Time passed by minute by minute.

On the vast sea filled with smoke, the three-masted sailboat drifted slowly, like fallen leaves entering the river.

Gulu gulu~~

About two hours into the journey, the gray seawater changed strangely, bubbling and bubbling like boiling water.

Hot steam filled with the smell of sulfur rose up, occasionally splashing with scalding water.

The mercenaries on the boat couldn't bear the heat wave and climbed back into the sailboat in panic to escape.

Rhaegar leaned on the guardrail and observed the strange things on the sea.

"Sir, the original location of Yanhai is the Fourteen Fire Peaks area, so there are many volcanoes and magma hidden under the sea water."

Robert took off a coat and explained while sweating profusely.

The climate in Yanhai is unpredictable and different from any other ocean in the world.

There are active volcanoes erupting from time to time under the sea water, and the earth's crust moves frequently.

Therefore, the Sea of ​​Smoke is shrouded in haze all year round, and the seawater in some areas looks like boiling water.

Lei Jia knew these key points by heart before coming, so he was not too surprised.

I just sighed silently in my heart that it was a pity that the Fourteenth Fire Peak was a natural dragon's nest.

Had it not been for the catastrophe, the Free Fortress Empire would not have been destroyed.

Who knows, both Westeros and Essos will be ruled by dragons.


A loud roar came from afar, and a dark dragon shadow broke through the layers of haze and glided over the sailboat.

Lei Jia was interrupted from his thoughts by the dragon's roar, and his eyes focused: "Be alert, there is movement around!"


The mercenaries gathered on the deck and immediately went on alert upon hearing the sound, each holding a torch and staring at the foggy sea.

Robert was startled and said nervously: "Sir, the dragon is roaring, what happened?"

The dark dragon above the head has been hovering over the sailboat, and it descends and roars for the first time.

"I don't know, anything can happen on the Yanhai Sea." Lei Jia frowned slightly, not knowing the specific situation.

Gluttony is responsible for medium and long-distance surveys to avoid inevitable disasters when sailing ships hit.

From its neighing sound, Rhaegar heard a warning.

There must be something around that caught its attention.


Just as he was thinking about it, a thunderous explosion sounded in the distance.

Rega looked up in surprise and saw a beam of fire rising into the sky through the blurry haze, sputtering and scattering like fireworks.

Obstructed by the haze, the fire couldn't be seen clearly, like a torch gushing out.

But Rhaegar knew that it was a volcanic eruption!

"Sir, this is an active volcano, and there is a volcano erupting in the distance!"

Robert was shaking all over, and his only remaining eye was wide.

Rhaegar quickly took out the chart to check, comparing his eyes with his surroundings to identify the direction.

After a moment, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "This active volcano is not on our route. It should have erupted by chance."

Watch the volcanic eruption from a distance, dozens of miles away from the sailing ship.

If the volcano hadn't erupted so powerfully, causing magma to break through the sea and fly all over the sky, we might not have been able to witness it with our own eyes.


A gust of wind came, and the glutton swooped past again, hissing loudly.

The sailboat was slightly swayed by the wind, and Lei Jia quickly grasped the railing to keep it steady.

The neighing echoed in his ears, and he was suddenly startled and shouted quickly: "Alert, there are enemies!"

The roars of gluttons are always loud and thick, and sharp screams similar to neighing are rarely made.

Whenever this hissing sounds, it means that an enemy of unknown origin is approaching.


The free citizens of the entire city-state gathered under the black wall of Dongcheng District.

Ten days ago at night, Varos, the newly appointed Elephant Party governor, was killed in a sea of ​​fire.

Under the leadership of the two governors of the Tiger Party, the city-state held its annual election meeting.

The assembly lasted for ten consecutive days and was voted for by free citizens with property in the city-state.

Finally, on the tenth day, the Elephant Party elected a fat middle-aged man with a wide body and a bright smile.

His name is Dofas Basolo.

Originally a member of the Elephant Party, he quickly bribed many free people who respected the "One-day Emperor" and was elected as the new consul.

After the election was completed, Dofas stood on the temporary high platform, raised his arms and shouted: "My compatriots, I will definitely bear in mind His Majesty the Emperor's will and improve the order and construction of Xicheng District!"


The free people cheered and liked the consuls who obeyed the emperor's will and were willing to devote themselves to improving the lives of the common people.

After the declaration was issued, the slaves brought barrels of wine, fruits, and meat for everyone present to enjoy free of charge.

This is a Volantis custom.

Ten days of voting and ten days of carnival and enjoyment.

Dofas walked into the crowd and rejoiced with the crowd.

On the high platform, only the old nobleman and Teslio, the leader of the Tiger Party, were left.

The old nobleman sat quietly on his chair and whispered: "Is the person behind the fire gone?"

"That's right." Teslio crossed his legs, enjoying the massage of the slave girl, and half-squinted his eyes: "I heard about the whereabouts of His Majesty the Emperor, so I took a boat to chase him."

"Hey, Volantis can't even think of peace if it is targeted by the Dragon King family."

The old nobleman sighed, worried.

He is an old guy. He only wants to seize power and make money, and does not want to risk his life.

