Game of the World Tree

Chapter 293 Uncle Border (2 in 1 5000 words)

At the gate of Baifengbao.

The patrolling soldiers straightened their waists and separated their sides.

A luxurious four-wheeled carriage with a black background inlaid with gold and intricately carved hollow patterns slowly drove into the castle under the escort of dozens of knights.

On the side of the carriage, the shield-shaped family crest composed of black lions and red maple leaves looks extraordinarily noble.

And dozens of knights, each riding a white horse, wearing silver armor, with solemn and solemn faces.

They exude a powerful breath, and they are all silver professionals!

The carriage stopped in the courtyard of the castle, and then a male nobleman who appeared to be in his forties stepped out of the carriage.

He is tall and wears a shawl painted with red maples. His curly black hair and a pale and gloomy face make him look a little more mysterious and noble, while a pair of dark blue eyes and a high hooked nose, Made him a little more serious and severe.

Otto von Cappadocia.

One of the seven candidates of the Holy Mania Empire, the White Knight, the Earl of the Frontier, the Lord of the Maple Leaf...

With so many glorious titles in one, Otto is undoubtedly one of the most powerful men in the entire empire.

And the unfathomable strength, as well as the powerful army in his hands, also made his name very loud among the surrounding races.

It's just that at this moment, this uncle Bianbian, who is feared and envied by countless people, doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Lord Earl, Lord Earl!"

Just after Uncle Border got off the carriage, a happy and frightened voice came from afar.

I saw a short figure wearing a housekeeper's uniform and a wig, hurriedly greeted him.

When he saw the other side, Uncle Border's eyes narrowed slightly.


He gave a soft cry.

However, there seems to be no emotion in the words.

Anyone who knows Otto knows that the more he is like this, the worse his mood is.

"Ear... Lord Earl..."

Anders shuddered and stuttered.

"Let's talk later."

Uncle Border waved his hand, and the knights dispersed one after another, and the coachman also drove away in a carriage.

However, one entourage stayed behind and respectfully followed Uncle Border...

It was a middle-aged man dressed as a mercenary. His face was pale, and the armor on his body showed signs of fighting, and there were faint bloodstains.

If the players are here, they will recognize that this is one of the seven silver professionals who hunted them down, and the only mercenary from the Sauron Chamber of Commerce who escaped!

"Mr. Shanying, why are you here?!"

Seeing this mercenary, Anders was startled.

Hearing Anders's name, the mercenary just gave him a cold look and let out a sneer:

"What do you say?"

Anders:  …

For a time, his face became even more ugly.

Bo Bianbian turned a deaf ear to the exchange between the two.

He took off his shawl under the service of four maids with elf blood, put on his indoor noble boots, and then walked straight into his castle and into his own study.

I saw him sitting on his favorite elf-style wooden chair, drinking the high-end Iris coffee that the deacon had just brewed, playing with a delicate black ring, and listening to the old man beside him. The steward reports on the affairs of the recent territory.

Anders and Shan Ying stood at the door respectfully and cautiously, daring not to say a word.

The old butler's work report lasted about 20 minutes, and when he finally finished speaking, he suddenly paused, glanced at Anders at the door calmly, and then said casually:

"In addition... In the past two days, some unpleasant things seem to have happened in the commercial area of ​​the territory. The specific things, since you have seen Mr. Shanying, you should know."

This damn old thing!

Listening to the old housekeeper's words, Anders gave him a hateful look and gnashed his teeth.

The old butler lightly blocked Anders, who was the slave chief, and then resigned respectfully. In the study, only Shanying, Anders, and Uncle Border were left.

"Tell me, what's going on? I just went to the imperial capital, how come so many things happened in the territory?"

Uncle Border's voice was deep and heavy, with a hint of dissatisfaction and questioning.

"Nearly half of my underground industries in Maple Leaf City have suffered huge losses, and the elves prepared by the major slave trade associations have also been deceived... Anders, what the hell is going on?!"

He looked at Anders coldly.

Even Anders has a stake in the Sauron Chamber of Commerce. As the city lord of Maple Leaf City and the lord of the entire Border Territory, Border Uncle naturally also gets a share of the business of the underground Chamber of Commerce.

This time, almost half of the materials that the players pitted in Eve's kingdom of God were actually his.

Hearing Uncle Border's scolding, Anders shivered.

He secretly complained and said quickly:

"It's the nobles in the south! It's all the nobles in the south! I was also deceived by them!"


Bo Bianbian sneered, he turned his head and looked at the mercenaries of the Sauron Chamber of Commerce:

"Shanying, tell Anders what you saw."

"Yes, Lord Count."

