Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 223 The House of Black and White

While Lind was discussing matters related to the Order of the Storm God with his priests, the Sea King Ferregor Anttalion in the Sea King's Palace in Braavos looked at the dark clouds hanging over Braavos, although his face remained unchanged. He had a friendly smile on his face, but the look in his eyes revealed his inner worries.

"Quero, what does this scene before you remind you of?" A drop of rain flew from the edge of the pavilion's eaves and fell on the face of Sea King Ferrego. He wiped it and turned to the chief swordsman who was standing quietly aside. , asked.

Quiro Valentine replied expressionlessly: "Storm God, this reminds me of the Storm God, my lord."

"Yes, it's the Storm God." Ferrege nodded, and the fat on his chin trembled twice with his movements. "A few months ago, the battle on the Stone Step Islands seemed to be similar to now. The sky Suddenly dark clouds appeared and a storm swept over the sea. I remember there were rumors that the storm was caused by the Chosen One. Do you think this rumor is credible? "

"I don't know." Quiro hesitated for a moment and said: "There are many rumors about the Chosen One, but I have not seen it with my own eyes. I don't know whether the rumors are true or false. If it is true, then he may Having the ability to control storms, if it’s fake, it’s just a coincidence.”

"But I think it should be true." Ferrego walked out of the house, not caring about the rain falling on him, and walked to the balcony, overlooking the entire Braavos, and swept his eyes across various urban areas. Finally, he landed on the vague Temple of the Storm God in the distance and said, "I think Lind Terra should be in the city."

Quiro held up a small umbrella and followed Ferrego, blocking some of the rain from him. After hearing what Neptune said, he was slightly confused and said: "The news I saw a few days ago seemed to say that he was busy dealing with matters at the Dorne border castle. How could he..."

"That might be just a disguise." Ferrego interrupted his men and said in a deep voice: "I can feel that he is in the city. He should be coming for my magic armor. Isla's Qiaolin at Isolde's house?" When I sold the magic armor to me, I knew that this armor would definitely attract Lind Terra, and those guys wanted me to help them block Lind Terra's accusations."

Quiro was silent for a moment and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Since you already know Qohor's thoughts, why did you still buy that magic armor?"

Ferregor sighed and said, "Because I am the Sea King, the Sea King of Braavos."

Quero didn't say anything else. As the chief swordsman of the Sea King, he was very aware of the pressure on Ferrego. Not only did he have to show enough toughness in front of the powerful people in the city, he also had to show toughness when facing people from other Free Trade City-States. It is also necessary to show fearlessness, because the enemy is always around, and if you show a little weakness, there will be an overwhelming attack.

At this time, a servant came from outside and stopped about ten meters away from Ferrego. Quero walked over, and then after listening to the servant's report, he walked over and said to Ferrego. : "Syrio Forel is here, do you want to see him?"

Ferrege was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "Let him come in! I think this should be the last time I see him."

Hearing the response, Quiro nodded to the servant, who turned and left. Not long after, he saw a short, thin, unattractive swordsman enter the house, walked through the hall, and walked towards Ferrero.

"Stop! Silio, stop!" When he reached a place only five or six meters away from Ferrego, Quero took a step forward and warned.

Syrio stopped and looked at Ferrego.

"Let him come over! If he really wanted to assassinate me, he would have done it before." Ferrege turned to look at the chief swordsman of the previous Sea King and said.

After hearing this, Quero took a step back to make way, but Syrio did not step forward again. He just looked at Ferregor from a distance and said, "I'm leaving, and I probably won't come back to Braavos again." ”

"I know." Ferrege looked at Silio and said, "You have no other choice but to leave."

Syrio looked at Neptune expressionlessly and said, "Before I leave, I want to ask my friend Ferrego a question."

Ferrege was silent for a moment and said, "Just ask."

Silio asked slightly cryptically: "Did you use the content I revealed to achieve your goals back then?"

Ferregor looked at Syrio for a long time, and finally said: "Have a safe journey, my old friend."

