Global Sky Online

Chapter 644: plan

Trinity took Rick and the little queen and walked in the dungeon for more than ten minutes. The last three people sat on a metal elevator and came to the next floor.

There were also soldiers in linen clothes sitting on the lift together.

The soldiers nodded to Trinity without much communication.

After exiting the elevator door, there is a relatively large hall. Not far away, there is a metal room with iron fence windows.

After Trinity took Rick and the little queen over, she greeted a middle-aged woman inside: "Our spaceship this time brings back two new players."

"Successfully rescued the two again. That's good. What's their name? Specialty." The middle-aged woman sitting inside said it as usual.

"Holy Lord No. 2 and the little queen are characterized by fighting." Trinitti replaced them, answering briefly.

The middle-aged woman took something like an electronic thermometer, pointed at Rick and the little queen's head from the metal fence window, and clicked.

Soon, the middle-aged woman handed out two metal bracelets from the metal fence.

"Close this bracelet. This is your identity in the dungeon. The task points of our team in the dungeon are also distributed in this bracelet. Every seven days, you can go to the dungeon to get one with the bracelet. Seven days of food and water. "Trinity handed the ring to Rick and the little queen.

"Where to go, where do we live?" Lake asked, looking at the bracelet like a small electronic watch.

"Let ’s go, and I will take you to the residence. I will take you around the dungeon, take the living stuff, and then go back to the residence. Your residence is now in a single room. The place to live is not far from me. You can come to me whenever you need me, "Trinity said, taking Rick and the little queen in this labyrinth-like dungeon.

There are too many dungeon paths, and it took more than three hours to complete several major functional areas.

Fortunately, Rake has the ability to see through the eyes of fire and golden eyes. He can check the environmental structure of this dungeon. Otherwise, he will definitely get lost.

Rick and the little queen each also received a communicator to carry with them.

"Our team's communication channel has been added to your respective communicators. If Captain Morpheus summons us or gets a task or the like, they will be contacted through the communicator. The communicator should always be brought with him Beside. "Trinity said to them.

Rick and the little queen, holding the living items they just received, went to the apartment with Trinity.

This new residence is very simple, it is a small room with a bed and a small table.

After Laike laid the bedding, he couldn't help sighing. The soldiers in this dungeon really believed in supporting them to fight the mother robot.

The conditions here are far worse than the living conditions of ordinary people in the matrix virtual world.

After Trinity left, Rick lay on the bed and continued to see through the skills with fire eyes and golden eyes, observing this dungeon, mainly looking at the troops and armed forces of the dungeon.

Now Lake calculates about the number of mechas here, about 10,000 soldiers.

There are a lot of firearms and bullets here, and there are several arsenals.

However, it is estimated that this soldier and the armed forces can't beat the mother octopus sentry group.

Of course, if these fighters can obtain the savior ability and upgrade to the real world, they can also use the savior ability to control the mechanical life form, there is hope.

The communicator in Lake's hand made a "ding" sound. Rick took it and looked at the contents of the communicator. It was a message sent by Bald Captain Morpheus.

"At nine o'clock in the morning two days later, we will go to the large underground square for a rally. At that time, our team will all come to power and the identity of the Redeemer will be announced by the underground city!"

Then in the communicator, the team members successively responded with the words "Received!".

Rick also received it back.

"Historian No.2, after two days of assembly, you will enter the matrix world alone to find the trainers. The trainers often appear in the bars of the matrix world. Our resistance army has already explored this. What questions do you have or Do you need to prepare it? ”Bald Captain Morpheus sent a message to Lake alone.

"No problem!" Lake replied.

Captain Morpheus, the head of the dungeon and the captains, had already explained the saviour.

On the spot, Morpheus took the captains of several spaceships into the matrix world to demonstrate his newly acquired savior ability.

Looking at being able to lift off, and possessing mental ability, the combat ability also improved many bald Morpheus before, a few spacecraft captains are envious.

For the next two days, Lake and the little queen walked around the dungeon.

The little queen mainly went to check the documents and some seemingly special environments and people here, hoping to trigger a hidden task and the like.

Unfortunately, the little queen did not get her wish.

After two days, the little queen did not find anything special.

Rick didn't have much hope, just wandering around in this dungeons-like dungeons.

The underground city's recent ventilation system had a small problem, and it was very hot every night when it slept.

Fortunately, Rake can control water, has the ability to control water, give himself bath water and drinking water, is enough.

Lake thinks about his ability to control and gather water. In this dungeon, if he wants to be ~ ~, he can really be a savior.

In his room, Rick also released Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi.

"It's a special world again, but in this dungeon, I can't feel the treasure that is suitable for me and my sister to devour." Xiaoqing said.

"The people here are too weak!" Xiao Bai could not help saying.

"The prophets didn't have the savior ability, and after getting it, they should be stronger. Soon, I need you to help my avatar fight." Rake said.

"You entered the copy this time, the matrix virtual world is wonderful, some like the legendary small world I know. How do you kill that mother robot?" Gu Yi asked Rake.

"The temporary plan is to take the innocent twin snakes and part of the resistance spaceship to attack the mother robot legion and kill the mother in the real world. I and some of the resistance soldiers entered the matrix world and killed the matrix. Mother. I will enter the matrix world in this dungeon. Gu Yi, you will help me to protect my body. The mother should send an octopus mechanical sentry to attack the dungeon. "Rake said his plan.

Rake analyzes, the mother here, it is best to kill the real world and the matrix world together, or the killing interval is short, in order to be more beneficial to himself. In this case, it would be more convenient for him to act separately from the little queen and have the ability to communicate with the dragon knight. And even if it crosses the matrix, if the Dragon Knight's mental communication ability is not available, he can still contact the outside avatar himself.

As for killing the mother of the matrix world, taking him to the trainer's train station, it is estimated that only his own magic portal can be more convenient. Gu Yi, the master, still stay in the real world and protect his own body. This will be relatively safe.


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