Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 433

The lives of 50,000 people have been exchanged for the loss of tens of thousands of shells from the government army. It can be predicted that the steel bones will be exhausted in less than two hours. The 100,000 shells can only cause the pirates to lose at most. Less than half a million people?

Steel Bone couldn't help but feel a little headache, but also very helpless, the other party was purely trying to give away, but he did it in a very good way, with the smallest loss in exchange for the biggest gain.

"No, we can't drag on like this any longer! Order the first army, the second army, and the third army to attack simultaneously in three directions, left, middle, and right!"

Without too much hesitation, Cyborg chose to take the initiative! He is very aware of his disadvantage, that is, he can only stick to it. If he runs out of shells prematurely, if the opponent still has a backhand, wouldn't he have to be beaten passively?

So Steel Bone took the initiative to attack decisively. Since the opponent wanted to play consumption flow, he was not afraid. The number of troops under his command was obviously larger, so he would not suffer any losses!

Sure enough, under the steel frame's order, a total of 600,000 people from three government troops rushed out like ants out of their nests, almost filling up the empty port at once. The speed spread towards the direction of the pirate.

"Captain, the opponent's army is attacking, do we have to do it too?"

As soon as he saw the actions of the government army, Cavendish immediately became excited. He had been waiting for a long time and couldn't wait!

"Shut up! Just wait for me!"

Wilbur glared at Cavendish fiercely and said sharply. After two years of getting along, he really knew Cavendish's character very well. In order to be in the limelight and make news, this guy would have to give up his life, which is simply a strange thing.


Cavendish shrank his neck, not daring to say anything. Although the three captains get along very well on weekdays, Cavendish still has a little fear of Wilbur. After all, Wilbur, as the captain, has had many reasons for not obeying orders in the past two years. And beat him up.

In terms of strength, Cavendish is also at the general level, but he is not Wilbur's opponent, because Wilbur's fruit ability is a bit cheating. He turned into a violent bear, with rough skin and thick flesh, and he is not afraid of Cavendish at all. That rapier.

When the two people here were arguing, the situation on the battlefield was already on the verge of breaking out. The dispatch of 600,000 government troops crushed the pirates in terms of numbers alone, because the cannon fodder troops sent by Wilbur were only 200,000, more than 50,000 died, and less than 150,000 left.

Such a huge gap in numbers, coupled with the fact that the government army is well-trained, while the pirates are fighting on their own, with uneven strength, led to a one-sided situation at the moment of contact between the two sides, and the government army's momentum was like a rainbow. The sound of shouting and killing was deafening.

But even though the pirate troops were retreating steadily, with countless casualties, Wilbur remained motionless, his expression indifferent, and he didn't look worried at all. Cavendish next to him scratched his head and scratched his head, but he didn't dare to urge him anymore.


I don't know when there was a burst of thunder in the dark clouds gathered high in the sky. The thunder in the clouds was shining, and the gloomy sky was quite stormy.

Not many people cared about the changes in the weather, except Wilbur, who was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, a gleam of light flashed in his plain eyes. He knew that his most respected emperor was coming!

Chapter 378 The Instant Destruction


"Kill, kill!!"

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, but the fighting was in full swing in front of the fortress. With every thunder and roar, countless lives were lost, there were more pirates, and there were also many soldiers.

The soldiers of the government army are well-trained and cooperate with each other, but their individual strength is too low. Although the pirates are loose and chaotic, their personal strength is relatively strong. Much less than pirates.

"Something's wrong, what the hell are you doing?"

Although the army on his side had the upper hand, Cyborg didn't feel optimistic at all. Instead, he was full of doubts. He couldn't understand the opponent's plan at all.

Since they are fighting and are still at a disadvantage, why not send more people to join the battle? On the contrary, it is unreasonable to stay in the rear and watch the battle leisurely, regardless of the casualties in the front, no matter how you think about it!

Rumble 

The thunder in the sky became more and more frequent, and under the gloomy sky, the wind pressure was also increasing, making the steel-framed cloaks rattle, and the ordinary soldiers seemed a little unstable.

Under the cover of dark clouds, a black cloud ball is brewing in the thundercloud, and densely packed with snake-like lightning flashes in the ball, the size of this thunderball is getting bigger and bigger, and the radius is fully It has reached a terrifying level of fifty meters, and it is still growing!

