A long-awaited dissatisfaction in the distant Pantos almost brewed into a rebellion.

However, because of the leak of the news, the Prince Tattered Clothes could not figure out how much the enemy had mastered him, and he was also forced to delay indefinitely because of the fear that the enemy would startle him.

The Prince of Tattered Clothes escaped from Pantos under the pretext of Hunter's death, but he did not flee too far away, but hid outside the city.

He claimed to the outside that he was tired of life in the palace recently and wanted to live in a manor outside the city for some time to relax.

And it was this careful decision that saved his life, otherwise Jon Clinton would almost send troops to arrest him.

At that time, unless the Prince of Tattered Clothes jumped into the sea, he could not escape the pursuit of the Targaryen soldiers even if he entered the sky.

After the death of his spy, Ramsay naturally investigated the Prince's Palace as expected.

The chief butler of the Prince's Palace was actually the one who was bought by him.

It's just that the prince of tattered clothes is very experienced after all, and the finishing work is perfect. Rams didn't investigate anything from here, but knew that the prince of tattered clothes seemed to have invited a mysterious person to the palace to talk privately.

After all, before he had any real evidence, he could only make a secret investigation because of the identity of the other party, and could not directly call the door for accountability.

The body was cremated shortly after Hunter's death, and everything in his room was cleared, leaving no clues.

Ramsay couldn't even find the body, it could only be attributed to Hunter being exposed and removed by the Prince of Tattered Clothes.

But according to the most malicious guess, Hunter must have discovered some secret of Prince Tattered before his death, otherwise the other party would not kill.

Then the Prince of Tattered Clothes fled from Pantos in a panic, further confirming his point of view.

Rams can be sure that there must be something wrong with his opponent almost intuitively.

He fled outside Pantos because he was afraid of exposing something and ran away, but Ramsay could not find any evidence.

He didn't have any law enforcement powers in his hands, and he couldn't directly act on the prince of tattered clothes, the official official of the border.

Therefore, Rams found his old boss Jon Clinton, and wanted the Minister of Justice to dispatch Pantos' three thousand city garrisons out of the city to capture the Prince Tattered.

However, Jon was not an impulsive person, he was thoughtful and mature.

He listened to Ramsay's speculation and believed that there was a certain possibility, but he also knew that although the Prince of Tattered Clothes had no power, he was not very active, especially when there was no evidence.

Jon promised Ramsay that if Prince Tattered wanted to escape, he would immediately send troops to arrest him.

And if the Prince Tattered just hides in the manor outside the city and does not move, there is no way to move him for the time being.

There was a little turbulence in the sky above Pantos after Visiris left, but it did not cause much twists and turns.

And in the distant Great Wall.

Robert organized the coalition forces of the Seven Kingdoms. Except for the Iron Islands, all the nobles sent troops to rush over. A total of more than 60,000 soldiers were gathered to prepare to resist the invasion of aliens.

Now the Savage Rebellion has been quelled, at least not as rampant as it was a few months ago.

Robert even heard that a savages attacked King's Landing like a suicide not long ago, but it was a pity that their actions were suppressed without even a splash of water being lifted.

"The Savage Rebellion is just a disease of scabies."

Robert Baratheon, the fat king of the Seven Kingdoms, sat on the throne of Winterfell.

Instead, the host here sat aside and became a foil, but Ed Stark was upright, without any complaints.

"Winter is here."

"In the final analysis, the biggest threat is the ghost, Your Majesty."

Ed Stark spoke with a heavy voice.

"What happened recently..."

The Great Wall of Despair collapsed, savages flooded into the Seven Kingdoms, and the knights of the Seven Kingdoms can patrol outside the Great Wall more conveniently.

Not long ago, when a team of knights in the valley went deep into the ancestors' Fist Peak to patrol, they suddenly encountered the siege of the dead army.

The knights fought hard, but they didn't expect these enemies to be unkillable.

Even if their heads are cut off, they can still stand up, and the cut off palms are struggling on the ground, almost breaking them to pieces before they can be regarded as ‘solving’ the opponent.

The knights in the valley suffered heavy losses because they did not have the support of intelligence. A large number of knights and horses were thrown to the ground by the swarming dead, and then gnawed alive and died.

Many knights who rushed out of the encirclement had tears in their eyes in the wind and snow, watching their companions being killed alive and listening to their miserable howls.

Even when they returned to the camp, they couldn't forget it. This horrible scene left a deep psychological shadow on them. Simply put, they were scared out of mental illness, and it took some time to calm this unprecedented fear.

This is the first time that the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations have actually encountered a deadly attack since the Night Watch Corps.

This allowed those in the coalition who were still skeptical about this matter to completely dispel their doubts.

Because a knight's armor was hung with a cut off dead man's hand bone.

At that time, the opponent rushed up and grabbed into the gap in his armor, and was cut off with a sword. This hand remained in the gap in his armor and was firmly stuck.

However, when he returned to the camp, the palm of the dead man was still struggling, and many coalition soldiers witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Even King Robert, Stannis, Ed Stark, and many other nobles all rushed over to watch the dead man's palm that could only move.

The sword couldn't kill these dead people, but because of the palm of this dead person, the observant Duke Stannis discovered that flames could completely burn the opponent to death.

In fact, the Night Watchmen Legion had suggested that flames can restrain these dead people, and the dead bodies must be burned with fire, but the humble words of people have not been widely adopted.

However, finding the weakness of the dead can be regarded as a boost to the morale of the coalition soldiers who were terrified by the dead.

These monsters can be killed, but if it is really like the escaped valley knights said, these monsters can still move freely after being cut in half.

Then they really don't have the courage to resist.

However, the ‘good mood’ for coalition soldiers is only temporary.

Then another explosive news spread quickly in the coalition barracks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is, this time there was another patrol in the West that was suspected of being attacked by a ghost, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Only one person fled back hurriedly, but this person seemed to be frightened and stupefied, repeating a word all the time.

Then the high-ranking kings, dukes and others of the coalition rushed to the soldier who had escaped and finally said something.

Sure enough, they were attacked by the army of the dead, but this time an extraordinary monster appeared in the attack of the dead.

He stands out in the army of the dead, and is not the same as the unconscious dead.

His figure is tall, withered, and his complexion is as pale as a female, and his eyes are burning with flames as cold as ice. He is riding a skeletal horse.

When the knights of the West Territory looked at him, he also looked over.

"He is like the commander of the Legion of the Dead!"

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