Global Corpse Transformation: My identity as the Ten Thousand Years of Corpse King is exposed

Chapter 198 The punishment of the Empire of the Rising Sun, living and dying.

"The superpower bureau is gone!?"

"It's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and you call me to joke with me!?"

"Next time, believe it or not, I will remove you from your post immediately!?"

In an ordinary house,

Liu Shouzheng hung up the phone with anger on his face.

A middle-aged woman walked next to her and handed Liu Shouzheng a cup of tea with a kind look on her face.

"Old Liu, take a few sips of tea to calm down your anger.

"Is this the call from my son?" Wang Tong, a middle-aged woman, had a flash of worry in her eyes. "Why are you calling at this time? Did something big happen?"


Liu Shouzheng's nose turned red in anger and he almost stomped on the floor.

"He's just messing with me!!"

"It's getting more and more outrageous! Do you even dare to make such a joke now?"

"The supernatural power bureau is gone. This is pure nonsense."

Liu Shouzheng took a sip of tea and told him that the supernatural bureau was gone. It was even more nonsense than telling him that a rocket would hit their house tomorrow.

You can really joke about anything.

I really thought the Superpower Bureau was just for the taking! ? Where can anyone be so capable of destroying supernatural powers?

Wang Tong just wanted to go over and comfort him.

"Ding ding ding!"

Liu Shouzheng's anger, which he had finally suppressed, suddenly rose up.

"Damn it, you dare to fight here. I'll go there with a whip right away and start leveling again!!"

Liu Shouzheng took the mobile phone with an angry face.

Pressing the call button hard, pouring out his anger,

"Hello!!!? You bastard, you dare to fight me? Do you believe I will beat you to death?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

"Liu Shouzheng."

Liu Shouzheng's expression froze instantly.

His eyes were dull, he took off the phone and looked at the number on the screen.

In an instant, I felt like the world was falling apart.

"Chief!!! I..." Liu Shouzheng softened instantly,

Damn it, the person on the phone is the top leader of the Longan Martial Arts Bureau!

Why are you calling him at this time?

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, come to the office in Kyoto immediately, don't waste a second!"

"Yes Yes!!"


Liu Shouzheng's forehead was covered with sweat and his face was pale, as if he had been through a long battle.

His eyes were filled with disbelief and shock. Thinking back to the phone call just now,

"Why is the chief calling you?"

"Superpower Bureau, something big happened!!!"

Liu Shouzheng's shoes were all crooked and he limped out quickly.

The one in Kyoto is majestic;

A place that is guarded to the extreme, even the guards at the door are all warriors!


The usually very stable and idle receiving platform had dozens of helicopters landing on the platform in just half an hour, and the receiving personnel were overwhelmed.

In the huge conference room,

The seats are full of people now,

four places,

The Dragon Group, Long'an Martial Arts Bureau, and Long'an Guards are already full.

The area of ​​the supernatural power bureau is still empty.

"Is everyone here?"

"I think it's almost done. Wait. Aren't the four major organizations meeting together? Where is the Superpower Bureau?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the empty area.

Some leaders who already knew the inside story were trembling with their hands, holding messages in their hands and full of fear.

"Superpower Bureau."

"What happened to the supernatural bureau?"

"The superpower bureau is gone."

Some leaders who didn't know the news looked confused.

Gone? What's missing?

"Stop joking, are you really that boring? Today is not April Fool's Day." An old man from the dragon group frowned. These old immortal guys were still joking at this time.

The leader of the circle next to him handed the old man a photo with trembling hands.

After the old man of the Dragon Group finished reading, his eyes widened and his whole body trembled.

The remaining members of the three major organizations raised their heads, their faces full of horror and fear. You look at me, I look at you.

Silence, depression, fear.

"How can it be destroyed!? How can such a large organization be destroyed? I don't believe it!!!"

A senior official of the Long'an Martial Arts Bureau finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted,

"They said, they said" an old man from the dragon group trembled,

"You guys, still remember that man once said that he should go to the Superpower Bureau."

Some people's eyes widened, obviously remembering it, and their hearts trembled.

"Who said that?" Some senior leaders didn't quite understand.

"Yang Sheng."

As soon as these two words come out,

The whole place was silent,

After everyone posted a video on their mobile phones,

Everyone was silent,

Looking at the ruins, dust, and deep pits.

Silence, disbelief.

None of them said that they did not believe in such a large organization, and they would be gone if they said no.

