Global Sky Online

Chapter 475: Zapan dog

Alita controlled the motorbike, and Rick was carrying a suitcase and sitting in the back seat. The machete was also placed in the suitcase.

Alita and Rick quickly left the door of the bounty hunter bar and drove towards Dr. Eide's clinic.

After more than an hour, Alita parked the powered motorcycle outside the clinic.

"Historian No.2, I did not expect that your surgical ability is so great, you can complete the difficult operation of changing your head alone. But what you just did is so scary!" Alita was a little scared. Talking.

"Alita, rest assured, I won't hurt you, I will just punish some people who deserve punishment. I will protect you from being hurt. If you do n’t believe me, I will show you my heart and let you see me Really! "Lak laughed, ready to spoof, and opened the metal shield at his allogeneic heart.

Rake reached into his heart with his right hand, and took out his glowing heart, which was fused with Tinder.

There are also several slender tubes connected to the heart of the tadpole, which is supplying energy to the body of Lake.

Rake held his squirming glowing heart in his hand, and approached Alita.

快 "Hurry up, close it up, take back your heart, Lord No. 2, I believe you." Alita shouted to Rick anxiously, crying anxiously.

Lake slowly recovered his heart after listening.

Lake looked at Alita's expression, thinking that he would have an extra heart in the future.

When I quarrel or reason with the girls again, if I ca n’t talk to them, I take out my spare heart and express my sincerity.

I can't get this one more thing, now I can't achieve this strength.

In the future, if your strength reaches the level that can be like the copy of Dr. Strange, awaken the soul of the ancestors, cultivate a level of great sword fairy, and make a Yuanying yourself to consider, and pull out the pretend that Yuanying becomes a heart shape. Bask in the sun.

"Go back and be careful, beware that the bounty hunters reacted from the shock just now. Just after you let them lose face, they may come to your place to sneak attack you to find your account. If you find a dangerous sign, contact me immediately, I called our teammates to take you into the factory for a while, these bounty hunters should not dare to enter the factory to hurt you. "Alita said softly to Lake.

"It's okay, don't worry, these bounty hunters, as long as they are conscious, nobody will come to my clinic to trouble me. These bounty hunters cannot avoid maintaining their allogeneic organs and mechanical limbs, and this steel Dr. Ide in the city has the best technology and the lowest fees. "Laike said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, then I'll go back first, pay attention when you come out, don't be ambush." ​​Alita said, then left the power-driven motorcycle.

Rake returned to the clinic and found that Dr. Eide was about to go out.

"Have you found a stray dog ​​for a surgery?" Dr. Ide asked Rick.

"No stray dogs were found, but I saw righteousness tonight and rescued a person who was severely injured and was about to die. I practiced the medicine I learned and found that the results were pretty good." Rake replied casually.

"Very good, life-saving and healing is what our doctors should do. Continue to work hard in the future and you will become a great allogeneic surgeon. When you have more surgeries and more people you rescue, whenever you see you, Patients who have been treated, even if they do n’t thank you, you will feel happy and heartfelt. ”Dr. Yide patted Rake on the shoulder and encouraged Rick.

"Well, really, I am very happy to see the patient who was cured by the operation." Rake agreed.

"I'm going out for a walk, you go back to the house to rest. Someone knocks on the door, don't open, I brought the key myself." Dr. Eide said to Lake.

Lake nodded and went upstairs to the room to lie down and rest.

It's a little late tonight, and Lake isn't going to go out to the city of the sky anymore.

Just relax for a night and give yourself a rest.

Lake returned to the room and slept in bed.

In the middle of the night, Rick heard someone knocking on his bedroom door.

"Honor No. 2, are you asleep!" Dr. Ide's voice came from outside the door.

"I used to fall asleep, now I'm awake!" Rick said lazily in bed.

"Wake up and come downstairs!" Dr. Yide shouted, and then Lake heard the sound of "咚咚咚" on the stairs.

A few minutes later, Lake also went downstairs and saw Doctor Yide turning on the first floor light.

上 On the operating table, lying on the crying Zapan dog with red eyes, Rick knew why he was woken up in the middle of the night.

"You said you're quite old, and you asked Dr. Yide to cry for help. You're ashamed!" Rake complained to Zapán.

"Historian No.2, how did you replace Zapane into the dog's body. The sequence of the lines, blood vessels, and nerves you connected to the operation, do you remember?" Dr. Eide asked Rake.

Zhapan's dog head looked at Rick nervously.

Lake didn't remember, and several connection methods were used for one-time emergency connection method.

I changed my body again. The existing blood vessels and nerves around Zapán's neck must have collapsed in a large area.

But Rick knew he couldn't tell the truth, otherwise Zapan's head dog would desperately refrain from telling him, and Dr. Ide would be furious.

"Remember, I had a vivid memory of the operation, but Zapane dared to tease my friend. Then he fell for retribution and was seriously injured, and I treated him." Rake said.

"I did not fall, you hit it!" Zapangou whispered.

"Don't you dare to talk back!" Rake waved his fist and hit the dog on the operating table.

The Zapane dog was scared and hid directly behind Dr. Ide.

Dr. Yi De heard the Venerable No. 2 saying that he remembered the operation, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just remember ~ ~ Then I will take his original body and repair it tomorrow, and you will come to him for surgery, and I will be there to assist you. Zappan, like a dog body for a day, has already suffered Punished, he won't mess with you and your friends again. "Dr. Ide said.

Zhapan's head dog was also nodding his head.

"The punishment for one day is too short. No, he will not remember it. Let him use the dog's body first and watch him perform. I am satisfied with his performance. I will give him back his body after a while." Rick was very Said resolutely.

Dr. Yun Yide looked at the attitude of His Holiness No. 2 and then looked at Zapane.

Lake stared directly at Zapan dog, "Only I can do this surgery to replace your body!"

The Zappan dog was forced by Rick's deterrence and could only click his head.

"Okay, Dr. Ide, you agree with Zapán. Zappan, you go back to the hunter's bar and help me see who doesn't agree with me as the Hunter King." Rake said, and got off Zappan Deportation order.

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