Silio said nothing more, turned and left the room, and walked out of the Neptune Palace without looking back.

After Syrio left the Neptune Palace, Ferrero stood quietly on the balcony, overlooking the entire Braavos. After a while, he said: "Quero, immediately send people to the dock to check all the ships that have just docked. , asked if there are any particularly outstanding figures above, such a radiant figure as Linde Terra, no matter how hard you try to hide it, you can’t cover up his brilliance.”

"Do you need to send someone to the Temple of the Storm God?" Quelo asked.

"No," Ferrero shook his head and said, "That is a restricted area. Gods belong to gods, and mortals belong to mortals. If mortals rashly step into the territory of gods, they will only be broken into pieces. Believe it or not, I will send someone to check the Temple of the Storm God today. Tomorrow The Faceless Man from the Court of Black and White will appear in front of me. Don’t think that the gods are all hostile, and mortals will take advantage of it.”

"Yes." Quiro nodded.

That night, a large number of people from the City Guard came to the dock in Braavos. They found the owners of the ships that had recently docked at the dock, and then asked them about the passengers, sailors and mercenaries on the ship. Soon they found several A suspect, and Linde, who appeared in front of people as a sharpshooter, was naturally among them.

At this moment, Lind had already come out of the Temple of the Storm God and returned to the hotel where he was staying. After freshening up, he was ready to rest. He also planned to stroll around Braavos City in the past few days and then go to the Neptune Palace. .

Although it was certain that the magic armor in Neptune's hands was not his own, he still needed to take a trip to see if he could get some useful clues from Neptune.

However, just as he finished washing up, he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he found that the person knocking on the door was not a servant in the hotel, but an unknown little girl.

"Are you Mr. Linde?" The little girl raised her head and looked at the tall Linde timidly and asked.

Linde was stunned for a moment and admitted: "Yes."

The little girl said as if she was reciting lines: "Neptune sent people to the dock to investigate you. Your location will be found soon. Please come with me and I will take you to a safe place."

Although, at this moment, Linde no longer needs to avoid the pursuit of Neptune's people. Even if he is discovered by Neptune, he can just take the opportunity to meet Neptune directly and resolve the matter.

However, he was very interested in the person behind the little girl, so he asked the little girl to wait for a while. He returned to the house, re-equipped the weapon, and walked out.

Then, the little girl led Linde directly from the small stairs next to the hotel to the street, avoiding the people in the hotel, and then entered a nearby house and went directly to the basement of the house, where there was a passage outside the central lake. waterway, and there was already a small boat waiting there.

The little girl signaled Linde to get on the boat, but she did not. She stood on the shore and asked the boatman to start the boat.

Passing through a narrow waterway, the boat sailed into the central lake. Under the cover of night, the boatman controlled the boat and flexibly passed between the islands of the temple. He was always able to hide the boat in the shadow of the temple. Among them, people on the shore could not see a small boat rowing across the lake.

Soon the boat arrived at the island where the Black and White House is dedicated to the God of Thousand Faces, and docked at a small pier.

Without waiting for the boatman to say anything, Linde walked onto the pier and walked towards the gate of the Courtyard of Black and White.

At this moment, he could vaguely guess who was the subordinate of the little girl who informed him. Just as he climbed a set of steps and came to the gate of the Courtyard of Black and White, the closed gate slowly opened and he walked out of it. A strange middle-aged man with a hooked nose and scars on his face appeared.

After seeing Linde, the middle-aged man saluted Linde, and then said calmly: "Someone has been waiting for you here for a long time. Although someone does not want to recall the painful memories of the past, he It’s still a pleasure to see my past benefactor again.”

"Someone?" Lind heard this way of addressing himself.

"This is a way of speaking that someone learned from the Loras. It is very suitable for someone because someone has given up everything in the past, including memories and names." The middle-aged man looked at Linde expressionlessly. Said: "By the way, someone's current name is Jiakun He'ghar. Lord Linde can call someone by this name."

After hearing the other party's introduction, Lind understood that the person in front of him was the Jia Kun who would appear in the Red Keep in his memory and change Arya Stark's fate.

