Global Lords: Start as a Desert Lord

Chapter 187 The Unimagined Road, The Hero Training Program (Add One More)

The fact that Lucy was promoted to a hero shocked Li Cha quite a bit.

It also gave him additional thoughts.

Since heroes can be born by themselves, why not increase the intensity of cultivation?

Although the process of how to be born is uncontrollable, it can completely guide or shape the corresponding environment, which is more suitable for the birth of heroes.

After thinking about it, Li Cha felt that this matter could be done.

For example, certain industries could be asked to hold seminars on a regular basis.

Let some experienced personnel take the lead, share their experience with the younger generation, and jointly promote and make progress.

This is a very common thing in Blue Star, but in "Glorious Age", technology and craftsmanship are the ones who eat, who would open up for others to learn?

There is no such environment at all.

All he has to do is shape that environment.

Once the communication is started, the technological progress of this industry will inevitably be accelerated under mutual learning.

And under the influence of this atmosphere, isn't the probability of a talented resident becoming a hero better than groping alone?

The more he thought about it, the more Li Cha felt that there was something wrong with this.

And not only to shape such an environment, but also to guide the residents of the entire territory to participate in learning.

At present, a large part of the residents in the territory are illiterate and do not know how to read at all.

This adds another layer of restrictions to heroes that are already difficult to be born.

Education changes lives.

A great man can create such a feat as a literacy class in difficult times, but now he has a stable environment and can learn this advanced experience.

After thinking about it, I asked the maid next to me to get a pen and paper, and put the idea in my mind into the pen.

The first is the seminar of the same industry, which is held every three days or once a week.

At the beginning, the team can be led by a master to share experience and solve problems.

In the later stage, we can discuss certain questions together, and even formulate some rules for the manufacture of items

Second, key personnel training.

Among them, those who are emerging and talented can focus on training and give more resources to tilt, all for the purpose of cultivating heroes.

Third, open literacy classes so that everyone in the territory can learn, and those engaged in technical work must be able to read and write without barriers.

Fourth, we must assist skilled masters to organize their experience into a book and record it in words for others to refer to and study.

Basic technical introductory books are also written so that apprentices can quickly master the basics.

Practical knowledge, and useful experience explored by various masters can also be written into it, and rewards are given to those who provide experience to increase enthusiasm.


Li Cha didn't stop, and wrote more than 20 articles.

Some are whims, and some are after-thoughts.

When the paper was full, he glanced at it a few times, and after deleting and modifying some unreasonable points, he was in a good mood.

If this plan is carried out, it may not necessarily see results in three to five months or even a year or two.

But this is the germination of the seed.

Corresponding rules must have been formed, so that Twilight City has this soil.

Then in the future, even if there are only three or five more hero units like Lucy in each industry, it will be worthwhile.

Not to mention that the quality of the entire territory has improved, which has greatly improved productivity.

But Li Cha also saw it very clearly.

It goes without saying that this original idea has a large number of disadvantages.

But this thing is a framework, and it can be adjusted while implementing it. One day, the rules formulated will reach the level suitable for Twilight City.

After checking it several times, Li Cha got up and went out with the newly released regulations, and went directly to Karu who had not been away for a long time.

The poor old man is too busy, with so many projects on his own, to spin faster than a spinning top.

But this guy is also enjoying it, enjoying the feeling of building a territory, and Li Cha can only let it go.

After discussing with the other party for a long time, and after adjusting some too idealistic terms, Li Cha immediately decided to implement them.

Someone copied these regulations again and posted them on the small square in front of the lord's mansion.

At the same time, send someone to explain the contents to the residents.

When the residents heard that this was a plan made by the lord himself, they immediately became interested one by one.

After hearing the contents and the Lord Lord's intentions, he immediately fell into agitation.

"Gods, I, do I have a chance to know how to read?"

A middle-aged man in his early forties with a face full of vicissitudes widened his eyes in disbelief.

Literacy, which represents knowledge, is extremely precious knowledge!

And knowledge is exclusive to noble gentlemen.

Most ordinary people can't even afford a book, let alone need a teacher to teach them after learning, and have to go to a higher school to learn more advanced knowledge.

In "Glorious Age", this thing is not something that ordinary people can afford.

And now, he, a low-level civilian who was born as a slave, can also get this opportunity?

The young man in charge of preaching heard this and immediately shouted.

"Yes, you can too!"

"This is what the lord himself said. Let everyone in Twilight City know how to read! We must pass on knowledge to everyone in the territory."

"From now on, at 8 o'clock every night, right here, the lord will send a special teacher to teach everyone from the most basic characters."

After getting an affirmative answer, the surrounding crowd fell into a boil.

"Long live the lord!!"

"Praise the gods, praise the lord!"

"It's just unbelievable."


No matter what the world is, knowledge is always sublime and has something of a divine quality.

And in "Glory Era", this sanctity has been multiplied countless times due to the long-term monopoly of nobles.

With the big news of literacy for all staff coming first, other news seemed much more normal.

But for those working in related industries, it was particularly shocking.

Especially the rules of the seminar left them stunned.

Can this kind of eating skills be brought out and discussed with each other?

What should I do if I was learned by others?

Under normal circumstances, except for apprentices who can learn some skills, most people keep their skills very secret.

Extremely afraid of being imitated by others.

Because others have learned it, they may have nothing to eat.

This is a very real and cruel problem.

But now, the lord has broken this rule.

Not only that, but also organize the experience of the master into a book for everyone to read.

Doesn't this mean that they can also learn other people's advanced skills and rich experience?

For a moment, my heart was both apprehensive and anticipating.

I am worried that I may hand over my skills, hoping that I can learn stronger skills from others.

Although some residents don't understand and are confused, but with 90 points of public opinion, they will support Li Cha even if they don't understand.

The advantage of Gao Minxin makes everything he does get twice the result with half the effort.

When the order is given, everyone will execute it without discount.

This may be the ideal state that every lord wants--orders are prohibited, and government orders are accessible.

It's a pity that not everyone can seize the opportunity like Li Cha and improve the popularity of the territory.

After the number of residents increases for most players, popular sentiment will drop uncontrollably.

There are too many people, and it is easy to breed chaos.

Twilight City is deep in the desert, isolated from the world.

Because the number of residents is too small, he has enough time to consume the newly added residents.

This did not cause the popularity of the territory to drop due to the addition of new residents.

In a way, this is one of the few benefits and benefits in the desert.

Under Li Cha's will, soon, various industries immediately established their own seminars.

Blacksmith workshops have blacksmith seminars, tailors have tailor seminars, construction seminars, and even breweries and food workshops have organized seminars, and they began to reflect on what garbage they developed.

In the seminar at the blacksmith shop, Andaier shared her experience.

The experience of this super blacksmith made all the rookies feel like a treasure, and they absorbed it eagerly.

But most of them were unable to take notes because they were illiterate. Some things they didn’t remember or missed, and they scratched their heads in anxiety.

They realized the importance of literacy only after suffering, which in turn promoted the increase in the number of people attending evening literacy classes.

During the day, the workers worked and gathered in the square at night to slowly learn to read.

Every three to five days, relevant seminars will be held on their own to share their own experiences.

The most discussed on the road in the past few days is how many characters I know today, who still can't write their own name.

Under these decrees, Twilight City began to move towards another unimagined development path.

As for the harvest, Li Cha, who made the plan, couldn't decide at this time.

But from the spiritual point of view of the residents, it is clear that the effect is not bad.

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