Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 276 Magic Talent

Linde was completely confused by these mutants living in the ruined city at this moment. He just wanted to ask the locals where this place was.

What puzzled him was that he helped these mutants get rid of the monsters that were attacking them. Shouldn't these mutants be grateful to him and worship him? Why were all of them so frightened that they seemed to have seen something extremely scary and would rather jump off the cliff than stay and listen to what he had to say.

Thanks to the help of Lind's storm power, Diltos flew extremely fast. The distance that originally took almost a month to complete was completed in less than half a day.

However, when he entered the Land of Long Summer, the entire land was a scorched desert, without any landmarks to identify the location. Lind lost his way and could only fly south, near the coastline. Continuing to fly along the coastline, I finally saw the ruined city and some mutants being attacked by monsters.

There are also mutants from the Land of Long Summer living in Na Sa and Miracle Port. They usually form circuses with bards, singers and others, and make money by showing off their deformed bodies in performances. , so Linde was not surprised or curious after seeing these deformed mutants.

The outside world was puzzled as to why there were so many deformed people in the Land of Changxia, classifying it as a curse from the gods. However, after Linde entered the Land of Changxia, he quickly solved the mystery. The reason why the creatures in this area mutate is entirely because of magic.

There is a very strong and extremely chaotic magic power in this place. This magic power produces a large amount of radiation all the time. The radiation causes biological mutations. Let alone ordinary people, even people with special magic talents like Moroya can enter this place. This land will mutate due to radiation over time.

Such a bad environment is also not very friendly to Linde. Although the dragon rune can also absorb and transform this kind of magic power, this kind of magic power will be very unstable. After being integrated into his own rune power, his own rune power will become unstable. Just like ink falling into clear water, it was contaminated by this magic power and became extremely unstable.

And the closer to the Valyrian Free Fortress, the more chaotic the magic becomes, and the faster it pollutes the power of the runes.

The consequence of the unstable power of runes is that the power effects of various dragon runes will be strong and weak, uncontrollable, and may even hurt oneself.

Therefore, after entering the Land of Changxia, Linde had already controlled the power of the runes so that it would no longer actively absorb the surrounding free magic power.

However, Diltos seems to be an exception. It can absorb the magic power around it arbitrarily and is not affected by these chaotic magic powers at all. Moreover, these magic powers seem to be able to promote the growth of Diltos.

It is obviously not the first time that Diltos has come here. It should have come here before and stayed here for a while. Otherwise, it would not take the initiative to ask Lind to come here. Obviously it wants to It is necessary for Linde to experience the environment here firsthand so that he can make subsequent requests.

"Yes! You can stay here, but you have to wait until I figure out the situation here." After sensing Diltos's request, Lind nodded and agreed. Then he ignored the fleeing deformed people and turned around. Walk towards the vacant dragon's nest and see if you can find anything useful in it.

However, Lind, who had just taken a few steps, was immediately alarmed by a slight sound behind him. He stopped, turned his head and looked at a ruins behind him, and shouted in High Valyrian: "Come out! I've found you, you're hiding behind a fallen stone pillar."

As Linde's shout passed, he saw a woman with two heads standing up from behind the stone pillar and looking at Linde nervously. In her eyes, there was not only timidity and panic, but also a look of fear. Curiosity and excitement.

Linde took a look at this two-headed person, and he had to say that if she didn't have two heads, she would definitely be considered a top beauty, and she was a beauty with obvious Valyrian blood.

Linde took off his helmet, put it under his arm, and then waved to the other person, gesturing for him to come over.

Ella and Yara looked at each other, took a deep breath in unison, calmed down their panic, walked out of the hiding place, and walked towards Linde.

The reason why they did not escape was entirely because they did not feel any danger from Linde and the dragon.

"Are you someone who lives here?" Lind asked in Valyrian.

"No, sir." Ayla, who has always been responsible for communicating with outsiders, replied in the same High Valyrian language: "We live in Mataris, and this is Oros."

