Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 273 The Earl of Storm's End

Sir Togan looked at the fake inflatable fish like he was looking at a clown:

"What qualifications do you have to raise conditions? Which party do you represent to raise conditions?"

"The qualification is based on the knife in my hand." Samwell said, "As for which side to represent... I represent the civilians in the river who died in this rebellion and looting. They need justice."

Sir Togan frowned: "But we have already negotiated the terms with the Tyrell family, so it would be inappropriate for you to add more."

At this moment, an ironman walked in and said:

"We have withdrawn from Highgarden, and now we have released our king."

"Okay." Samwell nodded.

King Baron clutched his stomach and struggled to get up, not forgetting to turn his head and give the bastard who held him hostage a fierce look.

But in the next second, his eyes froze.

Because, a sharp knife was inserted straight into the back of his heart!

"What are you doing!" Ironborn roared.

The people in Hewan were also in an uproar.

"Don't let him run to report!" Samwell immediately reminded the ironman when he saw that the ironman was about to run away.

The river bend knight at the door understood and immediately stopped him.

"What do you mean?" Ser Togan demanded.

But his tone was not very harsh. After all, he also hated the bandits of the Iron Islands, and they died as soon as they died.

It was only because he felt that the Faceless Man was breaking the rules that he questioned him.

"As I said, this is to seek justice for the tragic deaths of the civilians in the river bend." Samwell gave the dying King Balon a stab, shrugged, and said calmly, "Anyway, Balon killed and killed, and you are now If you are making a fuss against me here, it is better to quickly control the gate of Gaoting first, lest they come back again."

Ser Toggan was kind enough this time, and waved to his men.

"Okay, let me leave now." Samwell put the knife at Madam Egwene's throat and walked out.

All the people in Hewan along the way gave way.


Outside Gaoting City.

Victarion asked, "Have all come out?"

"It's all out. Only His Majesty Baron is left."

Victarion nodded: "Go to the castle and fetch His Majesty out."


Not long after his men left, Victarion's expression suddenly changed.

The next moment, he suddenly fell to the ground and put his ears on the ground.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes could be faintly heard.

Didn't the people in Hewan say that the army didn't arrive until dawn?

Damn it!


Despicable Riverbenders!

Victarion jumped up from the ground suddenly: "Quick! Go to the port!"

The ironborn seemed to sense the approaching danger, and ran away one after another.

But before they had gone far, a long flaming snake appeared out of the darkness in the north.

The sound of horseshoes became more and more clear, as if the footsteps of death were approaching.

"Go!" Victarion yelled hoarsely.

The Mande River is at hand, and if they escape to the water, they will be saved.

But these few short miles seem to be as far away as heaven and man are forever separated.

The Hewan Iron Cavalry finally arrived, holding high their torches and long knives.

Bring blood and death.


At this time, Samwell and his party just arrived at the gate of the city, and the shouts of killing outside the city made the rebels nervous again.

Sir Togan held Vilas' shoulder and asked:

"What's going on? Didn't we negotiate the terms?"

"It should be the vanguard of the Riverbend Army that bumped into the Ironborn." Vilas was still very calm, "They don't know that we have reached an agreement. You can send an envoy to inform the army, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

Sir Togan heaved a sigh of relief, and sent someone to deliver the letter outside the city.

As for those unlucky ironmen, he didn't bother to take care of them.

It's better to be slaughtered.

This was the price they paid for their plunder of the Reach.

Seeing the city gate slowly opening, Sir Togan looked at the Faceless Man and said:

"Okay, let Madam Egwene go, you can leave now."

Samwell smiled and said:

"Sir Togan, you are really a smart man. You have contributed a lot to the peaceful resolution of the civil strife crisis this time, so before I leave, I would like to give you a gift."

"What gift?" Sir Togan was quite curious, but in the next second, his eyes froze.

Because under the watchful eyes of everyone, that fake inflatable fish actually slit Madam Egwene's throat!

"This is the price of betrayal." Samwell said calmly, holding a bloody knife. After speaking, he rushed out of the city and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

Blood gushed out, and Mrs. Egwene tried to cover it with her hand, but it didn't help.

Panting a few times in vain, she slipped and fell to the ground like a boneless fish.

The gate of the city was quiet for a moment, and no one thought that this faceless man would dare to kill someone.

The next moment, the members of the Oakheart family suddenly erupted, and the sound of cursing and scolding came surging.

"Master Togen, do you want to chase after him?"

Sir Togan froze in place, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

But in fact, he understood what the so-called gift from the man just now meant——

Lady Egwene died without leaving any heirs, and the inheritance of the ancient Oak City fell into Togen's hands.

This is indeed a great gift!

At this moment, Vilas hurriedly said: "Father-in-law, our previous agreement is still valid, please trust the reputation of the Tyrell family. As for what that person did, it has nothing to do with us."

The father-in-law's cry made Sir Togan feel elated, and he nodded, "Okay, but you must promise not to kill anyone again."

"No. Absolutely not!" Duke Metz yelled, "We have no intention of sabotaging the peace talks. That person has nothing to do with us!"