It became a ruin.

The figure of a man in black appeared in everyone's mind.

Sitting on a long wicker chair, lighting a cigarette in his right hand,

"When the time comes, I'll turn you around one by one, very quickly."

boom! !

Under the pressure of the huge sound of fear, the chair of an old man from the Dragon Group buckled and rolled down.

No one disbelieves it anymore,

Everyone knows that Yang Sheng did all this.

The Superpower Bureau is empty, and the fact that no one has come is the best proof.

Everyone felt fear, and everyone felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"The devil. He is the devil."

Yang Sheng is the devil.

However, who can negotiate with the devil?

Those who once shouted that Yang Sheng was to be punished were all mute at this moment. They did not dare to speak at all.

They just hope that Yang Sheng will stop coming to their place. People will die, and they will all die! !

"Um, let's, let's contact Yang Sheng,"

"Looking for a chance to have a good talk with him?"

A senior member of the Dragon Group couldn't bear the tremor and fear in his heart.

This is tantamount to saying, please Yang Sheng give them a way to survive.

No one cares whether this is an insult to their organization or not, it doesn’t matter at all! !

Because they just want to preserve this organization, they just want to survive! ! The organization is going to be doomed. As long as this man is unhappy, they will all be doomed! !

No one thought about how to fight against Yang Sheng, because it was useless. Yang Sheng's strength had gone beyond the world they understood. How could people fight against gods.

"I, our dragon group are not familiar with him."

The implication is that Yang Sheng will not pay attention to them at all. Talking to him is simply a whimsical thing.

"Is there any other way?"

"Old Liu, I remember that you and Yang Sheng once had a relationship, right?"

Everyone in the audience cast their eyes over, full of excitement! !

Liu Shouzheng swallowed his saliva.

"I didn't, I was just with him"

"Warrior!!" The old man of the dragon group stood up and said

"Strong man!!" The senior officials of Long'an Guards stood up and said,

"You are the savior who will save the world!!" The leader of the Long'an Martial Arts Bureau also stood up.

"Go ahead."

Liu Shouzheng's eyes widened.

He was completely confused.

I'll fuck you. You're a fairy.

What am I going to do?

I haven't offended you at all, so you sold me like this! ?

If I go to find Yang Sheng right now, he can't kick my head like a ball?

"That's not good?"

Liu Shouzheng almost cried.

"Very good!! What's wrong!!"

The leader of the Long'an Martial Arts Bureau took a kettle and a package and dragged Liu Shouzheng to the door.

"Old Liu, I have long seen that you are the tallest wise man among our four major organizations."

"Whatever request Yang Sheng makes, just agree to it first."

"Go early and come back early, come on."

Bang! !

Liu Shouzheng was standing at the door with a kettle, a bag on his back, and a B-face on his arm.


Mouth is fragrant.


"Hi hi!"

"Hi hi hi hi!"

Empire of the Rising Sun,

Kato Ying hung up the phone and happily lit a cigarette.


"Xingxi, dig potatoes here and dig potatoes there, dig a sack." (This little life is really comfortable.)

The two deputies below also smiled.

He looked very excited.

"General Kato, have your superiors approved our plan?"

A smile appeared on Kato Ying's face, he touched his mustache and lit the ashes of his cigarette.

"The review has been submitted to superiors."

"Now basically, 80% of the audits have been passed,"

Eighty percent passed! !

The two deputies flashed with joy and excitement.

They obviously know the concept of progressing to 80%. In terms of the military industry review of the Empire of the Rising Sun, if you can pass 40%, you have a chance. Progressing to 80% is basically It’s like passed! !

"That means we can continue to expand our Shogun Executioners, Shogun Battleships, and Tengu Mechas!?"

The deputy on the left shouted in surprise,

"Wait a minute, this review passed so quickly,"

"Does this mean that our invasion plan for the Dragon Heart Territory will be further put on the agenda!!?" the deputy on the right shouted excitedly,

General Kato Ying was noncommittal, and the smile on his face did not diminish.

"How are our mecha troops prepared?"

"Report to the General!!"

The two deputies stood there,

"The General's Executioner has been fully assembled. Sea testing, air navigation testing, missile design testing, laser shooting testing, and close combat extreme knife testing have all been completed."

"The Tengu mecha bomber has fully formed the conversion between land and air. It only takes two seconds to take off or land from any land. The unmanned bombing system has been fully formed."

"Paired with the sea wings in the sea, it perfectly forms the sea, land and air with the Tengu mecha."