"Is this Oros?" Lind had also heard of Oros, the city closest to Valyria, and then asked: "Who were those people just now?"

"Those are Oros people, they are offering sacrifices to their gods." Ayla pointed at the octopus barbecue behind her that was being devoured by Diltos.

"God?" Linde turned to look at the deformed octopus. To be honest, this was definitely the ugliest and disgusting octopus he had ever seen. Dagon's sea monster was even more beautiful than it. Well, if Diltos hadn't told him that eating this mutated octopus would be good for it, Lind would never have let Diltos touch this disgusting thing.

"Excuse me, are you the Dragon King of Valyria?" Ella summoned the courage to ask curiously.

"No, the Valyrian Free Fortress has been destroyed for so many years. There is no Valyrian Dragon King anymore. Moreover," Lind pointed to his hair and eyes and said, "And you think I have such hair and eyes?" , do you have Valyrian blood?”

Yara couldn't help the curiosity in her heart and asked: "If you don't have Valyrian blood, why can you control the dragon?"

"Because I am Lind Terra, I can control the dragon without any bloodline." Lind said matter-of-factly.

After Ella and Yara heard Lind's name, they had shocked expressions on their faces, because they had both heard the story of the God of Natural Disaster from the ascetic monks of the God of Natural Disaster, and knew that Lind Terra was the God of Natural Disaster. His current incarnation is a god walking on the earth.

When they saw clearly the family crest on Linde's armor, they immediately knelt down and bowed to Linde. They saluted him with the etiquette of believers of the God of Natural Disasters, recited the prayers of the God of Natural Disasters, and said: "My Lord, Your glory shines on the earth..."

Seeing the other party's actions, Linde was stunned, and his eyes fell on the other party's holy emblem of natural disasters hanging on the ground. He recognized that this holy emblem should be the holy emblem belonging to the ascetic monk.

"Are you believers of the God of Natural Disasters?" Linde asked the other party after waiting for the other party to perform a complete set of etiquette.

"Yes, my lord," replied Ella and Yara.

"What's your name?" Linde asked again.

"My name is Ella."

"My name is Yara."

They both answered almost at the same time.

Linde asked doubtfully: "Matalis is quite far away from here. How did you get here?"

Ella and Yara immediately told Lind the reason why they came here. When they heard that the two of them risked such great danger to go deep into the ruins of Valyria just to collect the travel expenses to the Holy City of Scourge, This moved him inexplicably.

Just when Linde told the two of them that they didn't have to chip in for travel expenses and that he would help them go to the Holy City of Natural Disasters, he suddenly sensed a burst of magical energy from the two of them. Then he looked at the two of them again with his special vision and found that they The magic power fluctuations in people are even stronger than Moroya. He is the person with the strongest magic power fluctuations of any human being he has seen now.

According to normal circumstances, these conjoined sisters should have inspired some special abilities.

Thinking of this, Linde asked: "Do you have any special abilities?"

Ella and Yara were stunned. The ability to sense danger was their biggest secret. Even their parents didn't know about it. Lind's question at this moment clearly showed that his ability had been exposed.

So, they looked at each other and nodded in unison, and then Ella said on behalf of the two of them: "We have the ability to sense danger. This ability has been in us since we were very young."

Lind thought for a while and said: "There is a place in my territory that specializes in teaching magic, called the Tranquility Court. Talented people can learn magic there and become various types of mages."

Ella and Yara were both smart enough to immediately understand the meaning of Linde's words and confirmed: "You mean we have magic talents and can go to that place called the Tranquility Court to learn magic?"

Linde nodded and said: "Yes, you do have magical talent, and you are the most magically talented person I have ever met. After being trained by the Tranquility Court, you should be able to become a very powerful mage. Although I I don’t think I need to ask, but I still ask as a matter of routine, are you willing to follow me to my territory?”

