Global Sky Online

Chapter 666: I have a ring. I am Green Lantern.

Rick watched Deadpool waving to himself, and thought of what to ask for this deadpool.

"Come, drink, drink more, drink enough, drink beer and liquor, drink liquor and beer!" Rick said with a smile, and glanced at Deadpool's left hand.

"Okay, then you can grill more skewers now, and it's not enough for me to cook them all by myself!" Deadpool said.

"It's okay. You captain is a rare one. I called to order some kebabs and drinks, and you left after you had a good drink!" Rick picked up his cell phone and called for a meal.

Deadpool wasn't polite with Lake either, and they sat in the yard and started drinking.

Rick and Deadpool drank for more than an hour, and Rick felt a little dizzy after drinking. The beer that happened to be in the yard was gone, and Rick went to the villa room to get the white wine.

Back in the villa, Rick released the avatar.

In this copy of the world, talent skills are unshielded, and avatars can be summoned.

"You go outside and drink dead liquor with Deadpool, it's best to get him drunk. You can't change me again, I'll go and drink beer with him. I'll lie down in bed first!" Rake said to the avatar.

The avatar nodded and took out two bottles of wine and two wine glasses.

Rick Ben first returned to the room and lay down.

After more than an hour, the clone came back drunk.

"This deadpool is too good to drink, dear you go. I can't do it, just take it slowly!" The twin walked and shook.

Rick let the avatar go to sleep first, carrying two boxes of beer by himself, and went out again.

After drinking at more than two o'clock in the middle of the night, Lake finally drank the deadpool.

"Holy Boss II, I'm leaving, it's time to go hunting myself in other parallel spaces!" Deadpool said to Rick, already calling him Rick.

"Okay, let's go, but before you leave, leave the benefits you promised me! Remember when you last went out to find a comic artist, draw me as a superhero Daredevil." Rake said holding the bottle. .

"Remember, what benefits do you want to stay? Just say, as long as I can give it, give it to you!" Deadpool said very refreshingly.

"Give me a hand. Anyway, if you cut your hand, you can grow again. Give me a hand and keep a memorial!" Rake said.

"Left hand or right hand!" Deadpool whispered and pulled out a knife behind him.

"Left hand!" Lake looked at the right-handed deadpool, thinking that the deadpool was about to go to other parallel spaces and hunt for another deadpool.

Rick felt that he couldn't be too good at doing things, and kept him with the right hand that Deadpool was accustomed to. He was kind and asked for his left hand.

After Deadpool listened, he put his left hand on the table, took the knife with his right hand, and quickly cut it down.


"Ah, a little pain!" Deadpool's left hand was cut off by himself.

But with just a little bleeding, the bleeding stopped.

Rick looked at the dead wrist's left wrist, and flesh and blood tissue was already condensed.

"Dry this bottle, you are a true hero. Then you can leave, don't delay your trip!" Rake quickly collected the left hand that Deadpool cut off and handed him a bottle of wine.

When Rick and Deadpool touched the bottle, they both dried it.

Rick saw the left wrist of Deadpool, and after taking away the broken left hand, he started to grow a small pocket version of his left hand.

"I'm gone, Lord Boss No. 2. If I have a chance to meet again, I invite you to drink, and you will give me a hand when that happens!" Deadpool said drunkly.

Then Deadpool held the knife in his right hand and quickly split it into the air, splitting the air, forming a space crack portal.

Deadpool jumped into it.

This space crack closed quickly after Deadpool left, as if it hadn't existed.

Rick was relieved to see Deadpool leave.

Lake thought, it would be best to never see each other again with Deadpool.

But even goodbye, it is estimated that he was drunk into such a deadpool today, and he can't remember that he cut himself a left hand.

I didn't expect Deadpool to hunt himself in a parallel world, even the target of the Green Lantern in this case.

Lake also served this Deadpool who hunted parallel space.

Rake fired the golden eyes skill and identified the broken hand just received.

[Deadpool's left hand: (Deadpool who began to kill the parallel space) The left hand, a special item, whose usage is unknown, can bring out the copy world. 】

Rick closed his left hand and planned to use the fusion furnace for special items in the future, or sell it to the Queen, which should be able to sell for a high price.

This deadpool's hand, it is estimated that the queen can also improve some ghoul skills after devouring.

Rick also went back to his villa to sleep. The wine bottles and the remaining skewers in this yard, Rick was not ready to pack now.

Back in the room, Rick took back the avatar that had fallen asleep in bed.

Then Rick himself fell asleep quickly in bed.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The mobile alarm sounded.

Rick felt like he had just fallen asleep, and picked up his mobile phone for a while, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Rick suddenly thought that this alarm was set by himself before, and this morning he would go to the plane test flight site, fly the F fighter, and confront the two unmanned fighters.

The confrontation started at 8.30.

Rick got up quickly and ran downstairs.

At 8.25, Lake finally arrived at the flight test site, and Lake ran into the changing room of the training site.

