"That would be more thankful. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥ 8 ≤ 1 ≤ Z ≈ W ≈. ≥ C ≠ OM" Jun no medicine does not deny, holding Jun Wuji stand up .

They just came back from the night and the non-smoke. They hadn't figured out the situation and they were brought into the jungle by the woman.

The squally showers, the lightning and the thunder, the darkness of the dead sea, the sky is now more thunder and lightning.

In the jungle, the quirky woman is agile, such as life and the black panther in the jungle, freely shuttle between narrow gaps.

Jun had no medicine to vent his hood, wrapped him in the innocent, and avoided the wind and rain.

The innocent gaze fell on the woman who was physically strong, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Who is she?" Jun No Evil is somewhat confused and looks at Jun without medicine. This person suddenly comes, but there is no malice.

Jun has no medicine: "There are not some idiots in the upper three circles. There is a group called the Virgin, and all the women are women. It is said that their blood is pure, and they are the most devout believers of the gods. They have a very high status, and they are all guarded on the holy mountain and rarely go down the mountain. Can you remember one of the conditions of the blood sacrifice in the three realms, that is, the pure blood saint who needs the Virgo to perform the whole ceremony?"

Jun no nodded nodded.

"For thousands of years, there are only two pure-blooded saints born of the Virgin, one is Luocheng, but Luo is not the most orthodox, but the other is purest. The man, but a thousand years ago, the man suddenly fled and rushed to the Three Kingdoms steaming. Although I have never seen the man, I have recognized the ring of the pure blood saint. She is the pure blood saint who defected in the past." No medicine evokes the lips and corners. If you do not know that this person and the Upper Three Realms are deadly enemies, how can he easily let her approach the innocent.

"Why did she defect?" Jun has no doubts. He has to say that he can escape from the place of the Upper Three Realms, and this is another important identity. The ability of this person is not small.

"I don't know, I just said that she had a rebellious heart. She killed a group of Saints who were guarding the holy mountain and fled. It was clear." No medicine is not concerned about the things of others. In the end, he didn't bother to listen to it, but he only knew about it.

Jun no nodded nodded.

Qiao Chu, who did not know the situation, also let them know that there was a process of stunned and dangerous, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The nightingale and the night charm are holding the big man and the **** rabbit respectively. The two stupid babies have been used to these two exclusive "pillows" in these years. They are very cooperative, and if they hold the little sea soul beast, they walk in the crowd. The uncomfortableness is no longer there.

After a long walk, the woman finally stopped in front of a cave. The cave looked big. There was a huge tree outside. The woman waited outside the hole and saw that there was no medicine. They followed it. Continue to walk into the cave.

The caves are dark and seemingly invisible. But fortunately, their strength is not weak, even in the darkness of reaching out and seeing the five fingers, you can see the road ahead.

The cave didn't look very deep from the outside, but everyone walked inside for a long time, but it didn't see the end. The road under the feet seemed to be tilted. They didn't know the situation and could only continue to follow the woman.

In the long darkness, a little lit light suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

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