Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 158 Bombardment of restricted areas

The big yellow dog seemed to hear Ye Feng's muttering, and he barked immediately.

Under the contract, Ye Feng was completely able to understand the meaning of the other party's cry.

"Okay, okay, I know that although you are small in size, you are stronger than them." Ye Feng quickly reassured.

The big yellow dog snorted twice, then looked at the motorcade that gradually came to a stop, and barked, the sound as loud as thunder.

At the same time, the aura belonging to the middle stage of the third level was released without reservation, instantly causing the mutated dogs in the truck to lie on the iron cage and tremble.

Zhang Ji, who was in charge of the escort, couldn't help but feel amazed when he saw this scene.

This group of mutated dogs were very noisy when they arrived, especially a few large dogs that almost overturned the iron cage.

If they weren't equipped with tranquilizer guns, just transporting them here would be a headache.

But now, these mutated dogs are as well-behaved as quails.

Seeing this scene, the soldier responsible for escorting the transport had mixed emotions.

Zhang Ji adjusted himself, opened the door and got out of the car, and strode towards the mutated parrot.

"Parrot Messenger, we meet again. There are exactly 1,000 mutated dogs in the car. Please count them." Zhang Ji said.

"Okay, no problem, let your people open all the iron cages!" Ye Feng said.

"Open the iron cage like this?" Zhang Ji was a little surprised.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Ye Feng asked.

Zhang Ji wanted to say: Of course there is a problem.

But he turned his head silently and looked at the mutated dogs lying obediently in the cage. All his words were stuck in his throat.

After a moment of silence, he took out his walkie-talkie and said a few words.

Soon the soldiers on the truck were ordered to drive open the large locked cages.

During this process, the expression on every soldier's face was extremely vigilant, guarding against these mutated dogs jumping out and biting him.

But what surprised them was that even if the iron cage was opened, these mutant dogs were quite well-behaved.

After they came out of the iron cage, they did not run around. Instead, they came to the mutated big yellow dog one by one and lay down on the ground to express their submission.

This scene stunned Zhang Ji again.

Although he knew that the envoys of the Dragon King Palace seemed to be able to command similar people as their subordinates, according to his understanding, this should require training.

But now, it is obvious that this is not the case. He was conquered directly like this. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Ji would have found it hard to believe it.

In fact, animals do not have as many thoughts as humans. In their world, they completely follow the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong.

With absolute strength, you will naturally have absolute right to speak.

Of course, if one day your strength weakens, or the other party becomes stronger, then betrayal will become a matter of course.


When all the mutated dogs that got off the car lay down in front of him, the big yellow dog roared twice, and then the dogs stood up obediently and lined up one by one into the Sunset Valley.

Zhang Ji looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"As expected! Using animals to tame animals is the best way. Unfortunately, we don't have a strong and obedient mutant dog on our hands."

Although there are many domestic dogs that, after mutating, still have feelings for their owners and can even give them some simple commands.

But these dogs have just mutated, so it is impossible for them to command other mutated dogs. The two sides will only fight directly.

Soon, Ye Feng finished counting and said, "No problem, the quantity is just right."

"In addition, when will the mutant goshawks and mutant wolves I purchased be delivered?"

He sent out 10 mutant fruits this morning, and the official immediately opened a private account for him and transferred 30 million Chinese coins into it.

After the money arrived, Ye Feng immediately spent all the money and bought a total of 5 mutant goshawks and 40 mutant wild wolves.

He planned to arm the mutant goshawk and mutant wolf king first.

"Since transportation is not convenient now, it may take some time. But don't worry, we won't keep you waiting. The fastest ones should be delivered tomorrow, and the late ones will not exceed three days." Zhang Ji said immediately.

"Okay, happy cooperation! If nothing happens, I'll leave first." Ye Feng said in a good mood.

"Well, it's nothing serious. The first batch of thermobaric bombs will be delivered in about two hours. I plan to go to the restricted area to make some preparations. Could you please talk to the Wolf King's envoy?" Zhang Ji said.

On the surface, the troops in the restricted area in Xiaofengshan are controlled by the mutant wolf king.

"No problem, I will send my men to inform him now." Ye Feng said.

He pretended to summon a first-order mutated parrot. After calling twice, he directed the parrot to fly in the direction of Xiaofeng Mountain.

After searching the surrounding mountains and forests during this period, Ye Feng's contracted animals have more or less several subordinates.

However, if you want to achieve scale, you have to spend money to purchase it from other places, and this kind of thing can only be done slowly.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ji thanked him and quickly led the convoy along the highway in the direction of Xiaofeng Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, two hours were almost up.

Ye Feng glanced at the time, then possessed the mutated parrot and flew towards Xiaofeng Mountain.

"Every time I have to control the mutant parrot to fly around, why don't I contract another mutant parrot so that I don't have to run in both directions?" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

However, this idea of ​​his was extinguished by himself not long after it came up.

Because after establishing a contract with other animals, especially when their loyalty reaches 100%, the two parties will be very close.

Ye Feng can even sense the emotional fluctuations of contracted animals.

In most cases, sensing the emotions of these contracted animals is not a bad thing, and sometimes they can even be used as a medium to convey messages.

For example, after a contracted animal encounters a crisis and expresses emotions such as nervousness and fear, he can detect it immediately.

But being able to sense their emotions is not always a good thing.

For example, when they are eating, Ye Feng can sense what they are eating, which causes a very happy mood.

Carnivores like big yellow dogs are okay, they just convey the emotions of which meat is delicious.

But something like a mutated parrot will convey emotions about which bugs are more delicious, which is a bit disgusting.

Of course, what Ye Feng couldn't stand the most was when these animals were in heat or even mating.

This is why Ye Feng obviously still has a lot of contract positions, but he doesn't have all the contracts, just enough.

