Global Sky Online

Chapter 481: End of mission returns and rewards

More than thirty hunters, holding their respective weapons, came outside the crowd gathered at the main entrance of the factory.

Walking in front of me was a human dog. Behind the human dog was Lake and Alita.

Seek saw at least tens of thousands of people marching at this time, gathered outside the factory front and noisy, claiming to fight the crime of the city of Salem in the sky.

The metal gate of the Sakai factory was closed. Boss Victor stood above the gate similar to the metal city wall. At this time, hundreds of centurion robots and thousands of factory soldiers holding weapons were standing.

Because of this armed force, the marchers gathered outside the factory door did not dare to rush into the factory by violence.

"Can't let Victor run!" An old man with metal limbs shouted

"Commander Salem in the city of the sky, Nawat is a disgusting man!" An aunt with a metal arm was shaking her arm and shouting.

"Blow up the metal pipes connecting the city of the sky, and no longer deliver food and energy to the city of the sky!" A young man shouted.

Many shouts rang outside the factory door.

Lake felt that Alita was really talking about it.

Blake and his group stood outside the parade and couldn't squeeze in front of the factory gate.

Fortunately, Lake was prepared and took out a big horn, "All are quiet, I am the leader of the Bounty Hunter Organization of the City of Steel, the Hunter King No. 2. Also a few days ago, the first quarter of the city The championship of the mobile ball game. All quiet down! Let's open the way, let us hunters organize the past, I, the hunter king, preside over justice today! "Rake shouted with a horn.

Most of the people who blocked the procession looked back to the shouting Hunter King No. 2.

Although the name of the Hunter King, they have not heard of it, but looking at the row of hunters with weapons standing behind His Holiness No. 2, he also brought a hunter dog in front of him. This Hunter King is not fake.

And the second championship of the championship of the mobile ball season, the people present, even if they have not seen the second honorary himself, have heard this name.

His Holiness No. 2 can be said to be the most unlucky one in the city of Salem in the sky. He finally won the mobile ball championship. He can move to the city of Salem in the sky in a few days to enjoy people. Human life.

Now, I encountered the city of the sky, Salen, to slaughter the city of steel on the ground, and the reward of moving to the city of the sky, Salen, can be said to be a bubble.

Protesters blocked the door, calmed down, gave way, and allowed His Holiness No. 2 and his hunter team to approach the factory gate.

The Zapane dog walked in front of him with four legs on his feet, and Rick led the team of bounty hunters through the crowd to the closed metal gate of the factory.

Lake nodded to his younger brother, Vic, who was standing on the metal fence of the factory. Then he turned and looked at the citizens gathered here who would not leave.

Lake started to pick up the loudspeaker and persuaded.

He also assured the factory owner Victor as the Hunter King.

Rick shouted with a loud horn: "Tomorrow Victor will go to the city of Salen in the sky. He is not about to abandon us, we must believe in Victor. Victor will meet with the Supreme Commander of the City of Skye Salen. , To give us the city of ground steel to get due protection and rights.

The factory owner Victor will not run away. If he wanted to run away, he would have secretly returned to the sky city. Victor is still standing above the gates of the factory's walls. He is on a mission to save the city of steel. We should be thankful for having such a good factory owner. Victor will live and die with our city of steel. My Bounty Hunter King No. 2 honors Victor on behalf of the hunter organization today. After he goes to the city of the sky through a metal pipe tomorrow morning, even if the interview with Watt fails, Victor's character , He will definitely come back --- "

I heard the shout of His Holiness No. 2. Before that, the citizens were a little excited and gradually calmed down.

克 Victor, standing on the metal fence of the factory gate, listened to Lord No. 2's words, and his body was stunned. This Lord No. 2's boss had disrupted his original plan and was still pitting him.

"It's all gone, waiting for the factory owner Victor to go to the city of the sky to meet with Salem's chief commander Watt before we decide to take the next step and fight with the city of the sky." Rake took the big The horn continued to shout.

The crowd gathered at the gate of the factory finally dispersed, and Alita admired the Lord No. 2 beside her.

"Hunter King, you succeeded!" Alita said.