Tesirion immediately opened his eyes and said disdainfully: "It was in the hands of people like you that Volantis fell to this day. Now with the support of two dragon kings, there is nothing to be afraid of."

His idea is simple.

Volantis has the potential to conquer other Free Cities, it just lacks an opportunity and powerful allies.

Now, opportunities and allies have arrived.

Sea of ​​smoke.

The three-masted sailboat stopped running wildly, and the deck was filled with battle-hardened mercenaries.

Rhaegar was surrounded by the crowd, rubbing his hand on the hilt of the dragon's claw sword.


On the chaotic sea, a dull and orderly sound of horns sounded, giving people a strange sense of chilling.

Rhaegar's eyes were cold, focusing on the direction from which the horn sound came.

Where is the side and rear of the sailboat.


The haze surged, and a huge thing appeared, cutting through the boiling sea water, and slowly approached.

"It's a ship, a warship!"

The sharp-eyed sailor shouted in panic.

Rhaegar ignored the noise and frowned as he stared at the large warship that could not be seen clearly in the dim environment.

"Exploration team?"

The warship came from the entrance of the Sea of ​​Smoke, Rhaegar secretly guessed.

After thinking for a while, he ordered: "Put out the flag and blow the horn!"

"Yes, sir."

Several mercenaries took action immediately, raising the three red dragon flags representing the Targaryen family and blowing warning horns.

In a dangerous area like Yanhai, it is normal for living people to fight and fight with each other.

It is better not to have conflicts if possible.

Unfortunately, the warship seemed to be deaf and blind, ramming straight towards the sailboat.

From a distance, Rhaegar keenly noticed that the warship had lowered its ramming angle, showing an obvious offensive posture.

Lei Jia snorted coldly: "If you dare to take my idea, you don't have a good eye."

Communicating with his mind, he planned to drive the glutton to destroy him with a burst of dragon flame.


The warship is getting closer and closer, and the sailors on the deck can even be seen clearly blowing the horns.

The glutton hovers above, ready to spurt out dragon flames at any moment.

At this time, the warship broke through the heavy haze and was completely exposed.

Rhaegar looked at it carefully and his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw that the hull of the warship was in tatters, covered with scratches from swords and axes, and the canvas fluttering in the wind was dirty and had big holes.

The decaying deck was crowded with densely packed weirdos, staring at the sailboat with scarlet eyes.

These weirdos are covered with cracked gray dead skin, their hands and feet are stiff and their joints are twisted, and their faces are dull and numb.

Rhaegar recognized the identities of these strange men.


"Quick! Get away from the sailboat immediately!"

Rhaegar took a breath and gave the order loudly.

There are several greyscale patients on the sailboat, and they have not yet found land to be exiled.

If this group of stone people drifting with the ship had a chance to climb onto the sailboat, there would be no chance of leaving a few intact survivors on the ship.


The glutton roared fiercely, its huge body dived down, and green dragon flames spurted out.


The warship that had just approached was immediately hit by dragon flames, and the deck was enveloped in sticky dragon flames, which quickly spread.



A boatload of stone people were also swallowed up by the dragon flames, roaring like wild beasts, struggling in the sea of ​​green fire.

They are already a group of irrational monsters, with only the animalistic fear of death remaining.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow quickly!"

Robert looked at this scene in shock and urged the mercenaries to draw their bows and shoot arrows.

Thump thump thump…

The dilapidated warships were crowded with stone people. A few stone people escaped from the dragon flames, and their survival instinct made them jump into the sea.

The sea water was boiling and rolling, and the stone people fell into the water like dumplings. They struggled in the boiling water and roared randomly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Looking at the stone people who fell into the water and fled, the mercenaries opened their bows and fired arrows one after another.

The gluttons circled back and forth, and the dragon flames sprayed the tattered warships as if they were free, vowing to burn them all.

"Sparse your arrows and move the ships away!"

The green firelight filled the foggy sea, and Rhaegar became alert and ordered the helmsman to sail the ship.

The sudden appearance of a warship filled with stone people gave him a really weird feeling.

Evacuation is the best option.

After hearing the order, the sailboat quickly sailed away and set off towards the route.

The surviving stone people were splashing in the sea water, chasing the sailboat with their feet together.

Some of the fast swimmers had already latched onto the hull of the sailboat, roaring and trying to climb.

The mercenaries lined up on the side of the ship, aiming at these unusual monsters and shooting them accurately.

After a long time, the sailboat disappeared and left the boiling sea.

The crisis is over and the tension is relieved.

When he looked up again, Rhaegar was surprised to find that the sky was clear and the sun was hanging in the sky.

Looking back, I could still see a faint haze shrouded in the direction I came from, and it was all gray.

Robert stepped forward with the chart and said excitedly: "Sir, the anomalies in the sea of ​​smoke are scattered and scattered. We should have entered a safe zone."

The Sea of ​​Smoke was originally a continent that collapsed.

It is inevitable that there are rivers, underground rivers and other areas that deviate from the volcano.

In this area, the haze will disappear regionally and the sea will become calmer.

Rhaegar breathed a sigh of relief and smiled helplessly.

Having just met Shi Min, I was really caught off guard and panicked.

After sailing for a while, the shadow of land appeared in the distance in the field of vision.

Vaguely, you can see beaches, hillsides, and green plants.

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