Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 49 The Viscount’s Dinner Party

Walking up the stairs of the dungeon, at a corner where there was no light at all, a silk thread protruded from Worm's teeth and quietly entered Manda's nose.

He conveyed the message to Manda that when he reached the exit of the dungeon, he would immediately show his wings and try to take off, and Manda would help him open the shackles.

It sounds ridiculous, but the two of them have no chance of escaping from a third-level believer. But they have no better choice. When they are tied to the stake or the gallows, they will definitely regret their cowardice at this moment.

There was some light ahead, and they were almost at the exit of the dungeon. Manda's fingers were trembling, and Worm began to shake his shoulders unconsciously. Fat Knight Stanley saw their little movements, and probably guessed their intentions.

The moment he stepped out of the dungeon door, Stanley snapped his fingers, and the two soldiers standing next to Worm suddenly changed their actions. One hand grabbed Worm's forearm, and the other hand blocked Worm's arm. shoulder blade.

Worm was startled and tried to struggle, but found that the strength of the two soldiers was unimaginable, and their arms were tightly stuck in the joints like iron vices.

At the same time, the two soldiers also grabbed Manda's shoulders and wrists respectively. Manda was not only surprised by the strength of the other party, but also by the synchronicity of the other party. They just heard a snap of their fingers and were able to complete the action. So consistent.

It seemed that these soldiers were not ordinary people. Manda was desperate, and a slight chill came to her forehead. The useless struggle became meaningless. Manda could only make a last effort to survive.

"Lord Knight, please let us take a look at the Viscount. I know we are not qualified. Please give us a chance. We just want to make some explanations, even if we can only say one sentence."

"One word? That's impossible." Stanley sighed, shook his head, opened the dungeon door, and led the two people into the castle.

Execution in a castle? It shouldn't be a torture device like the Iron Maiden! Manda looked back at Worm's fangs, wishing he could strangle herself to death with worm threads.

Stanley led the two of them from the first floor to the third floor of the castle, which made Manda think that they would most likely want to fall to death. He was looking for the last chance to escape when he suddenly saw Stanley stopped in front of the door of a hall. .

"The Viscount is waiting for you two inside. It's impossible to say a word. Prepare to talk all night long."

Stanley snapped his fingers again, and the four soldiers let go of Manda and Worm at the same time. The two walked into the hall looking at each other, and saw Viscount Gassac sitting at the dining table.

"Two friends, you have suffered a lot. Come and taste my wine and see whose wine is more mellow."

The viscount is in his fifties, with black hair, thick eyebrows, deep eye sockets, small eyes, a bulbous nose, thick lips, and slightly dark skin with large and small pimples, spots and scars. His entire face is like an impressionist painting. The paintings have prominent lines and distinct layers, which are worthy of in-depth discussion and study.

Out of politeness, Manda did not keep staring at the baron's face. Under the guidance of the guards, Wurm sat in the seat of the guest of honor. Manda did not dare to sit down. He wanted to seize the precious opportunity to explain to the viscount the reason for beating the tax collector. reason.

"We really didn't recognize their identities at the beginning, and we had encountered scammers before. Those scammers were so sophisticated in their deception that we thought the real tax collectors were scammers. We didn't think about resisting the tax. I am willing to pay the tax immediately. Qi, and bear ten times the fine..."

Mandala's long-winded statement made the viscount a little disappointed. He called a guard and whispered a few words. After a while, two soldiers walked into the castle.

It was the two tax collectors with scars on their faces. When they saw Manda and Worm, they lowered their heads and pursed their lips, a little bit resentful, but no one dared to speak.

The Viscount asked: "Did Mr. Remus hurt you?"

The two tax collectors nodded.

"Mr. Remus has expressed his apology to me. Are you willing to accept his apology?"

The tax collector could only nod.

"I'm still willing to pay compensation, although the amount won't be too much..." Manda was taking out her own money bag when she saw the Viscount waving his hand and letting the two tax collectors leave the hall.

"The matter is over," the Viscount said with a smile, "let's sit down and have a good chat."

There were roast chicken and mutton on the table. After being reserved for a while, the hungry Manda began to eat and drink crazily with Worm. At first, I could insist on using a knife and fork, but later I felt it was too troublesome, so I just shred it with my hands. Later, I decided that shredding it with my hands was not enough, so I just picked up the roasted chicken and gnawed it directly with my mouth. Worm nibbled it so fiercely that he almost Broken fang.

After finishing the last piece of mutton on the plate, Manda felt that the piece of meat only slid down her throat for a short while and then stopped because her esophagus and stomach were full.

Lifting up her clothes and wiping her mouth, Manda turned to the Viscount, waiting for his next order.

The Viscount was not disgusted with the vulgar behavior of these two people, and even liked them a little bit.

"How's the wine?" asked the viscount.

"Very good, very fragrant." Manda's answer was a bit contrary to her will. This is indeed a precious and high-quality wine. The materials and craftsmanship are very exquisite, but if it is really fragrant and mellow, it is a little worse than the wine made by Wurm. .

"If you really like it, please help me bring two cans to the earl."

Manda looked at Worm, then smiled awkwardly at the Viscount: "I wonder which count you are talking about?"

Viscount Gesek's smile disappeared. He looked up at Knight Stanley, who shrugged his eyebrows and moved his middle finger and thumb. As long as he snaps his fingers, the soldiers can carry Manda out to be executed.

Manda immediately realized his mistake. In this situation, he should not go around in circles with the viscount. He immediately stood up and said: "We will definitely convey your goodwill to the lord count."

The Viscount's smile returned to his face. He motioned Manda to sit down. After drinking two glasses of wine, he sighed softly: "There is never a shortage of fools in this world. There are always some fools who are favored by the gods but are not. Know how to cherish, just like a fool like Solons. The Earl once gave him trust, but he was instigated by some scoundrels and did that kind of unforgivable thing. Please convey to the Earl, since he chose Niujiao Town , I am also willing to serve him."

Manda nodded: "We will convey your thoughts to the count as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible?" The Viscount was a little dissatisfied with Manda's attitude.

"I mean," Manda looked at Worm, "We can leave immediately, right now..."

The Viscount pointed at Worm and said, "You are not needed. I think he can do it alone."

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