However, what surprised him was that this Jia Kun turned out to be the little girl Tessa who he saved back then.

On the surface, it seemed that he had changed Tessa's fate of death, but now that he thought about it carefully, even if he had not intervened, Bowo, the faceless man who was in the Red Keep, might have saved her from being dumped in the slum garbage dump, and then Or Tessa was sold to Flea Bottom to make brown soup ingredients, but Lind's intervention only made things take a small detour, and everything was back to where it started.

"Where's Bovo?" Lind asked.

"He has returned to eternal silence." Jia Kun replied calmly. Then she stepped aside, motioned for Lind to come in, and said: "You can stay in the Court of Black and White during this period, although in Braavos , The status of the Sea King is supreme, but that is only relative to mortals. This is the realm of gods, and the power of mortals cannot touch this place. "

The two of them entered the Courtyard of Black and White one after another, passed through a huge corridor, and arrived at the spacious main room. In the middle of the main room was a large pool. Beside the pool, there were many believers praying silently. No sound was made.

Statues of different gods stand on the walls around the main room. According to the teachings of the Thousand-Faced God, they are all incarnations of the Thousand-Faced God. What is interesting is that the statue of the Storm God corresponding to Lind is also among them. The appearance is the same as in the Temple of the Storm God.

At this time, at the edge of the pool, several people who were depressed by illness and life took a stone spoon placed nearby, scooped a glass of water from the pool, drank it, and then turned around and moved to the wall next to them. Lying down in an empty cave, quietly waiting for death.

Some priests and attendants of the Thousand-Faced God or apprentices of the Faceless Men came to the main room. They saluted Jia Kun, and then each went to a stone cave to check the people lying inside and remove those who were dead. Move it out, put it on a cart, and transfer it to another place for processing.

After Linde came to the main room, he glanced around and landed on the pool in the middle. He followed curiously to the side of the pool and looked at the clear and dark water inside.

Although the spring water looked like ordinary water on the surface, Linde could see the magical atmosphere in the water. He could also see the weak magical power emitting from the bodies of those who had drank the water. They were obviously being absorbed by the water. Magic erosion.

This kind of erosion may be bad, destroying all the functions of various organs of the human body from the inside out, and either completely dies or turns into a living dead.

Among those people who are considered dead by the attendants and apprentices, some are actually still alive, but their body functions have been completely destroyed, and they are like the living dead. They are very unlucky, because they will feel that they are being dismembered bit by bit while they are still alive. , and even saw his own face being made into a mask for the Faceless Ones.

Similarly, the relative erosion of magic power may also be good. The magic power impacts the lesions on some people who are entangled in pain and are in pain, killing the cells that cause the pain, and allowing them to recover little by little.

"Do you want a drink?" Jia Kun walked to Linde and asked.

Linde looked at her, reached for the small spoon, scooped up a spoonful of pool water, and drank it in one gulp.

The magic power in the water that entered Lind's body was swallowed up by the Unknown King rune in Lind's heart before it had time to work.

Seeing that there was no abnormality after Linde drank the water, Jia Kun's hand loosened his grip on a medicine bottle and a rare smile appeared on his face.

At this time, what Linde was thinking about was what it would be like to soak in this pool.

However, this is just a thought, because Linde is very sure that even the huge magic power generated in this pool is not enough to be swallowed by the nameless king's runes. The final result will only completely destroy the sacred object of the Court of Black and White.

By then, no matter how good his relationship with Jia Kun is, believers in the Thousand Faced God may not forgive him. He will inevitably encounter endless assassinations by faceless men, but he himself is not too worried about assassinations. , as long as Glory is around, no assassination will be effective.

But the officials and generals under him did not have this ability. Very few people could survive the assassination, so his territory naturally collapsed and was completely abandoned.

Therefore, the Black and White House of the Thousand-Faced God has always been one of the forces that Linde believed should not be provoked. Even though he now has such powerful strength, he still has not changed his concerns about the Black and White House.

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