Hearing Cao Guangzhi's question, Zhang Ji sighed, "Do you think I don't want to mine more ore? But this is basically the limit."

"If you want to increase production capacity, you must increase manpower, and conservatively estimate that the number will be at least 1,000."

"1,000 people?" Cao Guangzhi thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, no problem, I'll help you coordinate."

Hearing what the other party said, Zhang Ji looked a little surprised, and then said with some displeasure: "Didn't you say before that the 5,000 people you gave me were already the limit? How come you can bring them to me so casually now?" 1,000 people?”

"Ahem! Don't think that I was trying to make things difficult for you before."

Cao Guangzhi quickly explained: "When you asked me for people yesterday, 5,000 people was indeed the limit. After all, you know how dangerous the wilderness is now. You can imagine how difficult it is to find people to go mining."

"But today is different. The giant panda broadcast live for a whole day, showing off the strength of the Dragon King Palace. Moreover, those mutated birds are really powerful, and the number of casualties has plummeted."

"So, the negative sentiment among the people has reduced a lot today, and since we have given enough money, more people will naturally be willing to go out."

Zhang Ji sighed a little after hearing this, "Yes! With the support from Dragon King Palace, the workers have less worries and their work efficiency is much higher. Otherwise, the rocks I brought back today would only be two-thirds of what they are now at most. "

Coincidentally, if you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come.

In the field of vision of the two people, a huge panda was approaching quickly with agility that was completely inconsistent with its size.

The staff responsible for guiding the other party even had to ride a motorcycle to keep up.

The giant panda came to the two of them and let out a roaring sound.

Zhang Ji and Cao Guangzhi looked at each other.

Just when they were about to say something, they saw the giant panda in front of them squat down, stretch out a finger on the ground, and write a line of crooked words.

"I want to see your leader. The translator will be here soon. Urgent!"

Seeing this line of writing on the ground, both of them were shocked.

Seeing the mutated giant panda, Zhang Ji and Cao Guangzhi looked at each other without any intention of joking. They both picked up their mobile phones and made a call.

ten minutes later!

Yangcheng City Hall, the largest conference room.

Military division commander Bai Yinghui and Yangcheng City Mayor Liu Zaoxin attended the meeting.

Opposite them were a giant panda and a huge parrot.

Although there were only a few people in the huge conference room, it still seemed a bit crowded.

The giant panda is okay, sitting down and only about two meters tall.

But after the mutant parrot broke through to the third level, its size increased dramatically. Even if it squatted down, its head would almost reach the ceiling.

Due to the high level of this meeting, there were basically no outsiders present.

Apart from Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin, there are only three bodyguards, Chen Dalong, Pei Jin and Wang Feng.

Of course, outside the conference room, soldiers from a special battalion had already been mobilized to respond to emergencies at any time.

If the mutated giant panda and mutated parrot want to harm them, as long as Chen Dalong and the other three resist for a while, the special forces from outside can rush in.

After all, the two parties have just started cooperating, so some safety measures must be taken.

Ye Feng also expressed his understanding of this.

After the two parties took their seats, they exchanged a few polite words, and then Ye Feng got straight to the point and said: "The reason why we need to hold this emergency meeting this time is because we discovered an extremely troublesome thing."

When Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin heard the mutated parrot's opening remarks, their hearts trembled.

"Is there something wrong over there in the Dongling Mountains?" Mayor Liu Zaoxin asked quickly.

Now their defensive wall has just laid the foundation.

If the mutated insects from the Dongling Mountains attack the city now, without the protection of the city wall, even if they can win, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.


The mutated parrot shook his head, but before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued: "The things about the Dongling Mountains are nothing compared to the problems I have discovered now."

? ? ?

Liu Zaoxin's expression was a little stiff. He stared at the other person with burning eyes, wanting to know if this sentence was a joke.

But he couldn't see anything at all, and the atmosphere in the venue instantly became tense.

"What exactly is the trouble?" At this time, Bai Yinghui, who was sitting aside, spoke.

