Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 293

The most important thing is to have enough attack power to break through the defenses of the pacifists, because their bodies are made of solid alloys. Ordinary pirates can't do anything about it. ?

Just like the Straw Hats and the Kidd Pirates in the next area, with their attack power, it is difficult to break through the defense of the pacifists, and they have not yet found the weakness of the pacifists, so until now Still struggling!

It's not that Alice and Jake are stronger than Luffy and Kidd, it's just that Alice is better at observing and quickly found a breakthrough!

Coupled with Jike's sharp claws, and Alice, who has a rough understanding of armed forces, it is a normal result to break the defense when the pacifist's attention is distracted!

The tacit cooperation between Alice and Jike successfully solved the pacifists, and expanded the advantage of the Star Pirates again. Although Shizuka just made a small mistake, in general, she has made great progress. big!

It's just that although Shizuka is a natural fool, she is not stupid. In this cooperative battle, Alice, a nine-year-old girl, played a greater role than her, a medical student, which made Shizuka feel a little ashamed. But a little girl!

Although Shizuka has been used to being a laggard for such a long time, but was once again hit by Alice's excellence, Shizuka was a little ashamed, and at the same time made up her mind again, she must not be lazy anymore!

"Oye! Victory!"

When Shizuka was introspecting herself, Alice cheered unabashedly. After all, she was just a child who tasted the fruits of victory through her own efforts. Alice's face was full of joy, and she bounced towards Shizuka He made a victory gesture.


Jake also released his mad state at this time, wagging his tail excitedly, grinning and rubbing against Alice's belly, wantonly expressing his joy.

The successive defeats of the navy made the faces of the two generals even more solemn. They never imagined that the battle that was supposed to win would turn into an astonishing reversal. Zhan Taomaru and the two pacifists would be defeated one after another!

What made them even more unbelievable was that if Nami and Alice won the victory after going through a hard battle, maybe they could accept it, but it was not difficult for the other party to win, and Nami suppressed Zhantao from the beginning to the end. pill!

It is no exaggeration to say that both battles were overwhelming! Even though Alice and the others seemed a little embarrassed at first, they didn't suffer any injuries, and instead seized the opportunity to blow up the pacifists in one fell swoop.

Looking at the opponents in front of him again, whether it was Brown or Wells, their hearts were clouded, and their eyes were full of solemnity.

Brown didn't take Saeko seriously at first, although Saeko was already a famous female swordsman in the world, but that was only because female swordsmen were rare, and there were very few who could achieve the achievement of a swordsman, so although Saeko was quite Fame, but Brown did not see it as a rival.

But after the fight just now, Brown realized that he had misunderstood Saeko! It is difficult for female swordsmen to achieve great achievements because of their physical disadvantages. Women are born with less strength, and the two lumps of fat on their bodies will become a drag. This is also the reason why female swordsmen are rare!

But Saeko seems to have broken this shackle, not only her own strength is very strong, but also her body is extremely flexible! Saeko's two groups are so conspicuous, but her figure is so sensitive, Brown can't figure out why!

Brown's biggest feeling at this time is that he is a little aggrieved! He himself was tall and tall, and he could crush Saeko with his physical advantages alone, but Saeko was as nimble as a loach, making it impossible for him to fully exert his mighty strength!

As for sword skills? This is even worse! Originally, Brown was quite confident in his sword skills, and thought that he was not far behind Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, but now facing Saeko, he felt like he was playing tricks. His sword skills are unsightly!

If he hadn't been rich in combat experience and knew how to use a big knife to defend, he might have been defeated by Saeko already? How could it be possible to survive until now?

While struggling with the attack from Saeko, Brown observed the battle on Wells' side from the corner of his eye, but was surprised to find that even Wells, a veteran lieutenant general, could not gain the slightest advantage!

You must know that Wells has been a lieutenant general for nearly twenty years. He is the senior of many lieutenant generals. Although his own strength is not strong, his rich combat experience allows him to defeat opponents stronger than himself!

But now, in the face of a female shooter, Wells still racked his brains to get close, but was repeatedly avoided by the nimble Asami, and fell into a stalemate helplessly.

"Did you dare to distract yourself during the battle, are you looking down on me?"

Just when Brown was startled, Saeko's cold voice penetrated into his ears, and Brown's heart trembled. When the warning sign suddenly appeared, he instinctively dodged the horizontal knife, but it was too late!

"Tianchenliu, continuous chop style!!"

Following Saeko's cold shout, Murasame with a pure white blade flashed an astonishing murderous aura, turned into two sword lights and slashed out, hitting Brown's big sword with a loud clang, the impressive force made Brown stand unsteadily , staggering back a few steps.


Brown gasped slightly, forced himself to calm down, and at the same time, squinted his eyes slightly to look at his right arm. A bloodstain appeared on his right arm at some point, and the dark red blood slid down his elbow, sinking into it tick-tock-tock. in the dirt.

Saeko seized the opportunity just because he was slightly distracted. If it wasn't for Brown's quick reaction, perhaps the injury would not have been so minor!

