
"Ready to camp!"

Wait until all the ships are docked and anchored to the shore.

A large number of mercenary sailors and slaves who participated in this operation stood on the muddy and damp ground.

Then the commander of the expedition on the flagship, the chief steward of the leader of the Valantis Tiger Party, got off the ship.

His name is Wilde Megaia.

He is the nephew of the Marachio Archon.

Wilde was highly regarded and trusted by his uncle, and the tiger-robed army that led Valantis had done so many times, and it was because of this that he got such an important position.

Wilde is now more than 40 years old. He is wearing a full-body uniform, a bright armor and a saber hanging from the waist, standing on the bow, a pair of dark eyes sweeping everyone on the beach, looking very prestige.

He didn't get off the battleship until everyone got off the boat and confirmed that it was safe on the beach.

Then he raised his head to look at the sky, and gave the order to camp on the spot.

"Just rest here for one night."

After a lot of tossing, the time has now reached the evening.

Twilight sunset.

The red glow penetrated the thin mist and sprinkled on this land.


"hurry up."

"Two more logs."

Everyone was busy building their own tents, preparing to bury pots for cooking, and at the same time fell some trees in the surrounding woods to make a simple fence to enclose the camp to play a protective role.

The expedition came to the Ruins of Valyria for the first time and was not prepared to explore in the dark. In such an era, marching at night has always been a taboo, not to mention the dangerous task of exploring the Ruins of Valyria.

Therefore, it is understandable that Wilde played twelve points cautiously.

After all, he is also an experienced commander.

Visiris was also mixed in the crowd. With an axe in his hand, he was assigned to work, and followed the crowd to a small forest not far from the beach to chop down a few trees.

Mia, "Iron Fist" Gus, and his little brothers all followed Viserys, and the survivors on their ship were still huddling together to keep warm.


Raised an axe to chop on the trunk, sawdust flying.

Veselis was also very careful when he first set foot on this piece of land.

Since he had just stepped on this piece of land, he felt a kind of heart palpitations, as if some kind of danger was about to come, so he quietly increased his vigilance.

The first impression this mysterious land brought to Veselis was depression. There were fish in the water and trees on the ground. Everything looked normal, but it gave people a low and depressed feeling.

If it is summed up, it is inconsistent.

"Be careful."

Veserys spoke concisely and whispered while cutting down the tree.

"Yes, got it."

The group of people around nodded.

Then time passed quickly, and the sky slowly darkened.

The setting sun completely submerged below the horizon, the whole world plunged into darkness, and bonfires lit up.

Although lighting a bonfire in such an unknown place is a very dangerous thing, it may attract something.

But darkness is more likely to breed fear. Humans cannot lose light, just like fish cannot lose water.

And the simple camp that was built by hurrying up before is also considered to be completed.

Although the conditions are a bit simple, but in such a crisis-ridden environment, there is nothing more to ask for.

"No matter what is going on, it must be reported as soon as possible!"

Wilde arranged for some people to watch the night, and the middle-aged men in uniforms spoke solemnly.

Excluding those who need to watch the night today, all the rest are ready to rest. Weselis and Mia are lucky, not so unlucky that they were assigned to the task of watching the night on the first day.

I can have a good rest this night.

The two of them were assigned to the same tent.

After so many days of getting along and experiencing hardships together, the relationship between the two people is gradually warming up, and they can be regarded as good friends.

However, everyone else thought that there must be some relationship between Yimen and Mia. At first they thought Yimen was a young white face, but then they realized that it was Mia who was hugging a thigh.

The performance of the silver-haired young man fell into everyone's eyes, and he was definitely considered a good player.

But in fact, only two people knew in their hearts that nothing had happened to them, they were just friends in common suffering.

And there is no interest in what happens in this environment.


The night outside was deep.

Darkness enveloped this continent.

There are no insects, no birds, and no sound coming from it, which makes people feel a little choked in silence.

"I always have a bad feeling, maybe it won't be so peaceful tonight."

In the tent, Viselis took off the heavy leather armor outside, and could hardly fall asleep wearing such hard boiled leather armor.

But he still wore his coat, not just because it was a girl who lived in the tent with him.

Moreover, now that he set foot on the continent of Valyria, danger could come at any time, he didn't want to escape out naked.

Veselis put the Valyrian steel dagger he was carrying with him under his headrest.

Valyrian Steel can kill ghosts, and maybe it can also have an effect on some monsters in the ruins.

The red-haired girl sitting on the other sleeping bag also took off her leather armor, revealing the white lining she was wearing inside, which was tightly wrapped.

Although there are differences between men and women.

But neither of them showed any awkward expressions, after all, they were all trying to survive.

The girl sits on a sleeping bag with her legs crossed and her bare feet. She doesn't seem to be anxious to fall asleep. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I feel that way too."

Mia opened the gap in the tent and looked out. The dark sky was covered with mist.

"The fog outside seems to have become denser."

The fog on land is thinner than that on Smoky Sea, but the color seems to be a bit deeper, and it is a bit denser at night than during the day.

The gray fog in the Smokey Sea seemed unable to invade the land, just as the sea monsters did not seem to attack ships anymore during the last period of approaching the mainland.

Viselis saw it in Gillian's diary.

‘The sea monsters seem to be afraid of this land and reluctant to approach, but they can’t stay away and escape to other waters besides the sea of ​​smoke.’

If these sea monsters escaped from the sea of ​​smoke.

I am afraid that the entire world's shipping industry will suffer a huge blow and return to the period of land closure.

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