"Dozens of General's Razor battleships have been built. They can be switched to Ares assault mode at any time. The floating razors on both sides can easily cut through any kind of destroyer, and even cut into pieces a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier."

"And it has extremely strong anti-missile, prevention and control capabilities."

Kato Ying couldn't help but nodded happily after hearing this.

"good, very good!!"

"These mecha troops are all hidden on the ninth island now, right?"

The ninth island is a huge military base in the Empire of the Rising Sun.

They all use crack dividers to completely create darkness and hide it, a place that truly exists.

However, satellite positioning and all current snooping technologies cannot see the slightest bit of the situation in this area. The concealment work is done perfectly!

"The general's executioner is now deep under the sea and is still doing the final test of his potential."

"The remaining Shogun Razor battleships and Tengu bombers are all docked on the ninth island."

Basically, most of the mecha troops in the Empire of the Rising Sun are gathered in hiding on the ninth island.

Kato smiled, "Very good, very good,"

"As long as we pass the review, all the test structures of the mecha unit will be completed."

"That's when we invade the Dragon Heart Territory and occupy that land!!"

"At that time, all the people of Dragon Heart Territory will kneel down, be our slaves, and lick us!!"

The deputy on the right asked,

"General Kato, recently the people of Dragon Heart Territory have begun to accuse us of discharging nuclear sewage into the sea, and strongly condemned us morally."

"Oh, these wastes from the Dragon Heart Realm can only condemn them morally."

A flash of disdain flashed across Kato Ying's face,

"A bunch of stupid pigs in Dragon Heart Territory, wait until we invade and ride on their heads, let's see how they morally condemn them!"

"You arranged for the manpower in Longxin Territory to get active and take some actions to frame the discharge of nuclear sewage on Longxin Territory and accuse them of discharging nuclear sewage into the rivers in their own country."


This usual frame-up method sounds so natural in the mouths of these perverted high-level officials in the Empire of the Rising Sun.

Framing it to Longxinyu is their favorite and usual method.

So what's the matter, they don't feel disgusted at all, the foundation of the Yamato nation is there.

Let the people of the Dragon Heart Territory and the people of the Rising Sun Empire Territory fight against each other online! !

"Report!! General Kato, Dr. Kaiizumi urgent documents."

A messenger shouted at the door,

"Dr. Haiquan said that the mutant extraordinary person Yuriko they developed has been successful!!!"


Kato Ying stood up excitedly.

The two deputies also widened their eyes with joy. ,

"Mutated supernatural being!? Where is it!?"

But suddenly.

Kato Ying and his two deputies suddenly felt a distortion in the space.

Their faces changed greatly,

"What happened!!?"


Suddenly, they were moved outside to a military base.

This is the Haiyi military base,

In other words, Kato Yu and his two deputies moved to the military base outside in an instant.


Huge sea wing military base.

It was already surrounded by heavily armed soldiers, and dozens of tanks were lined up in a row.

There is also a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons parked on the beach, and helicopters are "rumbling" in the sky.

"This is."

General Kato Ying's eyes widened.

They fell to the ground.

There is a woman with a cold face floating in the sky,

Her long hair floated, her forehead was covered by bangs, she was wearing a tight white school uniform and a floral miniskirt, and she was carrying a hardcover handbag next to her.

A pair of long white thighs were exposed, wearing a pair of white socks.

Her right hand was raised slightly just now, as if a wave was triggered from her. Kato's instant movement just now seemed to have a huge connection with this beautiful girl suspended in the sky.

"General Kato!!"

The elderly Dr. Haiquan, who was wearing a white coat, was surrounded by a group of R\u0026D doctors. He excitedly waved to Kato.

"Dr. Haiquan, she...she is"

"She is the extraordinary Yuriko." Dr. Haiquan said excitedly,

"The transcendent we developed has finally succeeded. She is the result of our decades of research and development, Yuriko!!"

Yuriko! ? Extraordinary one! ! !

"You teleported directly from space just now. It was the wave energy space switch that Yuriko performed on you."

Kato Yu opened his eyes wide, looked at Yuriko and said,

"Space switching and teleportation are indeed magical skills,"

"Does she have any other skills!?"

Dr. Haiquan showed a strange smile,

"Yuriko, perform a psychic attack on the aircraft carrier in front of you!"