"Go back and prepare for the battle, so that the hunters who are not here today will also make this worst plan!" After watching the parade gatherers dispersed, Lake said to more than thirty hunters behind him, And let them go.

Twenty minutes later, in front of the factory gate, Lek and Alita remained.

There are more than a dozen single shoes on the ground of the large square outside the gate of the factory, which should have been dropped by the parade in the chaos just now.

The gate of the Sakai factory opened and Victor walked down.

"Honor No. 2, come with me, Alita, go back and rest first!" Victor said to Rick and Alita.

Lake didn't have any worry, nodded to Alita, let Alita leave first.

He followed Victor, approached the factory, and came to Victor's office.

When Victor let his men back, his expression began to get frustrated.

"Holy Boss No.2, how can you make trouble? I originally planned it well, and it seemed to be a success, it was all ruined by you!" Victor, the factory owner, said with some complaining tone.

"I'm not here to help you, have you persuaded the marchers who besieged the factory gates! I gave you a guarantee, how did I destroy your plan, what was your original plan?" Rake asked puzzled.

"Hey, I'll tell you my plan soon. Lord Boss No.2, I thought you wouldn't participate in this early public opinion operation. Today, the parade procession, as well as the factory blocking incident, was deliberately arranged by me. There are also people from our factory in the parade. It is these parade people who blocked the door, so that I couldn't leave the ground, and I couldn't see the commander-in-chief Watt of Salem in the sky.

计算 I originally calculated that, in the early morning tomorrow, two of my men would be dispatched to board the circular metal pipeline for me to the city of the sky, pretending to meet the commander-in-chief of the city of the sky.

下 After my two men arrived in the city of the sky, Salem, when they entered the city of the sky, they would jump off themselves and then fall to death. In this way, the citizens in the steel city below will see this scene and think that my two men were pushed and killed by people in Salem. The anger of the people in our city of steel on the ground can be completely ignited. Later, on the advice of many citizens, the owner of my factory will be elected to start the army of the city of steel and attack the city of Salen in the sky. Victor told Rick his original plan.

Lake laughed and felt that this plan was really good.

By killing two men, you can make people in the steel city on the ground become more hostile to the city of sky, and make people on the ground think that it is endless to talk with the city of sky, and there is no reason to talk. There are also reasons for the war.

However, now that the masses have dispersed, it is estimated that tomorrow morning, the citizens of the city of steel will all watch the factory owner Victor on the ground, personally climbing metal pipes, and returning to the city of the sky to cool down.

"If you don't sacrifice, as soon as you enter Salem, you will jump down!" Rake looked at his little brother Victor and said.

"Watt in the city of Salem in the sky should have noticed the chaos in the ground city. He has sent a message asking me why, I just made up some. Watt wanted to control my body and I resisted it. I am now As soon as I entered the city of the sky, Salem, there were only two results. One was taken by Watt and disassembled to view the information recorded in my chip. The other was that I jumped out of the city of the sky myself! "Said the boss Victor, depressed. With.

"Go ahead, you should bring a parachute bag or a small powered aircraft, etc., you should not fall!" Rick comforted Victor.

"I can only use this alternative! Parachute packages cannot be taken. I climbed a metal pipe with my backpack, which would cause surveillance in the city of Salem in the sky. It is estimated that I will be blocked from attacking before I log in to the city of sky. And with a parachute bag, it is easy to disappoint the citizens watching in the steel city on the ground.

Let me bring a small aircraft and install it on my shoes. After I entered the city of Salem in the sky, I took the opportunity to jump down. In this way, the people on the ground will watch me fall into Salem and think that I was pushed and executed by people in Salem. When I jumped down and reached the ground, I started the aircraft to slow down. But the fuel in the shoes is not expected to carry much. The city of the sky is too cold from the ground. My best ending tomorrow is to break my legs. Then I compiled some of my experiences in Salem for the citizens, which made the people on the ground feel equally angry. Hey, I did n’t have to break my legs, maybe my body would be paralyzed! "Victor looked at Rick and said.