In the dark clouds, a gorgeous pirate ship is floating. On the top of the ship, a pipe is continuously emitting black clouds. This is the source of the black thunderball.

"It's almost there? If it continues, I'm afraid it will be out of control!"

As a talented navigator of the Starry Pirates, Nami had a heartfelt suggestion. She is extremely knowledgeable about meteorology, so she naturally knows how dangerous it is to condense such a huge thunderball!

Once the electric current in the thunder ball is out of control, it will explode instantly, and the power of the explosion is enough to blow them into serious injuries. Alice and Shizuka, who are less powerful, are more likely to perish. It can be seen that Nami's worry at the moment is not true. Unreasonable.

"It's okay, just wait a little longer."

Yeyue didn't look worried at all, and stared at the huge thunder ball above her head with great interest. The current contained in it, even if he had the thunder fruit, it was difficult to calculate how many volts it had reached.

But Yeyue can definitely confirm that once this thunder ball with a radius of 50 meters hits a general head-on, the consequences will definitely be life or death! Even Yeyue herself dare not underestimate the power that the high-density electric current can produce in a 50-meter thunderball.

Yeyue's current strength has already surpassed the world, but with his level of development of the Thunderbolt fruit, he can't condense such a terrifying thunderball at one time, because it requires too much energy!

The manufacture of this thunderball was successfully performed with the help of Xingye, otherwise, with Yeyue's own strength, it may take a long time to brew it.

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters!

The radius of the thunder ball became larger and larger, and the overall physical skills became even more terrifying. The terrifying coercion made Ji Ke, who was extremely sensitive to danger, quietly lie on the deck, and Gululu's eyes were full of fear.


Yeyue breathed a sigh of relief, and manipulated the giant thunderball away from the top of the Xingye, calculated the position and pushed it down hard.

Hula la! !

At this time, Steel Bone, who was looking up at the sky, immediately noticed the abnormality. It was originally just an inconspicuous black spot, but it continued to enlarge at an extremely fast speed.

"The whole army, evacuate the fortress, leave as quickly as possible, fast!!"

Cyborg's pupils were almost shrunk into a needle shape. Although he didn't know what that black dot was, judging from his years of experience and the sense of crisis in his heart, it was definitely not a good thing!

The order of the steel bone commander made the soldiers on the fortress who were ready to support the battlefield at any time a little confused, but in obedience to the order, they still evacuated the fortress as quickly as possible. Although several general-level officers hesitated, they did not hesitate. ask.

That's too late! Cyborg looked at the evacuation speed of the soldiers, and then at the falling speed of the black ball, and sighed weakly in his heart, at least one hundred thousand soldiers would be affected!

Do you want to block it? Steel Bone asked himself in his heart, but immediately denied it. In terms of his sense of crisis, if he really went up to block it, not only would he not be able to stop it, but he might even risk his own life!

Thinking of this, Steel Gu had no choice but to give up the extra thoughts, jumped down, and left the fort as fast as possible, and retreated to the rear. As for the army still on the battlefield, he had no time to worry about it.

How fast does the thunderball fall? It took less than half a minute from the discovery of the abnormality in the steel frame to the time when the thunderball fell to a height of 5,000 meters above the fortress.

Thirty seconds is enough for a strong man like Cyborg to retreat to a safe area, but what about those ordinary soldiers? Too late, not at all! There are even still many soldiers stuck in the fortress and unable to get out.

Rumble 

After all, the thunderball fell, and the height of 5,000 meters passed by in the blink of an eye. The thunderball with a diameter of more than 150 meters fell with lightning speed. What kind of scene was that?

The sky is falling apart, the sun and the moon are dark, it is not an exaggeration at all!

The height of the fortress is only 200 meters, while the diameter of the thunderball has already reached 160 meters. The instant the two touched, the lightning contained in the thunderball exploded, and countless thunder snakes slanted out instantly. It fell on this impenetrable steel fortress.



What will happen when an electric current with a terrifying density pours into this steel fortress? The electric current occupied the entire fortress almost instantly, and the high temperature that erupted at that moment directly burned the fortress into fiery red, especially where the thunder ball fell, it was directly destroyed and melted.

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