Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 286 Tyrion’s Choice

Black Cat is a brothel that only appeared on Silk Street in the past two years. The special feature here is that all the prostitutes are from the Summer Islands. Their exotic dark skin and strong bodies that are different from the weak posture of ordinary prostitutes make people feel... A primitive and wild feeling.

Tyrion is a frequent visitor to the Black Cat. He likes this exotic atmosphere and the feeling of being surrounded and embraced by a group of strong-looking women. This makes him feel a sense of security that he has never felt before.

In the more than half a month since he came back from the north, he has spent almost all of his time in Black Cat, as if he has made this place his home.

Normally at this time, he would be very drunk, and then sleep with some girls until late at night, and continue to drink. But today, he surprisingly stayed awake and got himself out of the bodies of a group of girls early. Clean, put on decent clothes, and stay in the courtyard.

"Holy Seven Gods, what happened to you today, Tyrion? Could it be that you were inspired by the Seven Gods and want to become an ascetic monk?" Black Cat's boss lady Jenny also looked at Tyrion who was very different today with great confusion. questioned.

Tyrion smiled and said: "A friend will come to see me today. I want to clean up a little to avoid embarrassment."

"Friends?" Jenny, the boss lady, was stunned. She had been in contact with Tyrion for a long time. She knew very well that Tyrion didn't have many friends around him. Even those who usually hung out with Tyrion were just looking at him. Won the Langlist gold coin.

She was also aware of Tyrion's attitude towards those people. Although Tyrion and those people were drinking and having fun, they were as close as brothers, but in fact she could see that Tyrion did not treat those people at all. In his eyes, looking at those people is like looking at a group of pets raised by himself, so it is absolutely impossible for him to make any such changes for those so-called friends, let alone get out of the crowd of women, officially Those who were dressed stayed in the courtyard.

"Male? Female?" The landlady couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Male." Tyrion replied, and then he seemed to remember something and said: "By the way, this friend of mine doesn't like drinking. Please prepare some water and boil it... No, it's better not to use it. It will take some time to boil the water and let it cool down. My friend may come at any time, so you’d better squeeze some juice now! Use a new juicer, not someone else’s.”

After hearing Tyrion's instructions, the landlady could feel the importance of his friend, and she became more and more curious. However, she didn't ask any more questions and turned around to prepare the juice.

Not long after she ordered people to prepare the juice, she heard her subordinates say that someone was looking for Tyrion, so she put down what she was doing and ran to the courtyard, looking curiously at the servants who were leading him into the courtyard. people.

Although there were four people entering the courtyard, the two guards who followed behind were definitely not the people Tyrion was waiting for, and the little girl probably wasn't either, so it was obvious that she was the tall, ordinary-looking noble.

When she saw the appearance of the noble, the landlady suddenly felt familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while. It wasn't until her eyes swept over the seven sacred emblems on the wall that she suddenly remembered herself. The statue seen in the Great Sept of Baelor.

"Seven Gods above, it's him!" The landlady suddenly remembered that the friend Tyrion was waiting for turned out to be the chosen one of the Seven Gods, the incarnation of the Storm God, Lynd Terra.

Although the boss lady often talks about the Seven Gods coming here, she is actually a believer of the Storm God.

There has always been a belief in storms in the Midsummer Islands, but there was no concept of God. It was not until Lind appeared that there was a temple to the Storm God.

The boss lady, like other ordinary people on the island, was just a believer in the Storm God, until she encountered a big storm on the way to King's Landing, and survived the big storm by praying to the Storm God, which made her become A devout believer in the Storm God.

However, in order to stay well in King's Landing, she has been pretending to be a believer of the Seven Gods. After all, this is the domain of the Seven Gods.

Now that Lind Terra, the incarnation of the Storm God, appears in her shop, this is such an honor for her as a believer, so she arranges for the most beautiful girl around her who has not taken over customers to serve as a maid. Go and serve Lind.