"Good." Ser Toggan nodded in satisfaction.

But there was no mention of chasing after the murderer who killed Mrs. Egwene.

The shouts of killing outside the city became more and more intense, and the direction to the northwest of Gaoting was filled with flames and the smell of blood.

Time passed bit by bit while waiting, and the messenger returned again when the dawn broke in the east, saying:

"Lord Randyll agrees that you lead your army out of Highgarden, and he will not stop you."

Sir Togan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Vilas:

"Good son-in-law, let's go, let's go back to Ancient Oak City."

"Okay." Vilas was very calm about this.

Next, the rebels finally began to withdraw from Highgarden.

Since Vilas was still in their hands, they were not blocked or ambushed along the way.

When they left, Earl Landau led his army into the city to calm people's hearts and clean up the situation.

Samwell also followed the army into the city. His disguise had already come to an end, and he had already returned to his original appearance.

Finding Earl Landau, Samwell asked about the situation of blocking the Ironborn.

According to preliminary statistics, the ironborn left nearly 2,000 corpses outside the city of Highgarden last night, which can be described as heavy casualties, but unfortunately, because it was night, the cavalry could not exert their full strength, and many ironborn ran to the Mande River.

Samwell also felt a little pity.

If the Arbor Island fleet is waiting for work at the mouth of the Mande River at this time, it can definitely inflict heavy damage on the Ironborn, and at least make it impossible for the Iron Islands to cause any storms in the next ten years.

But he also knew that the Redwyne family would not help them, it would be good if they didn't make trouble.

The key point is that Earl Paxter has not committed a substantial act of betrayal, and he may not be able to punish the other party.

Of course, if it is really necessary to pursue responsibility, Qingting Island is definitely not innocent.

It depends on whether Mrs. Olenna is willing to attack her natal family.

Samwell thinks this possibility is very low.

"We can't let the deer party go so easily!" said Earl Matus Rowan.

Samwell shrugged: "But the Deer Party has Veras Tyrell in their hands. Moreover, Mrs. Olenna may not be willing to let the Horse Party dominate the Riverbend family."

"We can't count on the Tyrells." Earl Randall said, "What they want is balance. Therefore, unless we completely tear ourselves apart, we cannot completely defeat the Deer Party under the favor of the Tyrells. The only way , is the introduction of external forces, for example, the storm.”

Samwell understood what his father meant, nodded and said:

"I will return to Storm's End as soon as possible, and strive to completely control the Stormland within two years. At that time, we will settle the score with the Deer Party."

Earl Randall nodded and said:

"That's right. In the next two years, you must focus on developing your own power, a power that can truly be controlled by you. You don't have to worry too much about Hewan, the Ma Party can still stabilize the situation. In addition, there is Dawn."

" mean the Stormland army trapped in Dorne?"

"That's right. Now that you are the master of the Stormland, you should consider how to get the Martell family to release this army. If you succeed, it will allow you to win the loyalty of the Stormland nobles faster."

Samwell nodded, but felt a little troubled.

Prince Doran had put forward the condition last time, which was to marry that troublesome Princess Arianne.

I don't know if I can ask the other party to change a condition...

"There is still a canonization." Earl Matus also reminded, "You have occupied Storm's End, but you still need a title."

Samwell had already thought of this too.

After occupying Storm's End, his attribute panel has not changed, and he is still the Viscount of Eagle Mouth Island.

He remembered that the first two title changes on the attribute panel were after accepting the official canonization of the Duke of Highgarden.

So, this panel isn't just about capturing the castle, it needs a title to match.

But the problem is, he can't find someone to canonize himself as Duke of Storm's End.

Only a king can create a duke, but the one on the Iron Throne certainly won't, and the other king, Stannis Baratheon, is even less likely to be willing to give Storm's End to a Caesar.

After all, this is the lair of the Baratheon family.

The Duke of Metz is not eligible to confer the title of another duke, he can at most confer the title of earl.

However, the earl is the earl.

Samwell decided to take it one step at a time.

First, let's see how many attribute points the earl title can add.

As for whether it would be embarrassing to rule the Stormlands with the Earl of Storm's End... Samwell didn't really care.

Anyway, if you refuse to surrender, you can fight.

He conquered the Stormlands not by title, but by armies and dragons.

"Okay, then I'll go find Duke Metz."

Samwell went out, and after some inquiries, he found the sleeping inflatable fish in the bedroom of the main castle.

It seems that he didn't sleep well last night and was trying to catch up on sleep.

I have to say that sometimes this inflatable fish is in a good mood.

Samwell woke him up and bluntly asked for canonization.

The Duke of Metz didn't dare to refuse, so he could only sign a canonization order with a full stomach.

Samwell immediately saw the changes on the property panel:

Title: Earl (+10)

Territories: Storm's End, Eagle's Mouth

Vassals: Lucas Dayne, Chiman Huya, Katu Huya, Todd Flower, Gavin Mander, Brienne Tass, Bruce Buckler and other 57 people

Strength: 4.50 (8.70)

Agility: 4.07 (7.86)

Spirit: 9.38

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