Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 133 Weird power, restricted area!

Ye Feng possessed the mutated sparrow and flew quickly, but his thoughts were running rapidly, thinking about what was going on.

According to his guess, the most likely possibility is that the old locust tree has left.

As for how a tree walks, in fact, after reaching the fourth level, you can really control the roots of the tree and walk like legs.

Of course, this makes a lot of noise and moves slowly, and it will also cause damage to the tiny roots that are rooted in the soil and absorb nutrients. It is estimated that no tree will be willing to move unless necessary.

He also saw comments on the Internet that if the old locust tree left its original location, it would leave a big hole.

In fact, this is not necessarily the case. Take him as an example. If he really wants to leave, then when pulling out the tree roots, he only needs to collect the surrounding soil and there will be no huge pit.

Of course, these all need to be done consciously in order to achieve it.

But according to his estimate, even if the old locust tree gave birth to wisdom, it would only be equivalent to a child of two or three years old at most, so this inference seemed a bit unreasonable.

It was precisely because he couldn't find the answer in his heart that he wanted to take a look.

The flying speed of the mutated sparrow is not fast among all birds.

But for mutant sparrows that have reached the third level, that's a different matter.

In less than five minutes, the mutated sparrow flew across a straight line of seven or eight kilometers and approached Xiaofeng Mountain.

Without waiting for landing, Ye Feng could clearly see the situation on Xiaofeng Mountain from a distance.

His heart immediately sank.

If the old locust tree really left, no matter how hard he tried to cover it up, there would still be traces, but he didn't find anything.

Could it be that the mutated old locust tree was really targeted by a powerful mutated animal, and then suffered a fatal attack?

But what about the body?

So no matter what he thought, it felt unreasonable. Various thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind. At the same time, he kept getting closer to Xiaofengshan.

However, when he was still hundreds of meters away from Xiaofeng Mountain, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

That fatal sense of crisis made Ye Feng instantly control his descending figure.

He was suspended in the air, his eyes scanning every corner below, searching for the source of danger.

The trees on Xiaofeng Mountain are not too dense. If there are mutated animals of level three or above hidden here, it stands to reason that it would be difficult to escape his search.

But he didn't find anything.

And that creepy sense of crisis has always existed and has not weakened in the slightest.

"Damn, what's going on?" Ye Feng felt a little impatient.

It happened that at this time, he saw two mutant sparrows flying past in the distance.

He immediately flew over and released the aura of the third-level creature without any reservation, easily making the two mutated sparrows surrender.

Then he commanded them to fly towards Xiaofeng Mountain, hoping to search for the source of danger.

When two mutated sparrows flew into the range of Xiaofengshan.

A horrifying scene appeared.

The life breath of these two mutated sparrows dissipated at a terrifying speed. Their bodies fell straight down and died before they even hit the ground.

Ye Feng watched closely during the whole process and did not see any creature attacking.

Of course, if that's all it is, it can't be called a horror.

The truly terrifying scene was that after the two mutated sparrows died, their bodies decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a minute, the two mutated sparrows rotted into a puddle of pus and seeped into the ground.

"Fuck! What's going on?" Ye Feng frowned.

He gritted his teeth, controlled the mutated sparrow, and slowly stepped forward.

When he got close to where the two mutated sparrows fell, he stopped when he was still 50 meters away.

At such a close place, Ye Feng finally felt something was wrong.

"There seems to be a strange energy ahead. It was this energy that caused the death of the two mutated sparrows just now."

"It's a pity that this mutated sparrow's perception is limited. It would be great if my body was here and I could release my mental power to explore." Ye Feng frowned.

This is also the drawback of possessing the mutated creature. His abilities will be limited by the possessed creature.

"Huh? No! That weird energy seems to be expanding outwards." Ye Feng's eyes narrowed, and he truly felt the difficulty of this matter.

If it was just this place that was dangerous, then it would be okay to say that at most he would regard Xiaofengshan as a restricted area and not come back in the future.