"The bungee jump was very good and exciting. I broke my legs so high and changed your status as the hero and savior of the city of steel. I think it is worthwhile. Let Dr. Yide make them a new body for you today. The mechanical body is ready. When you jump down tomorrow, just pay attention to protect your head. Tomorrow, you will be sold to the citizens of the steel city, causing their anger, and letting the citizens know that there is no chance to negotiate with the city of Salen in the sky. You can ask Dr. Yide to do an allogeneic surgery for you, so that you can catch up with the battle against the city of Salem in the sky.

I assure you that after killing Watt, the highest commander of the city of sky, you will be the highest commander, who will rule the city of sky and the city of steel on the ground. Then I will leave here to travel, come on, you are not fighting for me, you are fighting for your own future, you are about to skyrocket! "Lake got up and patted the factory owner Victor on the shoulder and said.

Although he changed the chip program in the factory owner Victor's head with Tinder, he set himself as Victor's boss.

However, through contact with Victor in the past few months, Rick has learned that Victor also has self-wisdom even under his orders, and Victor has rights and ambitions.

Now give Victor a promise that he has no influence on him. Rake believes that Victor will work harder.

Victor's expression got better when he heard the words of Lord No. 2.

"The time to attack the city of Salen in the sky will be advanced. I analyze the current situation. The longer the time is, the worse it is for us. If I jump down tomorrow and live, I will be ignited by the anger of the citizens in the city of steel. It was the best to launch a total offensive against the City of Sky that afternoon. I just do n’t know the defense weapons that the City of Sky now has, and it has increased over the years since I left Salem. I will check it tomorrow when I board it. ”Vic Special talking.

"Relax, most of the defensive weapons of the city of Salem in the sky have been destroyed by me. Three hundred years ago, the city of Salem in the sky had a circular rotating gear that could intercept the attack of battle angels. The interior has exploded one after another. The number of soldiers that can fight in the city of Salem in the sky is not large. With the fighting power of our city of steel on the ground, as long as citizens take weapons and rush from dozens of round large metal pipes together Go up, Salem's soldiers can't defend, we can definitely invade the city of the sky and occupy it! "Rake said confidently.

After all these months, the soul goes out every night to release the realm of bad gods, but it is not free.

Now only a small part of the power equipment is still intact in the city of the sky. Coupled with dozens of huge metal pipes to support it, it barely fell down.

People in the city of steel on the ground went to attack the city of Salem by climbing metal pipes. The people in Salem did not dare to detonate the metal pipes.

Many detonations have occurred. Under the condition that most of the power facilities of the sky city have not been repaired, the sky city Salan will not be able to levitate in the air, and will fall into the ground city.

Rick originally thought that he would directly lead people to detonate these metal pipes, but later thought that once the city of the sky fell, Salem's chief commander Watt was likely to take people to flee in a fighter plane. It would be difficult to kill Watt himself .

When I want to complete this copy of the main task of the world, it should be a big search task on the planet to find Watts.

It is safer to land directly into the sky city through a metal pipe. As long as the sky city does not crash, the general commander Watt should not immediately flee.

Lake thought about what he had to do tomorrow, that is, he must not let Watt run away after the war.

In the city of Salem in the sky, kill Vata, just to complete the last hope of being a new human on Mars, to complete the only mission assigned by the new human on Mars to this fighting angel.

Lake thinks that if he goes through this [Battle Angel] replica world, if it goes well, he can draw a full stop tomorrow.

The factory owner Victor heard the words of Lord No. 2 and hesitated. He did not expect that Lord No. 2 had this ability. According to his understanding, His Holiness No. 2 has been staying in the City of Steel for the past few months. He has not left the City of Steel at all, and has not even gone out to the factory a few times. Even on the ground, he scattered the City of Sky. Cold defenses destroyed most of them.

Victor also thought that in the past few months, the city of Salen in the sky had been smoking at night, and sometimes there was a fire. It turned out to be the masterpiece of this mysterious Martian new human battle angel No. 2 .

As for the method used by His Holiness No. 2, Victor did not think of it.

However, Victor thought that the initial program of the chip in his brain could be tampered with by the second lord, which really has the ability to destroy the defense system of the city of Salem in the sky.

