Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 80 The Blessing of the Gods

Lonvaldo, a first-level disciple of Ares, possesses powerful talents from the God of War and has a huge advantage in battles of the same class, but he also inherits some of Ares' shortcomings, including cruelty and recklessness.

Longvaldo had joined the army and originally wanted to show off his talents in the army with his fighting talent. However, he was expelled from the military camp after only one battle because he repeatedly violated military orders.

He also served as a guard for the nobles, but because he tried to steal the nobles' property, he was kicked out and became infamous.

Unable to find a way to make a living, Longvaldo simply took his two younger brothers and became bandits. After committing several murders, he was hunted down by the local lords and forced to hide in the mountains.

A lonely bandit will die sooner or later while fleeing. Longvaldo has also thought about joining a powerful gang. He is not willing to be a gangster, but because he is not famous enough, he has never been accepted by the strong.

He was waiting for an opportunity to become famous. While on the run, Lonvaldo accidentally discovered the cave where Stanley hid his body and found Campora's body and tomahawk. When he learned that the body in the cave might be related to a missing soldier Longvaldo believed that this was a good opportunity given to him by the gods to make a name for himself.

So he boasted and inadvertently saved Manda.

He committed several murders in Niujiao Town, and claimed that he killed Campora with his own hands. Unfortunately, his reputation did not spread too quickly, because every time he committed a crime, he rarely left anyone alive.

After several twists and turns, his "deeds" finally reached the ears of Joel. As a former compatriot, Joel looked down on Longvaldo and thought that he wasted the talent given to him by the gods.

But this time he chose to ask Lonvaldo for help because he was eager to regain his lost wealth and dignity.

Recklessness does not mean stupidity. Lonvaldo did not want to get involved in this fight at first. After all, his opponent was an advanced believer of the ancient god. But Joel made an attractive offer. He claimed that there were more than two hundred gold coins in Manda's tavern, and he also guaranteed to sell the sacred blood stone at a good price.

After some careful tactical analysis, Lonvaldo decided that this matter was worth taking the risk, and the probability of success was high. According to Joel's description, there were two believers of the ancient god in the tavern, one was Manda and the other was Ogg.

Manda is an immature boy, and Longvaldo doesn't take him seriously, while Ogg is a middle-aged man in his forties (judging from his appearance). At this age, his mind is clear and his physical fitness is at its peak (a The lifespan of a first-class believer is one and a half times that of a normal person) and they have rich combat experience. Longvaldo believes that this is the most difficult opponent.

He lurked outside the tavern for a long time, successfully ambushed Ogg, and used the first-level skill "Intimidation" to imprison Ogg's soul.

Only Manda was left. Longvaldo firmly believed that he was more than enough to deal with this young boy. With the talent of the God of War and the powerful battle ax, Longvaldo even believed that he had the strength to fight the second level.

Without considering external factors, he does have such strength, but any battle cannot avoid the intervention of external factors. The biggest interference with Longvaldo is that he stood on Worm's territory and attacked Worm. Nothing.

And he didn't know Manda's mood at the moment. Someone took the blame and gave money. This was really the blessing of the gods. In Manda's eyes, his head had become a priceless treasure.

The death of a younger brother brought Lonvaldo to the edge of madness in an instant. He raised his tomahawk and was about to chop off Worm's head, but found that Worm calmly closed the door and cut off his escape route first.

Lonvaldo's other brother Chelf tried to sneak attack Manda, but Manda easily dodged it and cut off his neck with his golden finger.

Longvaldo rushed forward with his axe, but found that his movements were much slower, and he couldn't use the strength in his body, as if his hands and feet were stuck by something.

Seeing Manda rushing over, Longvaldo wanted to shout loudly and use intimidation to imprison Manda's soul.

Manda didn't think about the opponent's skills, ideas, or tactics at all. He only cared about the opponent's head. The moment he saw the opponent open his mouth, he threw the jumping button in, which happened to jam Longvaldo's head. Throat.

Longvaldo's breath stopped suddenly, and without making any sound, Manda cut his throat.

At the same time, Wurm manipulated the worm thread and wrapped it around Lonvaldo's head, twisting his head from his neck.

The bandit Longvaldo, who was carrying more than a dozen lives, died inexplicably with a face full of horror and surprise. In front of Manda, he had no chance to use his skills, or even a chance to take action at all.

Things changed so fast that Joel, who was squatting on the ground, didn't realize what happened, he was just shaking desperately.

Manda came forward, touched Joel's head, and said with a smile: "You swore never to step into my tavern, and you forgot so soon?"

Joel, terrified, shouted to Helena: "I'm here to save you! Tell them, I'm here to save you!"

Helena spat at Joel and turned her head away not wanting to look at him again.

Seeing Manda's fingers close to his neck, Joel shouted loudly: "I know where the body of the God's Punishment Warrior is, and I know where the cave is!"

Manda smiled secretly. The reason why she didn't kill Joel immediately was because she was waiting for this sentence.

Someone must tell the whereabouts of the body, otherwise Leo will not give up. As long as Joel knows the location of the cave, he can live a few more days.

Of course, this also means that Manda has to take a certain risk. If Joel knows something else, for example, he knows that Lonvaldo is bragging, it may cause other troubles.

But Manda was already prepared for this.

As expected, Leo got up, stopped Manda and said, "Leave him alive, I want to find Campora's body."

Manda knocked Joel unconscious with one punch, making him unable to speak for the time being. He turned to Leo and said, "Don't believe his lies easily. It's best to leave this matter to the Viscount. He is arresting a group of robbers. It's very possible that It’s about this group of people.”

Leo was silent for a moment, then suddenly picked up a fire stick and beat Longvaldo's body hard.

"Beasts! Beasts! Evil ghosts who deserve to go to hell! You will receive endless torture in hell..." After being beaten to exhaustion, Leo collapsed on the ground, holding Campora's battle ax and crying loudly.

Manda found Stanley at Lulian's residence that night and told what happened.

Without Manda having to say anything, Stanley naturally knew what to do next. He was as excited as Manda, so much so that Lulian had to endure strong tiredness and slowly calm down his excitement.

At dawn the next day, he took Joel away from the tavern, and quickly obtained the results of the interrogation. With a team of soldiers, he found the burnt bones from the cave.

Seeing the pile of charred bones, Joel couldn't help but shake his head. In his impression, these bones were very clean and had not been burned.

But from Stanley's eyes, he received an important message: If you want to live, don't talk too much.

Campora's disappearance case finally came to a conclusion. As a God's Punishment Warrior, he sacrificed his precious life along with four God's Punishers in a fight with a group of bandits.

He became a hero of the Church of God's Punishment, and Viscount Gaisak also made a special donation for the church. The management of the money and the praise of heroic deeds were left to Leo.

Leo gave Manda a hundred gold coins as a reward for the whole thing, and left Manda with a Holy Sword Badge.

"Kind and brave young man, may the Lord bless you." Leo bowed deeply to Manda. Not far from the tavern, a gorgeous carriage appeared on the path and took the senior deacon to the royal capital.

After Leo left, Stanley brought another piece of good news: "The Viscount decided to reward you with Longvaldo's divine blood stone. This is the divine blood stone of the Lord God's believers. After eating it, you should be able to prepare for promotion to the second level." So ready.”

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