Yuriko's eyes flashed,

Stretching out the palm of her right hand, a swaying ripple spread across her hand,

Kato Yu and other soldiers' eyes were full of doubts. What were they going to do to the aircraft carrier?

However, the next moment, their pupils seemed to be trembling,


The giant 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier near the seaside is constantly floating.

The aircraft carriers that spanned most of the island actually levitated.

"Crack, click, click!"

As Yuriko's hands continued to move upward,

The 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier rose out of the sea. The surrounding sea surface instantly dropped several dimensions. The waves crashed onto it, and the abyss-like vortex continued to rotate.


Kato Ying was shocked, and his eyes widened in shock.

What kind of power is this that can directly lift a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of hundreds of thousands of tons? It simply blinded his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

The aircraft carrier is still rising,

Dr. Haiquan also said excitedly and proudly, "Yuriko's strength is enough to make her rise to a height of a hundred feet and then faint and crash down!!"

"Enough, enough!" Kato yelled, "If it continues to rise, this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will be destroyed!"

Yuriko received the order.

The force dissipated and the aircraft carrier fell down.


The giant nuclear aircraft carrier was launched on the surrounding coast, causing waves of more than ten feet to rise.

"Yuriko doesn't need conventional weapons, her willpower is enough." Dr. Haiquan pushed his eyes and continued to introduce,

"We call Yuriko's ability psychic throwing."

"She can easily lift and smash huge tanks; knock down the sturdiest buildings with a single blow; blow away entire platoons of infantry; and drag even the toughest helicopters to the ground."

The gunships hovering overhead were shivering.

"Her super energy wave shield cannot penetrate even the freezing light waves of the cryo-helicopter, and it can rebound all damage in a short period of time."

Located on the right side of Yuriko, the hovering cryo-helicopter,

Suddenly he fired a beam of freezing light towards Yuriko,


Yuriko folded her arms and raised a circular transparent light wave barrier.

Boom, all the freezing beams were blocked by the super wave shield.

In an instant.

It's like the reflection of light in a mirror.

The frozen beam of light "clicked" and then all ejected back at another angle!


The cryo-helicopter was instantly frozen by its own freezing ray.

"This, this is really extraordinary power!!" Kato Ying shouted excitedly,

Dr. Kaiizumi continued, "Yuriko also has the ability to control other people's minds. She can easily control other people's minds and turn them from enemies into allies."

“Not bad!! It’s really good!!”

Kato Ying clapped his hands, "Haiquan Sang, your research will benefit the entire Rising Sun Empire. You are the hero of the entire Rising Sun Empire!!"

"Everywhere, this is all decades of research by our team." Dr. Haiquan waved his hand.


Kato Yu thought for a moment, "Can this Yuriko be mass-produced? Or is this the only one?"

"There can only be this one."

Dr. Haiquan said seriously,

"The reason Yuriko is so powerful is not only the technological breakthroughs of our Empire of the Rising Sun,"

"She herself was a heaven-level ninja before, and she also learned mind control and swordsmanship from Murakami-kun. Her physical fitness is also the most suitable in a hundred years."

"Perhaps in a hundred years, we can still train and find suitable candidates, but at present, it is unlikely that there will be another Yuriko for at least several decades."

"Oh~" Kato's eyes were a little disappointed,


Dr. Haiquan's following words rekindled Kato's hope.

"It's impossible for us to create a second Yuriko."

"However, we can make imitations of Yuriko, which are pseudo-Yuriko."

"You can have one of Yuriko's abilities. The ability and type will be reduced a lot, but it will still be very powerful."

Kato Ying's eyes lit up with a light,

"Very good!! Even if you have one ability, it is also extremely powerful!!"

He put his hands behind his back and looked towards the sea,

"I seem to have already seen the day when the Dragon Heart Territory will be filled with the flags of the Empire of the Rising Sun!!"


next moment.


The entire military base was shaking violently.

Waves tens of feet high were instantly set off in the waves, and tsunamis collided, causing sand and rocks to fly on the ground.

The hurricane floated directly over,


The soldiers at the military base were all in a mess. The huge bombing sound and air flow made them crawl on the ground, roaring desperately,

"What happened!!? What happened?"

Kato Ying, who was hiding behind a tank, shouted with a ferocious face.

Yuriko raised her arms gently, and the super wave shield emerged on her body, calmly resisting the airflow.

She put her green-white fingers between her temples, and her eyes glowed.

"The origin of the explosion: the ninth island."


Kato's eyes were about to burst.