He doesn't have so many complicated thoughts. If a problem occurs, all they have to do is solve it.

"I wonder if you have noticed in the past few days that the old locust tree on Xiaofeng Mountain has disappeared." The mutant parrot said.

"I'm paying attention to this matter, but there are too many things to deal with now, and I don't have time to investigate. Could it be that old locust tree? What's wrong with it?" Bai Yinghui asked with a frown.

They have not yet discovered mutant plants that pose a threat to humans, so the priority will naturally be postponed indefinitely.

"I don't know if there is anything wrong with the old locust tree, but after discovering that it disappeared, I immediately sent my subordinates to investigate, only to find that Xiaofeng Mountain has become a restricted area." The mutant parrot said.

"Restricted area? What does this mean?" It was Liu Zaoxin who spoke this time.

Mutant Parrot: "That's what it means literally. With Xiaofeng Mountain as the center, a strange corrosive energy appears all around."

"All creatures that come into contact with corrosive energy will die quickly, and their bodies will rot. In the end, not even a bone will be left. It has become a restricted area for life."

"What's more important is that the area of ​​the restricted area is expanding at a speed of almost 10 meters per hour. If a creature dies in the restricted area, its expansion speed will be accelerated."

After Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin listened, their first reaction was not fear, but absurdity.

Because this kind of thing sounds too weird and unruly, like telling a weird story.

Only Chen Dalong in the field believed in the mutated parrot's words and had many guesses in his mind.

"Parrot Messenger, could it be that this restricted area was created by some evil god?" Chen Dalong asked quickly.

At this time, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin also suddenly remembered what the other party said about ancient times during the alliance negotiations.

In fact, a group of their senior officials have discussed these matters, and feel that the authenticity of such matters is only 30% at most.

It was most likely a mutated parrot that fooled them.

But the emergence of this restricted area now undoubtedly corroborates what the other party said, so things like ancient times and gods may have actually existed.

At this moment, both of them looked at the mutant parrot with serious expressions, waiting for each other's answer.

However, the mutated parrot slowly shook his head, "I don't know, after all, my Lord Dragon King used a secret method to reincarnate into the next life in the early stages of the War of the Gods."

"So we don't know much about the abilities of many evil gods. This restricted area may be the ability of a certain evil god, but it may not be. After all, the Dragon King's strength has just recovered, and many methods cannot be used, so naturally there is no way to find out clearly."

Ye Feng is patching things up.

After all, he knew nothing about the restricted area that appeared now. Who knew what would come out later? It would be embarrassing if he didn't know anything about it when the time came.

But after hearing what the mutated parrot said, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin believed it even more.

"Then have you found a way to solve this restricted area?" Bai Yinghui immediately asked the key point.

"We have indeed found a way. The main reason why a restricted area is formed in that place is because there is corrosive energy in it."

"Thunder and lightning can directly eliminate this corrosive energy, but to eliminate the corrosive energy in the entire restricted area, a huge amount of thunder and lightning energy needs to be released. Even if my Lord Dragon King can summon thunder and lightning, he is still powerless."

Having said this, the mutated parrot stared at the two people in front of him and said, "With humanity's current technology, it shouldn't be difficult to make some discharge devices to create artificial lightning, right?"

After hearing this, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin finally understood why the other party came to their door.

"No problem, I will step up preparations. When will we solve the problem in the penalty area?" This time the question was Liu Zaoxin.

With his rights, he can directly call on the equipment and talents of several research institutions. Even if he doesn't have one, he can build one as quickly as possible.

"Of course, the faster, the better. The restricted area is expanding every moment, and the further you get to the back, the more difficult the problem will be to solve." said the mutated parrot.

"Then give me one night, and I will get the equipment over tomorrow morning." Liu Zaoxin said immediately.

After the problem was solved, Ye Feng didn't stay long and left with a few polite words.

Mainly because of Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin, they would always talk to each other and especially like to ask about things from ancient times. How could he stay here?

the next morning!