On the other side, Linde, who came to the Black Cat Courtyard, saw Tyrion in formal attire and couldn't help but smile and said: "I thought I would find you among a bunch of naked women, but I didn't expect you to crawl out on your own. , and waiting for me dressed so formally, I was really flattered."

Tyrion shrugged and said with a smile: "You are at least half of my employer. Even if I don't give you face, I will give you the face of the golden dragon in your pocket."

Although Tywin did not agree to let Tyrion go to Summerhall to work, Lind still used other methods to get Tyrion to do things for him, such as hiring Tyrion as a consultant for Lannisport Miracle Chamber of Commerce.

Tyrion is also very qualified for this position. He was responsible for building the trade route from Bear Island to Lannisport, and he also led the gold trade with the West.

Over the years, Linde has been exchanging letters with Tyrion. Their correspondence is not entirely about discussing business issues, but also about some interesting things in life. The two of them can be regarded as very good pen pals.

In addition, Tyrion himself is very obsessed with dragons. Basically, he spends one or two months every year in Miracle Port and the monks of Miracle Temple to take care of gluttons, so he himself has always regarded himself as a miracle. Half of the residents of Hong Kong.

"Why are you hanging out with the little girl from the Wolf family?" Tyrion looked at Arya next to Lind and couldn't help but ask.

"I met him on the road." Linde briefly explained the situation.

"Are all the City Guards a bunch of freeloaders? Public security is so bad that those jackals dare to come out and cause trouble in broad daylight!" After hearing this, Tyrion frowned and couldn't help but Cursed.

He was not only dissatisfied with the security of King's Landing, he was also afraid of the consequences of this incident. If something happened to Arya in King's Landing, it would not be easy for everyone in King's Landing.

Tyrion said sincerely to Arya: "Miss Arya, I'm sorry for what happened to you in King's Landing!"

"It doesn't matter, today's experience is a good adventure for me!" Arya smiled disapprovingly and said.

Arya didn't have a good impression of Tyrion at first. Although she didn't value appearance as much as Sansa, her first impression of people was still biased by appearance.

However, when Tyrion was on trial in Darry City, he stood up to mock Prince Joffrey's weakness, denounced the unfairness of the trial, spoke for Arya, and later argued for the innocent lady, although in the end it did not change the lady's attitude. Death, but it changed Arya's view of Tyrion.

"Here, drink a glass of juice to calm your nerves. It has just been squeezed and added with a little honey!" Tyrion picked up the kettle on the table, poured a glass of fruit juice for Arya, and then turned to look at Lind. , said: "To be honest, I am surprised that you will come to the Prime Minister's Martial Arts Competition. I thought you would refuse such an invitation as before."

"Because I feel it is necessary to come here." Linde sat down and poured himself a glass of juice. He took a sip of water. He felt it was too sweet, so he put it down again and said to Tyrion: "As before, I I still want to invite you to work in the Summer Hall."

Tyrion was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile: "You came all the way from Summer Hall to King's Landing just to invite me, right?"

"You are just one of the reasons." Lind nodded and said.

Tyrion said apologetically: "It's a pity that I have to disappoint you again. I will return to Casterly Rock after the tourney."

Lind asked: "Go back to Casterly Rock and continue to be your sewer main?"

"Of course not." Tyrion shook his head and said, "Be my father's steward."

When Linde heard this, he was stunned, and he couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face.

Lynd knew very well how much Lord Tywin hated Tyrion, and even this dislike was so strong that it was almost hatred. The depth of Lord Tywin's love for his wife was as strong as his hatred for Tyrion. So even though Linde offered such high conditions, he still didn't agree to let Tyrion go to Summer Hall. Although the superficial reason was that Tyrion was the chief heir of Casterly Rock, in fact, he just simply hated Tyrion. Give him every opportunity to develop his abilities.

However, now that Duke Tywin would let Tyrion serve as steward, it is really incredible. You must know that stewards will often stay with the lord and help with official affairs, just like Jon spends most of the day. He stayed in the study room of the castle and assisted Linde in handling various matters.