Shan Ying saluted the border man, then looked at Anders and snorted coldly:

"Damn nobles! I took six silver professionals from various chambers of commerce to track them down. Those guys...even if they choose to commit suicide, they won't compromise, and the way they fight is shameless. What is this? Nobles? Obviously some desperados!"

Not noble?

Anders opened his mouth.

But... if it wasn't for the nobles, how could those young people take care of them so well? And why do you still enjoy it?

And... if they are really desperados, how could they be the kind of people who don't know much about the world and don't understand any common sense?

Could it be that I was deceived by them in the first place?

"And... they are obviously aimed at our elf slaves. Along the way we pursued, they have been protecting those elves, even if... they die! They are with those elves!"

Shanying said again.

Protect... protect the elves?

Anders was slightly stunned.

"I heard people say that they... aren't they selling elves?"

He felt like his mind was going to go haywire.

"Bullshit resale! The elves they reselled committed suicide! Not even a corpse was left behind!"

"Think about it now, it's not certain whether the elves they sold are elves! I don't know if they really committed suicide or fake suicide!"

"According to the Golden Apple Firm, when the elves they exchanged committed suicide, the firm's defensive circle detected traces of space magic, maybe... they were all teleported away!"

Shan Ying sneered again.

Send... send? !

Anders widened his eyes.

"So... so... those goods from the underground chamber of commerce..."

"Hmph, everything that was touched by those people disappeared out of thin air! The Sauron Chamber of Commerce has sent someone to inspect it, I'm afraid... it's an extremely clever teleportation spell!"

Shan Ying continued to sneer.

Such a powerful teleportation spell? !

Hearing his words, Anders widened his eyes.

But...the strength of those people is not strong!


Anders' voice was a little dry...

"So... this is not a noble in the south, but a strange mysterious force?"

"What do you say?"

Shan Ying sneered.

Anders:  …

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Anders noticed another thing.

He looked at the mountain eagle, and his expression was suddenly a little suspicious:

"Now that you're back, those who went after you with you..."

After listening to Anders' words, there was a hint of sadness in Shan Ying's expression.

"Dead, all dead."

He sighed.


Anders' eyes were slightly dull.

Seven silver professionals, this is not a weak force. Under the golden rank, they walk completely sideways. Why are they dead? !

"We, met a black dragon."

Shan Ying gave him a deep look and continued:

"That black dragon is a group with those guys."

"Black... black dragon?"

Hearing this word, Anders was stunned.


At this time, Uncle Border suddenly opened his mouth.

Anders was startled, and quickly looked at his lord respectfully.

"Know why, didn't I just kill you when I saw you?"

Border Bo said with a smile.

However, there was no emotion in his smile, and he looked at Anders very indifferently.

After listening to Uncle Border's words, Anders immediately sweated profusely. He thumped and hugged Uncle Border's thigh, crying and wailing:

"Lord Earl! Lord Earl!"

"It was indeed my greed that led those guys to the underground chamber of commerce this time, but...but I'm also loyal to you!"

"And...and...I still have important information to report to you, and I have important information to report to you!"

Listening to Anders' words, Bo Bianbian sneered and kicked him to the ground.


He took out the white handkerchief on his chest, wiped the place where Anders was holding it, and threw the handkerchief on his face, then said:

"Is that the black dragon?"

" know?"

Anders was stunned.

"Black dragons are not common..."

Border Bo is light and authentic.

After speaking, he took a light sip of coffee, put on the ring he had just played with for a long time, and then said:

"I heard that the territory was attacked by the black dragon some time ago, and you were kidnapped by the black dragon. This time, the territory was infiltrated by unknown forces, and Shanying and the others also encountered a black dragon..."

Saying that, Bo Bianbian looked at Anders and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Anders, should you give me an explanation?"

After listening to the words of Bianbian, Anders was shocked:

"Lord Count! Do you think it's me?!"

Bianbo did not speak.

Anders burst into tears, and subconsciously hugged his thigh again, but after being glared coldly by Uncle Border, he turned his hand and hugged the chair under Uncle Border, and said with snot and tears:

"Lord Earl! Lord Earl! Anders is completely loyal to you! Anders escaped from the black dragon's minions, but it took almost two months to come back! Lord Earl! You didn't see Anders Are you all so thin?"

"Uuuuu... Lord Count! Anders does have important information to report to you! It's that evil black dragon! It's just... Anders has absolutely nothing to do with it!"

After listening to Anders' words, Uncle Border raised his eyelids slightly:

"Then tell me what you want to report."

Anders was overjoyed when he heard the words of Uncle Border. He was about to speak, but after seeing the mountain eagle standing beside him, he suddenly hesitated.

"Shanying is his own."

Border Bo is light and authentic.

From... my own person?

Anders widened his eyes.