But if this weird energy continues to expand outward, it means that the scope of this restricted area will continue to expand, and its nature will be different.

As the restricted area expands, the living space of other creatures will be compressed, including his.

At this time, Ye Feng had to become serious. With a thought in his mind, he immediately gave orders to the mutant goshawk and mutant king cobra to come here.

In less than three minutes, a huge goshawk with a wingspan of 50 meters appeared in the sky, and a giant snake 50 meters long was wrapped around its talons.

Soon the eagle and the snake landed, and Ye Feng's possessed state also switched to the two mutated creatures.

Yes, after the mutant goshawk breaks through to the third level, its loyalty has reached 100%, and it can be possessed by him.

And Ye Feng naturally had a reason for calling them both together.

The eyesight of a goshawk is extremely good, let alone a mutated goshawk that has reached the third level. Possessed by it, as long as there is nothing blocking it, he can even see clearly what an ant on the mountain is doing.

As for calling the mutated king cobra, that's because the snake can use its vipers to distinguish odor molecules in the air for observation.

Therefore, the world you "see" is completely different from what you see with normal eyes.

When Ye Feng's possessed state switched between the mutated goshawk and the mutated king cobra for a while, he discovered details that he had not noticed before.

The first is that except for plants, there are no other mutant creatures on Xiaofeng Mountain.

Not to mention animals, not even an ant could be found.

In addition, mutant goshawks and mutant king cobras have a much stronger sense of danger than mutant sparrows.

Through their senses, Ye Feng could very clearly feel that the strange energy was indeed expanding outwards with Xiaofeng Mountain as the center.

The expansion speed is about 10 meters per hour.

This speed may sound unpleasant, but in fact it is extremely exaggerated.

If it expands 10 meters in one hour, it will be 240 meters in one day, and 2.4 kilometers in 10 days.

It will only take about a month for this weird energy to reach Sunset Valley.

In three months, most of Yang City will be turned into a restricted area.

Just when Ye Feng was thinking, he suddenly felt a strong spiritual energy coming towards him.

"Huh?" He was slightly startled.

Because this spiritual energy is centered on Xiaofeng Mountain and expands outwards, being enveloped by this spiritual energy makes you feel instantly refreshed.

Moreover, the strange energy that made him feel terrified also disappeared.

Just when Ye Feng was full of doubts and didn't understand why there was such a change.

Suddenly, he noticed that the mutated creatures around him were approaching quickly.

Zhizhi! Tweet! Chat!

Countless mutated creatures rushed towards Xiaofeng Mountain.

Obviously, they were all attracted by the rich spiritual energy.

After seeing this scene, Ye Feng's pupils shrank, and he instantly understood why the restricted area suddenly received benefits.

"No!" Ye Feng wanted to stop him, and even asked his three subordinates to release their auras as a deterrent.

But it doesn't help at all. Xiaofeng Mountain is so large that they can only prevent a small number of mutated creatures from approaching.

And when these attracted mutant animals and insects rushed to the mountainside, that weird energy suddenly appeared.

These mutated creatures that rushed over instantly fell down in batches, and their bodies quickly decayed and turned into pools of pus, which were absorbed by the ground.

Ye Feng could feel that as the ground absorbed the pus, the scope of the restricted area expanded at a terrifying speed.

In less than a minute, it expanded 15 meters.

"It's actually possible to absorb mutated creatures for expansion. No, this restricted area is too dangerous. It's impossible to give me a month at this speed. It's hard to say whether I can get 10 days." Ye Feng was not at all calm.

Originally, he thought that after he broke through to the fourth level and had the faith skill of controlling the world, he would be fearless.

At least, if he didn't seek death and took the initiative to provoke the army, there should be nothing that could threaten him.

But this idea was shattered in less than a day.

However, these panicked emotions in his heart were quickly suppressed by him. He has never been a character who just sits and waits for death.

