Global Sky Online

Chapter 489: Taking a walk with Little Ice Girl

The little queen, the dragon, took Rick and the big queen, flew over the castle of the undead, and began to lower the altitude.

After Leake and the big queen jumped directly, the little queen also changed back to human form.

Fortunately, at this time, players went to watch the rally near the rear rally. Although some players were standing on the wall of the Undead Castle, the number was already small.

Lake, the big queen and the little queen immediately used the portal of the Undead Castle and teleported back to the main interface of their respective heavens online, so as not to be surrounded by the crazy players now, it would be difficult to get away.

As soon as Lei Ke returned to his main online interface, he received a team video invitation from the little queen.

Lake chose to accept and saw the virtual stereo images of the big queen and the little queen appearing in front of him.

不错 "Yes, I thought you would become a Hulk and wave a golden hoop and fight for a while. I didn't expect you to have so many good things besides Hulk transformation!" Said the little queen with a smile.

"The Hulk transforms and needs to accumulate the kill value. We will not be able to use it in the silver promotion of the earth to enter the early morning the day after tomorrow," said Rick with some regrets. He had not expected that the earth would advance to the silver. There will be a promotion task, and you must desperately complete the kind of victory.

"You have pets with green and white snakes, and the soul of an ancient master. You are almost ready to form a squad. To be honest, do you want to rise up to seize power and want to be the captain of the poker team!" The Queen asked jokingly. Rick.

"Be the captain of the poker team yourself. You have a good reputation, great prestige, and deterrence. Other teams know that poker has you as the captain, which is good for poker!" Lak said with a smile.

"Just now, the Chief of Foreign Affairs of the Earth Defense Forces in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere respectively sent me messages. I apologize for the fact that they showed their strength at the venue without prior notice, and promised to send gifts later. In exchange for our understanding. However, gold-level players are now prohibited from trading, and they guarantee that after completing the Earth promotion task, they will be directly traded to us regardless of success or failure. "The little queen said to the big queen and His Holiness.

"Apologizing is sincere and unimportant. The value of the gift sent is important. If the gift is sufficient, forgive them and cooperate in the future! It is estimated that the Earth will successfully advance to the silver rank this time. The earth failed to advance, and we all may not be able to come back alive, they will save. "The Queen said directly.

Although Rake felt that what the Queen said was more direct, she also agreed with it.

As long as the Earth is successfully promoted this time, it will be able to get an extra gift. Compared with an apology, it is more important to get the benefits of the hand.

"One day off, the day after tomorrow the melee battlefield world time, we will be on time to gather at zero in the morning. The opening time of the copy of the Silver Rank promoted by the earth is 0:45 in the day after tomorrow, which is Thursday morning in the second week of May. Don't be late, they will all be online earlier. "The little queen told Rick and the big queen.

嗯 "Well, rest assured, I must be early, not late!" Rick said seriously.

The big queen also nodded. After all, she had paid the registration fee of 100,000 yuan. If she did not participate in the game because she was late, the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres would not give her this compensation, and it is estimated that Will be a sinner on earth.

The trio then closed the chat video.

On the main interface of Zhutian Online, Blake watched the follow-up live broadcast of this pre-war mobilization meeting organized by the northern and southern hemispheres in the melee battlefield.

After leaving with the little queen and big queen, the host of the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres took a long time to stabilize the venue again.

Next, the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres did not send any teams to the stage to show their strength, that is, they talked about the current situation of the earth, the possible dangers, and encouraged everyone to work hard to level up and protect the earth's homeland in the future.

I talked for more than an hour, and the conference ended.

Many players began to enter the four castles and the central area of ​​the teleportation array in batches under the maintenance of military soldiers in the northern and southern hemispheres, and returned to their respective main online online interfaces.

Lake then looked at the forum, and many people were posting on it, talking about the strength of the No. 2 lord and the big and small queens of the poker team.

Of course, there are the most posts about His Holiness No. 2.

I have a post saying that this is where the No. 2 lord has only shown half of his strength. It is speculated that the lord no. 2 is still stronger and it is not suitable for the display on the venue.

There are a few sporadic posts saying that the great ghoul queen standing behind the blue demon dragon is the real vicious one, but these posts were overwhelmed by a post describing the demon dragon No. 2 and the queen .