(I’ve been lazy for a long time, and I’ve made up my mind to code well~~The fourth update will resume from today~~ Please customize and ask for a reward! …

Chapter 180 Saeko's New Sword Technique (For Customization)

The lieutenant general is the middle-level combat power of the navy. Over the years, a large number of lieutenant generals have been accumulated and scattered all over the sea to guard.

And the lieutenant generals who can stay in the Navy headquarters are undoubtedly the best among them. Both Brown and Wells are such lieutenant generals! With rich combat experience and strong strength, there are basically no pirates they can't deal with in the same class!

The tricky thing about lieutenant generals is that they are not only proficient in the six styles of the navy and domineering, but also their own fighting styles, such as Brown's swordsmanship, which is also among the best in the navy. The heavy sword is famous for its strength, and the heavy sword Brown is famous Hehe. , Encountering such a lieutenant general is very difficult for many people, and Saeko is no exception. Although Saeko is extremely flexible, her vigorous figure flashes back and forth around Brown, not seeking to hurt the enemy, but to harass him. Seek Brown's flaws.

But Brown has been a lieutenant general for a long time, and he has quite a lot of experience. For a flexible opponent like Saeko, his method is to respond to all changes without change, and a big knife is enough to block surprise attacks from all directions.

Brown obviously has poor flexibility due to his burly body, but he can hold his knife just right to block Saeko's unexpected attack every time, which really surprised Saeko. As the battle progressed, the faces of both of them became more serious.

Brown was an excellent opponent for Saeko and Saeko enjoyed the fight! But something is not good for Brown!

He didn't come here to enjoy the battle. His mission is to cooperate with General Huang Yuan to destroy the Fanxing Pirates, and the current mission is to defeat the female swordsman in front of him!

But judging from the current situation, it seems very difficult to complete this task! Saeko was too flexible, and his sword skills were able to stabilize his head. At this time, Brown couldn't find any chance to fight back except for passive defense.

Brown's eyes were fixed, and he fixed on Saeko's flipped figure, thinking quickly about the next countermeasures in his mind, while Saeko was smiling faintly, although Brown was like a tortoise shell that she couldn't break. defensive, but she didn't seem to have the slightest worry.

His sword skills are extensive and profound, and if he defends with an epee like Brown, there is naturally a way to break through the barrier! Saeko didn't learn the sword skills to break through the epee defense from his father, because sword skills in modern society pay special attention to skills, and almost no one knows how to use epee, so there are few corresponding countermeasures.

But in the book of sword skills that Yeyue bought from the mall before, it mentioned how to deal with heavy swordsmen like Brown! Although the careful Saeko didn't practice it deliberately, she kept it in mind, just to prevent encountering a swordsman like Brown.

For heavy swordsmen, the sword in their hands is not only a sharp weapon for attacking the enemy, but also a shield for self-protection. Brown perfectly interpreted this point. The broad blade blocked Saeko's fierce attacks again and again, and the metal screamed, but he still couldn't Break through Brown's defense.

"Tianchenliu, Dance of the Wind!"

The attack was stopped again, Saeko narrowed her eyes slightly, slowly raised Murasame in her hand, and tiptoed like a dancer preparing to dance!

After the words fell, Saeko turned his feet, and his whole body spun rapidly like a windmill. The village rain in his hand turned into a spiral storm, and rushed towards Brown with astonishing power!

This move is a move Saeko learned from Octopus Xiaoba in the East China Sea, but it is a stronger sword skill after she improved it! Compared with Xiaoba's power at that time, Saeko's Wind Dance is obviously dozens of times stronger!

For a swordsman, the skill of the sword skill, as well as the weapon itself, have a great influence on the power of the sword skill! The Murasame in Saeko's hand is one of the 21 swords. Its sharpness is naturally needless to say, coupled with Saeko's good skills, a simple wind dance, but it makes Brown feel like he can't dodge!

"Break it open for me!"

The unavoidable Brown's eyes were a little shocked, but he could only grit his teeth and shout, raised the big knife in his hand and slashed heavily at the oncoming spiral storm!

Ding ding ding! 

As soon as the two sides touched each other, the sound of dense collisions could be heard incessantly. Brown only felt the force of hundreds of blows from his hands, which made him feel like a light boat swaying in a violent storm, ready to be overturned at any time. possible!

Brown's heart trembled, and he increased the strength in his hand again, holding the big knife firmly and slashing down, about to unleash the storm in front of him!

Buzz buzz! !

The broadsword in Brown's hand was trembling uncontrollably, making a teeth-piercing sound. The gradually numb arm made Brown realize that if he didn't break the storm quickly, he would not be able to hold on!

Just when Brown was about to exert his last strength, Saeko stopped abruptly, and the spiral storm that was spinning at high speed just now disappeared suddenly, and Saeko's tall figure stood in front of Brown, with piercing eyes!

Brown felt a little uncomfortable. When he had just accumulated all his strength and was about to fight hard, he could only hold back and couldn't use it. This feeling of disobedience made Brown want to vomit blood.

"It's over! Try my new trick! Tianchenliu, Blade Storm!"

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