The Ninth Island of the Empire of the Rising Sun

On the ground, countless mechas are operating and experimenting, and flying in the sky are the latest generation Tengu fighter jets.

On the sea, the General Razor battleship and the Sea Wing are complementing each other to form a combined fleet for exercises.

It is definitely the most advanced technology research and development center in the Empire of the Rising Sun.

in the sky,

Suddenly a huge space crack was torn open,

In the darkness, a man in a white coat with a crazy expression spit out,

Luo Lingyun suddenly regained consciousness, and then yelled crazily,

"Explode!! Explode hahahaha!!"

"You all must accompany me to destroy together, I am the final winner!!"

The cobalt bomb in his body was undergoing its final transformation. Luo Linyun glanced at his surroundings.


Where is this! ?

The armies of the Empire of the Rising Sun below were also confused.

Damn it, what is this thing floating above your head? Why are you yelling there?

Luo Linyun looked down,

The soldiers below looked up,

Confrontation between eyes.

Luo Linyun: Something's wrong, I seem to have been tricked.

Soldier of the Empire of the Rising Sun: Are you a fucking idiot?



"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The entire ninth island,

Instantly a huge mushroom cloud rose up and filled the sky.

Under the mushroom cloud, there was a fierce sea of ​​fire exploding all over the sky.

What Tengu fighter, what Shogun Razor battleship, what Sea Wing, what wave energy cannon.

In an instant, everything turned into an exploding sea of ​​fire,

The explosion continues to spread,

The deterrent effect of small cobalt bombs is still spreading.

It's just that it didn't turn into ashes with a radius of hundreds of miles as described.

It seems that something went wrong with the cobalt bomb inside Luo Linyun, causing the damage and lethality to be reduced by nearly 90%.

But even so, all the ninth islands in the Empire of the Rising Sun were destroyed.

Hundreds of years of hard work, the hard work of the rise of the Empire of the Rising Sun, was gone with a bang.

The Empire of the Rising Sun has suffered the second nuclear bomb in this life.

The first time, it was released by the Realm of All Evils in order to curb the development of its technology.

the second time,

Yang Sheng released it.


If Yang Sheng were here, he would definitely blink his eyes and look innocent.

I really just picked a place at random, but I didn't expect that I picked it so accurately.

The Haiyi military base hundreds of miles away,

In the middle of a hurricane.

Yuriko unfolded a virtual screen,

See the mushroom cloud rising up from the ninth island and the sea of ​​fire below.

Kato Ying knelt on the ground, held his head and screamed,


A hundred years of hard work were destroyed in an instant!

The shrill screams cut across the entire sky,

In the end it was nothing more than incompetent rage,

Online virtual world.


In the live broadcast room, netizens from Long and Xu countries were currently scolding each other in a live broadcast.

Long Xinyu netizen (condemning expression): "Do you people in the Empire of the Rising Sun still have a conscience!? The sea is enjoyed by every one of us. Every country, every nation, and everyone has the right to enjoy it. How can you Can we discharge nuclear sewage into it?"

Netizen of the Empire of the Rising Sun (smiling face, disdainful): "That is the problem of our Government of the Empire of the Rising Sun, not our problem. It is their decision. Besides, the nuclear sewage we discharge has been treated and is harmless and non-toxic. Yeah, what’s wrong with the exhaust? Why are you so tired of going to the Dragon Heart Territory? Is it your family?”

Netizen from Longxin Domain (angry): "It has been processed, non-toxic and harmless!? Why don't you people from the Empire of the Rising Sun drink it in your own stomachs? Do you want to excrete it into the sea? What do you mean the sea is opened by our family? , your discharge of nuclear sewage will affect the survival of people in our sea area!"

Rising Sun Imperial Domain netizen (sarcastic): "The people of Longxin Domain are indeed ignorant and uneducated China pigs. Those who say they have been treated certainly mean they have been treated. If we don't want to drink, what can you do to us? A bunch of people. A waste who only yells on the Internet!”

"China Pig!!"

"Baga, a group of low-class and inferior people!!"

“The sick man of East Asia!!”

Long Xinyu netizen (furious): "You bastard, I'm so sorry for you, little Xuri, you are an immortal!!"

"Damn it, why did God give birth to you bunch of beasts!? You are such a fucking thing!"

"When the nuclear bomb was dropped in the Realm of All Evils, why didn't you directly blow up your Empire of the Rising Sun!!?"