At this conference, there are still a lot of ordinary players, and you can find that the Queen is very powerful.

The purpose of the pre-war mobilization meeting organized by the Earth Defense Forces was also over-fulfilled. Almost all gold players, after watching the strength displayed by the No. 2 lord, the little queen, and the big queen, bet all the heavenly coins to the earth meeting Successfully promoted to the silver rank.

Also, the players in the original team account agreed that the team members would agree to take it out from the gold-level captain to bet on the earth to win and fight.

Unfortunately, players below the gold level cannot participate in this bet, and the team account can now only take out the coins, and can no longer store them. Gold players have also prohibited transactions with other players.

Silver, bronze, and black iron players, even if they have all the coins in their hands, want to bet on the earth to successfully advance, they can't gamble.

即使 But even so, the earth ’s roughly 40,000 gold players have now bet on nearly 100 million yuan coins, betting the earth to successfully advance to the silver rank.

Moreover, the amount of bets on these coins is still increasing. At the beginning of the promotion, it is estimated that this amount can reach 200 million dollars.

Every gold player now bets 2,500 tianzhu. Of course, this also contains the investment bets of the military in the northern and southern hemispheres and the various coins in the team accounts used by the major team captains.

Once the Earth is successfully promoted this time, the high-end players on the Earth and the major organizational teams will receive more than 1 billion huge coins.

Lake previously had 250,000 tianzhu, and it cost 100,000 tianzhu to sign up for the competition. The remaining 150,000 tianzhu also chose to bet on the earth to successfully advance to the silver rank.

The little queen bet 140000 tens of thousands of coins herself, and the 100,000 tens of coins in the poker team account were also taken out by the little queen and bet it.

The great queen bet bet 120,000 yuan.

其他 Other players in the poker team also put their savings into the promotion test that began one and a half days later, and finally the earth was able to successfully advance to the silver rank.

Lake was in the main online interface of Zhutian. After staying for a while, he also chose to quit the offline, and then enjoy the normal life of the main world for a day and a half.

After the unknown liquid in the egg compartment flowed out from the metal hole at the bottom of the egg compartment, the metal lid of the egg compartment opened upwards, and Rake stepped out of the opened egg compartment.

At this time, many students also came out of the egg cabin. Most of them watched the Earth Promotion Conference and watched the forum.

Lake walked quickly towards the cafeteria, and there should be more people in the school cafeteria.

Blake went to the a la carte area of ​​the cafeteria, ordered several stir-fried dishes and two large bowls of rice, and then sat and waited at the plastic table opposite the a la carte window.

After more than ten minutes, these dishes are ready.

Lake got it at the table and started to eat.

When eating so many dishes at a time, nearby students would inevitably look at Rake more, but Rake didn't care anymore.

It's a pity that this school cafeteria doesn't sell wine, otherwise Rick would like to have a few bottles.

After eating, Rick left for the bedroom, ready to go back for an afternoon sleep.

I met the little ice girl walking around on the playground.

"Stop!" Lake was directly stopped by Xiaobing Woman.

"Is there something, little ice girl, I'm fine. I just had a full meal and I'm going back to the bedroom to sleep!" Rick said, touching his stomach.

"I know that I have to sleep late every day, I just have to eat and sleep well, it's time to get fat. It's just that I finished lunch and walked around with me in school." Xiao Bingnu said softly.

"What ’s so good about our school? It ’s not too big. I ’ve traveled a long time ago, ah! Do n’t stare at me, go, walk with you, but say yes, just walk around, I ’m going back Sleeping in the bedroom! "Rick wanted to refuse directly, but watching Xiao Bingnv look angry when he spoke halfway.

Yerek's understanding of Xiaobingnu, Xiaobingnu is the prelude to the outbreak.

Let's accompany her for a while.

"Go for a walk by that pond!" Xiao Bingnv got better when she heard Rake agree to walk with her, and Xiao Bingn pointed to Rac at an artificial pond in the school in front.

Lake walked slowly along with the little ice girl.

"You just watched the Earth Defense Forces mobilization meeting. How do you feel after watching the strengths shown by advanced players?" Xiaobing Nu then asked Rake.

