Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 220 The Lion of King's Landing

Boom boom boom!

"Little Devil" Tyrion Lannister was tasting the aroma of wine on Shae's lips when there was a quick knock on the door.

"Someone is looking for you, my lion." Shae smiled.

"Leave them alone!" Tyrion felt her firm, small double breasts pressed against his chest, and he couldn't think of anything else.

Shae smiled lightly and pushed the man away: "Go and open the door, my Lannister giant. Maybe it's something important."

"In King's Landing, the most important thing is 'important things'. I'll be bored to death sooner or later!" Tyrion complained, but he still put on a dress and opened the door with two twisted short legs.

Outside the door is the mercenary Bronn.

However, since coming to King's Landing with Tyrion, this mercenary has been mixed up in the city's garrison, and now he is Bronn, the gold-cloaked guard.

"What is it?" Tyrion asked angrily.

"Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is back and is convening an imperial meeting, asking you to attend."

"My sister is back?" Tyrion looked upset, "but what right does she have to call the imperial council? She is no longer the regent."

Indeed, the regent power has now been handed over to the new king--Duke Tywin Lannister.

Bronn shrugged: "I don't understand this, anyway, your sister is looking for you, whether you want to go or not."

Even if he put on the golden robe, Bronn still couldn't get rid of his unruly mercenary temperament, and only Tyrion, a strange master, could bear such a strange subordinate.

Tyrion really didn't want to talk to Cersei, but he didn't dare not go.

Once Cersei went crazy, she didn't know what would happen.

And now he still has a handle—it is Shae in the house.

Shae was a sorceress, and Duke Tywin hated sorceresses the most, not to mention that he even brought sorceresses into the Red Castle.

This is going to be known by his father, and he is afraid that the old things of Tessa will be repeated.

Tessa is a farmer's daughter and Tyrion's ex-wife, but after being discovered by Duke Tywin, he told Tyrion that this woman was actually specially found by his brother James to let him experience the relationship between men and women female branch daughter.

Then, Duke Tywin ordered the family guards to rape Tessa, and paid her a silver stag for every guard he did. Duke Tywin also asked Tyrion to be the last one, and gave Tessa a golden dragon. After all, Lannister is worth a lot.

After that, Tyrion never dared to let his father know that he was looking for a woman.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll change." Tyrion returned to the room.

While changing into decent clothes, he said to the woman on the bed:

"Tomorrow, I will arrange a place for you outside the Red Castle. Don't worry, I will visit you as soon as I have time."

Xue Yi suddenly sat up from the bed, the quilt slipped off, revealing a large piece of beauty on her chest, but her tone was not beautiful:

"What do you mean? Are you abandoning me?"

"That was not what I meant……"

"I thought you were different from others!" Xue Yi burst into tears, "So I was wrong. You are nothing special, you just want to run away after you finish your work!"

"That's really not the case." Tyrion hurried forward to comfort the woman, "I can't let my father know about your existence..."

"Yes, because I'm just a female branch girl!"

"No," Tyrion tried to explain. "Give me a moment, will you? I won't abandon you, I swear."

After finally coaxing the woman, Tyrion went out to Maegor's Tower.

Bronn followed behind and reminded softly:

"That's just a girl."

"I know." Tyrion shrugged. "But who but a damsel would spread her legs for a dwarf like me."

That's what he said, but Tyrion had already scolded himself in his heart——

What she loves is your money and your status. Be sober, how can a daughter-in-law have love?

"Help me find a house outside the Red Keep," Tyrion said to Bronn after all. He knew that he shouldn't be emotional with such a woman, but he couldn't control himself: "Remember to stay closer to the Red Castle."


All the way to the chamber, Tyrion saw his sister Cersei, and two cabinet ministers—

Intelligence chief Varys "Octospider" and the new grand maester Gormon.

This new bachelor is a member of the Tyrell family. Although he will give up his secular surname after becoming a bachelor, anyone who really believes that these bachelors have completely severed their ties with their family is the biggest fool in the world.

The grand maester was appointed and dismissed by the Cardinal of Xuecheng, and no one else had the right to intervene, but the Cardinal of Xuecheng sent such a person to King's Landing to replace the dead Pycelle, and Tyrion could hardly believe that they had ulterior motives.

Is the rose impatient?

"Why are you so slow!" Cersei looked at her younger brother with those beautiful green eyes.

"My dear sister, don't you know that dwarves have short legs, so they can't walk fast." Tyrion climbed unsteadily into his seat, "where's uncle? Why didn't he come?"

"You mean Uncle Kevan?" Cersei frowned, "Why call him? He's not a cabinet minister."

Tyrion really wanted to say that you are not a cabinet minister yourself, but he was worried about being beaten by his sister, so he said: "He is the person sent by my father to take charge of the overall situation of King's Landing, and he is the acting Prime Minister."

"Father's not here, I'm the one in charge of King's Landing!" cried Cersei.

Tyrion rolled his eyes secretly, but said nothing more.

After all, there were outsiders present, and Tyrion didn't want to quarrel with his sister. This would expose the internal conflicts of the Lannister family... But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it has almost been exposed.

Satisfied with her brother's silence, Cersei raised her chin and asked:

"How many people in the Seven Kingdoms support that false king, Stannis Baratheon?"