The Eternal Lord is above! For a behemoth like the Sauron Chamber of Commerce, does the Earl also have eyeliners? !

He took a deep breath, organized the language, and then said:

"Lord's the black dragon! It must be the black dragon who did it!"

"That black dragon! It has raised a lot of elves! Not only that, but the elves it raised are extremely ferocious, completely like another species! I saw with my own eyes that they attacked and killed thousands of crocodile mercenaries!"

"The black dragon that keeps the elves?"

After listening to his words, Shan Ying and Uncle Border were a little surprised.

"That's right!"

Anders said excitedly.

And while he was talking, suddenly... a light flashed in his mind:

"I understand!"

"I remember! Elves! It must be elves! Those southern nobles are those elves pretending to be!"

"Elves in disguise?"

Bo Bianbian was even more surprised.

"Yes! Lord Earl, I suddenly remembered that when those elves attacked and killed the crocodile mercenary group, once they died, their bodies would disappear... This is exactly the same as Mr. Shanying's description and the experience of the major chambers of commerce! "

"I'm afraid...they are a group! That southern caravan is exactly what the elves are pretending to be!"

Anders said loudly.

"The elf slave who was deceived... the elf that disappears after death... the black dragon that feeds the elf..."

Bo Bianbian tapped the armrest of the chair, frowning slightly.

He rubbed his temples, then glanced at Anders:

"What else do you know?"

"What else do you know..."

Anders was a little dazed.

However, seeing the unkind eyes of Uncle Border, he quickly racked his brains to recall...

"Yes, yes! Those people... no, those elves, they still eat meat!"

"Or, rather than being elves, they are more like humans in elf skins!"

"Thinking about it now, when I communicated with them, I didn't realize that their identities were wrong at all! It's because they are so human-like! They are not comparable to those elves lurking in the human world."

"They...are completely different from those elves in the traditional sense! Now think about it, maybe those so-called tamed elves are also pretending to be!"

"And... those elves are not afraid of death at all, and they are not afraid of pain! When they were fighting with the crocodile mercenary group, I saw with my own eyes that some elves were hacked half of their bodies, and they laughed and laughed until they died... "

An elf who is not afraid of death and is raised by a black dragon?

Uncle Border frowned slightly.

Under what circumstances are you not afraid of death?

One situation is for ideals and beliefs...

On the other hand, there is no fear of death!

Or rather... what means is there to fight against death!

For a while, Uncle Border's thoughts diverged...

"You, do you have anything else to say? Is there anything you're hiding from me?"

After thinking for a while, he looked at Anders again.

Anders trembled slightly, and quickly shook his head:

"No! No! Nothing!"

Uncle Border narrowed his eyes slightly.

Anders lowered his head.

"You go back."

After a moment of silence, Bo Bianbian said.

Anders was amnesty, hurriedly bowed to him excitedly, and then slipped out.

However, just as he was about to leave the door, a long sword penetrated his chest.

His excited smile froze on his face.

"Heir iron superior? No wonder he was able to kill all his fellows..."

Behind him, there was a somewhat unexpected voice from Uncle Border.

Hearing Bo Bianbian's words, Anders' eyes froze instantly.

How did did he know?

Anders opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he could only spit out a mouthful of blood, and then slowly fell to the ground.

From behind, came the indifferent voice of Bianjian Bo:

"Just a few pariahs, in order to keep your mouth shut, you kill them. I can forgive your stupidity and your greed, but you shouldn't hide your murder from me, I... hate to deceive! "

"Drag him off."

After speaking, Uncle Bianjian glanced at the mountain eagle who was beside him in amazement.

The mountain eagle saluted the border man, and then dragged Anders's body down...

In the room, only Bianbian was left.

"Your control over the power of the soul is getting stronger and stronger, and you can see the undead around him. It seems... you are indeed suitable for the path of the law of life and death!"

At this time, an old voice resounded in the room.

Bianbo didn't seem surprised.

He took a light sip of coffee and said with great interest:

"As you said, put all the elves in the chamber of commerce, but I didn't expect that a big fish would actually be attracted..."

"You said... what do these strange elves have to do with the Oak Hand? Can our plan go smoothly?"


The old voice smiled slightly.

His voice still echoed in the room:

"Didn't he say it? That's a large number of elves..."

"Isn't our original purpose to find more elves? After all... only elves have the blood of Uktrahir!"

After listening to his words, Uncle Border narrowed his eyes slightly:

"But... Anders said, those elves are weird."

"That's also a wizard. The detection method I left in the chamber of commerce cannot be faked."

The old voice continued to laugh.

"Such interesting elves make me even more interested."

"Just now... they seem to have killed a child of mine..."

"Unfortunately, the distance is too far, and I didn't perceive how they did it... It's just that I seem to smell a familiar breath."

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