Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 52 Dragon Island

Is it time to remind the Count that Gassac had deceived him?

The thought flashed through her mind and Manda gave up the idea. There was no flaw in the behavior of these two children along the way. Maybe they really have the ability to deceive the earl and can see through their eyes.

This is a game between big people, and big people often don't like small characters who are too smart, so there is no need to do such a thing that is unpopular with both parties.

Back at the tavern, Stanley drank a glass of wine and left. He had no intention of sending the two children to the valley.

"I know the rules of your lordship, the two young masters are entrusted to you."

Stanley gave Worm a bag of gold coins as a reward for the trip. Manda was about to open the bag and count it, but Worm took it into his arms.

"This belongs to the Count."

Manda pointed to the box of gold coins: "That's for the earl."

"Everything belongs to the count." Worm looked at the cash box under the counter, then turned around, tied the two children into chrysalis, and flew them out of the tavern.

Manda returned to the counter and opened the money bag awarded to him by the viscount, which contained fifteen gold coins.

He opened the money cabinet again, which contained six gold coins, thirty-two silver coins, and forty-five copper coins earned during this period.

Worm has long been eyeing the money chest. In his opinion, as long as the tavern can be maintained, all the remaining wealth belongs to the count.

Now Manda understands why old Yaman still lives with the animals despite having been with the count for decades.

We have to find a way to hide these gold coins, but where can we hide them?

There are Worm's worms in every corner of the tavern, and he will easily find them no matter where they are hidden. From noon to dusk, Manda thought about it and Worm would be back soon. After overturning countless thoughts, Manda suddenly changed her mind.

Since you can’t hide it, just spend it.

When there were no guests in the tavern, Manda closed the door and ran into the bedroom, set up the altar, put twenty silver coins, and sprinkled mercury, snake tooth grass, sand butterfly silk and tumangan root.

After the smoke passed, the old goat man arrived as expected. He stared at Manda for a moment, showed two long teeth and said: "This is my last warning to you. You asked me to come out and ask for fifty silver coins. Do you understand?"

Manda nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then took out all twenty-one gold coins: "What good things can I buy with this money?"

The old man was too lazy to take another look: "Can't you save more money and come back to me?"

"If you can't save it, if you have more, it will be taken away by others."

The old man sneered and said, "Don't you even have a place to hide your money?"

"I thought about it all day, and there really is no such place."

"There really is such a place. Do you want ten gold coins?" The old man showed a strange smile.

Manda knew he was selling something, probably a safe or something like that.

But what is the use of a safe? It’s not like he will be taken away by Worm.

"You have to show me what that thing looks like first."

"You can't see it, but you can touch it. There are some small islands in the river of forgetfulness in the underworld. Some islands have been polluted by the undead and have drifted to the mortal world. They are drifting in invisible and unknowable places. Everyone Their existence has been forgotten. Only special contracts can find them. I happen to have some contracts. Do you want an island of your own?"

"Think!" Manda began to nod again like a chicken eating rice. Ten gold coins bought an island. There is no more cost-effective business in the world.

The old goat man stretched out his hand, and Manda quickly counted out a gold coin and handed it to him.

"Let me take a look." The old man took out a stack of parchment, rummaged for a long time, and pulled out one of the sheets. "This island is just right for you. Give it a name."

Pick a name? Is this important?

"Call it the Forgotten Island!"

"That's not okay," the old man shook his head. "You have to give it a name that others wouldn't think of, otherwise things on the island will be stolen."

A name that no one else would have thought of... Manda thought for a long time and said in Chinese: "Jurassic Dragon Island."

"What did you say just now? What is 'Jurassic'?"

"No need to ask, no one would think of it anyway."

"You may not be able to talk nonsense. This is the key to the island. If you forget it, the island will never be found again, and the contents inside will not be recovered."

"I won't forget it."

The old man looked at Manda doubtfully and said, "You repeat it three times in a row."