So in other words, Lord Tywin will often see Tyrion, this deformed son that he hates so much. What does this mean? Self-abuse?

"Yes, that's the expression!" Tyrion pointed at the surprised Lind and said with a smile: "When I heard the news, I had this expression. I suspected that my father was crazy!"

Linde raised his eyebrows and said, "Shouldn't it be that he finally discovered your talent and thought it could help Casterly Rock..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tyrion interrupted: "Do you believe this when you say it?"

Lind smiled and shook his head, then asked: "What about you? Do you know why Lord Tywin looks at you differently?"

Tyrion said nothing, just looked at Lind.

Lind immediately understood what Tyrion meant and said, "The Miracle Chamber of Commerce in Lannisport?"

"After much deliberation, this is the only reason I have." Tyrion nodded and said, "He must have taken a fancy to the fur trade of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. He was unwilling to be a transit station and wanted to take over the business."

At this moment, Arya, who was drinking juice at the side, suddenly interjected: "Can't a father love his son and want his son to do things by his side?"

Lind and Tyrion were stunned when they heard this, and then they laughed in unison.

"What's so funny about this? Am I right?" Arya puffed her lips and looked at the two of them dissatisfied.

Tyrion stopped smiling, looked at Arya, and said, "Miss Arya, is Lady Catelyn willing to let Jon Snow leave his stable and serve as steward to Lord Eddard?"

Arya hesitated for a moment, thought about it seriously, shook her head, and said, "No."

"Yes, my father can't do the same." Tyrion sighed and said: "In my father's eyes, I am just like an illegitimate child in the eyes of Lady Catelyn. The grave may be the most important place for people like us." A place to stay.”

As Tyrion finished speaking, the atmosphere in the courtyard became dull.

Perhaps Tyrion himself felt that such an atmosphere was not good, so he immediately changed the subject and said: "Actually, even without dad's appointment, I would not go to your Summer Hall."

"Why?" Linde asked puzzled.

"Because your system is not suitable for me." Tyrion poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and continued: "In your system, the power of the collective will be infinitely amplified, and the power of the individual will be infinitely magnified. Ability will weaken rapidly until it disappears completely. Any capable person who enters your system will naturally become a part of the system and disappear completely. "

Lind shook his head and retorted: "Who said that? There are many people under my command who have reached high positions by virtue of their personal abilities. Aren't Bahrain, Rosso, Mus, and Asha the best examples?"

"They are indeed a typical example of rising from the bottom to a high position through ability, but they are also the best example to prove my point." Tyrion finished the glass of wine and said: "I ask you, if any of them If something goes wrong, will their position be immediately replaced by a perfect replacement, and there will be more than one perfect replacement? "

After hearing Tyrion's words, Lynd fell silent.

As Tyrion said, he has many alternatives for any position in the Summer Hall territory. If the person in this position has an accident, he can fill it immediately without any interruption. This kind of alternative plan is the best. At first, they were just low-level officials of Summer Hall, but now they have spread to the entire bureaucracy of Summer Hall. Even the position of Asha, Lord of the Iron Islands, has more than two alternatives.

Linde nodded and admitted: "You are right, even if you come to Summer Hall, you will not be able to show your talents."

Tyrion smiled, poured himself another glass of wine, then raised the glass to Lind and said, "Respect!"

Lind did not raise the cup. Instead, Arya raised the cup in her hand and clinked it with Tyrion.

After understanding Tyrion's intentions, Linde did not invite Tyrion again, and the topic the two of them talked about changed to the recent situation. Where are the delicious and fun places in King's Landing and which noble's banquet is worth it? A topic like going away.

In the evening, Lind took Arya up and left the Black Cat. But before leaving, Lind reminded Tyrion again and asked him to return to Casterly Rock as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Tyrion was already drunk. , being held in the arms of two women from the Midsummer Islands, not paying attention to Linde's reminder at all.

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