Global reincarnation: I can predict the plot

Chapter 17 The coach is cheating

Several people began to flatter the doctor.

The doctor said modestly: "Of course, we newcomers are also very good."

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid that old man doesn't have such an opportunity either."

"What old man, he just completed one more mission than us, why are you pretending to be so powerful."

The scholar turned his eyes and said: "Do you think we should..."

"This is not good... right." The doctor's mouth curled slightly.

Lin En raised his eyebrows and ignored them, and turned to Frank's office silently.

These people reminded him that there were side quests.


"Private, why did you come in without knocking?"

Frank, who was writing, saw Lin En push the door directly in, stopped the pen in his hand and said a little unhappy.

Lin En smiled without caring: "I have something to show you, and you will definitely forgive my mistakes when the time comes."

"What is it." Frank subconsciously raised his head and saw a four-wheeled windmill.

Don't be a god!


"You are too polite, Commander Flock."

"What's the big deal? It's not right for someone like you, Lin, who is so good at shooting and has great skills, to be just a private. I will definitely report to my superiors to promote you to lieutenant."

"You are so polite, you are so polite."

"It's all my responsibility. Everything is for Hydra." Frank said seriously.

Through the hypnosis of the god of the gods, Zero immediately gained a lot of favorability from Frank.

The rules in the space plot are not rigid. As the highest person in charge of the entire military base, he has the right to promote a private. Originally, Lin wanted to promote it to a higher position, but Frank's authority can only be promoted to this much. If it is more, it will attract the attention of the Red Skull.

And this lieutenant needs the nod of others.

But it doesn't matter. Frank will take Lin to go there. I believe that with Lin's eloquence, they will definitely agree to promote Lin's position.

At the same time, Lin also got a message from Frank.

That is, Hydra is planning an attack on the Strategic Scientific Corps, targeting Dr. Erskine, but the operation in New York has been delayed, so they are going to send another person to supervise.

Lynn took the task without hesitation.

But this task requires at least a lieutenant to take it, so he can't take it before his official position is down.

Lynn had to wait a few days.

At noon, Frank and Lynn had a meal together, and announced that Lynn's position was promoted to second lieutenant, just below him.

The five people who were discussing how to deal with Lynn saw Flock calling him brother affectionately, and heard that Lynn became a second lieutenant, and they were directly confused.

They didn't understand what happened, how could this old man take off all of a sudden.

Everyone has only been here for a day, why are you so showy, are all old people this kind of monster?

The doctor's face became ugly, and he whispered: "Energy weapon."


At night, Frank arranged an officer's room for Lynn.

When he came out to pee and go back to his room at night, five newcomers blocked Lynn's way.

"What are you five privates... oh, not four privates and one sergeant doing standing in front of the commander? Have you forgotten the rules of the organization?" The five people looked at each other, and the doctor said viciously: "You must have some key information in your hand. Why don't we cooperate? After all, you are alone and weak. With our help, you can also get more reincarnation points." Lin En smiled. "What are you laughing at?" The scholar said a little annoyed. "Sorry, please don't block the way. I have to go back to my room to sleep." Lin En was about to leave, and the scholar and the doctor took out their pistols and pointed them at Lin En's head. "Do you know what it means to point a gun at the commander's head? Do you want to betray the organization?" Lin En shouted. "Don't pretend, tell me your information, otherwise I don't mind deducting some reincarnation points." The doctor whispered. The entire military base has a limited exchange list, especially the energy gun with 10,000 military merits, which is the only one. Needless to say, the price of this surreal future technology has always been very good in space. The doctor spent a little price to win these people over to his side. But I didn't expect that Lin En would get along so well with Captain Frank so quickly, making his behavior like a clown. The doctor didn't mind killing people for this energy gun, and if Lin En knew what was going on, he didn't want to bear the punishment for killing people.

"This is really a pity, I bet there are no bullets in your gun." Lin En casually said something like a king.

The doctor was still wondering if this man was crazy about gain and loss, and suddenly saw the lights in the corridor turned on instantly.

Captain Frank surrounded them with a group of soldiers.

"Bang, bang"

Lin En punched the two of them, and the two guns flew up instantly and were caught by Lin En.

Pull out the magazine from the gun and unload the bullets one by one on the ground.

"There are no bullets in it now."


"Tie up all these five guys for me." Frank immediately ordered the soldiers to tie up the five novices.

Next, it was time to enforce the rules of Hydra.

"He is a spy sent by the Allies, and we are dispatched for this."

The doctor immediately understood the seriousness of the situation, but he was absolutely unwilling to let Lin En have an easy time, and at the same time he was fighting for some opportunities.

No matter what Lin En's situation was, he stood with himself and others in the beginning. They were all the same Hydra soldiers.

For things like spies, there is absolutely no one to stand up for him. Hydra is not a charity. It has the right to kill the wrong ones without letting them go. Lin En will definitely be examined, and then he will have a chance to escape.

For a moment, the doctor looked crazy.

The other four newcomers also started shouting and cursing at the same time.


"We're here to catch him."

"He had liaison with the Allies."

"Captain, don't believe him. If you don't believe him, you can interrogate him."

The surrounding Hydra soldiers hesitated after hearing this.

Lin En listened to their yells and curses without showing much expression, but the four-wheeled windmill was spinning in his eyes.


Frank slapped the doctor on the face: "Idiot, you still dare to spread rumors at this time."

"Lynn's loyalty to the organization is obvious to all. I originally wanted to interrogate you before dealing with you, but at this time you still dare to frame someone who has contributed to the organization."

"Then I will announce your punishment now. You will be shot on the spot and executed immediately."

Lin En's face was full of smiles. The doctor and the scholar didn't understand why the officer didn't believe their words at all, but he had a soft spot for Lin En.

Frank's words surprised the Hydra soldiers who were present. After all, it involved the Allies, but since the commander said so, they naturally followed it resolutely.

The eyes of the five newcomers who had been completely controlled flashed with fear and fear.

So he quickly begged for mercy.

"Senior Lin En, please let me go."

"Brother, I will listen to you."

"I was bewitched by the doctor. He wanted to kill you."

Finally the doctor said frantically: "There's no way you can get that energy gun."

"Shut them up," Frank said impatiently.

"Bang" "Bang"

After five gunshots, the five newcomers ended their journey to the Tower of Reincarnation and returned to reality to be ordinary people.

This is a benefit that only the five major countries should have.

Except for the five major countries, people who die in the Reincarnation Tower are really dead. Only the five major countries seem to have adopted some special methods to allow their own people who died in the reincarnation plot to erase all their memories and return to reality.

This allowed Xia Guo to maintain a certain advantage in the fierce competition in the Reincarnation Tower.

After confirming that five people were dead, Linn did not receive any spatial punishment, which showed that his plan was right.

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