A netizen from the Empire of the Rising Sun (laughing arrogantly): “Our Yamato nation is protected by His Majesty the Emperor!!”

"If you want to blow us up with a nuclear bomb, come on!!"


Boom! ! !

Give it a tug,

Ninety percent of the netizens from the Emperor of the Rising Sun Realm who were in the line fell directly. The remaining few netizens were immediately stunned, trembling as they looked at the massive number of netizens from the Dragon Heart Realm.

Long Xinyu netizens were a little stunned.

"Where are the people? Where are the people from the Empire of the Rising Sun?"

"You won't be afraid of being scolded by our Dragon Heart Territory, and then you will be scolded and offline, right?"

The few remaining netizens from the Empire of the Rising Sun who were live broadcasting and whose internet speeds were relatively good picked up their phones and trembled their lips.

"Explosion. Nuclear. Nuclear bomb!!"

Long Xinyu netizen (confused).

After a while, they saw the headline information,

[The explosion on an unsigned island in the Empire of the Rising Sun is suspected to be a nuclear explosion. It is now suspected that the Empire of the Rising Sun concealed its technological power and caused an accidental nuclear explosion]

Netizens from Longxinyu (cheers, very happy!): “Damn, it’s so damn powerful to relieve my anger!!”

"Hahahahaha, what did those beasts say just now? The next moment, a nuclear bomb will explode over them!!"

"Damn it, who is so powerful that he sent a nuclear bomb to the Empire of the Rising Sun? He is a fucking hero!!"

"They said it was a nuclear leak explosion at the base."

"But pull it down. I think they just didn't like the area, so they dropped a nuclear bomb at once and blew it up in the hidden military base."

"Awesome!! There's nothing else to say, it's just awesome,"

"Mother Xipi, how about another one."


Dark night.

A house exudes gentle light,

Lying on the big bed was a woman with a beautiful face, her soft body lying flat, and her abdomen covered with a white velvet cloth.

"Well~ No!! No!!!"

The woman suddenly screamed, as if she was having a nightmare.

"Do not leave me!!"


The woman sat up directly from the bed,

Her head was covered with sweat, her cheeks were wet, and the black hair on both sides was stuck to it.

The woman gently held her forehead, looked at the surrounding environment with confused eyes, and touched the soft mattress under her body.

She stretched out her arm and found that there were no wounds on it.

Touching his abdomen and chest, there were no traces of any punctures. In addition to some fatigue and soreness, there were no signs of any pain on his body.

His eyes were filled with fear and disbelief,

"Where am I?!?"

The enchantress’s eyes were confused and shocked, could this be paradise? ?

"woke up?"

A long and magnetic voice sounded,

The enchantress opened her beautiful eyes wide,

A tall and slender man came from the darkness, holding a bowl of soup that exuded a bitter smell in his right hand.


"From now on, call me by my name."

Yang Sheng placed the small bowl on the counter.

The enchantress looked complicated and wanted to speak.

But I feel like there are so many things I want to ask, and I don’t know where to start.

Yang Sheng suddenly came over,

Pulling off the white velvet covering the enchantress's body,

A graceful, enchanting body with no trace of hair appeared in front of him,

Her lower abdomen is flat, and her two straight legs are extremely smooth, exuding this enchanting aura.

Yang Sheng gently explored some hidden parts with his hands.

"Well, the recovery is pretty good. At least the external wounds are almost healed."


The enchantress was so embarrassed that she pulled the white cloth back again.

Her beautiful eyes wanted to talk, and she gritted her teeth. The originally cold beauty was like a shy grass at this moment.

So shameful! !


Yang Sheng chuckled lightly, his eyes flat.

He took out a cigarette,

He walked slowly to the window sill and lit it.

"What do you want to ask?"

The witch's thoughts were instantly pulled back.

Her red lips parted slightly,

"Am I still alive now?"

Yang Sheng's hand holding the cigarette suddenly trembled,

He actually came back,

Stretching out her big hand, the enchantress closed her eyes,

Yang Sheng gently rubbed the Enchantress's head,

"I only checked the body and forgot to check the brain."

"You're all here talking to me, and you're still asking me if I'm alive?"

The enchantress's black hair was messed up by Yang Sheng, but she didn't feel bored at all, but her eyes were sparkling,

Yang Sheng lowered his deep eyes,

The enchantress looked into Yang Sheng's eyes, and there seemed to be stars rotating in them.

"You are indeed dead."

The witch’s heart tightened,

"But now I'm alive."

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