"Holy Lord No.2, you came here. I don't know if there are important plane confrontations today! Why is there alcohol on your body? You drank last night. When it ’s so important, you drank! I knew you were like this, I You should let Bob fly for you, you're too disappointing. "The young girl Kairol, who had changed her flight suit, appeared next to Lake, complaining to Lake.

"Little Bob's flight technology is not good, far worse than me. At this critical time, I still need to get on board. I am the best pilot in the entire aircraft training field. At this time, only I can turn the tide!" Lei Ke said confidently after quickly changing his flight suit.

"But at least little Bob won't be late, and he won't drink the day before yesterday. You're taking your own life at risk!" Carroll continued to tell Rick.

"Rest assured that everything is under my control, and no one can take my life. Let's go, let's change our flight suits, let's go to the plane and don't let them wait long." Lak laughed Speaking and walking outwards.

Both Lake and Kairol boarded their respective F fighters.

Rake simply checked his plane with fire-eye golden eye skills, and the plane had no problems.

Lake and Kairol began to control their respective F fighters to take off, and flew towards the desert according to the instructions of the signal tower.

"In another ten minutes, two unmanned fighters will enter your range and be ready!" In the command tower, the voice of Father Rake came.

The test of two drones today is very important. It is related to the aircraft test site owner's factory and whether they can receive contracts for drone orders.

Rick's dad, an experienced driver, was also called to be the liaison commander for Rick and Carroll.

Wake is the main fighter, and Kyrol is the wingman.

When the two planes flew over the desert, Rake opened his fire-eyes and golden eyes skills to investigate the situation in the distance.

Radar showed two fighters flying from the side.

Rick and Kairol immediately changed their flying heights, avoiding the fire system locking of the two fighters.

Lake controlled the aircraft and fought two drones.

At the beginning of the air battle, with the aid of the fire-eye golden eye skills, Lake failed to shoot down these two fighters.

Whenever aimed, the two drones quickly dodged.

The drone's evasive ability makes it impossible for Rick to shoot at them.

Rick knew why in the original Green Lantern's book, Hal had to sacrifice the wing pilot Kairol, and finally flew his plane to super high altitude before defeating the two drones.

This drone is really too difficult to deal with.

"Kairol, you sacrificed your wingman, these two drones are not really fire attacks anyway. When you will attract them to attack you behind you, I will try to destroy them." Rick gave teammate Kairo Seoul sent a message.

Rick felt it was better to tell Carroll first to ask her to be a bait. The provincial cadre would be mad after the wingman was hit.

"I'm the target, OK! You seize the opportunity!" Kairol drove her wingman to change direction and agreed with Rick's plan.

Rake changed altitude, and the two drones began to chase after the plane, and were ready to fire.

From the rear, Lake began to aim at the two drones.

Kairol ’s plane, after evading for more than ten seconds, received a reminder that her plane was hit.

Kairol could only control his aircraft and withdrew from the battle.

Rake also successfully destroyed a drone by relying on his golden eyes and his strong reaction ability.

But there was one drone left, and Rick tried to compete with it, but he couldn't lock it.

Rake can only choose to fly to high altitudes in accordance with the original method.

The drone caught up.

After the two planes reached the altitude limit for this battle, both the plane and the drone piloted by Lake lost their power. The drone started to fall and the system restarted.

The well-prepared Laker turned the nose and seized the opportunity to shoot the drone.

After Lake successfully destroyed the drone, he quickly tried to restore his aircraft's power control system.

At this time, the aircraft flying by Lake was descending extremely fast.

Sitting in the cab, Rick felt that his brain was a little hypoxic, forcing him to have no coma or hallucinations.

Finally, before successfully descending beyond safe altitude, Lake successfully smoothed the plane.

This F series fighter is flying fast again in the air.

Rick heard the celebration cheers from the contact tower, Dad and several staff members.

Although the training ground for this aircraft is for the two drones to conduct combat training.

But drivers have their own self-esteem and don't want to be beaten by drones.

Being able to destroy these two drones and achieve victory is to win honors for the pilots of the aircraft training ground.

Lake then flew his own plane and landed slowly on the training ground after flying around the air.

"Good job, son!" Dad went directly to the runway landing point to meet Rick. As for the command and communication, he had left it to his colleagues.

The drone's R & D personnel, this time the two who came to watch the battle, left with dark faces.

The boss of the aircraft training ground was a little worried to see this situation, but the daughter of the boss, Kairol, was very happy that His Holiness No. 2 had won, and went to persuade his father to say a few words.

Rick walked to the owner of the training ground of the aircraft, which is Kairol ’s father, "You just told the drone's R & D staff that in this battle we found the weakness of their drone. "We have the ability to transform drones during production so that they can fight at higher altitudes and maintain the normal operation of the avoidance system during the killing of enemy aircraft."

"It's a good idea, Lord No.2, you're doing well this time. But be careful later, don't break the rules!" The boss of the aircraft training cabin said, immediately turned and ran away, chasing after just leaving The two representatives of the drone R & D department who did not go far away.

"How about having dinner together at night?" Maid Kyle smiled and came to make an appointment with Rick, and blinked at Rick.

Although Rick also wants to participate, tonight is special.