"His Excellency No. 2, if the city of the sky is cold, as you said, we will win the war tomorrow. A sufficient number of magnetic suspension shoes have been produced in the factory. Before the war, these magnetic suspension shoes will Issued to the citizens of the city of steel. In this way, citizens will climb the metal pipeline faster and safer, "Victor said.

不错 "Yes, I'm assured of what you do. Tomorrow the commander of the city of the sky, Salem, Watt, you must not let him run away as a hidden danger, so that Watt can't rise again after Watt escapes," said Rick.

Vic nodded.

Then Rick and Victor came up with a map of the City of Steel.

The map is marked with dozens of thick circular metal pipes connecting the ground and the city of the sky.

Lake and Victor first studied the location of the centurion and factory soldiers, bounty hunters, and recyclers to climb the metal pipeline tomorrow.

As for the citizens in the city of steel, it is estimated that they will climb the metal pipes nearby.

Now we can only roughly estimate the metal pipe climbing points that these citizens will choose. If the number of people gathering in a single metal pipe is too large and the attack speed of urban residents of steel is limited, then transport vehicles will be deployed on the ground.

Lake and Victor's battle plan for tomorrow will not end until the evening.

Victor then called his immediate confidants in the factory to assign tasks.

Blake left the room and went to dinner in the free large cafeteria in the factory.

After eating, Rake returned to his separate living room in the factory, locked the door, and Rick used the soul-telling skills in bed.

I wandered my soul, floated out of the factory again, and boarded the nearest metal pipe to the city of Salem in the sky.

Lake is going to do one more inspection before the war to ensure that tomorrow ’s war, there will be no weapons of mass destruction left in the city of the sky.

Fortunately, Lake checked the half-board, and the powerful weapons of Sky City were in a damaged state.

现有 The existing power energy of the city of the sky is only enough for it to suspend itself in the air. More than half of the people who are still alive in the city are poisoned by food, are being rescued or have hanging bottles hanging pale.

Seeing this, Rick was relieved.

雷 Lake didn't use the field of tonight tonight, and finally went to the office of Chief Watt's office to walk around, watching Watt deploying those working men to repair the damaged power equipment of Sky City.

Watson's chief commander, Watt, should also anticipate the crisis and start working overnight.

Tonight, Rake decided not to release the King's Realm of the Decaying God, so as not to explode the power equipment in the repair, making the commander Watt too desperate to run away.

I first leave Watt some hope that the power facilities can be repaired.

One of the declining gods ’skills in the field of the king, it will be released 24 hours after it is released, and then it can be released again. Rake is going to save the army of the steel city on the ground tomorrow to attack the city of the sky.

Lake's soul floated out of the city of steel, along the metal pipes, and returned to his body in the factory.

It was almost dawn, and Rick slept for more than an hour, then got up for breakfast, then went to the bounty hunter bar, and issued a rally for all bounty hunters.

In the morning, under the watch of many citizens of the Iron City, the factory owner Victor, under the protection of the guard, patrolled around the factory, and picked a ground leading to the largest city in the sky. Metal pipes started to climb quickly.

In the city of steel, many citizens are looking up at the boss Victor, the owner of this city of steel.

Victor climbed quite fast, more than two hours later, Victor successfully reached the city of Salem in the sky.

The city of the sky, Salem, opened a metal door and let Victor step in.

The people on the ground waited nervously, and many people were praying, hoping that Victor could persuade Salem's commander Watt to give up the attack on the ground.

But three minutes later, a figure fell from a small metal door that had been opened in front of the city of the sky, and fell quickly in the air.

Some people have discovered that the appearance of the fallen people is their victor.

"not good!"

"Save the boss!"

怎么 "Why did the boss fall!"

The people in the city of steel on the ground looked at the result and became confused.

Victor's body flipped several times in the air, and some citizens could not bear it.

Fortunately, Victor activated the flying ejector in his shoes. The ejector sprayed in the direction of the ground, slowing down Victor's fall speed.

But when there was still some distance from the ground, the injector was out of fuel and Victor's body accelerated and fell again.

