So there should be no such discussion.

But the premise is that the change of the world line in this world is judged by simulating the behavior pattern of the person "Su Yue, the reincarnator".

But the world line after the rewrite now does not follow the behavioral logic of "Su Yue".

Instead, it is reproduced as an ordinary person in the play who is unaware of the "reincarnation" and simply copied the "blank" of Su Yue's character and behavioral logic.

Originally, even the blank as a reincarnator should only be the "player" in this world.

However, he found that the power of the root that he had by chance made him jump out of the reincarnation space and the identity of the "doll" of the copy world.

Even if he can't get rid of it completely, he has begun to have the power to act without interference.

"You look a little weird?"

At this moment, Makase Kurisu walked to his side and looked at him with a scrutiny.

Su Yue smiled back.


Makase Kurisu's expression changed, and her eyes became serious.

"You just conducted an experiment, didn't you!"

Her tone at this time was not doubt, but conviction.

And Su Yue knew very well that the "experiment" she was talking about was not the dozens of ordinary experiments they did together last night.

But for Makase Kurisu, there is a real "time jump" experiment.

"What do you think?"

Although he responded skillfully, the eyes of Makase Kurisu, who was staring at him at this time, were completely convinced.

Su Yue didn't think he could hide it.

After all, since this is a new world line.

That is to say, on this world line, the "blank" simulated by this world is still the "blank" before he descended into the copy.

But as a reincarnator, there are actually many differences from that blank.

He can't tell about the others, but if it's Mayuri who has been with him all the time, and this inexplicably sharp assistant.

I'm afraid something is wrong soon.

This is probably the reason why Mayuri suddenly asked him worriedly when his state had just recovered.

Makase Kurisu was also completely convinced that the last d-mail was sent without her "knowing".

That said, it proves that the "793 World Line" has changed, but have all their memories been rewritten?

At the same time, it proves that there is another point - that the blank does retain the memory of another world line for some special reason.

Although it is indeed possible that this came from a blank show.

But she believed that she would not be so stupid in the other world.

The content of the last d-mail, she will definitely participate in it.

As the last and most important experimental record.

The content of the text message should also prove something.

"So, what did you send last?"

For Makase Kurisu's question, Su Yue's face showed a somewhat mysterious expression.

He didn't speak, but silently turned sideways and turned his eyes to the doorway behind.

Makase Kurisu looked at the gate suspiciously.

what's there?

at this time.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Obviously, the door of the lab is basically unlocked, and even because Hashida Zhi went down to turn on the TV just now, the door was not closed at all.

Even knocking on the door seems to be a very polite child.

At this time, a girl with short black hair came in from the door.

Most notably.

The other party was actually wearing a very eye-catching red and white witch costume! .

Chapter 494 The world line changes! (4/5, please subscribe)

Makase Kurisu is well aware of Blank's worries.

Don't look at her bickering with the blank.

But don't know why.

Even though she had only known each other for two days, she seemed to have a sense of familiarity and trust in this man that she had known for many years.

Maybe it's because he looks crazy from the outside, but in some ways he resembles himself as a researcher.

Therefore, she is also very clear that in the previous discussions with her, Blank has carefully and repeatedly pretended to inadvertently put forward the intention of "it is better not to carry out the d-mail experiment".

That's not to say he's scared after a world-line jump.

Rather, even Makase Kurisu herself, who has not really experienced time jumping in person.

I also feel uncomfortable with this kind of jumping in time and changing the world.

She is a researcher.

A man who seeks out the hidden truths of this world.

Instead of blank's self-proclaimed "mad scientist."

The kind of person who works to subvert and destroy the world.

So she is disgusted to break the rules of the original world.

There have been precedents where d-mail has changed the world line before.

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