Although the strange energy on Xiaofeng Mountain made him very afraid and did not dare to send his men directly in, it did not mean that he did not have any means to deal with it.

At this time, Ye Feng was doing two things. While possessing the mutated king cobra, he was observing the situation on Xiaofeng Mountain, and at the same time, he was using his faith skill of controlling the world.

Yes, Ye Feng just wanted to see if he could directly erase this weird energy in this way.

However, when Ye Feng exerted his control over the world, he was a little stunned.

Under normal circumstances, after he displays this faith skill, he can resonate with the world in the target area, and then leverage the power of nature to perform various strange methods.

But now, his first step has failed, and he can't resonate with the world on Xiaofeng Mountain.

It was as if an invisible barrier appeared there, depriving this piece of heaven and earth.

"This..." Ye Feng felt that the matter might be more serious than he thought before.

Of course, controlling the world cannot be performed on Xiaofeng Mountain, but it does not mean that it cannot be performed outside.

As he thought, a tornado gradually formed in front of the King Cobra.

It was only a few meters high at first, but after just a few breaths, it rose to tens of meters, then hundreds of meters, and soon formed a giant tornado hundreds of meters high.

This giant tornado expanded and moved in the direction of Xiaofeng Mountain.

Along the way, trees were broken one after another, and many were uprooted and directly involved in the tornado, making it more and more powerful.

After the tornado entered the range of Xiaofeng Mountain, Ye Feng lost control of it.

But the power was still terrifying. The trees on the mountain were "uprooted" one by one, and the sand and even rocks were swept up into the sky.

The place where the giant tornado passed seemed to be dug up three feet into the ground.

But Ye Feng found that the strange energy seemed to be on two different levels from the tornado, and was not affected at all.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Before the tornado dissipated, clouds appeared in the sky above Xiaofeng Mountain, blocking the sun. Then the temperature in the area began to drop sharply, the cold air spread towards the mountain, and frost began to appear on the trees, flowers and grass.

The next moment, hailstones the size of basketballs fell from high altitude and directly hit Xiaofeng Mountain, making a continuous roar.

Countless trees on the mountain were smashed, but neither the cold nor the hail had any effect on the strange energy.

Ye Feng was not discouraged, after all, these were just tests.

However, he glanced at the system panel and saw that in just a few minutes, more than 3,000 points of power of faith had been consumed, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Using such a large-scale attack method is really terrifying.

But no matter how scary it is, he will continue.

Soon the clouds in the sky dispersed, the blazing sun shone down, and the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly, and the rate of rise was getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the temperature around Xiaofeng Mountain reached two to three hundred degrees, and the trees began to be ignited.

At this time, the wind picked up, and all the wind was blowing towards Xiaofeng Mountain. What was carried by the wind was also blazing heat and flames.

At this time, Ye Feng's expression changed slightly, because he finally noticed the change in that strange energy.

That energy seemed to be afraid of the flames, and actually retreated on its own initiative.

This immediately made Ye Feng feel happy.

But this emotion did not last long, because he soon discovered where the flames were burning. The strange energy did fade away, but as the flames extinguished, the strange energy returned again.

The flames can only push back that weird energy, but they can't destroy it.

"Still not working?"

Ye Feng frowned, and then used his last resort.

A bolt of lightning fell from a high altitude and struck directly on the ground in the restricted area not far from the mutant king cobra.

Ye Feng could clearly feel the strange energy surrounding the area struck by lightning. He had no time to react before it was melted by the lightning.

But there was no smile on Ye Feng's face, because the part of the strange energy that disappeared could only be said to be a drop in the ocean compared to the strange energy that permeated the entire Xiaofeng Mountain.

If Ye Feng wanted to use the power of thunder and lightning to completely eliminate the strange energy on Xiaofeng Mountain, he would need at least a million thunder and lightning.

If converted into the power of faith, it would cost at least 100 million to start.

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