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Twenty years later.

For the gods, 20 years passed like a nap, but for the people who lived under the long night, it was an incomparably long time.

And Viserys and other gods have also lived in this time and space for twenty years.

They even sometimes feel that they have forgotten their original identities, as if they were really living in this era.

They fought side by side with the ancestors, resisting the rolling death army, but the results backfired and failed.

Even though the gods who have lost their divine power want to save the common people, they do not have the strength to turn their hands for the clouds and cover their hands for the rain.

Moreover, Viserys today does not have a giant dragon as a partner, nor a powerful army, and the level of human technology is still only in the primitive Bronze Age.

So the White Walkers rode gigantic ice spiders and pale dead horses, leading armies of the dead, swept through villages, cities, and kingdoms, killing countless ordinary people and soldiers.

And in this 20-year long night, the whole world has been occupied by the death army, and the situation is far more difficult than the long night that Viserys had experienced.

If the second long night is easy difficulty and the last long night is medium difficulty, then the first long night recorded by human beings is **** difficulty.

So much so that human beings still fearfully built the Great Wall of Despair after defeating the Long Night, and formed the Night's Watch Legion that has been passed down for thousands of years to prevent these terrible enemies from making a comeback.

And now the entire world has been shrouded for 20 years, far more than just darkness and cold.

Today, the heroes of mankind can only be forced to hide in the XZ, hiding in the deep mountains to escape the pursuit of the death army, looking for all the food they can swallow to satisfy their hunger, and also tenaciously resisting the cleaning of the dead.

They are the last hope of all mankind.

"We must find the children of the forest!"

On a vast and flat land in the north, next to the dense forest, a small fort was built.

Just like the fort built by the ancestors on the Fist of the First Men in order to resist the invasion of the White Walkers shortly after the long night fell.

In the end, he did not resist the attack of the rolling corpses, and became a restricted area for life.

However, this fortress standing on the edge of the forest now seems to be quiet and silent, but there is a bright bonfire under the fortress.

This is a hiding place built by the last ancestors, and all the leaders of the powerful tribes in the north are now gathered here.

There used to be a lot of powerful tribes in the north, and the Stark tribe and the Bolton tribe were among the top tribes within a hundred miles, but they couldn't actually rank the entire north.

However, an unprecedented disaster reshuffled the situation in the north. With the help of the gods, the Stark tribe was able to save most of their strength in this disaster, but instead became the leader of the heroes in the north. Tribes, big and small, struggled to survive in this long night.

"The powerful magic of the Children of the Forest can help us defeat the White Walkers."

And now the person who spoke was the leader of the Bolton tribe.

The Bolton tribe, because of its innate geographical advantages, was relatively hidden and was less affected by the corpse tide, so it was able to preserve a lot of strength.

Among the northern tribes of the ancestors, the Bolton tribe is second only to the Stark tribe, and has a considerable right to speak, but it also succumbed to its former rival.

After all, now they are all facing a common enemy, which is a matter of life and death.

The Bolton tribal leader's words were endorsed by many tribal leaders present.

The long night has lasted for twenty years, except for those who are united, they don't even know what the whole world has become?

What happened to the hundreds of states in the south?

Has the mighty Reach Kingdom, the first king of mankind, succeeded in defending against the White Walkers?

They all know nothing about it.

Now they are the only ones who can only rely on themselves to struggle to survive.

They used to have fantasies, thinking that as long as they survived, one day the long night would dissipate and the first ray of sunshine would come again.

But twenty years have passed, and the sun has not waited. Instead, it is getting colder every year, and the food that can be found has become less and less.

Most of the tribe didn't actually die from the White Walkers, but from starvation and cold.

Finding the tree-topped towns and empty mountain valleys where the children of the forest lived was the only way before the survivors.

"I would like to go!"

At this moment, a tall and strong Luo Yinna soldier stood up and said decisively.

He has long black curly hair, a resolute face, eyes like a torch, and a long sword wrapped in gray cloth on his back.

He came from Essos by boat at great risk, just to stop the White Walkers from engulfing the world and bring back the lost light.

He thinks this is his mission and responsibility~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he also paid a considerable price for this mission.

Twenty years.

The White Walkers are not only present in Westeros, but also in Essos and beyond, and all people around the world are suffering together.

But those who come know that the long night and the scourge of the White Walkers originate in the ice fields north of the Shivering Sea, and that Westeros, which is connected to the Land of Winter, is the only way to get there.

So he took great risks and sailed across the narrow sea to the land of Westeros.

He is the legendary hero of mankind Azor Ahai.

Once again, seeing R'hllor, the king of red light, from another angle, Viserys and other gods were still very emotional.

It's just that Azor Ahai doesn't know Viserys yet. He just came here to find this group of human survivors and looked at Viserys for a while, and then he said something familiar.

Because Viserys and other gods claimed to be from the Eastern Continent and provided great help to the ancestors and tribes in the north, the ancestors also warmly received this brave Luoyinna warrior and allowed him to participate in the internal Meeting.

But now Azor Ahai suddenly stood up and offered himself, and the leaders of many northern tribes looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

It's not that everyone doesn't believe this person, but that the other party has just arrived not long ago, and everyone doesn't know much about him.

However, when the atmosphere in the cellar was slightly awkward, the silver-haired youth who looked very young leaned on the table, looked at Azor Ahai's familiar face, and suddenly spoke.

"We'll go with him."

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