Global Sky Online

Chapter 492: Skull Island

Little Godzilla was about to come out of the eggshell again, and suddenly felt the breath of two powerful monsters. Little Godzilla retracted her head into the eggshell again.

"You're Godzilla, why is the future monster king so timid. Did our team get a fake Godzilla!" The big queen looked at what this little monster thought out and did not dare to come out, all thinking Pull it out of the shell or smash it.

"Curious little monster, the blood is also very special!" Xiao Bai said, looking at the little Godzilla in the egg.

出来 "Come out, my sisters won't bake you to eat." Xiao Qing went over and waved to the little Godzilla hiding in the eggshell.

"Hey," Godzilla tried to tilt his head, and finally crawled out of its eggshell, but looking at the people around him, Godzilla could still feel that the people around him were better than It is many times stronger.

My little Godzilla didn't dare to move, so he stood in those eyes staring blankly at the sea, and uttered a scream.

Xiao Xiaoqing and Xiao Bai can understand this Godzilla's language.

"It is a parallel universe again. This world seems to have many special energies." Gu Yi's soul floated beside Godzilla and said.

"We are all bald, Master Gu, a family, can you teach me the portal, that is, the Supreme Lord No. 2 just used that!" Said the big queen to the soul of Gu Yi.

For the little Godzilla who can't eat, the Queen is more interested in Gu Yi's soul.

"No, you are not suitable to learn the spells of my school!" Gu Yi's soul looked at the queen with the black scales of the ghoul and refused directly.

"Let's go, let's go to the cave in front, I have found a cave suitable for our stay!" Rake said, pointing to a hill ahead.

Avatar was also ashore at this time, he carried the huge octopus on his back.

Blake took a few people and went directly to a cave on the island.

On the way, Rick cut a few octopus claws for the young Godzilla, and he always cried for hunger.

A fairly empty cave where everyone set foot temporarily.

The twins threw the big octopus directly to the little Godzilla to eat.

The little Godzilla was in the corner of the cave, eating fast, and he looked satisfied.

Lake observed with the fire-eye and golden-eye skills. The young Godzilla's belly seemed to be a bottomless pit. He digested food very quickly and turned food into energy.

Now this little Godzilla was originally a black iron junior, but after eating this big octopus, he became a black iron intermediate.

The talents that come with him have not yet appeared.

哥 This Godzilla can not only absorb radiant energy to upgrade, but also upgrade by eating.

Lake, the big queen, and the little queen began to study the strategy of this copy.

"24 teams, we should take advantage of the early stage to kill some of the other teams. In order to avoid their monsters growing too strong in the later stages, it is not easy to deal with!" The Queen said directly.

"This killing competition develops a copy. With the participation of many alien teams, I recommend that we try not to expose it in the early stage and develop in secret. The customs clearance conditions of this copy do not say that the team that kills the most wins, but live to the last team. Win! "The little queen analyzed.

"I don't think it's okay to keep hiding. By the end of this copy, Zhutian Online will definitely have a way for all teams to fight each other. Our little monster Godzilla can grow up by eating other creatures. I just ate octopus. , There is more energy in the body, I feel that if he can eat those powerful monster flesh and blood, he will grow faster. Of course, radiation of nuclear fuel should also promote his evolution. "Rake thought and said, always hiding It is not realistic to develop in the dark.

"Wait for our Godzilla to get bigger before we get nuclear fuel. Now this young Godzilla can't even resist a flame explosion. A small nuclear bomb can kill him." Many scorched corpses were talking in the gym.

"Clone, you will take the Trident of the Sea God, and take this little Godzilla to the sea for hunting. Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, you help protect this little brother. You must not let it die, otherwise I will die too . If you find something abnormal, immediately notify me, and I will use the portal to pass. I will first understand the situation in this copy world. "Rick thought and thought.

"I will go to the sea with the little Godzilla. I have a bead of avoiding water and can also move under the sea to avoid accidentally hitting other teams." Said the little queen.

"I accompany them, there are many special energy bodies in this world, I should follow them to keep Godzilla's life." Gu Yi soul said.

Zhe Leike was relieved when Gu Yi agreed to dispatch.

"I'll go with you and investigate this copy of the world. I can find other teams best!" After thinking about it, the bald queen decided to follow Rick.

Under the sea, although the queen's ghoul skills can also guarantee that she will not die, it is too boring to take the young Godzilla to search for food under the sea, which is too boring. The queen still feels that it is better to walk with the second lord.

Lake first drank a potion to restore magic power, then activated the magic portal, and teleported the big queen back to a small alley behind the stadium that originally landed on this copy.

The two came out of the portal and looked at the stadium in the distance. They were under martial law. Many people in protective clothing were carrying white bags from the inside.

The bag contains the bodies of other Godzillas.

"Don't grab these corpses, these corpses have been discovered by the Aboriginal people. Once you snatch, they will be easily noticed by the Aboriginal forces." Rake persuaded the big bald queen beside him.

"I just look at the dead body. I have limited energy to devour, and I need to devour fresh results!" The Queen explained to Rick.

Lake felt relieved when he heard it, and began to walk along the street with the Queen.

许多 Many buildings in this city have been destroyed. It seems that they have just experienced a short war.

Lake opened his eyes and fired his golden eyes skills, and successfully arrived at a damaged bridge with the Queen.

In the area surrounding the cordon, there is a huge dead Godzilla corpse.

Lake activated the fire-eye golden eye skills. According to the dead big Godzilla's body shape and the cell energy in the tower body, according to preliminary judgment, this should be a Godzilla monster that has evolved to gold.

However, the missile attack on the aboriginal humans in this replica world was not spared.

Lake estimates that at least it must evolve to a platinum Godzilla before it can hardly carry the damage of human heavy weapons.

"So big, we have all been killed. Our Godzilla is not weakened in this copy of the world!" The Queen looked at the corpse of the Godzilla in the distance and frowned.

"It shouldn't be weakened. The dead Godzilla hasn't evolved. Follow me to the Internet cafes, and I'll check some information." Rake said.

Twenty minutes later, Rake went online in an Internet cafe and the Queen.

Zhutian Online still arranged the identity of this copy of the world and some initial currencies for the two of them.

Lake inquired about the situation around the world ~ ~ It is a bit like the copy world of Godzilla, but it is also a chaotic world with many other elements.

Fortunately, the known Skull Island also said that it could be found online.

"Skull Island, Lord No.2, how about we go to this island to raise Godzilla first. There are many monsters on this island. Let our little Godzilla eat monsters on this island, such as skull lizards, etc. Let Godzilla eat the fish. "The queen proposed looking at the introduction of Skull Island that appeared on the display.

"Skull Island is a good place for young Godzilla to hunt and grow in the early stage. But we need to be careful if there are other alien teams on this Skeleton Island directly born here, that Donkey Kong Kong, a great chance will also exist." Rick nodded, feeling that Skull Island was a good choice.

"Let's check it. Do you have to see the environment before the portal can teleport, let's go and light up this Kongo Island teleportation map!" The big queen suggested to Rick.

"Okay, I'll find the closest island to Skull Island. We will teleport to it first. Then we will approach Skull Island by water! There is no real environment picture of Skull Island on the Internet, so we can only go there once," said Rick.

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