碰 "Touch!" Victor fell directly on a large street in the City of Steel, and the street floor was smashed into a pit.

Lake rushed to the spot where Victor fell with many hunters.

When he arrived, Rick saw Victor's body lying on the stretcher. His legs and even his stomach were deformed, and the organs inside were crushed.

Fortunately, Dr. Ide was coming quickly, and Victor's head had been cut off and connected to a metal box instrument that supported life.

At this time, many citizens had gathered around him, and Victor's weak voice said to the people around him, "The peace talks failed, and the commander of the city of the sky, Salem, wanted to kill me. The city of the sky plans to send troops tomorrow Blood washed the ground and the city of steel. I ran out to death, cough! "Victor said intermittently, then began to vomit blood and passed out.

Drake didn't know if Victor was the potential of the film actor or if he was really unconscious.

"Get out of here, get out of here, I'll send him to the factory rescue room!" Dr. Yide shouted.

Dr. Zied raised his hand and pierced Victor's head again. After carrying Victor's life box, carrying his skull, he sat in a black car belonging to the factory.

The car started quickly and was heading towards the factory.

The crowd around me looked at their city owner, factory owner Victor, and heard that the city of the sky will launch an attack on the ground tomorrow. The crowd fry and start talking.

Some people began to yell at the despicableness and ruthlessness of Salen, the city of the sky.

Lake stepped forward, allowing his 100 hunters to maintain order at the scene.

Rick shouted: "It is inevitable to fight against the city of Salem in the sky. Citizens of the steel city, we can no longer tolerate, and wait to die. In order to survive, we must fight back and gather all of our steel city Fighting power, everyone took up their weapons and prepared to fight back against the city of the sky.

The time of life and death for the city of iron and steel has arrived. Escaping is also dead, and there is hope for battle. For our future, for our future generations, for our family, take up arms and prepare for battle!

The battle of Salem against the city of the sky is today. Iron warrior, defend your homeland, fearless! "

"Iron warriors, defend their homeland, fearlessly" The more than a hundred hunters under Rake first raised their weapons and shouted after their eldest brother No. 2.

越来越 "Iron soldiers, defend their homeland, fearless" More and more citizens clenched their fists and shouted.

Lake waited for a few minutes before raising his hand again to stop everyone shouting.

"Three hours later, the warriors of the City of Steel will launch a general attack on the City of Sky. The factory will then provide magnetic suspension shoes and weapons to make it easier for us to climb metal pipelines and fight. People in our City of Steel, Should not be born and become slaves to the city of the sky. We will revolt! We will be the masters of the city of the sky from today. Three hours later, the warriors of the city of steel, we will climb the metal pipes and attack Enter the city of the sky. In today's battle, once we win, we and our descendants will have the right to live in the city of the sky. "Rake shouted again.

After Raike mobilized the citizens, he looked at Victor's broken headless body that was not far away. Raike directly asked the bounty hunter next to him to find a small hot air balloon and put Victor's Headless body in a box under a hot air balloon.

He then released the hot air balloon and gave Victor's body a hot air balloon funeral.

Two hours later, Dr. Yide successfully completed Victor's head transplant, and replaced Victor with a foreign metal body.

Victor began to leave the factory, dispatching centurion robots and soldiers in the factory to dozens of metal pipes leading to the city of the sky.

Citizens in the city of iron and steel also changed into magnetic suspension shoes, took the weapons they received from the factory, and stood under circular metal passages.

"Rush!" Victor dropped the flare of the attack and hit the air.

The centurion robot in the city of iron and steel took the lead in charging the metal pipes. Many citizens began to charge from dozens of metal pipes one after the other and rushed towards the city of the sky.

Lurek led more than a hundred bounty hunters, climbing four metal pipes with four centurion fighting robots.

After more than an hour of charge, the crowd had reached mid-air.

撒 In the city of Salen in the sky, a machine gun was set up at each metal pipe port and began to fire on the ground people who hit it.

But the highly-defensive Centurion top is at the front, resisting most attacks.

The Centurion was also using a laser weapon to fight back.

Citizens of the city of iron and steel began to suffer casualties. Fortunately, citizens who rushed ahead could not retreat even if they wanted to retreat.