"Yes, we are willing." Ella and Yala nodded in agreement.

Linde nodded, asked the two sisters to follow him, turned and walked towards the dragon's nest.

The overall structure of this dragon's lair built by Governor Oros is similar to the dragon's lair built in Winterfell, but it is much larger. You can imagine how big the dragon living here was at that time, maybe about the same as a glutton.

Some branch dragon caves inside the dragon's nest have collapsed in the catastrophe. Only the main cave and a few small caves where young dragons live are still intact. These caves are all used by the Oros people as a place to store the bodies of sacrifices. Due to all the All the liquid on the corpse had been sucked dry, and with some embalming, there wasn't much corpse odor in the cave.

It is precisely because of this that the contents of these caves have been emptied, and there is nothing of value.

Ella and Yara were also a little disappointed with this situation, but they quickly recovered. After all, although they did not find anything valuable on this trip, meeting Lind was already their biggest gain. .

Linde looked around and was not too disappointed. He had expected this to be the case. After all, so many people had passed by and there were still many Oros people living here. How could there still be gifts? Something of great value is left here for someone else.

However, he doesn't think that all the valuable things here have been taken away, because there are no signs of being excavated in the caves that were destroyed in the catastrophe. In other words, what were these caves like back then and what they still look like now. .

Lind thought for a while, signaled Ella and Yala to step back, then walked to the entrance of one of the caves, directly faced the stones blocking the entrance, and used telekinesis to quickly pull out the stones from the superposition of each other. , moved to other places for stacking.

Ella and Yala on the side only saw Lind standing at the entrance of the cave, and then the stones pressed together seemed to be pulled out by an invisible big hand and put aside. It was very magical. This was also Let them have more expectations and desires for the power of magic.

Although there was another collapse during the process of clearing the exit, the final result was good, everything went smoothly, and soon an entrance to other dragon nests was opened.

Linde did not rush in, but waited outside for a while, while creating a breeze, constantly pouring air into the cave, and at the same time extracting waste gas and turbid air from the cave, until the air in the cave was completely cleaned. Finally, he walked in.

In the cave, Linde saw the remains of a giant dragon. The dragon was much smaller than the glutton. It should have been a newly adult dragon. The cause of death was that a stone pillar fell from the ceiling of the cave and pierced it. Its head is gone, and there are no dragon eggs around it.

Linde opened several other caves one after another and checked the situation inside. It was similar to the previous cave. The giant dragons living inside were all killed by falling stones. The catastrophe came too suddenly. These giant dragons even There wasn't even a chance to escape.

"Sir, maybe the dragon eggs were taken away when they were born and placed in Valyria for hatching." Seeing Lind walk out of the last cave, Ella and Yara saw that his hands were empty, and they Guess said.

"It's possible." Lind thought for a while and nodded, but he didn't think that the dragon eggs had been sent to Valyria, because it can be known from the historical records of the Targaryen family that the Dragon King of Valyria Each family hatches its own dragon. Except for a few dragon eggs that will be handed over to Valyria as dragon tax, most of the dragon eggs will be kept and handed over to their own people for hatching.

Lind guessed that there might be dragon eggs hidden in the Governor's Mansion, so he asked Ella and Yala to stay with Diltos, while he searched the Governor's Mansion, and finally let him hide in the ruins of a house. , found a secret room, and stored a dragon egg with red and black scales on the surface. Moreover, this dragon egg was still alive. Linde picked it up and used the method of the lost knight to examine the dragon egg. , he could feel the strong vitality from it.

However, whether it was due to the special environment of Oros or other reasons, the method used by the Homeless Knight to cultivate dragon eggs failed here, and the dragon eggs would not absorb the power of his runes at all.

Linde didn't think much, took out the dragon egg, returned to the dragon's nest, and gave it to Ella and Yala for safekeeping.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but when Aila and Yara took the dragon egg, he seemed to see a flash of light from the dragon egg.

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