Ye Feng shook his head, put aside all kinds of random thoughts, and reached the sky above Xiaofeng Mountain in just a few minutes at the speed of a third-level mutant parrot.

At this time, I looked down and found that a total of 10 missile launch vehicles had been parked on the road 1 kilometer away from Xiaofeng Mountain.

There is no doubt that these should be the thermobaric bombs that were transported.

Just in case, the military deliberately kept the missile at such a close distance to prevent it from hitting a mutated bird that didn't know how to survive or die, causing the missile to explode midway.

Otherwise, with the range of these missiles, they can be launched directly in Yangcheng City.

His eyes continued to move forward.

At this time, a large isolated area without any trees has appeared outside Xiaofeng Mountain.

This is to prevent the restricted area from being able to swallow these plants from continuing to expand.

Although that was just a guess by Zhang Ji and had not been confirmed in any way, facing the strange existence of the restricted area, it was definitely right to make more preparations.

He flapped his wings and quickly found a group of military generals before landing.

The military in Yangcheng City also attached great importance to this operation. In addition to Zhang Ji, even the division commander Bai Yinghui came over in person.

At this time, Bai Yinghui and others felt inexplicably relieved when they saw the mutated parrot falling from the sky.

To be honest, they felt uncomfortable staying here.

Although these mutant creatures in the Dragon King Palace will not attack them, these animals cannot speak, so the two parties cannot communicate. It is inevitable that the atmosphere will be a bit dull and depressing.

At this time, when they saw the mutated parrot that could communicate coming over, they actually felt particularly friendly.

"The time is coming, how are your preparations going?" Ye Feng asked after landing.

"We have nothing to prepare. We are just arranging the troops to the attack location. It is more difficult for you at the Dragon King Palace." Bai Yinghui said with a smile.

His words were not polite, because the most difficult step in these things is actually making isolation tapes.

This requires cutting down a lot of trees and is extremely troublesome to transport.

Originally, the military planned to mobilize 10 engineering brigades to do this.

But before he could give the order, he saw the mutant wolf king, commanding a group of mutant creatures, and began to knock down trees, then bite the branches and drag them away.

With the combined efforts of many mutated creatures, it took nearly three hours to create an isolation zone that was 50 meters wide.

"In that case, let's take action! Those before were all speculations. Whether we can curb the development of the restricted area depends on the effect of the subsequent bombing." Ye Feng said.

Bai Yinghui nodded, "Then I'll give the order and we'll take action in 5 minutes."

Soon orders were issued from the temporary headquarters.

The artillery squads scattered around Xiaofeng Mountain immediately got ready.

According to the plan, they would first fire a round of incendiary bombs to incinerate as many plants as possible before releasing a thermobaric bomb.

While the military team was in action, Ye Feng also switched his possessed state to the mutant wolf king, and ordered the nearby mutant creatures to start retreating.

On the one hand, it is to avoid emergencies in the restricted area, and on the other hand, it is to avoid interfering with the military's operations.

After all, when the cannonballs really explode, they may frighten the mutated creatures and cause them to lose control. Although this possibility is very small, preparations must still be made.

5 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yinghui also received reports that each team was ready.

"The entire artillery team obeys the order and aims at the target area and fires freely."

Boom boom boom!

A violent roar soon sounded, and the flames released by the incendiary bombs quickly spread throughout Xiaofeng Mountain and the surrounding woods.

Of course, due to yesterday's bombing, only a small half of the plants in the restricted area are left, so the bombing did not last too long and stopped in just 10 minutes.

The corrosive energy in the restricted area all retracted below the ground in the fifth minute of the bombing.

"It will probably take about half an hour." Bai Yinghui said.

The military has troops here, and the troops who stay here have done nothing. They have always studied the restricted area.

In this process, there were naturally many bombings of the restricted area.

Then they were surprised to find that in the face of their harassing bombing, the restricted area would be constantly adjusted and a set of response plans would be formed.

Just like now, as long as they continue bombing for more than five minutes, the corrosive energy will be withdrawn underground and will come out after a while.

This time is usually about half an hour.

"That's just right. In about half an hour, the trees here should be almost burned. Then we can directly apply thermobaric bombs to see the effect." Ye Feng said.

"Yeah! I think about it this way too. But there are two options for the next thermobaric bombing. I want to hear your opinion." Bai Yinghui said.

Ye Feng looked over curiously and asked, "What's the plan?"

Bai Yinghui waved to the adjutant, and then took a tablet over there. When he clicked on it, he could see a combat diagram.

"The first option is saturation bombing. According to our calculations, if the explosion range covers the entire restricted area at one time, it will require a full eight thermobaric bombs, and many of these areas are repeated. "

"The second option is a bombing method that maximizes returns. Using four thermobaric bombs can cover about 70% of the restricted area. If bombed for two rounds, it is equivalent to covering 140% of the area." Bai Yinghui looked at it. Said the mutated parrot.

Ye Feng thought for a while and then said: "I prefer the second option, because it is equivalent to a war of attrition, and we don't know how long it will take."

He was a little worried that the military would be overwhelmed.

"Actually, I am more inclined to the second option. I am worried that it will affect the results. Now that you say so, I am relieved." Bai Yinghui said with a smile.

After the two parties completed their discussion, half an hour passed quickly.

At this time, in the entire restricted area, except for two places that were deliberately left as observation areas, almost all the flowers, plants and trees in the rest of the area were burned to death.

At this time, the corrosive energy also emerged from the ground again and began to pull and absorb the spiritual energy in the air.

Bai Yinghui did not hesitate at all and immediately issued the order to attack.

The missile vehicles that were already ready in the distance, the four in front, the medium-sized missiles fixed on the vehicles, slowly stood up.

"Lock the target, start the countdown, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

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