Today, the severely injured legendary Green Lantern Abingsoul's spacecraft will land on the earth, and his green light ring will automatically look for the heir.

Although Rick felt that the green light ring follows the progress in the original book, there is a great chance that he will choose himself as the new Green Lantern.

However, to be on the safe side, Rick also planned to go to the two places before to find out by himself, and to guard the seaside similar to the spacecraft crash site in the original book.

Rake knew that at such a critical time, he couldn't carelessly. Once the green light ring chooses someone else, he has not been selected as a green lantern, but it is troublesome.

That copy of the world, the biggest benefits are gone, even if the parallax monster is finally defeated and successfully cleared this copy of the world, you can't get the green light ring, and the final track reward will not give a better reward than the green light ring.

And in this copy of the world, Lake does not get the green light ring, the strength and items and common skills that were previously sealed cannot be restored.

If you want to rely on your current body, find a parallax gangster to give people a head.

"Not tonight. Today is my eldest son's eleventh birthday, another day." Rake said with an excuse.

"Okay!" Kairol stopped a little disappointed.

Rick then talked to his dad, and the dad boasted that his son had grown up.

Lake finally managed to find an excuse to leave the aircraft training ground first.

Rick drove and first went to a seaside parking where he found that the environment was more like a Green Lantern ship falling.

Rick released the avatar.

"You are here, if you find that the spaceship of the legendary Green Lantern Abingsul has fallen, contact me immediately. And try everything to drag Abingsul to release the green light ring to find a new heir." Lei Ke said to the clone.

"Okay, I'll contact you at that time!" Said the avatar, and sat down looking for a reef by the sea.

Lake continued to drive and waited for the next similar seaside location.

The two seaside locations are not far from each other, but both of them are similar to the seaside environment in which the spacecraft crashed in the original book remembered by Lake.

Rick can only arrange himself and his avatar, and one person is guarding a seaside bet for luck.

Rake opened his eyes and fired his golden eye skills, and was standing by the seaside. After waiting for more than half a day, the sky quickly passed a sphere.

Lake looked at the direction in which the sphere was falling, and came to the seaside on his side.

Rick felt right, and his body quickly pulled back, and withdrew the detached guard in another place.

"bump"! With a sound, the transparent sphere spacecraft landed directly on the reef on the coast, and the waves splashed.

Fortunately, this sphere spacecraft has slowed down before landing.

Now the spacecraft is intact except for some cracks in the transparent cover.

Rick stepped forward and looked at the red-brown-skinned, green-tight-skinned alien sitting in the spherical vehicle.

There was a huge wound under this man's left shoulder.

This looks like the legendary Green Lantern Abingsour in the original book is right.

The Green Lantern Abingsour found Rick outside the transparent hood and stunned.

"I am the guardian of justice in the universe sector, Green Lantern Abingsour in sector 2841. Earth people, please don't be afraid, I am not malicious!" Abingsul said in a low voice.

"It's okay. My name is Lord No. 2. I'm not afraid. Are you going to hang up. You have the green ring in your hand. Find it. Pass it on. Pass it on to me. Isn't Xia just looking for someone who is fearless in order to give full play to the power of the green light, then it would be more suitable for me! "Rake said with a smile, stepping forward to get the ring.

However, this green ring was first held tightly by Abinsur.

"Did you know the Green Lantern heritage? This is the inheritance of the Green Lantern Ring itself. Sorry, I can't give it to you!" Abinsur said, releasing the green ring in his hand.

This ring turned into a green light and flew up, flying high above Rick's head and hovering ~ ~ But it looks like this ring is still hesitating, whether to choose Rick as heir.

"Choose me as the heir, and I will defeat the parallax!" Rick said directly to the green ring above his head, regardless of the dying legendary Green Lantern Abingsour.

The green light ring is still hesitating to rotate.

"If you don't choose me, I will smash the green light in this aircraft. Even if it is not broken, I throw it into the deep sea. At that time you find other heirs. On this earth, you have no place to add energy! Do n’t believe it , I said I can do it! "Lake started threatening the green light ring.

And Rick picked up a large stone beside him, doing the stance to hit the green light in the transparent aircraft.

"Hello!", The green light ring quickly dropped and flew into Lake's hands.

"That's right, you will find that choosing me as the heir is the wisest choice in your life!" Rake said, immediately putting on the green light ring.

On the side of the transparent green aircraft, the legendary green light line Abingsour looked dumbfounded.

In his life, Abingsul saw many scenes of green light rings choosing heirs, but as before, it was the first time that he was threatened by harsh words.

Abingsour comforted himself. It was the Lord No. 2 Earthman in front of him, who showed a fearless spirit before letting the green light ring recognize the Lord.

After Rick put on his ring, Abinsul also turned on the aircraft.

"The green light ring chose you, and you are the new Green Lantern. Take the green light to take the oath, and keep the good intentions, the task of safeguarding the peace of the universe will be left to you."

Rick immediately took the green light to reinvigorate the ring and put the green light on the reef aside.

With his right hand on his ring, Rick was flat, facing the green light, and began to take an oath.


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