Blank took another picture of her extremely rare shy expression with an upright face.

"Wow! Please, delete it quickly!"

"No! Otherwise, I will report to my assistant what you did just now!"


Awanyin Suzuha lost her temper in an instant.

Compared with his inexplicable sense of shame, the handle of Makise Kurisu, who can play a greater role, is more important.

For a fighter, it is necessary to learn to calculate gains and losses!

But the moment she gave up letting Blank delete the photo, she always felt as if something important was quietly lost in her heart.

That is naturally the reserve of a young girl.

Makise Kurisu, who quickly changed into the coser suit, came out again.

But the moment she came out, Su Yue was dumbfounded again.

Wait, what's going on here?

Assistant, are you really that Makise Kurisu?

Could it be that it was dropped by sern? Sichuan.

Chapter 488 The Cat-Eared Maid And The Horror Experiment (3/5, Please Subscribe)

Makise Kurisu lowered her head deeply, as if trying to avoid Su Yue's sight.

She wore black and white maid clothes in classic colors.

There is a pair of black cat ears on top of the simple Katyusha ornament worn on the top of the head!

As a maid, the natural atmosphere of serving the master and the cuteness of the cat ears are combined with her own strong aura.

The destructive power of the combination of the two is really not ordinary!

Because it is a maid costume for cosplay, not only is the cuteness of the costume much higher than that of traditional maid costumes.

Even the length of the skirt became quite short, covering only less than half the length of the thighs.

This kind of short skirt is a god-like match for Makise Kurisu who has a pair of super long beautiful legs.

Perhaps caring about the exposed black silk thighs, she tugged on the hem of the skirt.

Obviously, she usually wears ultra-short hot pants that expose her whole legs, but after changing into a skirt, her attitude becomes different.

But this action is obviously a big mistake.

It may be that it was not customized according to the size of Makise Kurisu in advance, so the tight cloth made the chest more prominent, and the gully in the middle became extremely obvious.

Facing this scene, who can resist watching it.

Su Yue stood blankly, staring at her closely, morality and ethics as an actor had long been forgotten.

There is only one thought in my mind - my wife is very sensual and cute anyway!

This time to the copy of "Stones;Gate".

Just seeing the assistant's maid costume is worth it!

But for Su Yue.

Of course not just satisfied with this.

The most perfect thing is of course to bring my wife home and change her clothes every day!

As for where to change clothes and where to play, don't get too deep into it...

Makise Kurisu's originally shy expression suddenly changed, and she frowned slightly.

"What were you thinking just now?"

Su Yue looked at her seriously.

"I was thinking, assistant, you are really cute."


Originally, he wanted to teach him about that too straightforward gaze, but Makise Kurisu was so stunned by this sentence that he looked away and was speechless.

This guy is horrible!

While Su Yue took advantage of her not paying attention to his side, he winked at Awanyin Lingyu on the other side.

And the other party also blinked at him, making a V motion with the hand hidden under the skirt.

Apparently this time the photo was also successfully obtained.

Later, he set this maid outfit as a tabletop!

"Yes, yes!"

Because the longer the silence, the more he will care about the maid outfit he is wearing now.

Makise Kurisu hurriedly tried to start a conversation.

"I still have some questions about that d-mail experiment."

After talking about the experiment, she soon began to calm down.

He even forgot that he still had a bunch of cat ears that Mayuri put on on his head.

"The most important thing is blank. As you mentioned before, the experiments on gelatinized bananas are not always successful."

"Is there a fixed time for this?"

Su Yue thought for a while, "Probably every night, there is also a period of time in the morning and noon. The time in the evening is the longest."

"Do you know why this happens? For example, is there something that interferes with the timing of successful experiments?"

Su Yue shook his head.

"That's not clear."

"That's it..."

After Makise Kurisu thought about it seriously, she finally leaned back on the back of the sofa helplessly.

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