Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 40 The First Transaction

It's the old man who looks like a goat! At the market in Yarn City, he sold a bunch of fetishes to Manda for only one gold coin. Manda likes to do business with such people the most.

"Why did you come here? Why did I summon you? Isn't it only the spirits of the dead who are summoned? Are you already dead? Are you a follower of Hermes?"

Manda was very excited, but the old man was not in the mood to answer his many questions.

"You spent twenty silver coins to find me, isn't it for reminiscing about the old days?"

Manda slapped his head. The old witch told him that the time for sacrifice is very short, and now is not the time to dwell on these issues.

"I want to buy something."

"what do you want to buy?"

"I want a way to promote a second-tier believer!"

The old man stared at Manda for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not yet, you are not qualified to be promoted yet."

"I have mastered the first-level skills proficiently, and the gods gave me a reminder. I am only a little bit away, and I can be promoted."

"That little bit is much harder than you think, and you may have to wait years or even decades."

Manda still wanted to ask, but the old man didn't want to answer any more: "I can tell you the method when you have the qualifications to upgrade. Reluctantly upgrading will make you lost. What else do you want to buy?"

"It depends on what you have." Manda remembered the tone of the old witch.

As expected, the old man took out a piece of parchment with a list of goods written in the common language.

He didn't expect the old guy's service to be so humane. He knew that Manda didn't understand Arantean language very well, and the first product made Manda see a different personality.

"Aris' battle suit, the name is very domineering, can you introduce the function?"

"It can help you resist the damage of ordinary weapons, and it can resist the skills of believers of the third level and below. After three consecutive resistances, it will be invalid for one day, and it will not recover until the next day."

"That's it!" Manda stretched out her hand excitedly, "Bring it."

The old man was startled, looked at Manda and said, "Where's the money?"

"Didn't you give me all the money? Twenty silver coins."

"Twenty silver coins are not even enough for my errand expenses. If it weren't for the sake of an old acquaintance, I wouldn't bother to come to see you. The price of the product is written on the back, can't you see it?"

Manda really couldn't see, and cross-eyed things had serious double images.

"You don't need to use your skills, you can see me, I am different from the undead summoned by others."

"Don't say it earlier!" Manda closed his cross-eyed eyes, but the figure of the old man was still clear. He looked down at the parchment in his hand, and the complicated numbers in Common Language made him a little dizzy.

"Thirty-five hundred..." Manda raised his head and asked, "Aren't these gold coins?"

"Otherwise what would it be?"

"Three thousand five hundred gold coins?"

"This is a rare fetish, and the price is already very fair."

Don't think about this battle suit, 3,500 gold coins are beyond Manda's cognition.

Manda re-examined the parchment in his hand, from the top to the bottom, from the bottom to the top, the cheapest goods were more than a thousand gold coins.

"These things are not suitable for me." Manda calmly handed the parchment back to the old man. The old man gave Manda a contemptuous look: "Shouldn't it be suitable for your purse?"

This kind of person is really... wait for me to make the tavern business bigger, wait for me to sell that thousand-mile horse, wait for me...

Thinking of the thousand-mile horse, who hadn't grazed much since he arrived at the tavern, it seemed the dealer was right that he probably wouldn't live to-morrow.

"If you don't ask, then I'll take my leave first." The figure of the old man gradually faded, and Manda hurriedly stopped him.

He couldn't let him go, so he paid twenty silver coins.

"Do you have a more suitable product, I mean the price."

"Tell me how much money you have."

Manda emptied his wallet, and there were thirty-six gold coins in it. This was all his savings, hard-earned money he had earned with all his life.

"Tsk tsk tsk!" The old man shook his head, "I really feel sorry for you, you got the power of the first level, why are you so..."

The old man half-spoken, sniffed, and frowned at Manda: "Why do you smell like Chimera? Have you betrayed..."

"I didn't!" Manda hurriedly argued, "I didn't betray our gods, I just drank some medicinal soup to cover up the smell on my body."

"Karke's Variety Potion, this potion has long since disappeared, where did you get the prescription? Do you know the followers of Kalke?"

Manda didn't answer his question, and it wouldn't do any good if it did, and maybe it would implicate the old witch.

The old man did not wait for his answer, and asked, "You want to deceive the count in this way?"

Manda nodded, but doubts arose in his heart: why did he know the count? How do you know the Earl has something to do with me? Had he been to the valley? Why did he know nothing about the old witch?

"Although it's a good idea, it's still not enough." The old man took out a butterfly-shaped silver and white brooch from his arms, "The wing-covering brooch, wearing it can cover up the smell of all believers, making you smell like a blind duck , as long as eleven gold coins, do you want it?"

"Eleven gold coins?" Manda grinned, feeling a knife in the heart.

"This is pure silver." The old man introduced the material of the brooch specifically.

"Use eleven gold coins to buy a silver brooch, do you really think I'm stupid? Besides, I've already drank the potion, this thing is of no use to me."

"You are a lucky man. This is a unique fetish. Someone was willing to pay four hundred gold coins for this brooch," the old man explained patiently. "Your potion can fool the count, but not the God of Punisher. If they smell chimera on you, they will burn you instantly, and they will only regard you as a heretic, and they don't care that you are a believer in that god."

What he said made sense, regardless of whether Hermes or Chimera, as long as they were believers of the ancient gods, they would die if they fell into the hands of the God Punisher.

"I bought this brooch!" Manda gritted her teeth and counted out eleven gold coins.

Handing the brooch to Manda, the old man took out another pendant: "You are a bit reckless, and the Pendant of Dangerous Omens can help you a lot. It will become hot when you are in danger. This is also a unique god. It only costs nineteen gold coins."

Manda's eyes went dark, and he felt that he had become a poor man in the blink of an eye, but the function of this pendant was really attractive. Regardless of the past life or the previous life, Manda knew the importance of predicting danger.

With trembling hands, he counted out nineteen gold coins and handed them over to the old man. The old man sighed and said, "That's it for today. You only have six gold coins left. I really don't know what to sell you. Come to me after you have saved enough money."

"Wait a minute," Manda stopped the old man again, and made a final request, "I want to buy a prescription for the treatment of livestock. My horse has ringworm, and it looks like it's about to die."

"Is it the horse in the yard?" The old man smiled. "It's a good horse with good eyesight. The ringworm is nothing, and it will be cured soon."

"But it won't eat grass."

"It refuses to eat grass not because it is sick, but because it doesn't like it."

"The horse doesn't like to eat grass? What does it like to eat?"

"You can try wheat. I guess it can eat twenty pounds a day. I'm leaving. When you call me next time, remember to prepare fifty silver coins. Now return the list to me."

Seeing the old man's contemptuous eyes, Manda gritted his teeth and said, "One day, I will buy everything on this piece of paper!"

"I look forward to that day." The figure of the old man disappeared completely. Manda extinguished the candles, found a clean white cloth to wrap them up, and stuffed them under Worm's bed. The white cloth full of candle oil He stuffed it into his pillow.

After finishing the disposal, Manda came to the yard, took out a bundle of wheat from the granary, and placed it in front of the skinny horse.

It stood up, it walked over, it ate, and it ate very quickly, a sheaf of wheat was eaten up in a blink of an eye.

The skinny horse raised its head and snorted at Manda, indicating that it was not full.

Manda pursed her lips: "This Maxima is really hard to raise."

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