"Jurassic Dragon Island, Jurassic..." Manda repeated three times. At the same time, the old man burned the parchment. After the ashes passed, a dazzling yellow light flashed in front of Manda. .

"This is the entrance to the island, feel it and see."

Manda stretched his hand in, feeling the cold air and cold walls. He felt a strange sense of space. He was sure that behind the white light was a space that did not belong to this world.

"Is this island mine now?" Manda looked at the old man excitedly.

"Yes." The old man nodded.

"Is it a little small?" Manda groped around. The space inside was only as big as a brick. "Can this small place be considered an island?"

The old man shrugged his eyebrows: "It's only ten gold coins. How big of an island do you want to buy? If you want it to double in size, you need to add ten more gold coins."

"Okay!" Manda handed over ten gold coins without hesitation, and the space became as big as two bricks.

"Give me ten more gold coins, and I can help you double the size."

"Okay!" Manda was about to take out the money and found that there was only one gold coin left in the purse.

"It seems that today's transaction ends here. Recite the name of the island silently three times, and the island will appear. Recite it three times again, and the island will disappear. No one can find the island except in this way. Never put the island's name Tell anyone by name, goodbye, be sure to remember, and give me fifty silver coins next time."

The old man disappeared. Manda silently recited "Jurassic Dragon Island" three times and watched the white light disappear from sight in an instant. He recited it three more times, and the white light appeared again.

He touched every inch of space behind the white light, with a look of blissful intoxication on his face.

It was a sacred moment, he finally had a territory of his own.

Is the word territory too exaggerated?

"How many things in this world can truly belong to you?" Manda smiled mockingly,

"At least this little spot really belongs to me."

After looking at a gold coin in his hand, Manda decisively put it back into the cash box. The money still had to be spent.

He put the sacrificial tablecloth and candles into the "Jurassic Dragon Island", and then waited contentedly for Worm to return.

Late at night, when the tavern was about to close, Worm finally came back. He was in a good mood, with an elusive smile on his face, and he hummed a little song. Although he couldn't hear the lyrics clearly, these male vocals The bass is still very magnetic.

"The count praised us. He likes those two children very much and also likes the gold coins I brought back."

Manda sneered: "Who doesn't like gold coins?"

Speaking of gold coins, Worm looked at the cash cabinet with bright eyes: "We have almost five gold coins. It's time to present them to the earl."

Manda opened the cash box and said, "They are all here, count them yourself."

Worm rushed over greedily, only to find that there was only one gold coin and seventeen silver coins inside, five of which were earned tonight.

"No way, it can't be so little," Worm roared, "where did you hide the money!"

Manda frowned and said, "There are your bugs in every corner of the tavern. If you think I have hidden money, go look for it."

"Let's make it clear, this tavern belongs to the Earl, and the money earned by the tavern should also belong to the Earl!"

Manda poured all the money in the cash box on the counter: "Take it and give it to the count, these all belong to him!"

"Where did you spend your money! Business has been so good these days, we obviously made a lot of money, at least three gold coins!"

"Does it cost nothing to pay taxes? Does it cost nothing to buy food? Does it cost nothing to buy grapes?"

"With the lord's clan emblem, you don't have to pay taxes anymore. The earl has already given you the money to buy the grain. Buying grapes doesn't cost much at all!"

Worm was smarter than Manda thought. Just when Manda was speechless, a little boy suddenly appeared at the door, holding a wooden bowl in his hand, as if he was here to beg for food.

Manda thought it looked familiar, so she walked in and saw that it was Tokar, the little guy who was saved once by Worm and once by Manda.

"It's you!" Tokar smiled, grinning happily with his toothless mouth.

Manda turned to Worm and said, "Your son is here, doesn't he need money?"

Worm said angrily: "That's not my son!"

"Really?" Manda looked at Tokar fiercely, "Then I'll drive him away!"

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