Tyrion snapped his fingers and said: "Ed Stark in the North and his vassals are undoubtedly the most resolute in supporting Stannis, and Duke Hoster Tully of the Riverland has also expressed his support... ..."

"Isn't that old smelly fish dead yet!" Cersei said through gritted teeth.

"It is said that they are dying." Tyrion shrugged and continued, "The young duke in the valley has not expressed his opinion, but I guess, they will be attracted by Ed Stark sooner or later. Stormland is now It's very chaotic, especially after my father appointed a Duke of Storm's End. There are all kinds of voices, but in name, they support us. The Duke of Metz in the Reach hasn't made a clear statement..."

"The inflatable fish supports us." Cersei said firmly, "James has followed him to Highgarden, and he promised to tie that damned Caesar to King's Landing!"

"That would be the best. With the support of the Riverbend, we have won 80%." Tyrion whistled briskly, "As for Dorne, Prince Doran has made a covenant with his father, so they are also standing On our side, however, Sunspear urges us to send Princess Myrcella Baratheon there as soon as possible."

"No!" Cersei flatly refused, "My daughter will not marry into that bloody place!"

Tyrion's eyes widened. "My dear sister, but it's part of the agreement, you can't..."

"If I say no, I won't!" Cersei leaned forward, as if she wanted to beat her younger brother, "Let Doran change one condition."

Tyrion decided not to quarrel with her, and when his father came back, he would naturally bring the lioness to his knees.

"So now our chief enemy is the wolf of the north?" Cersei concluded.

"You can say that. But don't forget the fish in the riverlands and the eagle in the valley," Tyrion kindly reminded.

"Aren't the fish and eagle's army trapped in Dorne? What are you afraid of?"

Then you still have to offend the Dornishmen! Tyrion cursed to himself.

"The rivers and valleys can still gather a lot of troops, so don't be careless." Tyrion said, "Now Eddard Stark is gathering troops in the Trident River valley, I guess he should be able to gather about 50,000 to 60,000 troops of troops."

"The Trident?" Cersei panicked at last. "Isn't that near King's Landing? Where's our army? Where's Father? Where is he now?"

"At Harrenhal."

"Why go to Harrenhal? Why don't you go back to King's Landing?"

"My good sister, it is wise for my father to garrison Harrenhal. It blocks the only way for the northern army to go south, and the two cities form horns..."

"What bullshit horns!" Cersei was furious. "What if the rebels cross Harrenhal and attack King's Landing?"

"Then they're killing themselves." Tyrion tried to use simple metaphors to make his sister understand, "You see, if the rebels came to attack King's Landing, the walls of King's Landing would be the chopping block, and Father's army at Harrenhal would be the hammer— -boom!"

Tyrion made a fist with one hand and smashed it on the palm of the other: "The rebels will be smashed to pieces."

Cersei finally understood this time.

But she still persisted and shouted: "Then father should put the main force in King's Landing!"

"The walls of King's Landing are stronger." Tyrion was speechless, "And I just assumed that Eddard Stark would attack Harrenhal first if he had any brains..."

"But King's Landing is more important! Why not let Harrenhal be the chopping block." Cersei always has a weird logic.

Tyrion just felt extremely tired: "Then write a letter yourself and ask your father if he would like to come to King's Landing."

"Okay!" Cersei seemed a little guilty, so she added, "I'll let the king give the order."

Is there anyone who cheats your son like you? Tyrion decided not to dwell on the matter.

How could Duke Tywin be recalled by an order of a nine-year-old king.

"By the way." Cersei suddenly came up with another brilliant idea, "Are Ed Stark's two daughters in King's Landing? We can hold them hostage and force the North to retreat!"

"The two little wolves are long gone."

"What do you mean missing?"

"Maybe he escaped."

"Escaped? Why can't you even look down on the two little girls!" Cersei was furious again.

"I'm the Minister of Finance, not a nanny! I don't have time to look at two little girls all day long!" Tyrion cried, and then looked at Varys, the chief intelligence officer who had been silent, with deep eyes, and said, "Even Varys Nobody knows where they went."

Varys's fat face was full of innocence: "Before the Tianjicheng incident happened, the two ladies of the Stark family disappeared. At that time, I didn't know how to keep an eye on them."

"It is estimated that Eddard Stark has already prepared! Damn wolf!" Cersei gritted her teeth.

Tyrion looked at Varys suspiciously, and said:

"Your little birds know exactly how many times I went to the latrine, but they don't know where those two little wolves went. Who are they lying to?"

Varys was even more aggrieved, and his fat hands were twisted together: "Lord Tyrion, you really wronged me. I really don't know where those two girls went. I think Her Majesty is right, The Stark family must have been prepared. If the Hand of the King wants to sneak away two people in the city of King's Landing, there is nothing I can do about it."

"Okay." Cersei decided to forgive Varys when she heard the first words. "It's not a big deal. The two little girls of the Stark family ran away, as long as the father led the army back In King's Landing, we're not afraid of the wolf at all."

Tyrion suddenly felt that perhaps it was not such a bad thing for his father to return to King's Landing.

At least he can control this demon sister.

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