"I didn't expect that our old class's cruel Dao aunt turned out to be the leader of the 72 female sword repairs in the Northern Hemisphere Army. But the 72 female sword repairs, all wearing uniform old-fashioned robes, flew in the heavenly royal swords, and the results were too poor! You should keep up with the times and learn the dress of the female sword fairy in the anime. In that case, the response of the players must be more enthusiastic! The one hundred masters in the southern hemisphere are even worse. There are even male and female masters, not all female masters. What a bad comment! "Lake analyzed the little ice girl.

"Poor evaluation of you! Do you feel that the poker team is strong, the pet of the No. 2 lord, the girl in white dressed in ancient costumes, is the little white snake that can be transformed into a white dragon, how does it compare with me?" Asked.

Lake looked at Xiaobingnu, "What do you want? It is not a level at all, there is no comparability!"

Rake knew that Xiaobai could have tattoos on his arm, and pets with tattoos could feel the words of the owner outside. Rick didn't want to offend Xiaobai, although Xiaobai had a much better temper than Xiaoqing. But women are also angry.

"Hum! I will become stronger in the future, and become a little ice goddess!" Xiaobing girl piqued her mouth with a little disappointment, and she also knew that she was not the opponent of the monster snake that could transform the dragon.

"Don't you like Lord No. 2?" Lake asked directly to Xiaobing Nu.

"No, just admiring it. After Rev. No. 2 has demonstrated his strength today, it is estimated that most female players will admire him more or less admirably." Xiaobing woman said.

Rick became a little happier after listening, and he became a star. He also has a lot of player fans, and he can be praised in admiration by others. Especially, the compliment is still at the same table. It's comfortable.

"How strong is His Holiness No. 2 and why do you dislike him? If His Holiness No. 2 hears your words, he will be sad!" Rake continued to tease Xiaobingnu.

Leike and Xiaobing Nu have already reached the pond on the school campus at this time. Xiaobing Nu looked at the red carps swimming in the pond and did not answer Leke's words, but continued to say, " Do you think this poker victory will allow the earth to successfully advance to the silver ranks and restore those who have been wiped out? The world disappeared as soon as I woke up, and 15% of them disappeared. Four of my classmates are my classmates. I don't even have any memory of them. I feel a little scared! "Xiaobing woman looked at the red carp swimming in the pond and said this.

Rather than asking Rick, he was more like talking to himself.

"I feel that the earth will be promoted and succeed. After all, the poker team is so strong, and the power displayed by the No. 2 Venerable today is also very good. If you are still afraid of this, it is because you are afraid of the unknown! Actually, you are scaring yourself. I will tell you a few short stories, and you will not be afraid of it. It happens that there is a rest chair by the pond. We sit and talk! "Rake said comfortingly to the little ice girl.

After listening, Xiao Xiaobing nodded, and followed Rick to the chair next to him.

Lake started to tell the ghost story of the tragic ending after Xiao Bingnv sat down. Rick first told Xiao Bingnv a dark version of the mermaid island, which specifically caught the dark mermaid of the child.

After she finished her first story, Xiaobingnu didn't dare to look at the red carp in the pond, and she looked up at the grove opposite.

Xun Leike then told a horror story of a tree demon catching a woman and taking away the woman's youth.

After listening to this story, Xiao Xiaobing girl closed her eyes, she was already shaking.

Rake then told a little story about sleeping with closed eyes, waking up, and disappearing beside everyone.

Three small stories Rake told quickly ~ ~ More than ten minutes, all finished.

"Woohoo!" After listening to this third little story, Xiaobingnu finally couldn't stand running away.

Lake got up and walked towards his bedroom. She enlightened Xiaobingnu with good intentions. She will become stronger and become "Ice Strong". She can finally go back to sleep in the afternoon.

Lake returned to the dormitory. The macho and the thin monkey were each sitting on a small bed, looking excitedly at the forum.

The fierce man saw Lake back, just about to talk to Lake about the poker team performance.

"Stop, no more, I'm sleepy, sleep, you watch the forums and videos quietly!" Rake said, and then talked about feeling that you should not sleep well in the afternoon, it's time for spirit.

Lake finished, quickly lay back to his crib and went to sleep.


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