Global Sky Online

Chapter 755: The big queen released herself again

"I'm going with the little queen. I don't want to carry you a sedan anymore!" Said the big queen to Lake.

"Alright, don't take any action first. We need to understand our identity and environment. After all, we have just entered the copy, and Princess Amaniette should not have performed the summoning ceremony of the **** of life so soon!" Crook's big queen and little queen said.

"In some cases, we use the Dragon Knight's mental communication ability to contact!" The little queen sent a message to Rake through the Dragon Knight's spiritual communication ability and nodded.

"You leave first!" Rick exclaimed.

The little queen and the big queen turned and left the pyramid being built.

Rake started to fire the golden eyes, explored the surrounding environment, and got off the big backrest sedan.

Six maids and guards followed Rick's side and toured the pyramid.

Many workers use logs as wheels to make boulders roll.

Rick found that more than a dozen old men with scepters were standing around the pyramid.

These old men took the scepter, controlled the boulder close to the pyramid to lift off, and then landed in the corresponding position.

Seeing this, Lake knew that the pyramids of ancient Egypt were built by these old men.

These old men acted as humanoid cranes during the construction of the pyramid.

After a round of inspection, nothing unusual.

"Back to where you live!" Rick said, and returned to the "hood of the cabriolet" to get ready.

Because the two maids responsible for lifting the sedan, the big queen and the little queen, had already left, two guards came over, and they acted as temporary bearers in front of the eight coupe.

Rake sat on the "hood convertible" and walked along the way, leaving the pyramid construction site, marching towards a stone city not far away.

Soon after entering the city of stones, the maids and guards continued to walk towards the city center, a large palace built of stones and walked quickly.

The palace is only one storey high, but there are many carvings on the stone pillars and walls of the palace.

Rick had no interest in archeology. When he entered the back of the big palace, Rick got out of the sedan chair. A large room in front of him should be his place of residence.

Rick let his maid leave and walked into this large room by himself.

A large round cushion was placed on the floor in the room, which was probably a bed. Rick tried to sit down and felt quite comfortable.

Then Rake sat on the big round cushion, activated the fire-eye golden eyes perspective exploration ability, and observed the ancient city.

Rake soon found himself in the sister's room in this copy of the world, on the other side of the palace, not far from his room.

Lake saw the little queen coming out from the gate of Princess Ammanet, but the big queen stayed in the yard and was talking with Princess Ammanet in a stone chair. Look The empress queen was quite happy talking with the princess.

"What's going on with you, why did the big queen stay, and you came out by yourself?" Lake sent a message to the little queen through the dragon knight's ability to communicate.

"Hey, I'm going to tell you in front of your palace. The big queen is too uncontrollable. After entering the palace, I and the big queen found the princess [Ammanet] the male soldier who will be calling in the future. . I controlled the male soldier and inquired, and found that [Anna Knight] The little princess has not yet begun the calling ceremony of the **** of life and death.

Then the big queen killed the male soldier that the **** of life and death [Seth] had to possess. The big queen said she was going to replace the male soldier, and talked to Princess Ammanet. The big queen seemed to want the ability of Death [Seth]. Fortunately, after the big queen met Princess Ammanette, she and the little princess seemed to have a pleasant talk. I was just kicked out. "The little queen complained, sending a message to Lake.

"Go back to me first. Since the Queen wants to be the host of the **** of life and death [Seth], let her try it. Although the Queen does not listen to the command, our main task in the first stage is to interrupt Summoning ritual. With the Great Queen participating in this summoning ritual, it will be easier for us to complete the main task of the first stage. Even if the Great Queen wants to gain the power of the **** of life and death [Seth], it also needs to be the same as in the original book, the mummy after three thousand years. The princess [Anna Knight] had a chance to be resurrected. "Lake sent his thoughts to the little queen through the Dragon Knight's ability to communicate.

The little queen had begun to walk quickly towards the location of Lake's palace.

"It's still possible for the big queen, regardless of the main task of the first stage, to let the little princess [Ammanet] successfully summon the **** of life and death [Seth], so that the big queen can gain the ability of the **** of life and death." The little queen was somewhat worried. A message came from Rick.

"It's okay, my prince of Egypt is not a display. It should be able to mobilize a large part of the strength of the Egyptian soldiers. In addition to our strength, it is not difficult to interrupt the summoning ceremony between the great queen and the princess [Ammanet]. ~ Let the big queen stay with the little princess first. "Rake sent a message to the little queen with a smile.

Rake then summoned Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and their avatars.

The little queen arrived quickly at Lake's place.

"Beware of our copy world, there may also be universe players. The universe players can replace the aborigines of any of the copy worlds, and still retain the appearance of the aborigines. I used the fire eye gold eye identification ability to observe this ancient city. But I didn't find it. It is estimated that my fire-eye and golden-eye skills, there is a great chance that I can't find the heavens online to help the hidden universe players. "Rake said to the little queen.

"Well, if the big queen can move the little princess, it should be the summoning ceremony of Seth, the **** of life and death, these days." The little queen nodded and said.

"It's okay, our mission is not to protect but to destroy. Even if we have the Queen's determination to complete the summoning ceremony, she will not be able to save the life of the little princess. The little princess Amaniette will become a mummy! "Lake said confidently.

Hearing Rick's words, the little queen looked at Gu Yi and the others standing beside him, and was somewhat relieved.

The little queen also knows that both the ancient one and the two lords have magical portal skills, and the two lords also have fire eyes and golden eyes detection and teleportation skills. If their team wants to sneak attack, the big queen can keep herself Life, but could not save the life of the little princess.

"I have a few small rooms behind this room. You go there first to rest. I'll find the leader of the soldiers in this imperial city. The aboriginal soldiers here are not weak. I do not need to be an Egyptian prince. It's a shame, "Lake said to several people.

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