The whole city became lively with the birth of the sun. Teams set off from the city and headed towards several mines.

The progress of building the defensive wall will be announced almost every hour.

Looking at the astonishing construction speed, every resident of Yangcheng City has a sense of pride. Under this situation, everyone's enthusiasm for work has been mobilized.

Among the teams leaving the city, there was a team of more than 100 people, which seemed inconspicuous.

But in fact, they are the most elite rapid reaction force in the entire Yang City.

The division commander Bai Yinghui personally led the team.

Chen Dalong and other superpowers were also called over. Of course, this was considered a military mission, and military merits were calculated every time, so they were quite happy to come over.

After the convoy left the city, it headed directly along the road towards the Sunset Valley.

That was the agreed-upon rally point.

In less than 10 minutes, the convoy arrived on the road outside Sunset Valley.

At this time, the eyes of most people in the team will be involuntarily attracted to the iron birch tree in the valley that blocks the sky and the sun.

"How come you have grown so tall in just a few days?" Jiang Jin, the captain of the rapid response force, looked up at the giant tree in the distance, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At this time, the iron birch trees were not only tall, but also very huge. The dense canopy almost covered a quarter of Sunset Valley.

Such a giant tree can no longer be described as majestic, it is simply a miracle.

"Maybe it's because of the resurgence of spiritual energy! But according to the evaluation of the Mutation Management Bureau, the growth potential of this iron birch tree is far greater than that of the old locust tree on Xiaofeng Mountain." Bai Yinghui also looked at the giant tree in the distance. said the tree.

"But even if it has great potential, it is impossible to grow so tall in a few days! I feel that this mutated iron birch tree must have a secret." Jiang Jin looked at Bai Yinghui and said seriously.

Bai Yinghui couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Do you really think I couldn't even think of this? This mutated iron birch tree has a secret, so what?"

"Don't forget, this is the nest of the mutant king cobra. Do you think it will let us go in to find out the secrets?"

Jiang Jin suddenly fell silent. To be honest, even now, he is not used to the fact that someone with power can be on an equal footing with them.

Chen Dalong, who was eavesdropping on the side, glanced at Jiang Jin from the corner of his eye, "This guy has bad intentions! I need to tell Mr. Parrot that he has been blacklisted."

At this moment, a mutated parrot flew out of the woods.

"I didn't expect you to arrive so much earlier than the agreed time. It's not too late. Let's set off now!" the mutant parrot said immediately after landing.

"Dragon King, won't it go with us?" Bai Yinghui asked.

"Lord Dragon King has been sitting on Xiaofeng Mountain for a long time. Let's go there quickly. Don't worry about the safety on the road. Our Dragon King Palace will take care of it." After the mutated parrot said this, he took off first.

Bai Yinghui and Jiang Jin looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

The mutated King Cobra has already passed away, so the danger level in the restricted area of ​​Xiaofeng Mountain is probably much greater than they initially expected.

Soon the convoy set off again.

Next, as the mutant parrot said, they were quite safe along the way. Not to mention the mutant creatures, even the mutant insects that could be seen everywhere only came to attack them.

So in less than 20 minutes, the convoy entered the one kilometer range of Xiaofeng Mountain.

At this time, the mutant parrot appeared again and then led everyone.

Soon the motorcade turned into a small road.

Everyone can see that this road was trodden not long ago.

That's right, they can still see the huge footprints on the ground.

Trees along the way were broken and boulders moved away.

It was obvious that this "new road" was forcibly opened in the dense forest by a group of huge mutated creatures.

After five minutes of staggering along this new road, they came to a huge open space.

Here, they finally saw the mutated biological groups moving in the dense forest.

Of course, the most eye-catching ones are the three behemoths in front of the clearing.

A mutant king cobra that is over 50 meters long and has metallic scales all over its body.

With a wingspan of 50 meters, it is the largest mutant goshawk among the mutant creatures today.

There is also a mutant wolf king who is all white and three stories tall.

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