnival.

These people on the Qilitang Highway were a little over-adapted, so much so that they started to carnival.

Today, Yuan Chenfei came here.

His purpose here is simple.


The gods gave him a task, and he had to do it whether he wanted to or not.

Dead people must be killed in death competitions, since this cannot be avoided, then find some damn people.

At the intersection not far away, a large group of colorfully painted young people were talking and laughing together, holding knives and sticks in their hands.

This is not surprising, on the day when the gods come, everyone has to find a way to improve themselves, and the control weapons have become uncontrollable - provided by the system.

A large group of gangsters gathered together, guarding the intersection with all kinds of weapons, while embracing the courage to look for hunting targets, while also collectively beating farts, talking nonsense, boasting, and looking forward to the future.

Although such an upgrade is slow, it is safe and not boring.

After all, people have to live and combine work and rest. On the days of slashing with knives every day, the monsters are not so strong in queuing up to the door, their physical strength is not so strong and tireless, and their spirit is also not so strong, ignoring death.

Picking and picking like Yuan Chenfei and killing hundreds of monsters in one night is said to be inefficient, but in fact it is more efficient than most people.

More people can kill a dozen or so monsters a day, which is not bad.

Of course, this is the novice period.

Whether they like it or not, with the opening of the gate to the other world, their efficiency will have to increase.

But at least now, everyone can get together to fart, chat, slash monsters, gain experience, and treat life as a game.

Although the good times are not destined to last long.

Yuan Chenfei just walked past this group of people, turning a blind eye to them.

Some gangsters stopped talking when they saw strangers approaching, and deliberately looked at each other with provocative and sarcastic eyes.

It's not for any particular purpose, it's just for fun.

They like the way the other party dare not look up under their own eyes, and they can feel powerful pleasure from it.

Yuan Chenfei also "did not dare" look up.

He walked over with his head down, and the gangsters behind him laughed unscrupulously.

No shot.

No difficulty.

It seems that the gangsters don't want to do anything when they see each other, which makes Yuan Chenfei a little disappointed.

So after walking past them, a bag he was carrying "accidentally" fell off and released in time to reveal a large string of jewelry inside.

In the new era, prices are soaring, many things are gradually worthless, and the economic system is facing serious collapse.

But even if it is facing a collapse, at least it hasn't collapsed yet, and prices are soaring, but it is not worthless.

Things like gold jewelry still have their value.

Still in circulation, sometimes even more so.

So those gangsters stared straight at the sight of a bag full of gold jewelry.

They looked at each other, and a decision was quickly made in their eyes.

Yuan Chenfei picked up his bag and was about to leave when a large number of gangsters surrounded him.

One of them pointed a knife at him: "Boy, leave the things."

Yuan Chenfei smiled, he didn't pretend to be timid at this time, looked at them, and said: "These things are all fake."

It was indeed a fake, since it was a bait, of course Yuan Chenfei couldn't buy the real one.

But the other party will not believe it.

At least you won't believe it until you see it.

"Why are you so nervous? Take it here and show it to the men." A gangster said.

"What if I don't pay?"

"Fuck you!" A gangster swung a knife and chopped it over.

Sure enough, it is very suitable for the new era.

Yuan Chenfei dodged with his head tilted, and punched the boy casually. He said coldly, "You are not my target."

The gangster who shot was only level one, and did not meet the conditions for compulsory pulling.

But it doesn't matter, Yuan Chenfei knows that there are "big" ones here.

Hit the small ones, and the big ones will naturally appear.

A chaotic battle!

In just a moment, a group of gangsters have all fallen to the ground.

Yuan Chenfei straightened his collar and left on his own.

"Damn it, tell the boss!" a gangster shouted.

The dignity of being gangsters made them absolutely not allowed to bear this tone.

Yuan Chenfei walked very slowly, so soon, he heard the sound of a large group of people chasing after him.

Looking back, a man in a black windbreaker was striding forward surrounded by a large group of gangsters.

Full of boldness.

Seeing the other party coming, Yuan Chenfei was happy.

This hasn't really become a big boss yet, but he already has the aura of a big boss!

Seeing the other party approaching, before the other party could speak, Yuan Chenfei said, "Do you have level two or above?"

The insight glasses went to find monsters for the kamikaze group, and Yuan Chenfei could only ask.

"Boss" obviously didn't expect Yuan Chenfei to ask such a question, and instinctively said: "Yes, I'm already level four."

"That's easy." Yuan Chenfei didn't talk nonsense with him, took out the invitation letter directly, and said: "Let's have a fair duel, you will agree, right?"

As soon as he pointed at the boss and threw it, everyone saw a blur in front of them, and the two of them had disappeared at the same time.

what's the situation?

Everyone is stupid.

The "big brother" is also stupid.

He saw himself being waved to a strange place, surrounded by spectators, who were shouting like a mountain and a tsunami—these gods seemed to be waiting impatiently for the excitement.

"What is this place?" The boss asked in surprise.

"Arena, don't worry, you can go out if you kill me." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Big Brother" swallowed: "Brother, do we have some... misunderstanding?"

At this time, he also realized that something was wrong, and his words became pleasant, and he said to Yuan Chenfei: "I am Yan Qi, if my brother..."

Yuan Chenfei interrupted him: "You don't need to introduce, and you don't need to make peace. No matter you are a good person, a bad person, or someone who enters the arena, it is doomed that only one of the two can leave alive, and there is no exception."

Hearing this, Boss Yan's face darkened: "So we must not stop dying?"

"Yes, that's what I'm here for." Yuan Chenfei said.

Boss Yan took a deep breath: "Okay, since this is the case, buddy is also a bachelor, so I won't talk nonsense with you. It's bad luck for you to find me."

He said that he had already started to make preparations.

Yuan Chenfei was amused to see it.

Whoops, Necromancer.

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