后面 Behind this metal pipe, there are people, who can only bite their head and continue to impact upwards.

After an hour, Rick was wearing a golden bell jar, and the team of bounty hunters led by him was the first one to climb on the sky and spread cold.

Dozens of Sky City soldiers guarding this metal pipeline, within one minute, were skillfully killed by bounty hunters.

Lake opened the fire eye golden eye skills, began to look for Watts, and killed the team with a bounty hunter.

Subsequently, the city of the sky was cold, and more and more defense lines were defeated. Tens of thousands of steel city warriors rushed into the city of the sky.

As long as there is resistance, kill.

撒 The city of steel, Salem, is about to fall, and Rick intercepts the watts that are about to run at the fighter depository.

"Kill him, the bounty is ten million." Rake shouted to the bounty hunter behind him.

"Kill him, bounty!" Victor rushed over and shouted at the Watt in front.

雷 Originally Rake shouted, and the bounty hunters who followed the fight were not quite convinced, but when he heard the shout of the factory owner Victor who changed the metal alien body, the bounty hunters were credible.

The bounty hunters, as if they had beaten chicken blood, took up their weapons one after the other, and did not defend, and rushed directly to Watt. The fast one, Rick felt that he could catch up at full speed.

Watt's combat ability is also very strong, able to predict the attack, but in the face of hundreds of bounty hunters were killed, Watt was still lost, his body was constantly hit and injured.

After twenty-five minutes, Watt's head was blown.

Lake heard the voice of Zhutian Online, "Congratulations to the Honorable Player No. 2, completing the main task of killing the highest commander Nova of the city of Salem in the sky.

The Honorable Player No. 2 has completed the [Battle Angel] dual main line mission and will teleport away within 60 seconds.

评价 Evaluate the contribution of Honor Player 2 in this copy.

Evaluation level, double platinum perfect level.

副本 The rewards for getting a copy are as follows: 1: After leaving the copy world to return, get the healing limb reward.

2: Obtaining a combat angel allogeneous body * 1 (without skull and power energy heart, surgical transplantation is possible, and the success rate of the operation is unknown) "

After the return, Venerable No. 2 will melt away the tinder at the heart. Player Venerable No. 2 will receive 50 points of endurance.

尊 Player No. 2 Honor, in this copy of the world, the skills of [reform human medicine] learned are retained.

Lake looked at the reward this time and gave it to a fighting angel alien body, which is not bad.

Although Rick is not going to use it for himself, when a player or a copy of the aboriginal people of the world is seriously injured, there is no way to rescue him. He can operate on him and use this alien body.

As long as the injured person ’s brain and heart are not injured, the operation will be done quickly, which will not only save the injured but also give the injured a strong body. This reward is equivalent to a half-life medical kit reward. Not bad.

Lake saw the young girl Alita and ran towards this side.

Lake is going to arrange a farewell ceremony for himself instead of online arrangements.

"Alita, it's time to go. I'm a fighting angel of the new humans on Mars. I've completed the final mission of the new humans on Mars. Watt is dead. My mission has been completed. Alita. Live in the city of the sky! "Rake finished a run-up, ran to a broken metal wall that opened in the distance, and jumped for life!

"Don't!" Alita yelled, ran over, and looked at His Holiness No. 2 who had disappeared into the air, and Alita knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

Lake was in the air, his body was teleported out of this copy world, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the main interface of Zhutian Online.

I'm standing in the main online interface of Zhutian.

Rick tried to raise his hands and moved his lower limbs. His paralyzed body had been fully recovered and he was more powerful. It is estimated that it would increase the endurance attribute by 50 points ~ ~ 雷G looked at his attributes,

"Player: Lake

人物 Character name in copy: Lord No. 2

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Level: Gold (Advanced)

Physical Properties: Strength: 110

Agile: 110

Endurance: 180

Wisdom: 150 ”

As the endurance attribute increases, Lake looks at his level and has reached the advanced evaluation of gold. If you add the extra layer of the gold hoop stick and the green and white snake snake pet, the strength is stronger.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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